chakan2, avatar

That’s your choices kids…the slow genocide of Palestine or shock and awe.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

Yeah, no kidding he would. All the tankies acting like “both sides” is a legit position probably cannot see just how much worse he’ll be…


That’s funny, “gotta finish the problem” is the same argument I have for making use of the guillotine in American politics, beginning with one orange cunt in particular.


Ohh, just how will our little “But Biden saporz Genocide”-crybabies now explain away their “both side is bad” bullshit?

FaygoBoozer, avatar

The fact that people legitimately act like Trump is a better option for president than Biden because he hadn’t up until this point actively voiced support for Israel speaks volumes about how fucking doomed and politically ill-informed our country’s voter base is.


Mocking a genocide of 35,000 humans for internet points… 🤦‍♂️

FaygoBoozer, avatar

What a uniquely disturbing inability to have any awareness of context whatsoever!

Are you actually incapable of reading things as they’re written and just see words and react, or do you actually know what they’re saying and are just trolling? The issue they were very obviously addressing is that many people are acting as though Trump is somehow a better option because Biden supports Israel, so the question now becomes how will these people respond when they see that Trump (obviously) also supports what Israel is doing. I find it very difficult to believe that you don’t know that, but if you somehow don’t, how do you get around the world with such a limited capacity for extracting meaning the things people say?


Easy. I don’t deny that Biden is complicit in a Genocide in Gaza.

TotallynotJessica, avatar

Complicit vs encouraging and doubling down on it. Biden is complicit in genocide, yet Trump will only make it worse and more guaranteed. He cheered on Hamas killing Israeli civilians and cheers on Israel killing Palestinian civilians. He just wants death.


Is it November already? Where did the year go?

TotallynotJessica, avatar

You’re right, I must wait until the day before the election to speak up. My bad!


When are you gonna speak up about the current genocide?

TotallynotJessica, avatar

The current genocide being carried out by Israel against Palestinians and supported by almost all American politicians, including Biden? The genocide that we need to not shut up about because it’s a bad idea for literally everyone on top of being evil beyond measure? The imminent slaughter of a million children and adolescents? That genocide?

Nah, I’ve never said a word about that. I totally don’t tell anyone who might listen about how terrible it is. Nope, I’m exactly the liberal caricature you think I am. If I started from the same facts as you, I’d totally share your opinions because you’re an absolute genius about everything compared to me.


Yeah, that one.


Using the G word for the situation = instant disqualification from any serious discussion.

JackiesFridge, avatar

Serious discussion about what, the genocide?

TotallynotJessica, avatar

Sorry. This ethnic cleansing is clearly genocidal by now. They want the Palestinians in Gaza gone, and neighboring countries are not capable or willing to take them. That leaves death as the most likely fate for almost all Gazans. A million kids live there for fuck’s sake. It’s evil Nazi shit being done by the very fuckers who claim criticism of Israel is antisemitism.

They are Judeo-fascists, because no fucking group will ever be immune to fascism: Socialists, feminists, African Americans, trans people, every conceivable group of people for the rest of human history. There is no identity that cannot lead to fascism.


have to say you’re being pretty colourful with the lingo here, but at the same time that reveals you’re not a serious person.

TotallynotJessica, avatar

Oh, got it. I can only use the term genocide after the genocide is fully completed. I guess it helps you virtue signal by saying “never again” without actually having to put in work when “again” comes around.

Last time I listened to the “boy who cried wolf” argument, I was proven wrong. We should have listened when Trump was called a fascist in 2016. It was unpopular to use that F word then, but what else can you call the Republicans now? It’s just what they are.

If you can’t use the word “wolf” until after it’s eaten all your sheep, you’re not a good Shepherd.




Just tired of the gaslighting.


Well… at least … he’s being honest?

Funny thing is that as far as I can remember, the alt/far right was for stopping all outflow of resources to Israel, until Trump came into power. I guess killing muslims became more crucial than killing jews.


Tbf your entire country was all for Muslim extermination from 2001 till recently. Most Americans in 2002 would have told you to wipe Palestine off the map


This is blatantly false and borderline fear mongering.

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

I dunno. I was a young man on 9/11, and the general vibe seemed to be that anyone who wanted to hate anyone from the middle east was not facing any pushback.


What city were you in?

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

A lefty city in the PNW. Even there it was considered acceptable to talk mad shit on anyone from an Arab country


Im not saying that didn’t happen but it’s very surprising, I never experienced that in Seattle. In Seattle academia/institutions, theu usually doubled down on diversity rhetoric, and I’ve yet to see anyone push back on it.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

They probably got the xtian taliban memo that Israel is to be protected for the return of Jesus, and THEN all the murder of Jews will happen in their sick and stupid Left Behind fantasies.


Lol…MOST Democrats support this idea too… they just don’t come out and say it.


A lot of the democratic party does, yeah. Specifically the president. If there are Palestine supporters in the US tho they tend to be democrat or independent. I wouldn’t go as far as saying most dems support Israel.


Anyone casting a protest vote for “undeclared” against Biden, this is the alternative

noxy, avatar

it’s a fucking primary, not the general.


So he openly proposes the Endlösung? Wherever you are in the US, kick some grandpa’s ass (provided they helped rid Europe of Hitler) and stump their noses into this topic so they see what Trump is.


There are only about 325,000 WW2 veterans left alive in the US. They are not a significant voting block.


They may not be, but they have children and grandchildren they could teach the dangers of Nazis.


Throw in a “hey dad, why are you fighting for all of the the things grandpa fought against in the war?”


A 9mm hole in Trump’s forehead would also solve, at the very least, one problem.

vegantomato, avatar

I bet his victims in Epstein’s island would’ve appreciated that.

Wizard_Pope, avatar

He sure needs to “commit suicide” via 3 shots into the back of the head.


That might spark a civil war as his followers lash out, at the very least a wave of terrorism for the death of their messiah


Me thinks it would be the fastest civil war in history.

