Crack0n7uesday, (edited )

I’ve been watching a YouTube series called “the presidents play d&d” it’s fucking hilarious. Everytime I see shit like this I think of Donna the barbarian yelling “wake up sleepy Joe”.



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  • FlyingSquid, avatar

    Ah yes, photos of Joe Biden and his wife. Definitely proof that he’s a pedophile somehow.


    … what am I supposed to be seeing here other than a guy who likes photos of himself and his wife?


    If he was SLAYING he’d just fuckin have him ass… uh, intubated. Yeah, that. (In Minecraft, I mean, ofc!)

    Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

    Voting for Trump gives more. PROBLEM SOLVED!

    Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

    Hmmm, perhaps i’ll simply not vote for a candidate that funds an apartheid ethnostate, no matter what color his tie is :)


    Choosing not to vote is choosing to support the candidate you like least. Rationalize it all you want, but we have a 2 party system that you won’t fix by choosing not to participate.

    Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

    Hell yeah, so if I hate them both the same then they both get my vote? But I was already planning on voting for the PSL, are you saying I get 3 votes? If not voting for biden is a vote for trump, then that also means that not voting for trump is a vote for biden. Do my not-biden and not-trump votes cancel each other out? Does the PSL get all 3 votes??? American democracy is so confusing…


    if I hate them both the same

    Then you’re a fucking idiot

    Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

    You may be surprised to know that this message did not change my stance on Joseph Biden. You should be doing more to earn my vote.


    Hence the idiot thing I mentioned

    Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

    Good luck in November! 🥰


    If Trump being so blatantly bad isn’t enough, then you’re a moron and a lost cause. It’s not our problem, it’s yours.


    Do you really, honestly believe that Trump and Biden are equivalent? One is imperfect in many ways, while the other is a literal fascist being backed by people who are explicitly planning to run the US as a Christofascist oligarchy.

    The goal for one side is for this to be the last election we ever get. Don’t hand them victory because Biden isn’t your ideal candidate.

    Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

    If trump is truly an existential threat to democracy and our country, biden should order the military to assassinate him. He’d be 100% justified in doing so. You’d shoot hitler to protect democracy, right? that’d be a surefire way to get my vote, tbh. I voted for biden as the “harm reduction” candidate in 2020 and it really seems like that blew up in our collective faces big time, so I’m gonna avoid stepping on that rake again. ✌️😉


    If you voted for “harm reduction” then I’m not sure why you’re disappointed.


    Fewer and fewer people are downvoting you as you post more. It means they are ignoring or blocking your comments, so they don’t even see them anymore.

    You’re not going to convince anyone of anything like this. Maybe you should think about why that is?

    Fidel_Cashflow, avatar
    recapitated, (edited )

    Honestly, being impressed that someone called someone else “six year old” is really actually embarrassing. There are better takes… if this is the high water mark we are fucked.

    nexguy, avatar

    In the context of a stand up routine… Not official speech.


    I mean to be fair, it’s a dinner, not an inauguration, and given what the other side was like a few years back. Yeah I’d say he’s earned it


    Nobody is calling this the high water mark. It’s a joke flipping the expectation of a comment on him being old to an argument about the lack of maturity of his opponent. Pretty standard politics joke.


    I know you’re right …but fuck that standard.


    Have you ever watched a single WHC dinner ever?


    Thank you for explaining the joke I was so lost

    littlebluespark, avatar

    Your punctuation (lack thereof) is also in the hyperbolic running for causing the End Times, so 🤷🏼‍♂️


    I added a little something to help you out

    GladiusB, avatar

    He’s playing the crowd. It’s more a symptom of the system than of the man himself. He’s 100 percent correct against who he is facing off against.


    True, but you have to remember swallowing Biden’s cock is a much vaunted activity around these parts.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Is it? Because unless “I don’t like him all that much but he’s better than Trump” is what you consider “swallowing Biden’s cock,” it’s not what I’ve observed here.


    Biden is someone you’ll let come over if it’s a large party and ya don’t have to spend a lot of face time with, not someone you have over and let fuck your wife. That’s Obama.

    mlg, avatar

    Damn grown man can’t identify a genocide

    Both of those fools would fail a CAPTCHA for different reasons


    I like that phrase, I’m going to steal it. It’s mine now.


    I’d rather a 6 year old than a genocidal maniac.


    So rather Trump than Trump?


    Sounds like you’re planning on electing the man who wants to “finish the job”…

    starman2112, avatar

    Four more years pause!

    hark, avatar

    Biden is slayin’ even harder in Palestine. Congrats on the grade school level dunk, though.


