@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar



Just some Internet guy

He/him/them ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

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@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Everything you do on the fediverse should be considered effectively public.

  • All your votes are replicated to every instance that subscribes to the community that hosts the post.
  • Posts and comments are all public (obviously)
  • Both your instance admin and the remote instance admin knows whoโ€™s subscribed to what.
  • Your instance admin has your IP, email, and can access pretty much everything about you.

Advice on backing up disk images to S3?

Recently my manjaro linux laptop had a pretty bad meltdown. My solution would usually be plugging in the live boot drive and fixing whatever happened, but that takes to long and I lost a working day because of it. I need a more brute-forcy way of backing up and recovering my machines. Iโ€™m thinking daily disk image backups that...

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Completely untested, but it shouldnโ€™t be anything particularly complicated if all you want is a full image you can flash back:

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;">dd if=/dev/sda bs=4M | zstd -T0 -9 | openssl enc -aes256 | aws cp - s3://your-bucket/backup-sda.zstd.enc

Using tar is probably a lot more efficient though, at least you only upload whatโ€™s used not the whole drive.

Or even better, use btrfs/zfs snapshots.

How to safely dispose of domain I've used for email aliasing?

I have several domains that I use for email aliases and I no longer need all of them. Iโ€™m worried if I let one expire and someone else purchases the domain, they will be able to set up a catch-all email address and intercept any emails that I donโ€™t specifically migrate accounts/unsubscribe from newsletters. What are my best...

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

If possible it might be better to set the mail server to deliver to a special inbox but report the delivery as failed to the sender.

That way you get visibility on what might have gotten in there, while also getting marked as dead for anyone trying to send to it.

If nothing came in after a year or two, itโ€™s probably safe to throw away.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Ideally, a secrets manager that you can unlock once and then give access to the secrets. You can either unlock it at boot by entering the password, or if you have a TPM, you can also do something to encrypt the main key with the TPM and then when you boot up, if all secure boot checks passes, you can decrypt that key with the TPM and unlock the secrets manager in question.

You can also store the secrets on another machine that only exposes say, the Vault API. Like a dedicated Raspberry Pi just for this function where remote access is disabled and everything, it only serves secrets. That way, you can trust the Vault logs to know when each secret was accessed and find anomalies this way.

If someone breaks in via SSH or whatever, your security already fell apart. That box can no longer be trusted for anything. Especially if they breached the root account. Doesnโ€™t matter how big the fortress is, if youโ€™re inside, itโ€™s game over, itโ€™s time to evaluate the damages and clean up.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Yeah, I went into free speech absolutism with my IRC server and itโ€™s unbelievable how quickly people will end up testing your limits. Took less than a year before I completely backtracked and went the opposite directly and donโ€™t tolerate slurs anymore. I just welcomes loud and obnoxious people and enforcing rules afterwards becomes pretty hard and causes tons of drama.

I mean just look at where Twitter is going now that Elon welcomed right-wing extremists. All it does is end up driving away the good people and turn into a toxic cesspool.

Max_P, (edited )
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Yes: https://www.max-p.me/t/lemmy/ip.php

Itโ€™s not optimal security-wise, but itโ€™s also not much different than your classic forums. People used to have those in their signatures all the time.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I mainly just use bare SSH and/or point my web server to my repos as I donโ€™t really need a whole UI for stuff Iโ€™m pretty much the only one that will ever use it.

I feel like itโ€™s a git feature thatโ€™s often overlook by those that have only used to GitHub/GitLab/Gitea before. Git was originally designed to just be a folder on a server you have SSH access (read-write) or HTTP(S) access (read-only).

Iโ€™ve used Gogs and Gitea in the past but found it overkill for my needs.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

You canโ€™t, everything on the fediverse is very public. Even if such checkbox existed, all admins still have a copy of everything in their database.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

My trusty Arch ISO has never failed me, and itโ€™s fairly easy to make one with a whole GUI if needed. But itโ€™s not really turnkey.

Other than that, Ubuntu is still a pretty nice distro to have if only for the fairly functional GUI and drivers out of the box. Works great for fixing stuff and browsing the web for answers.

Nice thing is with Ventoy you can have a whole bunch of them for all different needs!

Help finding the right software.

I keep running my head into a wall working on a project and I am hoping you guys can help me. I have created a database that contains the addresses of contacts. What I need to accomplish is generating paper reports of these addresses. So, for example, I may have 25 addresses on one report related by some other data point. I...

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Another option for generating PDFs would be to render to a web page and print that. This can be done fully unattended with wkhtmltopdf.

You can easily use whichever programming language youโ€™re familier with to render that HTML.

Otherwise some database clients have the option to export to CSV, which you can then import or copy paste into a spreadsheet and print that.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I had rolled my own PDF generator with an entire layout engine before I found this. I was disappointed but immediately threw it all away in favor of that, because itโ€™s so much easier. Itโ€™s just soooo damn much easier to use than keeping adding features to a custom engine. It handles CSS print stylesheets pretty well too, so you get to do all your page breaks and everything and the output is pretty clean and usable.