My estimation of how this might go: Goods stop arriving in stores, diabetics can’t get insulin, critical infrastructure gets targeted first. Good luck maintaining internet connectivity. The masses would do more damage to themselves than either political opposition.


Would be fun to shrug it off like that but they are infested in the military, courts, police, and the Republican party

You can look at the history of white America getting away with murders of coloured folk to see why it is a scary prospect


Oh, I’m by no means shrugging it off. Thousands would die. I’m simply saying, it would end quickly and stupidly. We are too interdependent on our institutions to have an effective civil war.

It would also take a seperate opposing body to attack another. How would republican actors know who is ideologically to the left of them?

Unless they employ some type of guerilla warfare but, I don’t think there are enough people committed to trump to get that done effectively.


Oh brother…


That might spark a civil war

Considering how Trump loves alienating the military it will probably be a very short one.


We’re near the cusp anyway, though not on the precipice. The worst thing though is knowing the Maga cult is likely to try and rise up if anything happens to Trump they don’t like, including not winning the Presidency. This is depressing because on the other hand I do NOT foresee the Left doing the same.

They should.

They won’t though.

ikidd, avatar

Pretty sure they’ll cower behind their AR15s and talk loudly, and do nothing.


Republicans don’t view him as a “messiah.” They view him as the opposite of Biden.

KairuByte, avatar

Ah yes, I remember it well, the 2016 election season was just starting up, and Trump said “vote for me, I’m the opposite of the previous vice president.”

What a moving speech it was.


Right, that’s why you right wing lunatics referred to him as “God Emperor of the United States”


Meh, there’s some idiots out there that take it too far…just like how some of ya’ll truly believe Biden is a good President…


Only on Liberal Lemmy and Liberal Reddit can you threaten to kill a Republican politician, and everyone just laughs it off…


We don’t rejoice in the mass-murder of innocents like your ilk does, right-winger - we prefer the violence to happen to those who deserve it.


Rejoice? Lol…if it was up to the RIGHT, anyone who commits murder, child molestation, rape…etc…would be hung on the spot. It’s you liberals that try and see the silver lining in all the horrible things that people do…


anyone who commits murder, child molestation, rape

You want to see right-wingers hang? So do I!

It’s you liberals

Where did you get the idea that liberals aren’t right-wingers?


Oh geez…


Oh geez…


Careful there… some of your christofascist brethren might see that as idolatry. You wouldn’t want to differentiate yourself from that crowd, now do you?

KairuByte, avatar

No threat has actually been made. It’s the same as saying “I wish he’d have a heart attack.”


Holy shit, what a moron. Biden should really send a thank you card for that nice little gift.

UnderpantsWeevil, (edited ) avatar

The general election will be a competition between two senile goons shouting “I love Israel more than you!” at one another from across a debate stage.

Then we’ll all get an earful about how voting is a civic duty and you need to choose which one is the lesser of the two evils.


The irony of literally anyone (eligible) not voting for Biden specifically because of his handling of the Gaza situation, and thereby doing their part to help Donald “Gotta Finish the Problem” Trump win, makes my bones hurt. I hate this timeline and I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


Not voting for Biden in the primaries is perfectly fine.

Muzle84, avatar

There are primaries for Dems? I thought Biden was automatically the candidate as current POTUS.


There is still a primary, but the incumbent has only lost his party’s nomination 4 times, only Democrat Franklin Pierce in 1856 was elected the other 3 ascended from Vice President. It has never happened since the modern primary system was created in the 1970s.


Agreed and I did the same yesterday. Will vote for Biden in the end, but I registered my complaint. As best I can tell, his tone shifted after Michigan so we’ll see if there is more change on the horizon.

meep_launcher, (edited )

I’m usually skeptical of protest votes, but these primary protest votes are actually effective for the same reason voting is effective. Politicians aren’t as static as we want to believe- their number one priority is reelection. When you vote, you are telling the candidates that you are politically useful and they will begin to pay attention to your needs. When you vote for all levels of government, you are giving deeper detail into what your needs are.

If a significant portion of a district votes for a Democrat as president, and then a Republican for state representative, the democratic administration will likely make more conservative decisions if they see that portion of the electorate as critical to reelection.

This naturally reveals a big problem with the electoral college, as there are maybe 5 states with critical demographics needed to win reelection. The people in Ohio, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan are more influential to the type of administration a Republican or Democrat would run.

If the Gaza protest vote happened in Washington State or California, I doubt Biden would have reacted as much as he did for Michigan. That said, this problem politicians face goes from the President of the US down to the president of your HOA. So I’ll acknowledge that the power of voting fluctuates depending on the specific outcome you are measuring, but there are so many variables. In political science you need to learn to live with paradoxes, and this may be one.

Either way, I believe we should keep voting; they are paying attention.

stoly, (edited )

Yes and these people become excessively angry with you when you point it out. Their goal isn’t really to find a solution, it is to express discontent. They are divorced enough from reality that when you mention that Trump would be worse, they tend to lash out at you instead.


“I don’t want to live on this planet anymore…” oh please, just stop. How horrible is your life? You sound like a whiny liberal. People are dying all over the world, being murdered for religious beliefs, sexual preference, politics…etc…and you don’t want to live because “that big bad republican might become President…” Please…


You sound like a whiny liberal.

New here?

Nevoic, (edited )

If 2024 was the last election ever, then your logic makes complete sense, and I get to liberals every election is the last election ever, despite us seeing Trump’s desperate and flawed attempts at seizing power. He didn’t get more intelligent in the last 4 years or learn from his mistakes.

Imagine a crazy, crazy world, where Trump wins in 2024 and there’s a 2028 election. I know this is hard for some moderate libs to fathom, but you should recognize it as a real possibility.

If it’s incredibly clear that Biden lost because he’s Genocide Joe, then the next Democratic candidate might be someone younger who is ready to end the genocide (which the U.S is perfectly capable of single-handedly doing).