    Why don’t you go over there and help them yourself then

    hark, avatar

    Going to Palestine would do nothing but add more meat to the grinder. Action in the US is far more effective since the US is the one funding israel’s campaign of genocide. I used to think genocide was an absolutely forbidden red line, but it turns out people are actually quite dismissive when it’s actually happening. Even worse, many here are sucking biden’s dick while he supports genocide with full force.


    I would say that Trump is like that 14 year old edgy idealist rebel who thinks the world is better realized under their haphazard of a vision. The one who wants to get all of their unqualified and equally inexperienced friends in positions of power who all think they’re better than officially qualified individuals with the experience.

    That is him in a nutshell and we’ve seem him practice exactly that.


    Lol nah.

    Trump’s only ideal is him making more money.


    Something he is failing hard to do, unless he grifts people.


    I’ve posted this article many times, and I’ll keep posting it.

    Donnie was given a golden opportunity to get in good with the real Manhattan elites, the 0.0001% and he ended up making them despise him through his own stupidity, greed, and arrogance.…/how-donald-trump-took-down-bonwit-te…


    Nah, he has ideals like standing up to China and kicking out Mexicans. He just abandons them in a blink of an eye if they are inconvenient to his own interests, just like a 14-year old.


    One might say he doesn’t actually have ideals then


    One might, but what would you call them then? Fancies?


    Positions of convenience.


    Trump and idealism. Just wow


    Like, honestly, some people just don’t know words good


    so 🤔, was there nobody at the event to stone him with shoes or tables, hopefully put him out of the race

    BigBananaDealer, avatar

    geez, yet again joe biden showing he is too old to run. 6 year olds cannot run for president.


    Somehow many people think that they were better off with the six year old. And because the fed was not attempting to tighten credit so much with Trump as president, they may not be wrong.


    How is tighter credit worse than all the stuff Trump did?


    The average voter probably is most concerned about the effect of the economy on him or herself. If you were laid off because tight credit caused your company to fold, or to have refinance expensively, or had to pay a large dividend or do a stock buyback to compete with other capital investments, to you things haven’t been an improvement. Most voters don’t understand the idea of the rule of law, but they definitely understand being out of work, or being forced to take a lower paying job or having to work in the gig economy. Do you wonder why Trump has supporters? If you don’t want to bother to understand the voters, they don’t really care about what you think either. I think Trump is poison to our country, but I also know that people vote for him for a reason: he at least pays lip service to what concerns them.


    He at least pays lip service to what concerns them.

    Banning Muslims and Latinos from the country and putting LGBT people back in the closet.


    While I appreciate your overall point, I just gotta answer…

    Do you wonder why Trump has supporters? If you don’t want to bother to understand the voters, they don’t really care about what you think either.

    lol nobody wonders, and it’s very obviously not because of his macroeconomics. They don’t care what we think because of qualities we can’t change, not because we aren’t bothering to understand them hard enough. You’re giving them faaaaaaaaa[takes breath]aaaaaaaar too much credit.


    I don’t think every Trump voter is a rabid racist, and macroeconomics do matter. They just don’t think the government, or the Democrats, or the other Republicans give a damn about them. They are alone and just want someone to tell them there’s someone to blame, and someone is going to make them pay for their suffering. Trump is their winner that champions them, or so they think, because no one else gives a shit about them. Does Biden convince them that the government really cares? Not a chance. Voting for Trump is exploiting the blind anger many people feel because of their powerlessness. If you want to win an election, you tap into that. People don’t really care what Trump says, they are desperate and angry and want to have someone pay for their suffering.


    you could have stopped after “they don’t think”, and your comment would have been more valid.


    It’s the failure to understand why voters opt for Trump which is why Trump wins elections, more so than Trump’s qualities. No one cares what these voters think, and so why should they care about what you think or how you want them to vote? These people think, just not how you want them to, or have the same concerns you do. Treating them as subhuman simply pushes them into the arms of demagogues and dictators.


    they literally don’t think. they react emotionally with their lizard brains. that’s not thinking.


    I agree with a lot of what you’ve said in the nested chain, but Trump didn’t have power over the fed, and macroeconomics are typically not something a president has sway over. So if you’re mearly saying the economy was better under Trump, and Biden had shit luck inheriting something that was bound to turn ugly as the economy of Covid caught up to us, sure, ok, but the way you worded it is ambiguous at best.

    It’s a shame so many people are unable to see that the world is hurting economically from covid still. That food prices and inflation are a global issue. That it’s silly to pin that blame on a single individual. That so far America seems to be weathering the storm better than other prolific countries. That other than the black mark of Isreal and Palestine that overshadows his entire presidency, he’s done a lot of good domestically.

    Oh well. :/

    Hello_there, (edited )

    I thought the title was related to his bombs killing 6 yr olds
    Edit: Why are you booing me. I'm right.


    you are. Far right.


