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Based on a true story (

My OS is on a 512gb M.2 drive, but the main storage on my laptop was a 1TB HDD, it started making noise about 2 weeks ago so I backed everything up onto a 1TB SanDisk USB SSD. This afternoon it got very clicky when I booted it up after work and icons for a few games I had stored on it, like KSP and YUZU, disappeared from the...


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  1. Oh mein Gott, das verwenden echt sau viele Leute. Ja… ist wohl gut dass sie das tun.
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Pantherina, (edited )

Efficient apps, everywhere. For example the COSMIC desktop is modern AND fast.


I disagree. But these improvements are often low level, so that Meta can save costs doing the shit they do


This. I think laziness is a huge problem.


Only their own specifically. Our economy wants people to only care about themselves. Even though this doesnt make sense as polluting the earth will directly impact you.


Seems to be dead, but can probably be hosted locally


The screenshot on Wikipedia showed GNOME with that Ubuntu like Panel.


The files are deleted as that folder was too big


The files are deleted as that folder was too big


The small drive is nearly empty, just has a few files, those where deleted. The drive is now unuses, used testdisk, photorec, recuva now scalpel to get anything from it.

The files are there, for sure.


Thanks, I dont think the common tools are dangerous to work with the original, but I now have 3 backups in various approaches and will wait until I find a solution on how to restore header files, as this seems to be kinda impossible to recover (“secure delete”)


Hm… okay maybe. The issue is we have nearly all files but the file headers are missing.

Looking for some tools to recover those header files



I know that Fedora does breaking changes and basically beta tests, but Pipewire “just works” since at least 2 years


Ne das wären schon Pflanzen, interessant, paragraph 9 und 10 sind sicher Argumente dagegen.


We dont live in such a perfect world. Linux has a small marketshare for non-server software, so packaging is done by your distro.

You would need to have user-facing settings for Apparmor or SELinux to replicate what already exists with Flatpak.

Principle of least privilege.

Maybe you prefer native packages, but bubblejail or SELinux confined users are complicated as hell and both are pre-alpha in my experience.

So yes you add bloat, dependencies etc. But you also add stability, a small core system, take load of OS developers and unify the packaging efforts so that it is done by developers not packagers.

This reduces complexity a lot, as the underlying system is not as important anymore, and you can just use whatever you want. Software is separated from the OS.

Flatpak is the only good format, as explained in this talk

(Snap has no sandboxing outside of Ubuntu and is thus not portable, Appimages are inherently insecure)


(Feddit just started working again)

CalyxOS implements many random 3rd party stuff as if that was their own.

Apart from 2 (QKSMS and Bromite) being unmaintained, installing random apps as system apps (if this is what they do) means a system update may cause data loss for users, when removing those apps. And it has the problem of a way too high goal that can not be reached. They simply dont maintain those apps, so dont ship them.

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