I’ve met people online that absolutely refuse to even acknowledge this is a possible world. They think Genocide Joe is the absolute best, pro-Gaza leader the Democratic party could ever put forth, and that losing elections due to issues like supporting genocide could never change the rhetoric and actions of future candidates in the party.

It’s fucking mind-numbing how little thought people put into this. Like I’m happy to agree that in a world where Trump wins, the years 2024-2028 are going to be worse in about every conceivable way, but then as we get into 2028 and beyond, there are scenarios that play out better for leftists in that world (e.g we get an anti-genocide, socialist leftist instead of some moderate Republican who is a reincarnation of Biden except on some social issues). The fact that moderate libs REFUSE to acknowledge this possibility is fucking exhausting.

And I’m not saying that it’s guaranteed to be better 2028 and beyond, it’s absolutely not, nobody can make guarantees about the future, but there is undeniable potential value in having Biden lose this election when you look beyond the next 4 years.


In your scenario there would be no Gaza to save in 2028.

False premise.


Politicians cater to the people who vote. If Democrats lose this November and there is an election 2028 they are going to look at the people who voted in 2024 and 2026 and try to get those people’s votes. If progressives don’t vote in the general election this year Democrats won’t waste time on them and will instead focus on conservative voters. Not voting will drive the Democratic party further to the right.

Withholding our votes doesn’t lead to better election outcomes. Voting should be a simple mechanical choice to pick the lesser evil. If people want better candidates then they need to do the work between elections. Refusing to vote and trying to lower voter turnout sets us back. Losing in 2024 will mean America becomes a fascist dictatorship. There is no value in letting the Republicans win.


I didn’t say withhold your vote, go vote for Jill Stein.

It’s sad that you have to resort to a strawman to make a coherent argument against me. This is the only response to me that’s coherent, I just wish it was a coherent point against an actual position of mine, instead of a made-up position you fabricated.

If 8% of the vote goes to someone who has been openly anti-Israel and pro-Palestine, while crowds are chanting against genocide Joe, it’ll send a pretty clear signal to Democrats what they need to do.

Hoping you’ll apologize for the unnecessary strawman honestly, it’s needlessly exhausting to have to deal with all the inane shit everyone is throwing my way, only to then have to deal with a coherent comment put together against a point I didn’t even make.


I didn’t say withhold your vote, go vote for Jill Stein.

Jill Stein has no chance of winning. She is a spoiler for Joe Biden and so voting for her is, for the purpose of counting the difference in votes between Trump and Biden, the same as not voting. We have a two party, first-past-the-post, political system where Republicans benefit from low voter turnout. So Trump benefits from anyone not voting for Biden.

It’s sad that you have to resort to a strawman to make a coherent argument against me.

A strawman is an argument that argues against a different, usually weaker, position rather than the other argument’s actual position. However if the two positions are in fact equivalent, such as not voting and voting for third party spoiler candidates, then the argument is not a strawman.

If 8% of the vote goes to someone who has been openly anti-Israel and pro-Palestine, while crowds are chanting against genocide Joe, it’ll send a pretty clear signal to Democrats what they need to do.

100,000 people already voted uncommitted in the Michigan Democrat primary, with more in other Democrat primaries undoubtedly on the way. The point has been made and no new information will be gained from any third party voter turnout in November. There is no reason why the Democrats cannot change course on Palestine and Israel right now. This would be much more beneficial, to the Palestinians, than waiting through a Trump presidency to finally get help to them in 2028.

Hoping you’ll apologize for the unnecessary strawman honestly,

My argument is that letting Trump win is not only unacceptable, but is counterproductive to the progressive causes your argument claims will benefit from such a scenario. The Democrats will respond to low voter turnout from progressives by shifting to the right to capture more conservative voters. This is a refutation of you argument’s central point.

it’s needlessly exhausting to have to deal with all the inane shit everyone is throwing my way

There were nothing but solid replies to your comment. I implore you to reconsider.


The information gained would be we’re refusing to vote for genocide supporters. Some people, like yourself will vote for someone in support of genocide as long as they’re on the ticket as a Democrat.

If everyone behaves that way, the democratic party doesn’t have to change. They can keep pushing moderate fiscal conservatives like Biden, over and over again, and Democrats will permanently retain power.

If they lose the general election by less than the third party vote, they know there are voters to the left that are voting that they could focus on capturing instead of catering to cultish fascists. Your entire original point was predicated on the idea that the Democrats would have to move right, but in a world where:

  • Republican: 46%
  • Democrat: 45%
  • Green: 8%
  • Other: 1%

There’s a very clear strategy for future Democrats to move left to win the election. It’s either purposeful ignorance or genuine stupidity to say the above is EXACTLY THE SAME as:

  • Republican: 55%
  • Democrat: 45%

This is why the idea of a “spoiler vote” is insanely dumb, especially when you’re advocating for voting for an actual genocide supporter.


The information gained would be we’re refusing to vote for genocide supporters.

The Uncommitted Movement is effectively doing this in the primaries, hopefully without the downside of Biden losing in November. Trump winning would still be catastrophic for the Palestinians, even if there is an election 2028. Trump will green light Israel’s genocide and millions of people will be killed or displaced in that region of the world alone. The Republican party will kill any hope of a Palestinian state happening, as they will undoubtedly support the settler movement. Biden has at least put sanctions on at least 30 Israeli settlers. There is at least of chance of Democrats working to stop the settlers and supporting a Palestinian state.…/israel-settler-violence-sanctio…

If everyone behaves that way, the democratic party doesn’t have to change. They can keep pushing moderate fiscal conservatives like Biden, over and over again, and Democrats will permanently retain power.

MAGA supporters are going to keep voting for Trump or an equivalent as long as that is an option. They are driving the Republican Party further right, by consistently voting that way. We could do the same with the Democratic Party to drive it to the left. We need to collectively do the work to support potential progressive candidates for future elections, but Biden is the most progressive option we have right now for this election who has any chance to win.

