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How the heck am I supposed to get into Linux?

It seems like the more interested I get in Linux, the less appealing it becomes. The community seems to have no fucking clue what they’re talking about, because everyone is just constantly talking over each other and contradicting themselves! I have spent so much time reading about Linux and distros and such to prepare for my...


(too long of an answer, had to split it up, second part will be a reply to this)

Hahahaha man, you are so right you don’t even know how much, the community is great but also very passionate and opinionated. I’ll try to be as beginner friendly as possible, if I mention something you don’t understand don’t hesitate to ask.

  • It doesn’t matter what distro you use, but also you absolutely should not use that one!! Use that one it’s much better trust me!

For someone who’s been in Linux for decades like myself, it doesn’t matter what distro I use, they’re all essentially the same under the hood, however when you’re first starting it ABSOLUTELY matters. If you’re looking for. Distro recommendation, I’ll suggest Mint, but do I use Mint? No. Why do I recommend it then? Because Mint is very user friendly, it will auto setup a lot of stuff for you, and will be a relatively easy experience. Why don’t I use Mint then? Because being user friendly is not something I care about, instead I care about my system being more updated (even if that means possible problems), I prefer my system being more barebones (even if that means I have to do a lot of the legwork myself), but for a beginner those things won’t matter as much, having a nice experience matters more. When we say distro doesn’t matter, it means that under the hood they’re all the same, once you’re comfortable in one Linux you’re comfortable in all of them, and there’s nothing one distro can do or use that others can’t, but the experience you get out of the box is completely different.

  • Gaming is good on Linux now, but also it’s super shit and you should keep windows if you want to game

Gaming is good, but also some games purposefully break compatibility. Mainly multiplayer games have anticheats that detect you’re running on Linux and close the game, but also some single player games have DRM that does the same. Does this happen on every multiplayer game? Nope, but since we don’t know what you’re playing it’s a safe bet to tell you to keep Windows just in case. If you want to know specifics check protondb it lists all games on steam and people report how it works on Linux so you can make an assessment for yourself if you want to keep Windows or not. But my personal recommendation is to keep it just in case, it’s easier to keep it and not need it than need it and not have it, eventually you might realize you haven’t booted windows in a year and wipe it out (that’s what happened to me many years ago)

  • Sure you can use Nvidia cards, but also no you can’t because nothing will work with them

Let me preface this by saying, for the past 11 years (up until last week) I’ve used Nvidia on Linux exclusively, and never had any issues. The majority of people that I see having issues with Nvidia tried to install the drivers manually instead of using their distribution package manager, this is a common error for beginners, and leads to lots of headaches.

Also some background: Linux is open source, Nvidia refuses to open source their drivers and in fact actively harms open source driver performance. This causes some conflict, and it doesn’t help that Nvidia’s drivers don’t support lots of things they need to in order to be used fully on Linux.

With that in mind, Nvidia open source drivers (which are the default on some distros) are SLOW (not because of the drivers fault, but because nvidias literally check for the driver and run slower on them), so gaming on them is not feasible. On the other hand proprietary drivers work, you get very good performance, but they only support an old technology stack. See, there’s a program on Linux called X11, this program essentially is used to draw EVERYTHING, but it’s old as fuck, and being so old it has lots of issues (nothing you should care about, but technically there are issues there), so there’s been a push for YEARS trying to replace it with a more modern alternative called Wayland, and recently some distros have made the jump and use Wayland as default. The problem is that Nvidia’s proprietary drivers don’t support Wayland, and so if you have an Nvidia card those distributions don’t fully work and you get lots of weird errors (Mint still uses X11, that’s part of the reason why I recommend it)

  • Just dual boot if you’re not sure, but also no don’t dual boot because windows will erase your shit if you do

Just dual boot if you want to, this comes from an old problem where Windows would erase the Linux boot drive when it updated. Afaik this doesn’t happen anymore because most systems use UEFI to boot. Even if it did it’s an easy fix, nothing of actual value gets deleted, it’s just the program that allows you to choose windows or Linux, so all you need to do is boot a Linux USB drive and reinstall that program (which might be difficult for someone just starting, which is why when this used to happen to me back in 2004 I would just reinstall Linux since there are ways to do that without losing your data if you prepared ahead).


