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the circus that currently performs in finnish government is getting so out of hands that im just waiting for the day it just implodes in on it self like couple billionaires in a submarine.

below some things from the government period so far:


Basic Finns have told the Finnish media that they are not allowed to dig into Basic Finn past during their party conference this weekend and should only concentrate on what they’re doing right now.

Iikka Kivi was inspired to do just the opposite (below).

Journalists have voiced their concerns about this censorship attempt (last pic).

Current and also future chairperson of the party: - Has spread population replacement theory that inspires far-right terrorists. - Has written brutally racist and violence inducing online writings. - Has called muslim women black sacks. Current and future first deputy chairperson (and minister of justice) Leena Meri: - Told a rap artist Musta Barbaari, who was born in Finland, to go back where he’s from. - Doesn’t want finland to help even a single refugee. - Has spread population replacement theory that inspires far-right terrorists.
Current and future second deputy chairperson Mauri Peltokangas (member of parliament): - Has called immigrants “parasitic brutes”, “animals” and “camel drivers”. - Openly supported anti-Jewish, neonazi organisation supporter and Hitler praised Juha Kärkkäinen. - Held a speech in an nazi protest. Current on most likely future third deputy chairperson Sebastian Tynkkynen: - Has said he wants as many Muslims as possible out of Finland. - Has three convictions on racist crimes. - Has said that Islam should be weeded out of Finland. Far-right racism is not a marginal phenomenon in Basic Finns, it is essential ideology of every leading character in the party- now and after weekends party conference. Thanks for the idea, Putkonen.
IL article. “The press invitation ends in a bizarre plea: “p.s: Plea to all press. Leave the archeological political logging to the coat hangers at the office and concentrate on the choices and political alignment of our conference.” Basic Finns are trying to censor the freedom of press to ask questions they want to. This plea must be interpreted as a pressuring. Demand is unheard of and dangerous in finnish journalism, but the reason to presenting it is obvious. In Tampere exhibition centre Purra has to stop playing hide and seek and step in front of journalists. They will ask minister of finances Purra about the online writings she has written in her adulthood, which are all racist and even wider than known before.


Meanwhile there is a literal fucking pandemic brewing in the fur farms of Finland, most of the government is on vacations.

Only government official to say something is agricultural and forestry minister Sari Essayah and her statement was not that convincing. “It’s under control and anyway consumers can affect the matter by simply now buying furs, i dont use furs myself.”

“Shut down all of the (fur) farms and stop breeding these animals! This is playing with fire and really provokes the virus to spread to mammals.” “Anaesthetic and intensive care specialist Harri Tohmo also takes a stance, he describes the inactions of Finnish administration as a international disgrace and a great global health risk.” “What do you think would happen in that hypothetical situation, in which Finland is the first country where H5N1 virus would spread between humans? Who’s door is barred shut? The iron curtain would get a new meaning. Meanwhile other countries would wait for vaccine development.”, he writes.
Government of Petteri Orpo hasn’t even mentioned the threat and dangers of a new pandemic. Government should act quickly to shut down all fur farms and take needed forced action, that the mandate of public authorities isn’t enough for. If a pandemic originates from Finland, the nazi and racism scandals are minor wrinkles in the government suit jacket when compared to what is coming, Virologist in Finland and elsewhere are tense and waiting when the holiday season of the government ends. Government of horrors is now evokes terror with their sloth and incompetence.


Basic Finn nazi Jussi Halla-aho has said what some of us have been waiting for.

One of the long-term goals of Basic Finn nazis is leaving the EU.

Yeah Brexit worked so fucking well we simply must have that here too, fucking @#$%#¥.


Basic Finn party conference has begun in Tampere. So far they’ve slandered the media for covering their nazi shit. So its going great.

Citizens have left little easter eggs for them to find, see image.

Other protest banners seen today at Tampere:

  • Resign Purra!
  • Resign Rantanen!
  • Basic Finn hits the poor!
  • Basic Finns lick the arse of power!


Here’s a list of some of the shit our far right, nazi-joke-government is planning to push through regarding employees and trade unions.

i am personally rooting for a general strike since this is just the tip of an iceberg when it comes to backwards shit this government plans to hammer through.


I picked you all some important news wrapped up by Yle today!

Lauri 33, has been applying for jobs for 14 years and hasn’t been able to get hired. The goverment plans to cut his benefits to “encourage” him to get a job and this makes him angry.

Security measures around the ministers have been tightened for the new government.