If they lose the general election by less than the third party vote, they know there are voters to the left that are voting that they could focus on capturing instead of catering to cultish fascists.

Exit polling data can break down the ideological differences between Democratic voters. The Democrats will be able to figure out what kind of voters voted for them, without needing progressives to vote third party.

There’s a very clear strategy for future Democrats to move left to win the election. It’s either purposeful ignorance or genuine stupidity to say the above is EXACTLY THE SAME as:

I’m saying it’s the same as:

Republican: 50%

Democrat: 48.91%

Other: 1.09%

Where progressives simply do not vote. Since in both cases Republicans win the presidency. The Democrats are only going to cater to people who vote for them in general elections. edit: capitalization


exit polling data can break down ideological differences

You have an extremely naive view of the world, thinking that exit polling signals the same thing that voting far left does. Constituents aren’t the only interest group politicians listen to, we actually have hard data that for the purposes of at least law making they entirely ignore us, and we have very little influence even beyond that.

The miniscule amount of influence we do have is the ability to remove one party from power. Exit polls come absolutely no where near this in terms of influence. When other interest groups want to continue the Palestinian genocide, and you have exit polls signaling that Democrats are against this (as exit polls have suggested for the last 50 years) then Democrats happily ignore this, as they have been.

We’re in a unique situation where the genocide is ramping up, and for some reason the American left has latched onto this issue (rightfully so, but still surprising). If we actually funnel this clearly into a signal that we will essentially sacrifice our wellbeing (e.g put Trump in power) just to draw the line that genocide support is unacceptable, we might actually see an anti-genocide Democrat for once.

Exit polls are entirely different. They’re fine in a world where there is no institutionalized interest in perpetuating some harm, and the Democratic party is split on some issue, they can look to constituent preferences. But as Joe Biden said best, if Israel did not exist in the middle east, the U.S would have to invent an Israel to protect American interests abroad. Preferences will be ignored without consequences for those in power, and if you think otherwise, again, you’re being naive.


thinking that exit polling signals the same thing that voting far left does

Exit polling does signal the same thing. We have the technology to identify progressive voters who vote Democrat. This is a nonissue.

Constituents aren’t the only interest group politicians listen to, we actually have hard data that for the purposes of at least law making they entirely ignore us, and we have very little influence even beyond that.

This is not relevant to the discussion for the purposes of voting. We need to get corporate and billionaire money out of politics. We have a better chance of doing that with Democrats than Republicans.

The miniscule amount of influence we do have is the ability to remove one party from power. Exit polls come absolutely no where near this in terms of influence.

We also have the ability to put a party, the Republicans or Democrats, in power by voting for them. This has a much greater impact and influence than not voting.

If we actually funnel this clearly into a signal that we will essentially sacrifice our wellbeing (e.g put Trump in power) just to draw the line that genocide support is unacceptable, we might actually see an anti-genocide Democrat for once.

We are not simply sacrificing our well being by allowing Trump to win but our lives. Trump has already promised to ethnically cleanse immigrants starting on day 1. He wants to round them up in camps and deport them. It seems unlikely to me that there will be no causalities from such an endeavor. The Supreme Court is going to hear a case that could determine if homeless people can be fined and/or arrested for being homeless. They may also find themselves in camps.…/city-of-grants-pass-oregon-v-joh…

Trans people are being erased from public life, which is a nice way of saying trans people will be homeless, which may soon be a nice way of saying trans people will be put in camps.

American fascists want the government to commit genocide here in the United States. They want to jail Democratic politicians. It’s going to be harder to run a progressive candidate in 2028 if Trump wins in 2024 because progressive voters will be dead and/or in camps. Republicans are going to do everything in their power to entrench themselves in power, even if they do hold an election in 2028. Republicans are already trying to remove Democrats from the voter rolls, with little success, in order to disenfranchise Democratic voters now. Republicans will be much more successful if they are in power.

But as Joe Biden said best, if Israel did not exist in the middle east, the U.S would have to invent an Israel to protect American interests abroad.

A two state solution is possible. There is no reason why a state of Palestine and a state of Israel cannot coexist. The current State of Israel will need to fundamentally change to no longer be an apartheid state. Also, Biden’s views on Palestine and Israel are severely outdated and do not represent the rest of the Democratic Party. Biden seems to be shifting his stance on Palestine and Israel. Trump is doubling down.

Preferences will be ignored without consequences for those in power, and if you think otherwise, again, you’re being naive.

If progressives vote for Democrats in 2024, Democrats will notice and move to the left to capture these voters in future elections. Biden may personally learn a lesson from a loss in 2024 but it is unlikely he will be able to act on it from a prison cell in 2028. The Democratic Party however will not learn the lesson. They will look at who voted in the election for the two parties that have a chance at winning and determine that the Overton window has again shifted to the right.


Exit polling does not signal the same thing, again you’re just repeating your incredibly naive point. As you admit, money is in politics, and you hand wave away that fact even though it’s a massive point.

With corporate interests in play, constituent preferences have had literally 0 impact on policy in Gaza. I’m not questioning the ability to gather the data, but you’re conflating the ability to gather data with the want to listen to preferences. Again, naive. This isn’t how the world works. Democrats don’t just listen to their constituents, they actually rarely do.

I’m going to keep this comment short because you keep hand waving or ignoring 80% of my point with non sequiturs, so I’m going to take this way slower so you can hopefully keep up.


Exit polling does not signal the same thing, again you’re just repeating your incredibly naive point.

If progressives vote for another party, the additional message that the Democratic party hears is, we will never be able to win these people’s votes. This is the same message they hear when progressives do not vote at all.

As you admit, money is in politics, and you hand wave away that fact even though it’s a massive point.

