@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

Ok, this is funny...

Colemak's equivalent to asdfasdf is arstarst, and that SERIOUSLY tickles me. XD

This is truly a keyboard layout anyone can be ars't to learn!

cc: @benjaminhollon @sotolf


@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf I'm surprised how much fun it is to learn a new layout. :blobfoxhappy:

It's going slow but I've progressed from 15 to 25 wpm. Don't know when I will make the switch from qwerty.

At what speed did you switch to colemak primarily?

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

@dynge @RL_Dane @sotolf
Definitely fun!

I was at ~120wpm on qwerty before switching; I swithed completely once I knew where all the keys were. I was at about 15-20wpm at the time. Now I'm generally 50-60, after about a week.


@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf wow. You don't. Miss your qwerty speed? :blobfoxlaugh:

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

@dynge @RL_Dane @sotolf
A bit, at this point, but I'm gaining fast. I've got short bursts of up to 80 wpm, and I figure if I can get up to 100 consistently, I'll be in pretty good shape.

The thing about colemak so far: while I don't type faster in it, at least not yet, It definitely gives me less stress in my hands and I can sustain speeds for longer.

Also, I intentionally waited until summer break to switch, which has helped.


@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf ah makes sense. 😊

In my work I often work on remote pcs so I will need to maintain my qwerty speed (albeit only around 70 wpm).

But I wager I might switch at 40-50 wpm

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

@dynge @RL_Dane @sotolf
Might be worth checking something out I saw the other day—I believe monkeytype has a way to shuffle back and forth between multiple layouts, to help make sure you know how to use both.


@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf yeah I have seen it. Have not tried it though. I think it is more of a game type. I understood it as it randomly changes during the typing. That's not exactly what I'm looking for

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

@dynge @RL_Dane @sotolf
Oh, never mind. That's a little odd.


@dynge @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane I do as well, I look at the keyboard when I write Qwerty, still at 50 wpm


@sotolf @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane yeah I have a hope that since my qwerty typing isn't "correct" and basically only uses 5-6 of my fingers for qwerty, that I my brain may find it easier to switch because with colemak Im trying to learn proper hand placement and movement. So the typing experience is wildly different.

But it may just be wishful thinking 😂


@dynge @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane I think there is something to that, if you have some kind of hook to hook your muscle memory into it's easier to keep apart :)

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

@sotolf @dynge @RL_Dane
In my case though, I never properly learned qwerty, I think, so I'm finding I have almost no memory of how to use it, now that I have learned a layout properly. XD

The furthest I ever got when learning qwerty was ~15-20wpm. The buildup to 120wpm was entirely based on muscle memory, not actual knowledge of where the keys were. That means I often will use the qwerty key still, since context-based memory still has it, but if I try to consciously locate a key, I can't.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@benjaminhollon @sotolf @dynge


you're at 120wpm WITHOUT touch typing?!?

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

@RL_Dane @sotolf @dynge Ha, no. I touch type. It’s just all based on muscle memory. If you told me to type something, I could easily, but if you asked me the location of a specific key if would take a hot minute to figure it out.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Ah, that's not too unusual, I don't think.

@sotolf @dynge


@benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane yeah I think I am starting to notice that too. When thinking about the location I get confused between colemak and qwerty at times now.


@sotolf @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane crossing my fingers. 😊


@dynge @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane så, bare et kort spørsmål, betyr dynge det samme på dansk som på norsk :p har lurt på det siden I går kveld :p


@sotolf @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane Jep. Det tror jeg det gør. Det er bare en stor dynge... Et eller andet.

Bare et gammelt kælenavn som har hængt ved.... Kan ikke huske hvor det kom fra ærlig talt :blobfoxconfused:


@dynge @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane haha :) trodde det bare var noen som hadde kommet på et eller annet random, men så så jeg at du var dansk og alt ga litt mer mening, dynge blir mest brukt om søpledynge på norsk, jeg regner med at konnotasjonene er litt finere på dansk :)

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

@sotolf @dynge @RL_Dane


@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@benjaminhollon @sotolf @dynge

What just happened to this thread?