Evening wrap up 4/5. Security measures of the ministers have been tightened during the new government. It is now harder to enter spaces of minister and moving in them is restricted. According to governments safety and security manager Ahti Kurvinen, changes are partly because Finland is now a member of Nato.


Former leader of Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) predicts that the government will fall before christmas.

My historian spouse pointed out that in historical context “it’ll all over by Christmas” has meant “this will be prolonged for uncomfortable amount of time and everything will go to shit”.

Let’s hope he’s wrong this time! 😮‍💨

The Democrat article: “We have hardly seen all the scandals yet. I predict the government will fall by Christmas. This will not last the whole election season.” Laatunen identifies the biggest problem as the Basic Finns, who have been seen as the party most dominant on social media. - Now they are reaping what they have sown on social media. As a governing party, the time for hate speech is over. Social media is eating its children. The ruling party will also be held accountable for its past. The Basic Finns has accused the media of hounding party ministers. According to Laatunen, the media have done their job.
"It is the duty of the media to keep an eye on those in power, to dig up the past. It is freedom of expression, part of parliamentarianism and a people's right to justice." "The Basic Finns have not realised the change of responsibility when they went into government. NCP has underestimated the risk of being a partner in government. The SPP has defended human dignity according to its ideology. The governing parties have failed to meet their political milestones," Laatunen writes in his Itä-Hämee column.


“Henriksson: Too early to say if SPP will support Finns Party in confidence votes

Parliament is expected to hold confidence votes in the government as well as Finns Party MPs Riikka Purra and Wille Rydman when lawmakers return to the chamber in September.”


”A free tip to freshen up the countryside: fur farmers should switch to hemp.

Fur farmers can be retrained to grow hemp. Not in this government term, though, because adult education is being abolished.”

Column from writer Hanna-Riikka Kuisma.

What about replacing a Finnish worker with a foreigner? The True Finns are, to put it nicely, anti-immigration and the Coalition Party claims to want all citizens to work. How does this fit in with pouring millions of euros into employing Filipino and Zambian carers? To make matters worse, Zambia is on the WHO's list of countries from which no nurses should be recruited because of the huge shortage of nurses. There is only one message: the industry is morally unsustainable and should be closed down.
On top of everything else, fur farms could be the source of the next global pandemic. Then Finland will have more to explain than racism. Hemp, after all, is the industry of the future as fur farms are the industry of the past. Finland could start by growing hemp in a big way, for example, fibre hemp. It is a sustainable material for clothing, animals are not tortured. We could also consider whether it makes sense to keep illegal another variation of the same plant, which calms people down. At the same time, ethanol, which is fighting for the top spot as the world's most dangerous intoxicant, is making people fight and kill. Finland would now have a good opportunity to get its exports in order as country after country legalises or decriminalises cannabis. The fur trade is making a killing. We are paying for its activities with our tax money.
Combine this with the news that, despite the sanctions against Russia, a surprising amount of fur is flowing from Finland to its eastern neighbours, and no one knows who is exporting it, and there is only one message: the industry is morally unsustainable and must be stopped. Which party will take rural regeneration as its business? Fur farmers can be retrained to grow hemp. Not in this term of government, because adult education will be abolished, but what will the centrists say? Perhaps in the next election you will be interested in revitalising the countryside. Judging by your approval ratings, you need a miracle. The author is a writer from Pori.


Once again the defunding scissor holding hand of the finnish nazi-joke-government is pointed at a group who can’t defend themselves.

this time its animals.

The post of Animal Welfare Ombudsman was discussed by the committees in the context of the reform of the Animal Welfare Act in autumn last year. The opinion of the Environment Committee stressed the importance of making the role of the Animal Welfare Ombudsman permanent and providing adequate resources for this purpose. The Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, on the other hand, called for the post of Animal Welfare Officer to be made permanent. Kupsala was heard by both committees. The Animal Welfare Officer's role is to promote animal welfare, including participation in various animal welfare advisory councils. The Animal Welfare Officer is responsible for pets, farm animals and wild animals when they are affected by human activities.
The temporary post of Animal Welfare Officer will be abolished at the turn of the year. Animal Welfare Officer Sara Kupsala says in a press release. The decision is based on financial reasons, according to Ms Kupsala. "They want to divert funding to, for example, the treatment of avian influenza," she writes. The decision to abolish the post has been taken by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Kupsala tells Yle. "An email was sent last week from the ministry saying that the post of animal welfare ombudsman would not be continued. The email referred to the current financial situation. There is no provision for the post to be made permanent in the Animal Welfare Act, nor is it mentioned in the government programme," says Kupsala, explaining the reasons for the decision.


