

Seeker of an ethical world where we can live freely together within clean air, liberated from the tyrannies of the on-going infectious disease bio-terrors (including COVID-19) and from those who would ensure their victory over us as they prioritize profits over people.

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18+ trendless, to WFH


> Three agencies made headlines earlier this year with public calls to return state workers to the office: the California Environmental Protection Agency, the California Health and Human Services Agency and the Employment Development Department.

> But the month before announcing the new two-day in-office rules, these departments highly praised the benefits of remote work in an internal survey conducted by the DGS’ telework office.


"I and multiple others enjoyed this toot enough to boost it!
[3 seconds later]
Could you please delete it?"

This is how this sounds 😂

n, to random

Got told very forcibly by a psychiatrist today that "the pandemic is over", and continued to downplay
#COVID and show deep ignorance for #LongCOVID . I paused carefully and said that the W.H.O. doesn't seem to agree.

It was quite the frustrating thing to hear as someone who does not have the same opportunities as those currently enjoying the hedonic #immunonarcissism that's been in vogue for at least two solid years now, going and coming without any concern for how their behaviour affects anyone, including themselves.

How have my other #ZeroCovid folks best responded to this sort of problem, especially by those in power?

I want to encourage people to doubt their provably false instincts and harmful biases which are disabling and killing millions of unsuspecting people. I want to discourage doctors who think they always know best, despite the towering research piles, from requiring me to needlessly visit hospitals where I will be shamed and otherwise disadvantaged for needing clean air.


n, to Software

I just got denied a in because of what I read are ly protected grounds. And hey, just like usual, they put it all in writing so it's a live fish in a small barrel.

Are there any who care about folks that want to read my email to the company and help me gain fair compensation? I'm in Canada but applying to the US (California), also cross listed in Canada, if that helps. If this is your passion but it had a fair fee, I'd love to meet for a pro-bono quote. Just dm me your phone.

(Any greedy lawyers excited to wring my pocketbook dry on fees can immediately quit reading, as I'm far too quick to the con so do save yourself the time and find a better mark.)

I'm fairly sharp with these matters, so please just boost if you aren't a lawyer -- no need to reply. Do please reply if you know better hashtags to boost this.

Thanks for ANY boost... I am a very experienced and exceptionally talented software engineer without a job (15mo!) because of my protected limitations and need to stop losing time and spirit on cases like these. !

n, to random

The reason nurses are most aggressively anti-mask, anti-science, anti-health is almost certainly symptoms of burn out.
Burn-out is used as a catch-all for giving up on something but there is a clinical term which means something specific in psychology, and that diagnostic begins with faltering empathy.

As a self defense mechanism against stress, the brain shuts down the parts of it generating the stress: the part caring about other people.

Nurses are set up to fail in our globally-piss-poor constantly-underfunded healthcare systems.

Always more money for war and the stock market whenever it's needed, though, right? So you know who is in charge of what where.

n, to random

Anybody else notice that the Koodo Self Serve seems to only show you higher price plans? I called them today because they are selling plans with WAY more data for WAY cheaper, but I can't seem to have them.

I just spoke with Koodo retention and when I probed into this seemingly predator behavior they chuckled and implied heavily that this is part of a marketing strategy.

Did you want a month with higher data? Get used to paying that price forever. They will block you from lowering your plan.

Their marketing strategy is to squeeze you out of cash, slowly but surely, every time you upgrade your plan. All part of the new wave of crapitalism where the billionaires have declared war on the lower classes.

Are all mobility companies aiming to be so abusive of incredibly loyal clients?
Is my account in an experimental treatment for this novel "strategy" or is this how they have rolled it out to everyone?

The profiteering on display here is disgusting.
I don't even know what to hashtag.
I feel violated. Journalists should investigate this.

sb, to disabled
@sb@fed.sbcloud.cc avatar

Two strains dominate, more are around. More people dying. More people becoming . More people with damaged blood vessels, brains, hearts... More people slipping suddenly into dementia. More young "healthy" people unable to explain why they always seem to be sick these days.

Not one mention to . Not one mention to , or to .

What they should say: Avoid all at all costs.

Covid: not even once.



@sb 👏 ZERO 👏 TIMES 👏

(A target for every person of society, not a brag.

With 40 - 60% of cases being asymptomatic[1], who among us can truly brag? Who is the singular island? They better have some fairly unusual GPS coordinates, maybe on a space station.)

