Sanctus, avatar

I miss being on the same platform as all these creators. I hope they come to the fediverse someday cause I ain’t leaving.

stevedidWHAT, avatar

They will, we just need to keep makin cool stuff and calling it out. Word of mouth goes a looooong way

atocci avatar

They will, but only once Threads adds ActivityPub 😑


Except lemmy servers are defederating Threads. The fragmentation of the fediverse defeats the purpose of the whole thing.

Hikiru, avatar

I don’t want to see threads content on Lemmy anyways. They’re different platforms for different things. I didn’t go on reddit for twitter posts either.

ZILtoid1991 avatar

I'm begging the creators I know to at least do double duty on the Fediverse (Mastodon, Misskey, etc.) besides Twitter even if they can't leave it now.

minnieo avatar

no, its not better. i cant believe how many idiots are falling for this


and then if you suggest they try mastodon they won't even consider it



Even attributing the most evil intentions to Musk & Zuck (not hard to imagine), the Zuck still has some incentive in not completely shitting all over the EU and the GDPR, as well as this year’s new laws regulating large social media platforms.

Whereas Musk seems to just… not care. I don’t think he expects Twitter to survive until the lawsuits go through and is just radicalizing as many people as possible.

TurtleJoe, avatar

I’m not going to open a Threads account, but people that I follow on mastodon are saying that Threads is protecting hate groups like libs of tik tok, and moms for liberty by auto-closing reports against those accounts within 2-3 minutes of them being reported.


Meta was already sued for GDPR violations so they probably don’t want to do it again.



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  • Cheems, avatar

    But it makes musk mad


    Ok but can we not depict a Jewish person as a lizard person. Lizard people are an antisemitic conspiracy

    Falmarri, avatar

    Go clutch your pearls on threads.




    I never made that connection. I thought it was just because he’s an emotionless alien?

    Fibby, avatar

    Oh fuck. I always thought Zuck=Lizard person stemmed from the complete lack of emotion in his face. And all the other billionaire stereotype shit. Didnt make the antisemitism connection until now.


    The “reptilian conspiracy theory” has nothing to do with Jews. Please don’t create antisemitism and stuff where there is none


    Oh man, yeah it being popularized by David Icke really helps your case there…


    You’re wrong though. The Rothschilds are part of the conspiracy and they are jewish. It’s in the wiki you linked there.


    “He contends that most of the world’s ancient and modern leaders are related to these reptilians, including the Merovingian dynasty, the Rothschilds, the Bush family and the British Royal family.[22]”

    How do you translate this to being a conspiracy about Jews specifically?


    It’s not specifically about that, but I still see where they’re coming from. When you keep talking to conspiracy theorists they always bring up the Jews eventually. This means that a lot of conspiracy theories that don’t explicitly have anything specific to do with Jews (like 9/11 being faked, to name an example) to still be strongly tied to antisemitism.


    I respect your opinion but I do find that to be reaching quite a bit


    The Rothschilds were brought up because they’re rich and influential, not because they’re Jewish.


    My point is not that the Rotschilds were brought up here, but rather that basically every conspiracy theorist given enough time will end up saying that the Jews run the world. This is why every conspiracy theory, even if not explicitly about Jews, is still connected to antisemitism.


    Wow, that is a cherry-picked example if I’ve ever seen one. The Rothschilds are mentioned exactly once on this page and it’s in this sentence:

    “He [David Icke] contends that most of the world’s ancient and modern leaders are related to these reptilians, including the Merovingian dynasty, the Rothschilds, the Bush family and the British Royal family.”

    Including the Rothschilds, as well as several other non-Jewish families. The Rothschilds are part of the conspiracy not because they’re Jewish, but because they’re influential.


    Well when the bush and or royal family start fires in california with space lasers, we can come back to this.

    Th4tGuyII, (edited )
    Th4tGuyII avatar

    To be honest, I always kinda prefered Robo-Zucc.

    Him being a Lizard gives him too much credit.

    Angry_Maple, avatar

    I agree, that’s more fitting. His expressions are like the ones that you would see on an NPC.


    Literally never made that connection.


    While I do agree with that, I don’t think that’s relevant in this case. Most people don’t even know mark is Jewish. Hell I didn’t know that until last week or so. I believe the joke here is that Mark just behaves like an alien pretending to be human. Hence the lizard people conspiracy meme.


    It's clear that he is portrayed as a snake (did you read his text bubble?)

    Jewish or not, he absolutely is a snake. I don't think anyone but you made the connection: Zuckeberg -> Jewish -> lizard.


    I’m on mastodon I’m good thanks.


    I feel sorry for those people


    You can’t help those that don’t want to help themselves.


