
Conservativism has evolved over the last 40 years, but at its core, it has remained consistent in having precisely one priority: the self. Conservatives define the self, and conversely the other, and then determine which policies and priorities benefit the self. The other is anything that stands in opposition to the promotion of the self.

There is no foundational ideology and no inherent identity of the self. It is simply whoever the conservative wants to include on their team.

Viewed through this lens, every decision or statement made by conservatives is entirely rational. There is no requirement to remain internally consistent views. The only consideration for a conservative is “does this benefit me right now?”

Demonizing Biden is best for conservatives because hate is a powerful motivator for voters. Their base does not need reasons to hate the other, regardless of their choices or beliefs.

There is no hypocrisy in conservativism because there is no objective standard or ideology beyond protecting and promoting the self, and the self is whatever conservatives decide exists within the self. The self is good, and the other is bad. Everything else is negotiable.

To someone who is not conservative, this looks like hypocrisy. See: The only Moral Abortion is My Abortion, or The Card Says Moops, or Gun Control for Black Panthers, or My Daughter is a LGBTQ+ so now LGBTQ+ are People, or It isn’t “Drag” when I do it, or But my state deserves FEMA Funding, or Regulate this industry because it is a threat to me, or My sex scandal is a private matter so please respect my privacy, or Election fraud exists and I’ll prove it, or I’m a job creator so please bail me out, or just take literally any conservative talking point and you will find conservatives who are suddenly the exception to their own rule.

That’s the feature of conservativism that is so appealing. It’s like having a personal God that will forgive any transgression as long as you believe and pray for forgiveness. Being part of the self is like a warm blanket, and as long as you agree to maintain the farce, you get to stay under its protection.

This isn’t new information. Conservatives have always existed, under different banners and with different definitions of the self. Trump has laid bare the grift, abusing it past the point of credibility. That’s his hold, that to oust Trump is to abandon the ruse, and conservatives can’t do that. That’s why they will try very hard to make him a member of the Other. They will claim they were duped, that he was a secret Democrat, that he was never one of them. But he was always one of them, even when he was a Democrat.


There’s a great quote out on the Internet about how conservatism has one rule: “there are outgroups the law must bind but not protect, and in groups the law must protect but not bind”.

Same ideas as what you were saying.

Another way of looking at it is that conservatives are assholes.


I think the important points from both are salient here. Everything in that quote is true, but it’s important to include that the groups, both in and out, are nebulous and subject to change because they must always exist even as dynamics change.


Very, very well said.

Jaysyn avatar

There is no hypocrisy in conservativism because there is no objective standard or ideology beyond protecting and promoting the self, and the self is whatever conservatives decide exists within the self. The self is good, and the other is bad. Everything else is negotiable.

Excellent example of this, in this very thread.


Neat paragraph, but nah. Biden just sucks. My “self,” as well as the majority of other Americans, can’t afford a house, rent, gas, groceries, or really anything that we used to be able to. Biden is POTUS, so the buck stops with him — just as it did with Trump during the COVID-related issues, which myself and most other Americans blamed him for.

On another note, it’s funny to watch so many people complain about Republicans demonizing Biden, but somehow forget about the froth that was coming out of democratic mouths for Trump’s head.

theodewere avatar

Biden just doesn't make you feel good about yourself, and that's all little egotists know how to care about

Jaysyn, (edited )
Jaysyn avatar

The fact that you think those two things are remotely equal only reflects badly upon yourself.

The fact that you think the President controls the world economy just shows that you can safely be ignored when discussing these matters.

The fact that you think that re-electing Trump will magically make any of that vanish just shows that you're not functioning in consensual reality.

The farmers I know, that were actually able to keep their farms, lost millions & are still recovering from his anti-immigration bullshit.

Boosting you own post is pretty pathetic, BTW.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it. You think you're morally superior to anyone that dares equate Biden and Trump. Neato, have fun not being able to afford bread.

Jaysyn avatar

More delusional strawman. Family of five here. Gas prices have been steadily dropping here for months now & bread is $4 loaf.

Inflation is receding & the fascist adjacent can't stand it.

It's cool how you can't actually refute anything I said though.


The average price of bread under Trump never exceeded $2.00. You just proved my point, lmfao. Good work my guy.

Also, the average price of gas under Biden still has yet to come down to even the highest annual average under Trump.

Congrats on the money though. Must be nice to be able to afford more than the average American.

Jaysyn avatar

You're proof that if a lie is repeated long enough, people will believe it.