Do I need to drop into (my very feeble command of) Persian? XD

@joel@fosstodon.org avatar

@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @dynge detente, te lo ruego

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@joel @benjaminhollon @sotolf @dynge

ey baba. 🤦‍♂️



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  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @joel @benjaminhollon @dynge

    Stop flexin', ya polyglot! XD

    Have pity on this poor monolingual 'murican. :P

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar


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  • benjaminhollon,
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @dynge @RL_Dane “I am not a teacher.” Inside joke in my mandarin class; we learned the phrase early on, thought it funny, and proceeded to respond with it whenever we weren’t sure what was going on. :)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


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  • benjaminhollon,
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @dynge @RL_Dane I didn’t realize Japanese characters are that similar! I wonder how much that would stay the case for traditional Chinese; I learned simplified.



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  • benjaminhollon,
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @dynge @RL_Dane Good to know!

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @dynge

    I remember reading a guy's blog on slashdot* circa 2000-1. He was a Chinese guy who had studied in America, living in Japan.
    He had a much harder time absorbing the language than other students, because HE COULD READ many of the Kanji, but couldn't pronounce them. I remember he once mentioned how he would pronounce Tokyo in Mandarin, and it had no resemblance to "Tokyo."

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @dynge @sotolf @benjaminhollon

    It may be more difficult because you're learning touch typing for the first time, but it will be 100% worth it.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @dynge @sotolf

    Wowsers! All that neuroplasticity. XD

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf Yup.

    According to my self-diagnostic routines (which are pretty detailed and accurate) I have been going through a period of high neuroplasticity since about last August. I’ve been definitely taking advantage of it every chance I get!

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @dynge @sotolf

    University is amazing for that.

    I experienced that as well, and I was in my early 40s!!

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf
    In my case, less of it has been around university in itself, and more due to living on my own for the first time and getting (and/or having) to make my own decisions about a lot of things that I never got to decide before.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @dynge @sotolf

    Ah, that's what I'd call a life-chapter-marker. You will remember that time in your life fairly keenly. Life will really go into slow mo when you leave college unless you make a concerted effort to keep things revved up, intellectually, and also make sure to shake up the status quo in your life pretty often. I know many older people who couldn't tell you if they did something in 2010 or 1990. Life settles into a groove, and time kinda melts.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf

    Due to the aforementioned mental diagnostic routines I developed about seven years ago when we moved from India to Malaysia, I have a very detailed memory and understanding of my mental state and development at any given time since then. It's been really handy, actually, and I'm not sure what originally triggered it. Any decision I make, no matter how absentminded at the time, can be traced back during later reflection to its exact motivations.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @dynge @sotolf

    [ ] I am not a robot

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf

    One of my earliest blog posts, from march 2020: https://benjaminhollon.com/musings/archive/im-not-a-robot/

    (I started blogging in january 2020)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @dynge @sotolf

    Ah, confirmed.

    (Very silly, but nicely written.)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf
    Thank you. :)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf
    That was very soon after I began taking writing more seriously. It was about five months later that I first considered it a career, and the website redesign I initiated with that in mind was the basis of what is now readable.css.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @dynge @sotolf

    Somewhere in the back of my mind, I've got a writing career on the mind. Man, so much to do. XD

    I haven't done much writing since 2017, tragically. :'(

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf Well it’s never too late to start getting into writing as a career, at least on the side. Until you’re dead, of course.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @dynge @sotolf

    Pretty sure I'll write epic poetry when I'm dead, lol ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf
    Poetry doesn't make a great career. It doesn't sell well enough to live off of. So I say my point stands. ;)

    (this is why I decided to start publishing my poetry on my site without trying anymore to sell it. Though I'm curious if it's improved enough now that I could sell it if I wanted.)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @dynge @sotolf

    I think I'd have to write for fun, as I don't know how I'd ever make a living off of writing. The competition is just too ferocious, and now bloody ChatGPT. :P :(

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf
    ChatGPT is more a brick thrown into the pond that stirs anything up than actual competition, at least at this point. But I can see it making it harder to feel confident about trying to make a living in the industry.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf
    But as for knowing when I did what? No such luck for me; that's not how my brain tends to work. I think of eras of time in terms of where I lived. That's visible even in that last post, when I said that I developed this self awareness "when we moved from India to Malaysia", then used that knowledge to extrapolate the "seven years ago."