“The whole bill for balancing the public finances is being sent to the already hardest hit in society. It's just a choice made by a government that cares about the strong, a brutal one.”

MP Li Andersson (LA).

For example, the government's cut list includes the newly enacted Disability Services Act. It is now being postponed and reopened. Services will be cut back to save €36 million. The government is also cutting child protection by lowering the age limit for aftercare. This will directly hit the most vulnerable young people in this society. On top of this, the social security cuts will hit low-income families with children disproportionately hard, as, in addition to the cuts in housing benefit, the child benefit increases in unemployment benefit will be abolished altogether. On top of all this, the government, which says it wants to balance public finances, is about to make new tax decisions that will reduce state revenue... The biggest tax cut next year will be for Riikka Purra herself, and other high-income earners who enjoy her income level: they will get around €2,000 more in their hands next year. In addition, the government programme specifically states that the government is committed to making no changes to areas such as capital taxation and the taxation of large companies.
The whole bill for balancing the public finances is being sent to the already hardest hit in society. It's just a choice made by a government that cares about the strong, a brutal one.


Speech held at antigovernment protest in Tampere last week ended with these words.

“At stake is, no more and no less than freedom, life, humanity, democracy, a decent society.

The government must fall, otherwise the fucking screwups will destroy Finland.”

Rest of it is available below.

The country's economic figures are not catastrophic, but they will be when the government implements its cuts in the middle of an economic downturn. The debt scare is the ideological weapon the government uses to promote its vested interests, to subjugate the people, to break down opposition, to break down the trade union movement, to get the income transfers from the poor to the rich and the cuts to privatise public services done. The Orpheus government is putting Finland in order by -normalising racism and fascism. -weakening the status of immigrants and asylum seekers. -restricts the right to strike. -Weakening workers' rights. -mortifying the Constitution, the cornerstone of democracy, by separating social benefits for immigrants and Finnish citizens.
- violates human and fundamental rights by cutting drastically from the poor. -increases child poverty. -increases the income and wealth of the rich and well-off. It is no coincidence that it was the Coalition Party that put the Finns in government. The Finns are an invaluable help to the coalition. They are the antithesis of each other, combining strict economic discipline and fascism to protect capital and the rich. The difference between the Finns and the Coalition dwindles to nothing when the Finns Wille Rydman is worried that Germany will not take care of Nazi memorials, when the Coalition's Atte Kaleva wants the veiled out of Finland or Noora Fagerström's political ideology is the laws of the jungle and thinks it is right to cut the poor. The government's policies reflect the social- Darwinist natural selection of the prevailing capitalism:
The signs have been visible for a long time. More than a decade ago, Saul Schubak, vice-chairman of the Coalition Youth Party, criticised child allowances, saying it was "irrational that we support the reproduction of weaker material. Elina Lepomäki was along the same lines when she wanted to cut social benefits to prevent the poor from multiplying. Now this ideology is in the government programme. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Nazi-murdered priest, said that it is our duty to throw a spanner in the works if the driver is drunk. In other words, we must stand up in a situation where political and economic institutions are morally corrupt. That is the situation now, when the driver, the government, is drunk and is driving us into the abyss. The time for resistance and throwing in the towel is now! The time for confrontation is now! Whether we want it or not. Neutrality is a privilege granted to no one.


“The reason why Basic Finn politicians say almost nothing critical about this is that they share much of the same ideology as these terrorists. Both are part of Finland's far right, the terrorists the acceleration wing and the Finns the parliamentary wing.” - Iikka Kivi.

"brave" and posted on the Hommaforum, a favourite of the Halla-ahoans. There are so many connections that coincidence is not an explanation. In addition, the conspiracy theory of population change, which the protection police consider to be one of the main motives of the far right in justifying terrorist acts, has been spread in speeches by pro-Fundamentalist politicians. Violent acts are justified as a means of protecting the 'own population' from becoming a subjugated minority of ethnic whites. One of the motives for arming the group now on trial was to prepare for a race war, which is intrinsically linked to the same ideology. Population change (or its sub-term 'Islamisation') has been discussed by at least such leading Finns as Jussi Halla- aho, Riikka Purra, Leena Meri, Mari Rantanen, Ville Tavio, Wille Rydman and Sebastian Tynkkynen - that is, by chairmen, vice-chairmen and ministers, not by any of the party's extremist foil hats.
The reason why Basic Finn politicians say almost nothing critical about this is that they share much of the same ideology as these terrorists. Both are part of Finland's far right, the terrorists the acceleration wing and the Finns the parliamentary wing. And the reason why the other parties in government - the CD, the SPP, the coalition - are also very quiet on this issue is that, after the racism debate all summer, they do not want any further attention paid to the fact that they have fallen out with the extreme right and are helping to normalise this development in Finland.