It has no bearing on this discussion. How much impact we have relative to corporations does not change the fact we have impact. Not to mention corporations wouldn’t be trying to get rid of our impact if we didn’t have any.

I’m going to keep this comment short because you keep hand waving or ignoring 80% of my point with non sequiturs, so I’m going to take this way slower so you can hopefully keep up.

These are not substantive points nor, I would assume, a core part of your argument, so I did not spend significant time in my argument addressing them. However they were there, so I wrote a response in my argument.

With corporate interests in play, constituent preferences have had literally 0 impact on policy in Gaza. I’m not questioning the ability to gather the data, but you’re conflating the ability to gather data with the want to listen to preferences. Again, naive. This isn’t how the world works. Democrats don’t just listen to their constituents, they actually rarely do.

Cynicism isn’t an argument. Biden has delivered on numerous policies people want. The Build Back Better bill is one such achievement. However this sentiment in your argument flies in the face of the fact that policies are determined by what voters want. There is no doubt that corporations have an outside influence in our elections since Regan’s presidency. That trend is directly responsible for the rise of fascism today. However, pretending we have little to no impact when we do is exactly what corporations want and it would be inherently self defeating to disempower ourselves for no reason.

This gets us back to the topic at hand, whether or not progressives would be better off allowing Trump to win. This is what we are discussing and what your argument in your last comment attempts to distract from. We are decidedly worse off in 2028 if we choose to silence are ourselves now out of fear that Biden is an inadequate candidate for delivering a progressive agenda. By making ourselves heard, in a meaningful and impactful way, by voting Democrat, we are acting in the most optimal way to advance progressive causes.

In order to have more progressive candidates in 2028 we must drive the Democrat Party to the left. To drive the Democrat Party to the left, we must demonstrate that a substantive voter block exists on that end of the political spectrum. By not voting, Democrats will determine Biden was too progressive. They will respond with a more conservative candidate. This feedback loop will continue until Democrats win an election and believe they have reached the American Overton window.

As an example, after two terms of Regan and a term of Bush Senior, Bill Clinton and the Democrats decided to stop fighting Republicans on economic issues. They decided to embrace neoliberalism because they believed it was within the American Overton window. If we want to counteract this, the Democratic Party needs to see that there is a path to victory by courting progressive voters. In other words, if we want a more progressive Democratic candidate in 2028, we must vote for the most progressive Democratic candidate we have now in 2024.

Nevoic, (edited )

the additional message that the Democratic party hears is, we will never be able to win these people’s votes

The message Democrats hear from someone who voted Democrat in 2020 and Green in 2024 is that that person will never vote Democrat?

Your position is becoming incoherent and exhausting. Stop arguing in bad faith. Your entire fucking comment is just endless shit like this, so I’m going to take it even slower and walk you through all this shit. Address the above paragraph, then we’ll move on to the next point, and hopefully after we’re through 3 or 4 of your nonsense points you’ll reconsider your position without me handholding you through it.

If you want to help me, just say “yes I understand I was wrong on that point”, then I can easily jump into the next point without addressing some new incoherent shit you throw at me.

ToastedPlanet, (edited )

The message Democrats hear from someone who voted Democrat in 2020 and Green in 2024 is that that person will never vote Democrat?

If progressives refuse to vote for the most progressive president we have ever had then the Democratic Party will conclude that they will not be able to win progressive votes in future elections. They will shift to the right in an attempt to capture more conservative voters.

Your position is becoming incoherent and exhausting. Stop arguing in bad faith. Your entire fucking comment is just endless shit like this, so I’m going to take it even slower and walk you through all this shit. Address the above paragraph, then we’ll move on to the next point, and hopefully after we’re through 3 or 4 of your nonsense points you’ll reconsider your position without me handholding you through it.

My argument has a consistent position. Trump winning in 2024 would be disastrous for progressive causes. My argument refuted your argument’s central point. Now all that is left in your argument is ad hominem attacks. edit: typo

Nevoic, (edited )

If people who voted Democrat in 2020 decide to vote for a candidate that is further left than the current fiscal conservative, pro-genocide Democrat, they will conclude that they have to become more progressive to win back the votes of the people who have literally demonstrated that they’re willing to vote Democrat.

It’s absolutely easier to get a person who voted Democrat to vote Democrat again than to get someone from the Trump cult who has been voting Republican for 40 years to defect.


The Green Party has no chance of winning. There is no difference between a vote for a third party and not voting for the purposes of counting votes between Biden and Trump. So, the Democrats will not see the difference between a progressive who voted for Biden in 2020 and then voted Green Party in 2024, and a progressive who voted for Biden in 2020 and then didn’t vote in 2024. As far as the Democrats are concerned, both voters threw their vote away, because the votes didn’t go to a candidate who had a chance at winning. As long a we have first-past-the-post voting, American elections will be a zero-sum game between Republicans and Democrats.

If progressives vote Green Party in November they will still be out numbered by moderates. The Democratic party is going to look at the larger group of moderate voters and the smaller group of progressive voters. They will decide it’s not worth risking the larger group for a smaller group who may never vote for them no matter how progressive they are.

Not voting for the Democratic Party because they weren’t progressive enough isn’t a feedback loop the Democrats are going to want to engage with. The Democrats could be more progressive in 2028, but they still weren’t progressive enough, so progressives still won’t vote for them. Progressives didn’t vote for the Democrats in 2024 and then the Democrats became more progressive in 2028, so why should progressives ever vote for Democrats? It’s an optimal stopping problem of when to stop not voting for Democrats. The loop has no optimal stopping point because progressives keep getting rewarded by not voting for the Democratic Party so the optimal strategy for progressives would be to never vote Democrat forever.