[1] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/4-in-10-people-with-a-sars-cov-2-infection-may-have-no-symptoms

sb, to random
@sb@fed.sbcloud.cc avatar

I just recovered from a day-long server outage due to a corrupt partition. It was unfixable. So, bye-bye butter fs and hello .


@sb yyyyyep -- nobody likes when I rep ext4 over butter, but then stuff like this never happens to me on ext systems 🤷

Edit: also, sorry for your data loss!

n, to random

ICYMI, variants invalidate your vaccine


Not really news, but another study confirms that, yea, we should maybe do literally anything at all to stop , because and

trendless, to random

Infection Rebellion.


@trendless RISE UP ✊

PacificNic, to random

My 4 year old asks great questions:

Kid: Daddy, why do you have to work?

Me: That's a good question with a really complicated answer but the simplest answer is that we need money to pay for our house and food and I have to work to get that money.

Kid: But why would you need to PAY for the house you LIVE in?!?

Kids are not bullshitters. 🤷



You: okay, so we're gonna need to cover a few things including rental properties, REITs, foreign takeovers of Canadian housing and how nearly all of it is definitively immoral if you pause and blink for a few seconds... You'll be 16 by the time we finish, grab a chair plz

PacificNic, to random

There 👏 is 👏 no 👏 such 👏 thing 👏 as 👏 a 👏 neurotypical 👏 genius 👏

n, (edited )

@trendless @PacificNic One thing I know: systems fail.

And yet the postmodern world has ensured that, at every corner of society, no flexibility (ergo, humanity) can be granted to any unsupervised fragment of the world by ensuring structures and institutions percolate into every minor decision, day in, day out.

Sociopathic levels of tyrannical control were injected by once-potent, now-decaying power systems which don't want to be shaken up (e.g. "white"-only, "men"-only, etc). These same controls were bolstered by the greedy and seedy where it benefits their selfish purview, often on the bottom line in cold hard cash, regularly against their own long-term providence where they can't spy that they are the out group.

The law was initially designed to be sufficient to protect us from true failures, but bickering over trifles and fear of change pushed society to try and prevent the need for employing the judgment of law by hosing all aspects of civilization with the minutiae of malleable and sticky "pain-preventative" policies in every pockmark of life.

The thicker we coat ourselves in this never-ending vat of regulatory ooze (grief-bargaining in vain that we could fill the cracks in the broken heart of humanity this way) the less any policy or law can actually do, as they become too encumbered with the growingly-toxic sludge of due-process that society has poured onto itself. Its lethargic and limited ability to act leaves a void for the cases that are hungry for true justice, as they die in darkness alongside the millions of meaningless squabbles wherein tit fights tat for another penny.


Uh, ... vote...
Stay hydrated...
Please recycle... Ok, phew -- nailed the landing.

n, to random



CEOs nearly all think remote work will be over in just three years. And "only 7 percent believe that full-time remote work will continue in the long term."

Well, then we need a jobsite where employers can add postings which take hardline remote-always and remote-only positions. This would at least let people continue to live without gratuitous compulsory infection long past the CEO death-cult's vision of 2027.

In case the terms chosen aren't clear, remote-always is that you are never required to physically co-locate (but can opt to) and remote-only is that there wouldn't be anywhere to physically co-locate in the first place, as there aren't large offices or planned on-sites.

I, myself, am even having trouble finding a job in tech where I'm able to thrive as my whole self: someone who cannot (and would never) come to the infectious all-hands, viral beer nights, and contagion-friendly conferences.

Remote-first is a term I've slowly seen to mean nothing to me: it's just that work will be done at home, but there may be tons of fatal fraternization, regardless.

My take is that these killer CEOs will erode the ground beneath us if we don't instead gather -- perhaps grassroots -- to fix it.

Does anyone else agree or have more to add?


@PacificNic phenomenal choice, but sad to hear you have to put that effort and training to waste due to the murderous ignorance and apathy we're facing.

I'm just surprised how many in my field, tech, are into getting sick, becoming disabled, and dying, all while harming those around them that they claim to care for most. We're one of the rare fields that could notice barely any change, if we wanted, and yet here I am calling for action.

n, to random

If you're not into getting all the time, have we all officially agreed that the hateful phrase "You do you" should be retired?