No you don’t, they’re mutually exclusive, there are a couple of ways to check which one you’re running, from lsmod to check which module is loaded on the kernel to my favorite: glxinfo | grep -i vendor

First of all don’t run random commands from the internet without understanding them. Now to what that command does, glxinfo prints a lot of output about what’s being used to render OpenGL, you might need to install mesa-demos, mesa-tools or something else if glxinfo is not installed by default. Then the pipe, i.e. the vertical bar | says to grab the output from the left command and feed it to the right command. grep is used to filter an input, and the -i flag tells it to do it without being case sensitive, i.e. Insensitive. Then vendor is the text you’re using as a filter. Long story short that command shows information about the vendor used to render OpenGL.

If it says Nvidia you’re using the proprietary driver (which you should use from your other comment). If it says Mesa you’re using the open source drivers (which should be “fine” but will have very bad gaming performance)


I think a better analogy is “remember when you had an iso that you had to burn onto a DVD to be able to boot from it? Or to be able to have the CD player recognize it instead of just writing the songs into it?, sort of the same thing”.

What you downloaded is a binary image, i.e. the sequence of 0 and 1 needed for a computer to boot into Linux, now you need to feed that sequence directly to the computer, but the computer only knows how to read it from a thumb drive directly, not from a file inside the thumb drive, so you need to write that sequence bit by bit in order on the thumb drive. Back in the day we used Nero for dvds, Rufus does the same but to a thumb drive.

Fun fact in Linux you can use dd which unlike what most people say doesn’t stand for Disk Destroyer (although certainly lots of disks were destroyed by it), which is an application that does binary writes. Hell, in Linux you can actually do cat image.iso > /dev/sdb and that should work, that is essentially print the output of the file image.iso and write it into /dev/sdb which should be the second disk plugged to your system (first one being /dev/sda).

Cool, I started using Linux back in 04, but I think not that much changed, I think it’s mostly people who change the way they look at Linux, outside of gaming, for day to day use, Linux was very usable even back then.


Ok, prime laptop, run the following then: prime-run glxinfo | grep -i vendor if prime-run doesn’t work there are others like optimun, I’ll check which one is the correct for mint and reply back.


From our other reply you should be fine, this is a prime laptop so it will use the CPU for everything unless you specify different z that’s by intent to preserve power since Nvidia cards consume lots of it and otherwise your battery would last an hour or so, windows does the same, the difference is that Windows tries to guess which apps need it and on Linux you have to be specific about it.


Yeah, there might be an nvidia-prime package or something, either that or the command in mint must be different. Quick Google didn’t helped me and it’s after 1AM for me so my brain is not helping either, hopefully someone else can help you, if not tomorrow I’ll be back.

But everything looks correct, Nvidia settings only works if the Nvidia driver is installed, now all you need is to figure out how to tell Mint to run things with the Nvidia GPU and you should be good to go.


Quick test you can run to confirm this is lspci | grep nvidia and lspci | grep nouveau one of them will display something and the other nothing (hopefully), nvidia is the name of the properietary driver, nouveau is the open source one.


Obvious Betteridge’s law.


The title doesn’t ask if it’s useful, it asks if it’s required, considering that no one NEEDS a display to begin with, a 1000Hz display by definition cannot be NEEDED.

I will likely get one eventually, just like I have a 165Hz display now, but do I NEED it? Absolutely no.


Hey, others have already replied to a lot of things and you’ve already downloaded Mint (which is what I would have recommended also), so I would like to point out some things I always tell newcomers and some specific things for what you said.

First of all: Linux is not Windows is the hardest lesson to learn, there are a lot of things you’re used to doing one way, but that doesn’t make that way correct. The main example is installing software, looking on the internet and downloading a binary from a website is NOT how you do it, the example I always give is that of a smartphone, it’s just as ridiculous to do in Linux than on a smartphone and for the same reasons. Instead use the package manager of your distro, that should work like the play/app store (except it’s free), and if something is not there maybe you can add a repository to it, or maybe the program doesn’t exist on Linux, only as a last resource should you do it manually.

Partitions and drives: Linux doesn’t have the concept of a C: or D: drives, instead drives/partitions are mounted onto regular folders, so navigating through them is seamless. This means that if for example you were t mount the folder that contains all of your personal user data (/home) into a different partition from the root of the system (i.e /), you could format and change the system entirely without losing any personal data. This is very useful because it’s very likely you will poke something and break stuff, with much freedom comes much power to break things, so being able to reinstall your system without worrying about your personal data is a good thing.