The Democratic Party doesn’t want to be a progressive party or a conservative party, it wants to be the party that wins by representing the largest group of voters possible. If progressives want the Democratic party to be a progressive party, then progressives have to vote for them in the general election. That will prove there is a block of progressive voters that the Democrats can cater to if they move to the left.…/political-ideology-steady-conse…

Conservatives and moderates still tied as largest ideological groups

Liberals remain the smallest group at 25%

Republicans’ and Democrats’ ideological identification unchanged

Interestingly, the Democratic Party specifically has about a fifty-fifty split between moderates and liberals. It’s not clear what percentage of liberals would consider themselves progressives. But based on how the word liberal is throw around here on Lemmy among progressives it would seem to indicate that being a progressive and identifying as a liberal is not a 1:1 match.…/first-ever-vanderbilt-unity-poll…

Only about 18 percent of the American public (and 38 percent of all Republicans) identify as MAGAites.

This number could definitely have gone up a bit, since last year. I would assume it has yet to reach a majority of conservatives identifying as MAGAites.

People throwing their votes away to third parties isn’t how political parties judge where to move on the political spectrum. The Republican Party looks at the MAGA voting block, that do no make up a majority of conservatives but keeps voting for Trump, and they move further into fascism in response. This is true whether Trumps wins or loses, by the way. Trump lost in 2020, but Mitch McConnell endorsed Trump this year because Mitch is a coward and the MAGA voters keeping voting for Trump.

This should be true for Biden as well. Even if Biden loses, but their is a high voter turnout among progressives for Biden, Democrats should see that a core part of their voter base is progressives. The Democrats should want to cater to progressives in that case, where progressive voter turnout is high for Democrats. Are the Democrats bad at communicating this? They sure are, because back in 2016 and now in 2024 people are accusing the Democrats of thinking their entitled to votes. If MAGA voters can drag the Republican party to the right despite being not being a majority of the Republican voter base, then progressive voters can drag Democrats to the left despite not being a majority of the Democratic voter base.

Nevoic, (edited )

The difference between someone who doesn’t vote and someone who voted Democrat in 2020 and Green in 2024 is you know two facts about the latter person that you don’t know about the former:

  • they are willing to vote Democrat in some circumstances
  • they prefer far left policies

You can play dumb all you want and pretend these facts aren’t true, but that doesn’t change the reality of the situation, no matter how many words you write to overcomplicate the issue.


they are willing to vote Democrat in some circumstances

It tells the Democratic Party that the voter voted for Democrats in the past. They get the same information from someone who voted for Democrats in 2020 and then did not vote in 2024.

they prefer far left policies

It’s not just far left policies, it’s further left than the Democrats are currently offering. And more to the point, it’s different policies than what the Democrats are currently offering. That’s true of any vote for any third party or nonvoting. It’s not useful information to the Democrats, because the Democrats want to chase mainstream voters and people who vote for them. They have no interest in being a fringe party for fringe voters who they have to chase by surrendering a larger block of voters that they need to win. If progressives want to be catered to by the Democratic Party, a typical mainstream political party, they need to vote for them. That’s what typical mainstream political party’s do. They choose policies based on their constituents views.

no matter how many words you write to overcomplicate the issue

There is a lot more to write on this issue than a few words. However, comments are deceptive in their length on the screen. My last comment takes a little over three minutes to read out loud, based on what I timed with my computer. Given this topic, I think that’s a fair length to read. But, I don’t exactly cover a lot of ground, although I do attempt to tie my argument in my last comment to my central point. I take the time to elaborate on my position, not to over complicate the issue, but to provide clarity on what I mean. I’ve attempted to address what I think are natural counter arguments based on our discussion.

For example, the implication that your argument keeps trying to raise is that, by progressives voting green, Democrats would see there are progressive voters, who are move progressive than the Democratic Party is currently. The idea being that Democrats could then choose to move to the left to capture those votes. This reasoning is flawed and this becomes apparent when we continue to look ahead at future elections. My argument in my previous comment covers this so I’m going to repost it here.

Not voting for the Democratic Party because they weren’t progressive enough isn’t a feedback loop the Democrats are going to want to engage with. The Democrats could be more progressive in 2028, but they still weren’t progressive enough, so progressives still won’t vote for them. Progressives didn’t vote for the Democrats in 2024 and then the Democrats became more progressive in 2028, so why should progressives ever vote for Democrats? It’s an optimal stopping problem of when to stop not voting for Democrats. The loop has no optimal stopping point because progressives keep getting rewarded by not voting for the Democratic Party so the optimal strategy for progressives would be to never vote Democrat forever.

In short, if progressives are rewarded with a more progressive Democratic Party later by not voting for Democrats now, progressives should never vote for Democrats in order to keep driving the Democratic Party to the left. The Democrats are not incentivized to engage with this feedback loop because they never get any votes from progressives. So, if progressives want the Democratic Party to be more progressive, they need to vote for Democrats. The Democrats will see progressives voted for them and adjust their policies accordingly. This will undoubtedly attract more progressive voters, which is a feedback loop that both progressive voters and the Democratic Party benefits from. Since this feedback loop creates the proper incentives it is what the Democratic Party will engage with.


The feedback loop spoiler idea only works if there are literally no material goals, only an idealist goal to move towards progressivism. This isn’t how reality works.

Not supporting genocide is a large material goal, and the Israel/Palestine conflict wasn’t at the worst it’s ever been in 2020, but it is in 2024. The material goals changed. In 2020 the biggest issue I was aware of was stopping fascism in America. Now that doesn’t even come close to stopping the ramped up genocide, that happened as a direct result of the endorsement of Israel by the Biden administration.

I would vote for a Democratic candidate that wants to end the genocide. Sure, they can still be a corporate boot-licking liberal. Biden was in 2020 and I still voted for him because the material outcome I wanted was satisfied.

It is not satisfied in 2024. The Palestinian genocide is far more important now, as it’s happening literally faster than any time in history. You claim that leftists have some idealist goal to just move Democrats to the left, so a refusal to engage with these leftists is the only option Democrats have, but this ignores a massive difference between socialists and fascists, socialists are materialists and fascists are idealists.