If not can this be that official retirement? I just heard it bandied about again just now, and it seems like this bastard child utterance of utter selfishness has peaked nearly as high as COVID has in the last few years (read: inexpressibly too much).

Forget 'you do you', the gong-line sounded every time we line someone up for disability or death.

Let's do 'we'; let's build something together.

miona, to random


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    @miona CHOOSING to mask up (beginning again or continuing) is a massive W in my books.
    Choose life! Choose compassion!
    🙌 🙌 🙌

    And yeah, the hospitals are now riddled with oath-breakers doing primarily only harm.

    n, to random

    In the last 24 hours alone, TWO people in my EXTREMELY limited social circle have flippantly announced they have , before immediately minimizing it and changing the topic.

    We're in a surge, there's no doubt.

    And now I get to wonder if my frank acknowledgement of the hazards of this virus will shrink my social circle by two more, as they suddenly find themselves too busy to know me anymore like many before them, or if the virus itself may do the work.

    When will we make it stop?
    I ask because it's 100% our choice to let it rip like we are.

    Ventilate the air, wear a well-fit respirator, stay outdoors and give people space. We need to stop this virus now.
    How many more peer-reviewed large-scale studies does a population need to protect anyone else let alone themselves? Let's make it 0, please!

    jmcrookston, (edited ) to random
    @jmcrookston@mastodon.social avatar

    Is this a Nazi salute out of Pierre Poilievre?

    Hey I'm just asking questions here


    @jmcrookston it's because they're actually generated by AI, you seem to have determined the rough prompt
    /s 😏

    n, to random


    This is a good read.

    I'm certainly not waiting. I call everyone to join in solidarity to in a well-fit, high quality requestor, to get outdoors, to upgrade air filters, and to of and its viral posse.

    Every day I engage with personal and business contacts to do these things so they can save lives and prevent chronic disability.

    I do feel incredibly outnumbered by the apathetic and hell-bent crowd.
    So please don't wait for a second call if you read this and have been more idle than active; join the side of humanity, making the world a better place for everyone.

    n, to random

    I wrote another small declaration of intent to care for others when it is uncool to care.

    I wrote a commitment to myself to end evil where I see it, by meeting it with light and knowledge.

    I am finished abiding the constant complacency and ignorance regarding , how , how , how .

    If you enjoy a longer read, feel free to my writing here:

    PacificNic, to random

    Why do the bright and good people have to be so few and the privileged and incompetent, so many?

    It's boggling how Sysyphean the task of getting people to look out for their own health is.


    @PacificNic I'd even accept if society was largely selfish and wanted to protect their own health or just their family's health, at this point. Even that would reduce the damage.

    The denialism on display is immeasurable, ludicrous and absurd. When I tell people about the hazards that they are exposing themselves to and how they are actively harming themselves, their family, their friends... nothing. Deflection. Topic change. Confusion, but no curiosity. The lights are on but there's no one home in their head.

    It's like we're living in a 999:1 mix of senseless cheap-thrill-seeking robots to people who even care if they see tomorrow. It's more important to attend a party with people they don't even enjoy seeing than survive or avoid pain.

    Society is extremely ill, both in individuals and at large.

    trendless, to random

    It was mild, was it? Just a lil' cold?

    Get back to me in a few years.

    No[More]Vid for me, thanks 🙅 :mastomask:


    @trendless just a cold, now where have I heard that...


    It was HIV. HIV is just a cold /At First/. After that, it's, well, actually literally HIV and then AIDS.

    Takes years to become AIDS, by the way.
    Like five to ten

    Anyone care to post back for how many years we have decided it's society's mandate for COVID to infect everyone?

    ....😶 x<=5 - 10? 😶

    A supervirus known to interact negatively with our immune system itself, a reminder.

    Ok ok ok I'm done. Good health and zero COVID to all!

    n, to random

    I've realized something today. When you talk to someone close to you and they pass doubt about ideas given to them like or as you broach them, what they may be saying is actually "why would I hear this from you?".

    It may be that you need to double-check your circle of trust and, if all is sound, consider gently picking at the fallacies built into this question. As it turns out, the question's formation seems to be based in flawed thinking.

    Even if we are not experts, we have the right to share good information between us. Even if an arguments is poorly formed, its conclusions may still be true.

    Feel free to read the full article:

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