    Nah. The far right is like 'fuck them kids. They're brown.'
    I just want my politicians to not help bomb cities


    then stop being pro-trump, facist.


    Wanting more out of Biden is not being pro trump


    Liberals fully support genocide so even tho that was funny it’s gonna get down voted. I do appreciate the laugh tho.


    What’s the “conservative” view on it? Oh yeah, MORE FUCKING SUPPORT for the genocide, so you CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF with your bullshit.


    Obviously you’re not American, but if you were people like you who are One Issue Voters are just as bad as FPtP voting.

    The other choice fully supports what you spend so much time hating. Your comments are completely and utterly useless.


    Libs fucking furious, how dare people not understand the moral complexity of genocide.

    Definitely weren’t exactly the same kind of asshole that said the same thing about the Civil Rights Movement. Or slavery.

    Or the Revolutionary War.

    Is Biden better than Trump? Sure. Now stop demanding I suck his dick and cease all criticism.


    You need help.
    Do you have family that can assist you, or have they all stopped talking to you?


    I never understood the age argument for Trump, he’s basically the same age.


    And given how Trump spent the 80’s, I assume they’re about the same biological age.


    I don’t like the guy as much as the next but isn’t it common knowledge Trump never fucked with drugs or alcohol? Or am I missing what you’re referring to by spent the 80’s?

    littlebluespark, avatar

    FFS. The bot trolls are getting lazy AF.


    isn’t it common knowledge Trump never fucked with drugs or alcohol?

    What youtuber told you that lololol

    Dude is methed OUT, you can see it every time he speaks.


    I remember hearing this, but I don’t remember the source cuz it didn’t matter to me honestly. I do think he was at least publicly straight edge. As someone with addiction issues who has spent time with lots of addicts - meth included - he doesn’t seem to have been a meth addict. He’s still a piece of shit. But let’s be honest.


    It’s common knowledge that he pays a lot of money for publicists, yes.

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    Trump never fucked with drugs or alcohol?

    He didn’t fuck with alcohol, but that man was on the nose candy as much as any 1980s New York Business Guy.

    YeetPics, avatar

    Trump literally invented crack cocaine personally in his basement lab in his free time while he mapped the human genome singlehandedly.

    Source: BiDeN’s very real laptop which totally exists.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    It’s common knowledge that Trump claims he doesn’t touch alcohol and drugs.

    And yet he also sold his own brand of vodka and his White House was a pill farm.…/white-house-clinic-improperly-distr…

    Do you think Donald Trump might occasionally say things that aren’t true?

    negativeyoda, (edited )

    He’s boomer methed out: Trump isn’t partying in the strict sense of the word, but his doctor and handlers seem to have him on all sorts of dangerous levels of shit given how jumpy he is. A lot of our parents who were medicated like this didn’t see themselves as having a problem since having it medically prescribed is viewed as legit treatment

    I hate to make yet another Hitler reference with him but Hitler was the same: he didn’t partake in “recreational” use but dude’ doctor had him fucked out of his mind on cocaine and opiates in the 40s but he also famously didn’t drink

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    Fascism runs on meth.

    Always has.


    given how much difficulty trump is having sitting for more than half an hour in a courtroom I very much doubt he’s as fit as Bicycle Joe


    Can you imagine Trump trying to ride a bicycle? Actually there’s a good chance he never learned how.


    It would run down his battery too much.


    Or during the primaries with Bernie. While Bernie was bing harangued for extra medical records, Joe Biden got a free pass, despite only being a year younger.


    The DNC actively sabotaged Bernie’s run. Looking at all the the facts in retrospect, I do not think he would have won. He, however, would have performed much better, and maybe pushed the overton window within the DNC left in order for Hillary to appease the segment that was pro Bernie, rather than just scoff.


    I’m more optimistic about Bernie’s odds, but whatever, it’s just speculation either way. But yeah, a more prominent Bernie campaign would have done a lot of good even if he didn’t clinch the nomination. It would have pushed for a more progressive platform for whomever won.

    And I’m just so tired of bad faith arguments from people acting like the DNC has no internal politics or even preferences, and that there’s nothing weird about the primary process. I once got called a conspiracy theorist for describing how the format of the primaries affects the results, even if you ignore DNC or media influence.

    UnderpantsWeevil, (edited ) avatar

    You could say the same of Sanders. They’re all old dudes.

    But there’s a certain “will be fight for me?” attitude. And Trump’s a cranky cantankerous piece of shit who fights with everyone, while Biden seems content to let the White House run itself.

    Trump’s personification of the Angry Elderly Racist American generates more passion for his campaign than Biden’s “Hey, man, why can’t we all just sit back and watch the world burn together without harshing my vibe?”

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