Gas prices when Trump left office were much higher than he now claims.

At least read your own headlines before posting nonresponsive articles. The average price of gas under Biden still has yet to come down to even the highest annual average under Trump.

Jaysyn avatar

Can you tell the class why you think that is?


Not really. I'm frankly not sure why it is that you post nonresponsive articles. It probably has something to do with cognitive dissonance and rushing to grab whatever you can that will confirm your narrow world view.

Jaysyn avatar

I didn't think so. If you we're actually capable of that much introspection, you'd understand that the foreign powers that support Trump & want him re-elected also have their hand on the flow of oil.


you'd understand that the foreign powers that support Trump & want him re-elected also have their hand on the flow of oil

Coughs in Keystone XL pipeline, suspended oil and gas leases, and RMP.

Jaysyn, (edited )
Jaysyn avatar

Keystone XL pipeline = Never built. Has no effect on current oil prices. The rest of the pipeline actually exists and covers much of the same area.. I'm sure you'll just make up some imaginary numbers about what could have been though.

Suspended oil and gas leases = Completely irrelevant when they are only using 1/2 of their current permitted leases. Next.

RMP = If you're referring to the EPA's Risk Management Program, good. After all, we now know that air pollution & lead exposure creates Conservatives.

Wow you're so bad at this.


Lmfao, yes a pipeline that was cancelled by Biden was unable to reduce gas prices because it was never built. Congrats for making my point?

Permits are not leases.

The RMP had nothing to do with air pollution or lead exposure lmfao.

Jaysyn avatar

The Risk Management Program (RMP) rule implements Section 112(r) of the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments to improve chemical accident prevention at facilities. The RMP rule requires facilities that use extremely hazardous substances to develop a Risk Management Plan.

Yeah, nothing at all to do with pollutants in the air. I guess you think picking nits is a successful strategy in debate.

You're so bad at this.


If you still think the Clean Air Act only enables air-based regulations, I have news (and Supreme Court cases) for you friend.

Jaysyn avatar

Picking nits when you're wrong just makes you look silly & desperate.


I'd hardly call a fundamental misunderstanding about whether or not a regulation promogulated under the CAA is required to be air-based "picking nits," but go off.

muse avatar


  • Loading...
  • AnotherAttorney,

    Trump did that.

    Average MSNBC nonresponse.

    And he lost. And there's nothing you can do about that.

    Except vote him back in lol.


    I loathe Biden. Loathe. Even I recognize you’r your arguments are really bad. I hope you’re nowhere in my area practicing.


    you’r your

    Get a little confused there?


    I guarantee you they are only an attorney on the internet based on how they speak and general knowledge of things.


    Better call Saul.

    donuts avatar

    Can I ask you if you know why the prices of goods are higher today than they were in, say, 2019?

    If you're gonna try to blame Biden for the cost of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk, then you should at least be able to connect the dots.


    Dumping money into foreign wars, failure to solve domestic price fixing, failure to adequately enable American farming, manufacturing, and resource development.

    At the end of the day though, the buck stops with the president. When you run the country, you get blamed or praised for the state of the country. Fix it or get out of office.

    muse avatar


  • Loading...
  • AnotherAttorney,

    Nah, I win quite a bit.

    donuts avatar

    Economics 101:

    • there are two sides to the economy that drive prices, supply and demand.
    • ~2% inflation is baked into standard monetary policy, and its what every fed chairman for 50 years has aimed for.

    Rock bottom interest rates (and government pandemic handouts to employers under the PPP) during the Trump administration have driven extreme demand for goods and services. At the same time, the Covid 19 pandemic that Trump lied about, downplayed, failed to mitigate and failed to stop, shut down global supply chains, thereby decreasing supply of goods and services.

    Now back to economics 101...

    HIGH demand * LOW supply = ???????

    Thanks for the inflation Trump!

    enable American farming, manufacturing, and resource development.

    It's funny you bring that up, because Biden has been historically great on manufacturing. And US employment rates are at an all time high.

    Jaysyn avatar



    donuts avatar

    Maybe he's going to look up who first appointed Jay Powell to be the chairman of the federal reserve? 🫠

    muse avatar

    I got tired of reading this shit so I'm just going to lay it out for you:

    You live in a false reality and no one can change that. it's tiring to argue with it, and more and more people are going to distance themselves from you until you die alone.

    And no one is going to notice. Nor care. You're going to die alone and no one will miss you.

    All that remains is how long you're going to stick around on this planet until you decide when you leave. Maybe save everyone the time and expedite it.


