@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar



Dogs don't have alphas; Cats aren't sociopaths.
Freedom ain't NOT free.
Occupied Dakota Territory/ Minneapolis
(she/her; autistic)
Special interests: 🐘🐶🐱 animal behavior, anthrozoology, anthropology, ethnology, & being a bummer about cute animal videos.
I'm a professional, accredited, force‐free, R+ pet trainer using a gift economy where folks give any amount at any time.
Profile pic: illustration of me, my cat, & pitbull by Ethan Kocak.
Header: "The Wounded Table", Frida Kahlo

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Adam_Cadmon1, to random
@Adam_Cadmon1@mastodon.online avatar

A ittle pudgy bulldog came flopping down the stairs of this apartment complex I was in today. He was trying to be gruff but I confused him by talking to him like we were old buds. He looked back at his owner like "Who is this guy? Do I know this guy??"

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

@Adam_Cadmon1 I try to tell people to talk like that when their dogs haven't decided if someone is safe or unsafe. The tone of voice is everything. Someone getting stern and correcting their dog is showing that dog that they're worked up, too. If they're worked up, then there is something to be worked up about -- the dog'll decide on "unsafe". They always look to their person for their reaction to the stranger.

ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs, to random
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

Dogs are like those sphinx gates in the movie adaptation of "The Never-ending Story" (terrible compared to the book, which is one of my top 5 favorite books of all time, even as an adult, and the book's Uyulala is way cooler than those sphinxes). Anyway. You can't fake it. Dogs see right through you. Rather, they smell right through you. They can literally smell human emotions. If you're scared of them, they will get scared about you and be weird with you. Don't force people who don't want to interact with dogs to interact with dogs.

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

@pippa it is so hard! Everything is counter-intuitive!

ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs, to random
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

The scariest situations I have ever been in with cops were cops who were actually from the community they were policing-- cops who knew me and were my small town neighbors. The ones who knew me well wanted to hurt me the most.

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

Because of this, I never understood why people pushed for that kind of reform-- policing where you are from. It was a RELIEF every time I moved and cops didn't know me.

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

(The future is abolition.)

ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs, to random
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

Time to watch "Station Eleven" again.

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

@donkeyherder @violetmadder the show is better than the book!

PacificNic, to random
@PacificNic@zeroes.ca avatar

I'm at the point where the prospect of a bird flu pandemic gives me hope. Maybe if EVERYONE is dying IMMEDIATELY they'll do something.

I know. I know.

They won't.

But one can dream.

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

@PacificNic @invadersil that is my favorite show of all time

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar
ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs, to random
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

I am just wondering why people get dogs who are bred so specifically but then put them in a life that goes against their nature. Like, why do people have St. Bernards if they aren't rescuing people in the Swiss Alps? Do you really think you can make them happy in your condo?

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

It is aesthetics mixed with status symbols, so I wasn't wondering for long.

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

There is more behavioral variation within a single breed than between breeds, so people shouldn't get too hung up on breeds, but lifestyles do vary.

WetFish, to animals
@WetFish@toot.community avatar
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

@WetFish what kind of harnesses are those?

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

@WetFish thanks!

ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs, to random
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

Avian flu jumped to cows and now people.

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

This is NOT an April Fool's joke, btw.

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

@carstenfranke A dairy farmer in Texas has it now.

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

@EndlessMason They are but I can't remember what it is!

ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs, to random
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

Liberals talking about education sounds like MAGA talking about IQ.

peter, to random
@peter@thepit.social avatar

i have enough life experience to weigh 4yrs of Biden against 4yrs of Trump and vote for the former despite my horror at Israel's atrocities because I understand Trump would certainly be worse and perhaps a Biden administration can be swayed. however, lots of the 20-sometings Biden is depending on to win cannot do this simply because moral grays are harder to see when you're that age.

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

@peter I don't think it's harder for young people to see moral grays-- I think they see voting itself as morally gray, which not even folks like you seem to see.

julieofthespirits, to random Spanish
@julieofthespirits@kolektiva.social avatar

The other day I watched Leave the World Behind and while the general concept of the film was fine I guess and the cast was generally talented there were all these weird Boomer Lib moments in the construction of the characters that made it really alienating to anyone who's not, you know, a boomer lib

Then I go on to Wikipedia and I see that Obama personally gave feedback to the screenwriter, telling them how to make the characters more sympathetic

One of the greatest own goals in the history of cinema

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

@kiwi @inquiline @julieofthespirits It's a rom-com where they start out as enemies!

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

@kiwi @inquiline @julieofthespirits MAGA fascists 🤝 Liberal fascists

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

@inquiline @kiwi @julieofthespirits my brain just changed!

ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs, to random
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

It is a misunderstanding to think cats don't love us like dogs do, or that they are less social, or that they are lower maintenance and need less attention and care. Cats don't even like it when we go out of our way to greet the dog but not them. They get separation anxiety. They sleep when they are stressed or bored (relatable), so we often misunderstand these emotions in cats. Cats feeling superior, or not needing us, or not caring, makes me so sad for cats, knowing all this to be false.

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar
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