    I got excited for a minute. I thought PizzaCake joined Lemmy.


    I think we’d be reading a different comic if that were true.


    I don’t care if she joins or not, but I really want the people that edit her comics to be funny to come to Lemmy.


    With no “foot-post” restrictions, can only be a matter of time

    Hoagie, avatar

    Where are the Ben Garrison cum edits?? That’s what I need here.




    Glad you made the migration, I really enjoy your comics!


    I’m not the artist sadly. Sorry that wasn’t more clear.


    No worries tha ks for posting regardless:)

    Dee, avatar

    This is not Pizzacake, somebody just reposted her comic here.


    Kinda weird to post this on Lemmy


    I’m not the artist, and I thought pretty much anything goes in this community?

    atocci avatar

    It does! I think they might mean its weird to talk about settling for Threads when we have this, but I'm not sure.


    Yeah that’s kinda what I mean. Not quite the level of going to Nintendo forums to talk about how Sega is better, but it’s pointing that direction.

    melonpunk, avatar

    Why not neither of them?

    MisterMoo avatar

    This but unironically.


    Good luck


    Is pizzacake on Lemmy?


    Don’t think so but maybe someday.

    Th4tGuyII avatar

    Would be nice wouldn't it. Alas I don't think so


    And all the comments are about how hard fedi and mastadon are :(

    apepi, avatar

    Skill issue.


    Git gud


    I haven’t tried mastadon but I can’t imagine it’s harder than lemmy. Plus they already would have more established apps.


    The “hard” part was deciding on an instance.


    It’s like those games that make you make super important, irreversible decisions on role/skills etc before you even play haha


    You know can just make multiple accounts with the same name on several instances


    And use and app to seamlessly use the two


    Yep and that’s what I did, but still


    So my experience with Mastodon so far has been I tried it out last year, thought man there ain’t shit here, then deleted my account. Giving it another go this time around and realized you gotta follow hashtags and accounts to actually see what you want. I’m still more of a fan of Lemmy, but Mastodon gets better once it’s set up.


    Mastodon is just as easy as twitter, lemmy is harder than mastodon and it’s not hard

    CrazyEddie041 avatar

    I wouldn't say it's as easy at Twitter. Twitter has an algorithm so you can be lazy. Mastadon requires that you actually go find the stuff that you want to see. The upside is that Mastadon doesn't waste your time with a bunch of garbage that "tHe AlGoRiThM" forces in front of you: it just gives you exactly what you asked for, instead. But you can't brainlessly scroll for hours with zero input the way you can with Twitter.


    some people still watch television and they don't think that's a bad thing


    I mean, it’s not.


    in exactly the same way as the algorithm programing your feed.

    some people want to curate their entertainment, others just want to turn off their brain for a little while.


    I have an antenna and it’s often easier to channel surf than try to think of something to watch


    Heck yeah, I mean Hell yeah. I always gravitate towards something I've already watched a million times if I'm streaming to TV. Honestly can't deal with commercial television anymore though.


    imo mastodon is easier just because the software’s more mature

    Korne127, avatar

    The problem I have with Mastodon is you need people to get people. And if the people I personally know and follow just aren’t there, I don’t… have fun there. Lemmy is much easier because it doesn’t depend on personal people, but just communities. So even if there are few people, that’s still easy to get more people there because it doesn’t rely on many specific ones.


    Mmm this isn’t entirely right. People are encouraged to follow hashtags to find people. It actually works very well.


    Yep… I wasn’t ever much into Twitter, I have no “Influencers” or whatever I follow that I could then follow on Mastodon… I found it really hard to find any content that was interesting to me.

    Lemmy on the other hand, I find it really easy to find Communities I am interested in


    If you’re looking for a good middle ground, maybe kbin will be more your speed? It’s compatible with both Lemmy and Mastodon. So even if you don’t have the right Mastodon users to follow, you can still get content via Lemmy.


    Yeah I’ve been trying to fill out my Mastodon by doing tons of research and guides on who to follow, which kinda sucks anyways, but my feed is still empty except for a handful of accounts. Wired is active, so I’m basically just looking at a link aggregate of Wired articles. Might as well just go to


    try following hashtags

    jcb2016, avatar

    Follow hashtags then you will find the people. Mastodon Twitter the whole lot of them have there own niche, you just got to figure it out!

    SapienSRC, avatar

    Agreed. It took me a few tries to get into Mastodon. What helped me was discovering that I could follow hashtags of topics that interest me. That opened the door to interesting people to follow.

    george, avatar

    or just be a weirdo and reply to Lemmy comments from your Mastodon account like me. Then you don't need people on Mastodon since they're already on Lemmy.