    Ah, the classic "I can't think of a response so go kill yourself" comment. The internet never changes.


    Nothing else. He’s legislatively addressed everything they whine about: immigration, fixing American problems first, standing up to China, lowering unemployment rate, more American jobs, increase in GDP.

    Republicans don’t want what they say they want, they just want to rhrow tantrums.




    fixing American problems first

    lols in Ukrainian

    standing up to China

    lols in Chinese jet in Taiwanese airspace

    lowering unemployment rate, more American jobs, increase in GDP

    lols in minimum wage jobs, income disparity, and mass inability to afford basic housing, gas, and groceries

    Keep telling yourself there are no valid criticism against Biden. Makes sense why Trump is already projected to beat him in 2024.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

    There's valid criticism of Biden, but Trump didn't do better on any of those fronts when he was in office


    Nah, he definitely did on most of those fronts. We weren't dumping billions into Ukraine and there wasn't a war with Russia. Chinese aggression against Taiwan was nowhere near what it is today. Homes, gas, and groceries were affordable. The illegal immigrant population was reduced relative to Biden.

    I doubt there was much of a difference in terms of the prevalence of minimum wage jobs and income disparity. Frankly, I'm too busy at the moment to pull the statistics on those. If you happen to have any on hand, I would honestly appreciate them.


    You are aware that monetary policies often take months or years to take effect right? Let's take a look at housing. A global pandemic hits while interest rates drop to an incredibly low rate, which led to a huge increase in demand, especially with WFH becoming widespread. This pushed the price of homes up and reduced supply, creating major inflation. Nobody was buying anything during the pandemic and with stimulus packages people had increased purchase power following the pandemic while businesses that reduced production couldn't keep up with the surge in demand, as well as still fulfilling delayed orders made during the pandemic. So inflation shot up, so interest rates were increased to curb inflation and while housing prices have reached a plateau, mortgage rates remain high as a result.

    Not to mention the fact that the president's effect on the economy is marginal anyway. Literally live in a capitalist economy which means they government isn't supposed to control the economy.

    And why is the UK struggling just as much following a conservative led Brexit?

    Bitch about necessities being hard to afford while retailers continue to post strong earnings reports? Something doesn't add up with where we place the blame...


    Literally live in a capitalist economy which means they government isn't supposed to control the economy.

    That's cool. They do control the economy.

    Bitch about necessities being hard to afford while retailers continue to post strong earnings reports? Something doesn't add up with where we place the blame...

    Weird, right? Maybe the president should be doing something to fix that. He isn't. He gets blamed.


    Explain how the government controls the economy.


    Here's a good article on it.

    Jaysyn, (edited )
    Jaysyn avatar

    We weren't dumping billions into Ukraine and there wasn't a war with Russia.

    Disinformation. Up until very recently we have been providing Ukraine old weapons that were going to be destroyed or used for target practices. They were due to be replaced regardless.

    groceries were affordable

    Grocery stores were literally empty for a while during Trump's misrule. Your mendacity is incredible.



    Try again, lmfao.

    Jaysyn avatar

    Not understanding what the word "loan" means isn't really the flex you think it is.


    Not understanding that loaning money still costs money isn't really the flex you think it is.

    Jaysyn avatar

    Thank you for showing the rest of us you have no idea how loans work.



    Oh, I was halfway expecting you to come back with a retort, not just affirm that you think loaning money is free. That's definitely an interesting take there friendo.

    Alto avatar

    Complaining about helping Ukraine and then bitching about not standing up to China is a pretty neat display of cognitive dissonance there.

    Showing we will not abandon our allies is a good thing, actually.


    Which president did the invasion of Ukraine start under again?

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar



    Weird, I think he was also there under Trump, but for some reason Ukraine wasn't being invaded.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

    Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014


    Oh, so under Obama? Cool. I'm starting to see a pattern with a certain political party...

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

    Yeah, Putin doesn't have kompromat on them so he has to throw his population into a meat grinder.

    The war in Ukraine can stop any day now. Putin just has to order it.

    Alto avatar

    And which has said they would immediately sell Ukraine out, putting a giant neon sign over Taiwan saying "come take me China, America won't do shit about"

    But you're clearly not too keen on the actually using critical thinking skills part, so im not surprised you haven't made that link. When the fascists inevitably turn on you, you'll know there's nobody to blame but youself.


    would immediately sell Ukraine out, putting a giant neon sign over Taiwan saying "come take me China, America won't do shit about"

    And yet, no invasion of Ukraine and minimal aggression towards Taiwan. Might want to reconsider who isn’t using critical thinking here, lmao.