I think it does generate mildly heavier/complex PDFs but at least it looks great.

PHP PDF libraries 10 years ago were awful.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

For AppImages specifically, the guy that made the tech has had a lot of controversial arguments and opinions and a general unwillingness to accept change. Things like intentionally making it so Wayland doesnโ€™t work because he dislikes Wayland. Also dropped a PR for AppImages for things like OBS but then refused to take responsibility for making sure all the features works and maintaining it, and then throwing a fuss when the OBS maintainers ultimately decided to not move forward with it due to lack of support commitment. Dude wanted to throw all the burden on the OBS team and then proceeded of accusing them to be paid by RedHat to favor Flatpaks. Also got mad that distros stopped shipping some outdated/unmaintained libraries AppImages relies on and refuses to upgrade it. Just massive ego problems overall around his pet project that it AppImages.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

โ€“ People choose to share nudes or go into porn for a very wide variety of reasons, and you should not be assuming anything about their self-esteem, dignity or self-worth, because you donโ€™t know them or anything about them other than they chose a different lifestyle than yours.

I have an entire friend group that shares nudes like itโ€™s selfies because for us itโ€™s just body parts like any other and we can admire the beauty of the human body. No feelings of vice or dirtiness involved whatsoever. I can go around seeing naked people and just appreciate the beauty without feeling dirty or even thinking about sexual intercourse and look respectfully. I feel comfortable being naked around my friends, Iโ€™ve been around friends literally hooking up next to me, itโ€™s no big deal at all. Iโ€™m cute youโ€™re cute, do you wanna sword fight? Iโ€™ll happily talk about my sexual life (within respect of privacy of course). Iโ€™ll talk you through your kitty issues and not think any differently. Itโ€™s healthy in my opinion.

IMO healthy porn exists, thereโ€™s a whole world between anti porn and hardcore fetish porn. I see nothing wrong with a casual pair of boobies or a dick.

Some people are indoctrinated by religion to feel like their body is dirty and needs to be hidden away, and feel shame to even think about sex or feel sexually stimulated by anyone but their spouse, and thatโ€™s okay if thatโ€™s their choice. And for some people itโ€™s just normal life stuff. I personally think religion is harmful and worthless but I donโ€™t go around calling people practicing it low life sheeps with no self worth or sexually frustrated closeted perverts.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

To be fair, Jerboa barely has any assets. Basically just an SVG and a few WebPs for the icon and thatโ€™s it.

Those can increase the size of the app really fast. Think something like just a nice welcome screen with like 5 pages with images that shows you how to use the basics of the app: right there already you need to include those in a few different resolutions for different form factors. Probably at least a few MBs just for that.

It does help to not include proprietary bloated libraries, but code size is not what generally makes the average app big, itโ€™s the assets. Liftoff is 10MB, Thunder is 26MB, they both have a bit more visual stuff than Jerboa.

Colocating for the first time. What do I need to know?

Since Google is getting rid of my unlimited Gdrive and my home internet options are all capped at 20 megabits up, I have resorted to colocating my 125 terabyte Plex server currently sitting in my basement. Right now it is in a Fractal Define 7 XL, but I have order a Supermicro 826 2U chassis to swap everything over to....

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Never colocated, but did rent baremetal from OVH back when they didnโ€™t have any KVM and all you could do is wipe/reinstall, reboot and boot into a 2-3 releases old Debian recovery.

Definitely seconding the KVM remote access part: you really, really want that, or at least some way to hard reset your server if it crashes. I canโ€™t stress this enough. Even if you think youโ€™ll never need it, you never know when youโ€™ll have a kernel panic or need to do some boot troubleshooting, even just to run fsck. Itโ€™s absolutely nerve-wracking to reboot a server you donโ€™t have any way to access other than SSH and looking at that ping window for 2-5 minutes while the thing boots back up and wondering it it will come back online or not.

If you donโ€™t have IPMI and canโ€™t have some sort of KVM for your server, I highly recommend having at least a PiKVM or something in there to be able to do remote troubleshooting. Ideally I also recommend (if no IPMI) setting up some sort of preboot environment you know will reliably boot (maybe something entirely in initramfs) that will boot up, get network and listen for SSH for a couple minutes before chainloading back into the main OS so that you can at least turn off firewall/reset network to known good. Anything that will give you remote access independently of your main OS.

At least I had access to the recovery environment from OVH, but even then, that thing took a full boot cycle to boot up + some more time for them to deliver the credentials by email (that better not be hosted on that box itself), change a config file, reboot again. Legit 10-15 minutes between each attempt and little to no way of knowing what happens until you boot the recovery again. It was horrifying, canโ€™t recommend.