    Korne127, avatar

    Yeah, that’s true; but I kind of meant actually using Mastodon and its original content, not other ActivityPub content 😅
    It’s really cool it’s possible like this though

    george, avatar

    @Korne127 it was actually kind of a pain to find the link to make a comment, but it was funny enough that I figured it out.

    I actually do follow a couple Lemmy communities from my Mastodon account but the UX is much better in Lemmy.

    Korne127, avatar

    I can imagine haha; but the possibility of the connection is still cool. And congrats on finding the link haha.


    Just follow hashtags, it’s by far the easiest way to find people. You can also just use the explore tab.


    Totally. Microblogging (twitter alternatives) have a much harder task because they depend on the right users. Especially famous/influential people. Post aggregators (Reddit alternatives) don’t have that constraint.


    Based and “just read a little bit”-pilled.


    Mfs can’t take 5 minutes god damn.


    I swear, many people are completely digitally illiterate despite being on the internet every day. Even choosing a server is already too hard for them.


    It’s actually a major, and documented, problem. Despite everyone born after 1995 being considered a digital native, more and more people don’t have any technical aptitude and are wholly reliant on digital support

    Dee, avatar

    Yeah, I’m a Sys Admin during my day job and some of Gen Z are just as bad or worse than Boomer end users. I don’t get it.

    Angry_Maple, avatar

    It goes the other way too, sometimes. At my work, our IT is made up of mostly Gen X and Millenials, yet I was able to guess the admin password on my very first try. This is a big company. They have had the same password for years. If I was a bad actor, I could royally mess things up super quickly.

    I think that these people are just about everywhere. I have yet to see an age group where a lot of people don’t struggle with basic troubleshooting.

    I agree, although I am more worried for Gen Alpha. With older Gen Z, many of us grew up with parents who didn’t rush to give their kids access to social media. Just having a phone at all was MASSIVE in my peer group when the iPod touch came out in 2007. Technological advancement doesn’t just wait years for us to define our generations easier. I had dial-up internet for years, yet I’m still Gen Z. It could be partially a regional thing, too. Things might be different where you live than where I live.

    We should also look into why so many young people are growing up uneducated about technology, and we should collectively work on that. It’s just like any other skill that parents don’t bother to teach their children. You have to learn things from somewhere.

    I think that many parents deserve blame in this too, not just the younger end of Gen Z who may still be in middle/high-school. A generation is a very large amount people to lump together, especially with how much we’ve advanced in that time. Play Battlespire (1997), then Oblivion (2006) and you will see a great example of that, over only 9 years.

    It’s always a weird cycle with generational stuff. Everyone categorizes everyone else on a large scale.


    They grew up on iPads and the iPod Touch, and their family’s old phones. How much do they really use laptops or especially desktops? Maybe they use Google Docs and have never had to really look at their file structure or even understand it.


    They never had to learn. Apple and Google spent a shitload of money on UI and UX, so we’ve hit a point where babies, who cannot talk, can navigate a tablet. If that’s your version of the internet, your computer literacy goes way down.


    Job market looking sweet for us older zoomers/young millenials as the boomers leave

    Th4tGuyII avatar

    That's all I see people complain about.

    If we can do that here, surely it can't be that hard to just pick a server on there and follow people, right?

    I don't expect everyone to be a coding wizard, I'm certainly not, but how are so many people still so tech illiterate in this modern day that what essentially boils down to picking an email host is considered difficult??


    when was the last time you met someone with an email account that wasn't gmail?

    ... for most people that is their only email too.

    Angry_Maple, avatar

    Oh no, that’s not good. Somehow that hadn’t crossed my mind until I saw your comment.

    Most of the people I know irl use Outlook, Hotmail, their company email, or their private email in addition to Gmail. Some of their reasons are to keep family and business separate, to avoid spam, serious purposes like taxes, forgotten passwords, etc.


    yeah it’s a shame that most people can’t read and learn new things


    My issue is there’s just not enough content yet. I mostly only used Twitter to engage with wrestling fans (for better or worse), but on Mastodon there seems to be less than 10 wrestling fans total.


    I bet the ten of you could make a community worth joining. That’s a time commitment though. Could just 9ost stuff from reddit for now to build the community.


    Without any actual wrestlers or wrestling journalists on mastodon (which I am neither), there’s not much that could be done to build a community. Plus, I don’t have the time or energy to moderate a community. Plus, posting stuff “from Reddit” kinda violates the whole point of, you know, not using Reddit.


    I see your points. As for stuff from reddit I meant it as a tmeorary measure. Hopefully more fans will come over.


    I honestly don’t understand what you mean. Like, copying other people’s opinions from Reddit instead of just posting my own?


    No, I meant more like sourcing news or something.

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