    Jaysyn avatar

    Yes, we all know you're just fine with running roughshod over Europe.

    Shame on you.


    Ah, moral superiority plus hashtags. Average Biden-stan nonresponse.

    Jaysyn avatar

    LOL, personal attacks are how we know you're losing, so keep it up, sweetie.


    personal attacks


    Jaysyn avatar

    You are hilariously bad at comparisons, sugar.


    personal attacks


    Alto avatar

    Nah man you're right, the reinvasion of ukraine was something that happened overnight, and the increase in tensions there hasn't been happening since the initial invasion in 2014, and especially turned up since 2018.

    Because acknowledging that would acknowledge that the world is a tiny bit more complex than you want to admit.


    Russian troops were drunkenly walking across the border with Soviet-era weaponry, much of which wound up breaking down and getting towed by Ukrainian tractors.

    Yeah, this was definitely some decade-long masterplan that was under intricate preparation during Trump's presidency, which would have happened regardless of who was in office. It obviously couldn't be related whatsoever to the new presidency and its policies.

    Very, very complex.

    Jaysyn avatar

    Regardless of how many hashtags you use, that doesn't make your misinformation factual.

    Chinese incursions into Taiwanese airspace did not start occurring until 2019. Then exponentially increased after Biden took office in 2021.

    Jaysyn avatar

    Wrong & nitpicking again. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    theodewere, (edited )
    theodewere avatar

    they are crybabies, and they hate adults like Joe on reflex.. they are hateful, spiteful little children who won't ever come around.. everyone who voted for Trump is an angry, ignorant child..


    Have first hand knowledge of this question. 1. He’s a democrat. A large portion of the Republican Party has been taught to hate the other side and anything they do is evil. And if they happen to do anything good it’s a scheme or some sort. I grew up with this propaganda. Starts with Rush Limbaugh “liberals lie” and has seeped further and further into R consciousness. Very sad.

    Jaysyn avatar

    can't function without an enemy.


    They’re like that with every Democrat. Frankly we’re like that with every Republican president too.

    DarkGamer avatar

    I feel like there's more legitimate grievances against Republicans, but I am a Democrat


    To be fair I never pulled a gun on someone while chanting biden slogans. And yet I've been threatened with a gun by someone chanting Trump slogans.

    Then again, I'm not a Democrat. I only vote for them because I am not afraid of a Democrat having a bad day.

    HubertManne avatar

    same with obama, same with clinton, and honestly im not old enough to be sure how they treated carter.


    They tried to impeach him over the fact that his brother mismanaged the family trust where he had his peanut farm.

    Billy Carter fucked over the family trying everything possible to get rich off of his brother being the president.

    Jimmy almost completely lost the peanut farm, and had to sell large portions of the business attached to it.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

    Billy Carter fucked over the family trying everything possible to get rich off of his brother being the president.

    Dude had his own beer

    HubertManne avatar

    Sorta sounds like the hunter biden thing.


    Yup, a family member who was a bit of a fuck up, who tried to use his family connection to get rich, and importantly here, did not succeed is drawing their politically connected family member in.

    PugJesus avatar

    They think their beloved fascist utopia is in reach, and it infuriates them that some old guy is (in their rotted minds) the one obstacle to it coming to fruition.


    Well their Christ is the Donald and the anti Christ is Biden.

    Brunbrun6766, avatar

    Because a preacher told them so, a preacher who legally isn’t supposed to be talking about politics


    Preachers are allowed to talk about politics: MLK Jr did it all the time. They just can’t have the IRS subsidize that conversation.


    Their Christ is Donald so their anti-christ is everyone on the other team with the other team being defined as Donald wishes.


    Some of the .win sites even refer to Trump as “God Emperor,” it’s a cult.

    Jaysyn avatar

    Glad to see you're admitting it.


    The lack of self awareness is striking in a way.

    The God Emperor is a reference to Warhammer 40k. The God Emperor was a monster long before he became a techno lich.

    As the lore stands now, he's kept "alive" by being welded to a planet sized throne and the daily sacrifice of thousands of children.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

    I can't think of anyone more anti-Christ than Trump. He's like every one of the seven deadly sins all wrapped up in a golden calf.

    HubertManne avatar
    Jaysyn avatar

    Christians hate it when you point out that any Christians still here when the "anti-christ" shows up would have missed being "raptured."

    Because they are garbage Christians.

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