It’s a disingenuous portrayal of how leftists actually think. I suspect you’re conflating socialist thought with fascist thought either because you’re a liberal or because you’re unfamiliar with socialist theory. Either way, it’s worth getting more educated, the extreme left does not function the same way the extreme right does, and you seem to think it does.


The feedback loop spoiler idea only works if there are literally no material goals, only an idealist goal to move towards progressivism. This isn’t how reality works.

A shift to the left for the Democratic Party means adopting progressive policies, ie material goals. It is not about an idealist movement to progressivism.

hat happened as a direct result of the endorsement of Israel by the Biden administration.

Moving away from supporting Israel is a policy which would go against seventy years of US policy for either Republicans or Democrats. Biden’s initial response was inline with standing US policy. So for starters, the fact Biden has moved as far to the left on this issue as he has in response to the Uncommitted Movement is phenomenal. I think we still have further to go, but it’s a good sign so far.

You claim that leftists have some idealist goal to just move Democrats to the left, so a refusal to engage with these leftists is the only option Democrats have

No, like any voting block progressives want Democrats to enact progressive policies, which would be a shift to the left. Opposing Israel’s genocide would be one such policy. My point is that Democrats will respond to progressives voting for them by shifting to the left. They will not shift to the left or in any direction on the political spectrum because of third party voter turn out, as they are not incentivized to do so.

socialists are materialists and fascists are idealists.

Socialism and fascism are not constrained by concepts like materialism and idealism. Both socialism and fascism hold ideals about what they envision for society. These ideals vary wildly between those two groups and I would argue that a fascist’s idea of an ideal is nightmarish to say the least. A socialist ideal would be equality. In the workplace sure, but in general as well. A fascist ideal would be harkening to an imagined past or believing in a pretend purity of a bloodline or a system of nonsensical skull measurements. Both socialism and fascism have materialistic goals as well. Socialists would like to see corporations owned collectively by workers as opposed to share holders or a single individual. Fascists want to see workers of minority groups discriminated against and ousted from the workforce by employers, forced to live on the street by landlords, and then sent to die in death camps for homeless people by the federal government.

Either way, it’s worth getting more educated, the extreme left does not function the same way the extreme right does, and you seem to think it does.

I recommend Ken Rudin’s Political Junky.

Also, Vaush.

Recommendations aside, I would say in terms of how typical mainstream political parties work, the strategy for all voting blocks is the same. If a voting block wants to drive a typical mainstream political party in their direction on the political spectrum all they need to do is vote for that party. The political party will see that the voting block is voting for them and enact policies that reflect the voting block’s political ideology.


Exactly like you said, it’s not about an idealist movement towards progressivism, that’s exactly why the feedback loop isn’t an issue. When certain material goals are met, progressives are satisfied. It’s not an endless pit of progressive ideals, it’s about actual changes we want to see in Democrat policy. Once those changes are made, we vote Democrat to reinforce good behavior.


A shift to the left means adopting progressive policies. There is more than one progressive policy. As Democrats shift to the left they will adopt some progressive policies. It would take multiple elections for the Democratic Party, currently a center right party, to move to even center left on the political spectrum, let alone left on the political spectrum. Although there are a finite number of progressive policies, it would still take multiple elections for the Democrats to adopt them all.

Democrats will not respond to a feedback loop that involves progressives not voting for them now, to get a more progressive Democratic Party later. Especially when this loop would take multiple elections to adopt all progressive policies. Democrats want to win elections. The Democratic Party is not going to spend even one election cycle, let alone multiple elections cycles, chasing progressive voters who didn’t vote blue because those progressive voters didn’t get everything they wanted.

The Democratic Party caters to mainstream voters and people who vote for them. Since progressives aren’t the former they are going to want to be the latter. Progressives repeatedly turning out for the Democratic Party will cause them to shift to the left, ie adopt progressive policies.


If Trump wins in 2024 there won’t be a 2028 election, or at least a not a real one.


You may actually have brain damage.

jordanlund, avatar

Removed, rule 3:

“Be civil, No violations of TOS. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (perjorative, perjorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (perjorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!”

urist, avatar

I am a leftist and the democratic party is no friend of mine. That said:

  1. I have lost a portion of my bodily autonomy due to republican policies. People I know have avoided getting reproductive care due to draconian republican laws in my state, and lack of control of medical records. Electing a republican will further erode rights for 50% of the nation. Yes, I am talking about women’s reproductive health.
  2. Republicans are erroding the safety and rights of LGBTQ+ people, in my state and elsewhere. I cannot abide a future where they are able to do this federally.
  3. Republicans are directly attacking our electoral processes and our partisan supreme court refuses to engage in a timely matter. A bush/gore sort of election issue will send our nation into chaos, or direct civil war. You wish us to imagine a future in which trump wins and there is a 2028 election. I can’t imagine a future where a republican government respects democracy that would allow for a possibility for a democratic (let alone an actual left party) candidate to win. The republican party is no longer a neolib party, they are a party of fascists up for sale to the highest bidder.
  4. Trump will not just merely support Israel’s genocide. The middle east becomes more and more volatile each day. Remember: Trump had an Iranian general assassinated. I think it’s quite likely we will be dragged into a horrible, hellish war. No heroes, no winners, just unimaginable carnage and human suffering.
  5. If anyone attempts to engage me with accelerationist rhetoric, know that I will ignore you. I refuse to engage with anyone who believes that an increase in violence is somehow beneficial. You have no idea what you’re asking for, and a glorious leftist revolution is not a possible outcome here.
UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

The irony of literally anyone (eligible) not voting for Biden specifically because of his handling of the Gaza situation

I left my primary ballot blank. There was nobody on the ticket who wasn’t going to continue the genocide (with perhaps Marianna Williamson as an exception, but I’m not indulging her vanity campaign). Come November, I suspect I’ll be in the same spot. Two candidates who are endorsing genocide, with the caveat that one is waving an Israeli sports pennant while the other repeatedly insists he feels really bad about it.