    To have a good knowledge of what happened when, I think I may have to continue my nomadic lifestyle. :)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @dynge @sotolf

    Not necessarily. Many of my memories are tied to moves, but some are tied to jobs, some to college. Any major life change can be a chapter marker.

    It's just that moves have been the major ones in your life so far. That may or may not be the case in the future.

    There's no telling what the future has in store for you, and you for the world.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf
    That's a fair point. I guess in part the location-based time thing is more about how I talk about time than how I think of it internally. I'll have to do some reflection to tell for sure.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf

    (In case it helps give a window to my mind, the way I'd probably go about said reflection is to come up with a list of significant memories, then try to do an out-of-awareness description of when they happened, seeing how I describe the time. That can give me a good idea of what time-keeping method I associate with each event.)



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  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @msprout @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf
    Heh, I have no way to cook in my dorm room. ;)

    Actually, I think there's a shared kitchen on the bottom floor. I've never used it.

    I do know how to make one-eyed-men. Other than that my recipe knowledge is almost nil.

    RL_Dane, (edited )
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @msprout @dynge @sotolf

    I've never heard of that, but it sounds like a phallic reference XD

    If you have a coffee maker, you can boil an egg. Maybe soft-boiled, I dunno. Kinda hard to control the temperature and duration.
    But it can be done in a pinch.

    Also, meat can be cooked with aluminum foil and an ordinary household iron.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @msprout @dynge @sotolf
    You make a hole in bread, then put it in the pan. Crack the egg so that the yolk lands in the hole. It ends up as a fried egg in the middle of toast. Really yummy.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @msprout @dynge @sotolf

    Ahh, egg-in-a-holes. I've heard of them, but never tried it.



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  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @msprout @dynge

    I do not think that dish has any names that don't sound suggestive, lol XD

    @gordoooo_z@hachyderm.io avatar

    @benjaminhollon @msprout @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf Clearly you're not acquainted with the best content on the worst place on the internet: jagoscrandles

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @gordoooo_z@hachyderm.io avatar

    @benjaminhollon @msprout @RL_Dane @dynge @sotolf They basically spend a lot of time in hotels, so they make these quick cut style cooking Tiktoks, where they use whatever is available to them, often the iron, or the little single cup hotel coffee maker to make pretty decent looking meals. It's pretty good as far as highly shareable short form brain candy social media content goes.



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  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @msprout @benjaminhollon

    I remember this! VERY labor intensive, but fascinating result. You can eat four eggs and think you've only eaten one. Deceptively light-tasting.

    P.S. WHOA. Is youtube blocking yt-dlp now?!? Or is the version on Debian just ancient and not up on the latest arms race with EL GOOG?
    It worked until just a few days ago, I think.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @msprout
    Downloading with yt-dlp works for me.

    ~/] yt-dlp --version

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @msprout

    Oh . :P

    $ yt-dlp --version

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @msprout
    That's actually pretty good, for debian.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @msprout

    Yeah, and it was JUST RELEASED a couple weeks back, lol.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @msprout
    Well this is also the version from the new NixOS channel that's barely a month old. (Which seems to have the same verion as unstable—they may backport it since getting new versions is important.) The 22.11 verion is 2023.3.4.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @msprout @benjaminhollon

    Ah, that's not the actual version I saw, but the same recipe.



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  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @msprout @benjaminhollon

    Ahh, bummer. I can't find it either. And now there's a TON of Gordon Ramsay scrambled eggs recipes, lol.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @dynge @benjaminhollon @sotolf

    Oh, I'm just starting to experiment with it.

    I tried learning dvorak a little over a year ago, and I was still around 20wpm max after a full month. I gave up.

    @slembcke@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf Hah! I can always identify other dvorak users in chats when they mash their keyboard that way too. Nthoeuth!

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @slembcke @RL_Dane @sotolf

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @slembcke @RL_Dane @sotolf
    I love that "horsie" was in that. XD

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar






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  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Fitting 🤣


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