Drivers: mostly you shouldn’t worry about drivers on Linux, unless your GPU is Nvidia, if so you should worry about drivers a lot. Nvidia’s work best with the proprietary nvidia driver (instead of the default open nouveau driver), but the fact that the driver is proprietary makes it a pain in the ass to deal. You should 100% use it since you’re gaming, but you should steer away from distributions that use Wayland (nevermind what this is for now) instead of X11 (Mint so far uses X11). If you have a Radeon you shouldn’t worry about this.

I use my PC mainly for streaming

Be careful, afaik not all streaming software/sites are compatible with Linux. But that’s not a world I dabbled much, I know OBS works excellently, but other than that don’t know much.

downloading torrent files who’s copyright you don’t need to worry about

We all have torrent downloaders, for our Linux iso which are distributed via torrent of course

and light gaming. Usually just messing with New Vegas mods.

Iirc new Vegas is not on the supported list on steam, so you need to go to settings and enable Proton compatibility for all titles. I’ve never put mods so not sure how to do that, but you might need to read something before because the game is being run through a compatibility layer, so the files are not exactly where you would expect, and if you need to run a binary to find those files it needs to be in the same profile as new Vegas (each game creates their own profile based on steam ID, and each profile is in a different folder). Other than that New Vegas works perfectly on Linux, I’ve played it a long time ago, and now with the TV show I’ve started again.

Last but not least: Welcome!


There are games that don’t work with Proton, but at this stage is 99% games that are actively trying not to work with Proton, e.g. DRM infested games.


Yes, first quoting Sir Terry Pratchett:

J.R.R. Tolkien has become a sort of mountain, appearing in all subsequent fantasy in the way that Mt. Fuji appears so often in Japanese prints. Sometimes it’s big and up close. Sometimes it’s a shape on the horizon. Sometimes it’s not there at all, which means that the artist either has made a deliberate decision against the mountain, which is interesting in itself, or is in fact standing on Mt. Fuji.

As such let’s look at the Granddaddy of all modern Medieval Fantasy, in Tolkien’s work there are several human/elf couples of renown, from Beren and Luthien which are not in the movies so people don’t usually know to Aaragorn and Arwen (who are a central point of the movies). Not only that, but we know that they can produce offspring, because Elrond is a half-elf, not only is he a half-elf, but both his parents were half-elves.

In short, yes, they do.


Yes, but that’s boring, they even mentioned it in the article right before they talk about the Ethernet port, here’s the link if you want to do it yourself


The problem is that people don’t seem to realize the difference between causes of deaths and population declination. Even if for some reason humans everywhere agree on The Purge like laws except for every day, that wouldn’t represent a risk for humanity (as long as governments still withhold their nuclear arsenal), some cities might be all but wiped out, but the chances are humans will survive. Anarchy was the status quo for the vast majority of human existence, and we’re still here.

However other seemingly innocuous things are much worse for humanity as a whole, e.g. electing politicians who disregard climate change or that intend on using military power to take others territories can have much larger consequences on humanity as a whole. Your example is also great, because it’s counter intuitive that higher education leads to population declination, that being said I believe that also wouldn’t become an extinction event, surely the world would become a place where highly educated people want to have children before that.


There are already lots of great answers, I would like to point out that Natural Selection doesn’t care about the individual at all, it cares about the population, e.g. internal gestation, do you think any individual enjoys carrying a baby inside them? Preventing them from doing anything during the gestation period, being an easier prey to predators, etc… Unfortunately for the individual, creatures that carry their unborn babies inside them are less likely to abandon them even temporarily while seeking food, they’re also more easily kept warm, so for the species as a whole it’s better that there be internal gestation.

In short more individuals = better, imagine you have two populations, one with only 10 strong individuals, and one with 100 individuals of which only 10 are strong, which do you think is more likely to survive? And that is even assuming a strong/weak deterministic position, which is not the case for anything.


Yes, because machine code for the legacy machine is how the game was made, you can’t be 100% sure that recompiling it for other platforms won’t introduce bugs because of the difference in platforms. For example, the original Space Invaders used the CPU to it’s maximum to render all of the invaders, they weren’t normalizing by the dt between one frame and the next like we do today for most games, so this results in the game running as fast as possible, which in turns translates to the less enemies on screen, the faster they move. If you recompile that binary for a modern system it’s game over in less than 1 second, because current hardware can handle all of those spaceships as if it were nothing.