”Is the government of Petteri Orpo fascist?” is a question i too have heard multiple times.

okay okay, more often it’s that i have said that the government is fascist and someone else attempts to correct me that it cant be and that i must be overreacting or accuses me of “polarising the conversation”.

anyhow, below are some questions to ponder if you wonder that too.

What is it when the government is breaking Article 6 of the Constitution, the equality article, and separating the social security of immigrants and Finnish citizens and legitimising racism? When the sacred Constitution, the cornerstone of democracy, is broken, the road to an authoritarian society is paved. When fundamental rights are taken away from one group of people, they can eventually be taken away from everyone. What is it when a government intends to restrict the right to strike, to undermine the trade union movement, to weaken the position of workers and to criminalise the symbols of communism? What is it when Nora Fagerström, a member of the Coalition Party, said that her political ideology was 'the laws of the jungle'? In Fagerström's jungle society, it is right to cut the poor. In the struggle for existence, only the most arrogant survive?
What is it when Tere Sammallahti, a member of the National Coalition Party, demands that the state stop public subsidies to organisations (including the Finnish Writers' Union) that took part in an anti-racist demonstration? What is it when Riikka Purra fantasises about killing children on a commuter train and calls Muslims black sacks? What is it when Wille Rydman is concerned when Germany does not respect Nazi memorials? What is it when Atte Kaleva, a member of the Coalition Party, wants veiled out of Finland? What is it when the Speaker of the Parliament is an extreme right-wing agitator, Jussi Halla-aho, who undermines the Speaker's authority by using the most sacred seat in parliamentarianism for political trolling?
What is it like to have a party in Parliament and in government that is fundamentally racist and that systematically undermines democracy, parliamentarianism and the rule of law? So what do you think? Is the government fascist?


Once again the far-right nazi government of Finland is cutting corners when it comes to democracy.

Usually it’s recommended that the consultation/comment round regarding legislation changes and drafts takes 6-8 weeks.

Well, Orpos government gave us 6 fucking days.

DEMOCRAT. The government's policy continues. At five o'clock this evening, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health announced that it was putting forward proposals to freeze the indexation of benefit increases. Comments are requested by 24 September 2023, which means that the deadline for comments is effectively only six working days. The Government's own recommendation would be 6-8 weeks. According to the STM's press release, the draft bill proposes that index adjustments of certain benefits and amounts indexed to the national pension index and the cost-of-living index be frozen for the duration of the government. At the same time, the child allowances for single-parent and large families and the child benefit for children under three years of age would be increased.
Under current legislation, benefits and amounts linked to the national pension index or cost-of-living index must be reviewed annually. The draft proposal suggests that index adjustments should not be made in 2024-2027, which means that the amount of benefits would remain at the 2023 level," the STM said in a press release. The proposed freeze on index adjustments is not intended to be replaced by subsequent index increases. The proposed measures are intended to balance public finances and increase employment. The proposal is estimated to strengthen public finances by up to EUR 383 million. The proposal is linked to the draft State budget for 2024 and is intended to be considered in conjunction with it. The government has argued that the budget laws require an urgent timetable.
The laws now proposed by the Government are due to enter into force on 1 January 2024 and would remain in force until the end of 2027. However, the impact of indexation on the real level of benefits and amounts would not exceed 10.2%, i.e. the law would apply until this deadline is reached at the most. Once the cut-off date is reached, the benefits and amounts subject to the freeze would increase in line with the legislation in force.


”We’re encouraging people to accept the jobs they’re offered!”

by kicking more people under the poverty line. cool, cool. someone could say that’s not “encouraging” but more about “forcing”.


”Trade union movement wonders about Riikka Purra's arrogant behaviour - "She is very angry with us for some reason."

Sparks are flying between Riikka Purra, chair of the Finns Party, and the trade union movement. There are those in the Finns who think Purra has gone too far.”