I hate this timeline and I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

Swing by Gaza. We’ll sell the Israelis the next round of ammo used to wipe you off the face of the Earth.


It’s a good thing that the only responsibility of a US president is deciding what to do about Israel.

If they were the only person able to veto something like a national abortion ban, or legislation criminalizing trans people, it would really mess with your calculus.


Hey don’t blame them they just learned about Kony sorry Palestine and now it’s the make or break thing for them


If any American ever has any questions about the Weimar Republic and why Germans didn’t stop Hitler when they still had a chance to do so, just point them to the run up to the 2024 presidential election. People who secretly want fascist leaders will always have an excuse, if one goes away, they already have another excuse waiting.


Everyone knows the Weimar Republic was funding a genocide before they elected Hitler. It’s in the history books, page 420. /s

TotallynotJessica, avatar

and did that genocide get worse under Hitler, or ridiculously worse under Hitler? Page 69 will shock you.


Ha I was debating (?) some gradbears with the argument that not voting against Donnie would result in more suffering but their replies can be summed up as “not my problem, I’d feel worse if I did”


But sure, yeah… go ahead and just not vote. Letting Trump in will be so much better for the Palestinians.


A week ago, the difference between the two would have been that Trump would enable Israel in every way, while Biden would enable Israel in every way, but staffers would leak stories about how much Biden didn’t like Netanyahu from time to time. Now, Biden has started sending aid to Gaza while Harris is calling for a ceasefire, and this is entirely because 100K voters in Michigan voted uncommitted. When done properly, threatening to withhold your vote can be an effective way to make your voice heard.


I think you make a great point, but I would add a caveat. There IS a difference between Biden and trump. One will listen to protesters, and the other won’t. You can pressure Biden and he will change his position because he seems to care what voters think, and Trump doesn’t.


Yeah, I agree with that. And, to be clear, I think there have always been tons of differences between Biden and Trump on almost every issue besides Israel/Gaza. I was just saying that, on this single issue, the difference between Biden and Trump would have been mostly rhetoric, not policy, up until the Michigan primary voters convinced Biden to change. I definitely didn’t mean to imply they were generally the same.

stinerman, avatar

this is entirely because 100K voters in Michigan voted uncommitted

Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence.

To be clear, I have no problem with people in Michigan voting uncommitted, I just don’t think you can draw that line.


I’m afraid that there was a near instantaneous shift in his rhetoric after Michigan.


The ‘uncommitted’ voters will think that they changed Biden’s mind, but most likely he was going to start sending aiding to Gaza anyway. He doesn’t like Netanyahu and probably genuinely does want peace.

At the same time the ‘uncommitted’ stunt has turned voters against Biden. Remember the average voter is functioning at grade 8 or grade 6 level. Educated voters will see this as the political maneuvers that it is, the average ‘grade 6’ mental age voter will think ‘Biden sucks’, and not vote.


Biden’s entire approach to Isreal changed almost on a dime after that primary. He started aid drops to Gaza, Kamala Harris suddenly started using the word, “ceasefire,” he brought Netanyahu’s chief opponent to discuss the humanitarian crisis in Gaza…Biden obviously didn’t come out and say, “I’m changing my approach to Isreal because I’m afraid of losing Michigan,” but it’s pretty clear why this shift is occurring.

stinerman, avatar

It’s certainly possible. My opinion has long been that politicians are not really all that responsive to public opinion.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Now, Biden has started sending aid to Gaza

But he hasn’t stopped sending weapons to Israel


Yeah, I’m not saying there’s been enough change, just that there has been some change, and it was brought on by people threatening to withhold their vote.

UnderpantsWeevil, (edited ) avatar

it was brought on by people threatening to withhold their vote.

Its definitely been a wake-up call to the party. Watching Biden shed 20% of Democratic voter turnout in a fucking primary is something. Obama and Clinton never had these kinds of problems in '12 and '96. And guys that did - Carter getting burned by Ted Kennedy in '80 and Bush to Buchanan in '92 - should have been a warning to the party as a whole.


Yeah, I’ll be honest, I’m very worried about this election. I’m still unhappy with Biden’s approach to Israel, but at least now they can credibly argue that voting for him would be harm reduction for Palestinians. Maybe that will be enough to drive turnout.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

at least now they can credibly argue that voting for him would be harm reduction

Right until the polls close in November, at which point its back to business as usual.


Well…yeah, probably.

UnderpantsWeevil, (edited ) avatar

Letting Trump in

Winner-take-all electoral college means you never really had a voice in the matter.

You should have moved to a Blue State before 2020, so your physical presence could be used to tip how many electoral votes that state produced, if you really cared about stopping Trump in 2024. That’s the only consequential method of putting a (very tiny) finger on the scale of a Presidential contest.

OpenPassageways, (edited )

Wouldn’t it make more sense to move to a swing state and try to tip it blue?

Edit: tip it blue

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

From a population perspective, it wouldn’t matter. Your best bet would be to find a bright blue state that is on the cusp of getting a new house seat. That would boost up the EC total for the state and guarantee consistent adds to Team Blue. Moving to a purple state and hoping you are THE swing voter mostly just means you make the state more valuable to invest in by the various campaigns. You’re still going to be functionally feeding Red Team during red election waves (which blue needs votes the most) when your view is most likely to be in the minority.


Oh, good.

So the only reason to not vote for Biden is also a reason to not vote for trump. At least Biden seems to be at least signaling for cease fires.


It’s not much, but at least Biden is malleable on this. He can be persuaded to make the attempt to try to slow the Israelis down, maybe even stop arms shipments to Israel altogether (or at least add conditions). If Trump comes in, he’d probably go in the complete opposite direction out of spite for liberals and would try to help the Israeli genocide even harder. It’s not a great choice, but the choice of least harm in this case is still Biden.

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