I’m not the person who wrote the original comment, but again go back to my example of Space Invaders, if it had been archived that way it would now be essentially lost, because running a copy that was archived that way would cause the issue I described on my other comment. So I don’t understand your point, this is objectively worse in terms of preserving games, it might cause unwanted behavior that you’re not predicting, an emulator is not perfect, but can compensate for these things by emulating the hardware.


First of all this is a chain of replies to someone who said that this would be the way to maintain games for the future. So that’s the argument that’s being attacked here.

Secondly with an emulator you can emulate hardware, so recompiling space invaders would cause the issue I mentioned and you wouldn’t be able to fix it because it’s a “bug” in the original code (not really a bug, but rather using hardware limitation as a feature), and my point is that you don’t know what sort of similar issues you might find here, therefore this is the worst format for preserving old media, ROMs and emulators are better for preserving (which again is the discussion here)


I’ve been a multi monitor guy for a LONG time, mostly because I use a WM that benefits from it. But I recently moved and the company offered me a pick of monitors under a certain budget, so I decided to pick an ultra wide (34" 21:9) and a regular one (32" 16:9, I wanted smaller because I plan on using it vertically, but ended up preferring having two monitors with the same refresh rate), and sincerely, just the 34 is more than enough, since it arrived first I had to make due with it for a week so I built up some scripts to make it be seen as two monitors by the OS so I could use it as if it were two side by side and that was working great, and when I wanted to game just run my other script and it’s one monitor again so it’s the best of both worlds.

Given the chance in the future I would definitely go for a single 32:9, since I could even make it be 3 (or more) monitors with specific areas designed for slack and others for code, etc. That being said I’m not sure the same is possible on Windows.

Nibodhika, (edited )

Sure, it’s quite simple:

<span style="color:#323232;">xrandr --setmonitor LEFT 1720/1x1440/1+0+0 DP-0
</span><span style="color:#323232;">xrandr --setmonitor RIGHT 1720/1x1440/1+1720+0 none
</span><span style="color:#323232;">i3-msg reload

Essentially the first like tells it to only use a 1720x1440 starting at 0,0 area from the DP-0 screen. The second line creates a virtual monitor also with 1720x1440 but starting on 1720,0. The third line just reloads my WM so that it shows the bar at the top nicely.

Edit: obviously this only works if you’re running X11, but I’m sure that Wayland has something similar

Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....


The worse is that you didn’t even had to be that well studied to know he was full of bullshit from the start, I remember even before he was Space Karen when he tried to be Train Karen, and their fanboys wouldn’t understand that vacuum tubes Km long for transporting people were a BAD idea for several reasons.


Arch doesn’t break on its own, but Arch is Arch, which means you might get an update where a post on the news says “btw, if you have changes to X file, your system won’t boot” or something. People don’t read the news before installing updates, but that’s also fine because I also don’t read them and have been using Arch for over a decade, and my system never broke on its own (to be entirely fair, one time back in 2007 I think, my system stopped showing jpg wallpapers because one library hadn’t been updated, the fix was to update my system the next day).

Also Arch is not hard to install, it’s labor intensive, but anyone with minimal Linux knowledge should be able to do it (and probably ask themselves why they’re being forced to do that).

Finally, Arch is not “cool”, lots of cringe people have ruined it and sometimes saying you use Arch sounds similar to saying you run Kali depending on the context.

Long story short, if you’re happy with what you have keep using it, I’m fairly confident you can get hyprland and everything else working on whatever distro you’re currently using. But if you’re determined to use Arch you should be fine too.


Excuse me, but that’s always been the case. The first ever appearance of Thor is in Journey into Mistery , that’s before he had his own comic, in that comic a guy called Don Blake finds a cane, and when he grabs it this happens ……/journey-into-mystery-83-thor-deb…

So Thor has always been the title of the person in possession of the Hammer, he converts himself into Thor by grabbing the hammer, the movies then changed that because in the Marvel Ultimate universe it’s different, but Jane Foster is from the original comics, where holding the hammer made you Thor, and she did exactly that in the 70s, just a couple of decades after Don Blake.


To be fair the comics do him much worse, he kills his first girlfriend trying to save her, he kills his wife with his radioactive sperm, he’s the ultimate tragic hero.

However I don’t think that’s what OP is talking about, I think he’s talking about how it keeps getting rebooted so Peter Parker never grows old, he’s forever a teenager. In the comics it took time, but he did eventually become an adult, during the Civil War he’s an adult for example.


Congratulations you essentially described what Stellaris devs did.

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