"I think everyone on the trade association side shares this view that Purra has not been very keen to take up our message. The arrogance has shown all along the way. Perhaps there is some antipathy towards the trade union movement," reflects a prominent lobbyist from another employees' confederation. According to IS, however, some representatives of the social partners have found time in Purra's calendar. Purra has had time to meet the Confederation of Finnish Industries (employee union), for example before the budget summit. ON THE SALARY SIDE, some feel there is no relationship with the finance minister at all. "My personal feeling is that there is no relationship with Purra at the moment. The only thing we have seen in the public eye is a bit of bickering from time to time," says one chairman.
"She is impulsive. She quickly goes on a spree, gives back. Maybe one should sometimes think overnight," says the union leader. Read more: Riikka Purra gets the SAK soup canons under her office window 'Then there will be pea soup." Read more: Finance Minister Purra's fiery response to SAK: "Misrepresentation, intimidation." Purra is perceived to have a negative attitude towards the trade union movement and a more negative attitude than the union-like attitude towards her. "I have the impression that she is very angry towards us for some reason. The situation is the same between the Basic Finns Party and the union movement, but on a milder scale. I think they are impossibly cross with us. Unnecessarily grumpy," says a prominent trade unionist.
"The True Finns as a party backed the campaign themes of the trade union movement. Trade union members were told that these parties were behind the campaign themes. When half of the votes were cast, the Finns told us that they were not behind our main election theme," says one prominent influencer. For example, the Finnish Food Workers' Federation had printed in its newspaper that the Finns were in favour of transferring the Kiky payments back to employers. "The SAK, many trade unions and, for example, the SDP, the Left Alliance, the Greens and the Finns are ready to transfer the Kiky levy back to the employers. The Coalition's solution, on the other hand, is to cut income taxes by up to a billion euros."


Been rooting for general strike since the government programme was published..

Disabled people have already been thrown under the buss by the nazi government, when parliament agreed to postpone and reopen The Disability Service Act that was to already be in action.

im afraid that if something isn’t done fast, one group after another will be sacrificed in this fascist purge, thats what is says in the program.

The general strike has been a method of anarchist revolution since the early 20th century, when anarchists borrowed the concept from the revolutionary syndicalists. Like all anarchist tools, it was born in practical struggles and not in the armchairs of theorists. Now too, students and schoolchildren have risen spontaneously to demand a general strike, independently of the anarchists, because there is no other option. It is difficult to see how the government could retreat from its programme without a general strike or the threat of one. The labour movement is not incompatible with democracy. It is a necessary defence mechanism of democracy in a situation where power has been gained by blatant lying before the elections. There have been four general strikes in Finnish history, if you include the brief "collective strike" of the 1980s. The first two of these are to be thanked for the fact that the country has universal and equal suffrage. The fifth may be necessary if we want Finland to have a workers' movement at all.


Union actions agains Finlands nazi-government and its austerity policies have begun.

Union leader: “From here the actions will intensify. If nothing else helps, Finland will be put to halt if necessary.”

The employees of the Helsinki-based public utility Stara marched out of their workplaces on Thursday 12 October. The march will last for an hour and will take place at the end of the shifts. In practice, the marches start between 13.30 and 14.30. Stara is an enterprise of the City of Helsinki, which, among other things, manages streets and parks and carries out construction works in the city. The walkout will stop work at all Stara offices and construction sites. The JHL says in a press release that this is a political industrial action that affects all employees of the company. Officials are not involved in the walkout. The walkout at Stara is part of a series of protests launched in September by the Federation of Public and Welfare Workers (JHL) and other trade unions. The demonstrations are said to be against government policies that would erode workers' rights and social security for Finns.
JHL President Päivi Niemi-Laine says the union is ready to negotiate on working life reforms. As the government wants to unilaterally dictate terms, the union must defend the interests of its members with stronger measures.
“From here forward, the actions will intensify. If nothing else helps, Finland will be put to halt if necessary," Niemi-Laine says in the press release.


A opinion about nazi-governments austerity policies by a deacon published in HS.

“It is wrong to cut social security for the poorest.

It is unsustainable to cut those who are barely surviving at the moment.”

14.10. 2:00

Even now, we diaconal workers are filling gaps in the social safety net for hundreds of thousands of people. In 2020, for example, we had more than half a million encounters and distributed more than eight million euros in grants across Finland, so many people have not received the support they need through the services and social security of our welfare state. Ministers, the functioning and humanity of the welfare state is measured by how disadvantaged people are treated and how their human rights are taken care of. As Archbishop Tapio Luoma has said, in a welfare society, this is the task of the state.
We diaconal workers have expertise that is important to use when planning services for society. Diaconal work is about walking alongside the marginalised and excluded, speaking up for human dignity and putting human rights at the centre. We act as advocates on behalf of those who are being drained of their remaining strength to cope in everyday life by a government programme. Dear decision-makers, please listen to my concerns. A concern that I know is shared by my colleagues across Finland. Ani Iivanainen Deacon, Vihti

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