IPMI saved my ass a few times and Iโ€™m never getting another box without it.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Usually yes. Thatโ€™s something you might want to discuss with the datacenter what they have to offer that way, some will give you a VPN to be able to reach it. But I donโ€™t have experience with that, my current servers came with IPMI and I can download a Java thing from OVH to connect to it.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Just check the Private instance box in the settings and itโ€™ll do exactly that.

Help! Instance syncronizing in a very weird way

Hi, so I launched my very own instance. Iโ€™m posting from here, and hopefully this post makes it there. I subscribed to a few coms, but Iโ€™m getting outdated posts and the votes donโ€™t line up, also the comments do not all load. So Iโ€™m able to federate, but for some reason only some of the data is coming over to my...

Max_P, (edited )
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

How long has it been? If you just spun it up, what youโ€™ve seen is just the initial pull of the content. As you subscribe, all new content will get pushed to you, but the old content never backfills.

Check your NGINX logs, you should see a bunch of POST requests to /inbox and status of 200 that looks like this:

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;"> - - [13/Jul/2023:01:10:16 -0400] "POST /inbox HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Lemmy/0.18.2; +https://lemmy.ml"
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> - - [13/Jul/2023:01:10:16 -0400] "POST /inbox HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Lemmy/0.18.2; +https://lemmy.ml"
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> - - [13/Jul/2023:01:10:17 -0400] "POST /inbox HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Lemmy/0.18.2; +https://lemmy.ml"
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> - - [13/Jul/2023:01:10:17 -0400] "POST /inbox HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Lemmy/0.18.2; +https://lemmy.ml"
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> - - [13/Jul/2023:01:10:18 -0400] "POST /inbox HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Lemmy/0.18.2; +https://lemmy.ml"
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> - - [13/Jul/2023:01:10:19 -0400] "POST /inbox HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Lemmy/0.18.2; +https://lemmy.ml"
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> - - [13/Jul/2023:01:10:19 -0400] "POST /inbox HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Lemmy/0.18.2; +https://lemmy.ml"

Included a bunch, as you can see they should be coming in quite frequently, basically everytime someone does something on the remote instance.

Make sure youโ€™re subscribed to the community as well

Basic curl testing seems to rule out common routing problems, so check the lemmy logs as well just in case.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Regarding your edit, I see a pattern here: youโ€™re only seeing content from lemmy.ml and lemmy.world. Checking your instanceโ€™s federation list, youโ€™re using the allowlist of only those and kbin.social. That means your instance is likely to be dropping anything from other instances, and everyone in this thread is from other instances.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Thatโ€™s not Googleโ€™s/Androidโ€™s fault, itโ€™s your deviceโ€™s manufacturerโ€™s fault. Nothing stopping Lenovo from releasing updates for 5-10 years if they want, they just want you to believe itโ€™s obsolete and hope youโ€™ll buy a new one from them. I mean, itโ€™s a Lenovo, what did you expect?

The ultimate proof itโ€™s manufacturer laziness is that custom ROMs like LineageOS have updates out before the manufacturer does, if ever. I have a Galaxy S7 working just fine on Android 13, upgrade all the way from Android 7. Still runs smoother than the OS it came with too.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

5 years of official support, typically custom ROMs keep it alive even longer, basically until itโ€™s too hard to keep fixing broken features.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

You can mostly pack your things and move on with GitHub too, thatโ€™s one of the key features of git. As long as someoneโ€™s got a copy of the repo, they can upload it back to GitLab or Codeberg or whatever alternative there is. You may have to rewrite a big of your CI YAML but otherwise, eh.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Steam is a good example to bring there. On a philosophical level, theyโ€™re a monopoly especially on Linux and we should be cautious. But theyโ€™ve also done so much good for gaming on Linux, itโ€™s really hard to be mad at them.

Seeking a Forgejo-hosted Mirror for Lemmy Outside the US

As an enthusiastic supporter of Lemmy, I am eager to contribute to the project. However, I hold strong reservations about writing a single line of code for a project hosted on a Micro$oft server. While I have created a few issues on GitHub, I firmly believe that my contributions could be significantly amplified if there were a...

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Even if Lemmy moved away from GitHub, youโ€™d still be relying on GitHub a ton:

  • NPM is owned by GitHub which is owned by Microsoft
  • TypeScript, the language that the UI is made out of, is made by Microsoft
  • The Rust crate index and a lot of the crates are hosted on GitHub
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

The Eaton Center in Montrรฉal has been building gender-neutral bathrooms and it seems to be working quite well. Bonus is thereโ€™s actually proper stalls that go from floor to ceiling with no gaps in them. IMO this is where the privacy matters, and then the sinks area is a lot more visible and less likely to be assaulted there.

Meanwhile in high-school in the boys restroom Iโ€™ve had someone jump up the stall on me multiple times because they thought it was funny.

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