
music producer?

I've heard of some buying bulk macbooks and cloning their drives because knowing your workflow is the most important thing.

Atari Teenage Riot's music is still produced on an Atari ST.


Apple is king of new OS doesn't work on the old hardware though


Holy shit. Why did I read that.

I didn't and I'm still dumber for having read the headline


entirely reasonable for a customer to be upset with poor customer service


Depends where it is.

3rd party reviews? Those should be removed. Company website? Knowing they use DHL is very useful to set expectations low.


this is what I love about art (but abstract in particular), people bring their own meaning to what is literally just process to me.

I'm painting as a musical instrument at the moment and the meaning of any visual information on the canvas is "it sounded good doing that". it looking like anything is purely coincidental.


I use Arch btw was always a meme , literally no one ever said it unironically.

I use Arch btw


how do you know if someone is a vegan...

it's literally a meme template for insufferable people to say "I'm x btw" and those same people don't actually say it, it's a fucking jab at them.

maybe do a google search before attacking people on the internet ... or don't, I'm not your manager.

carnivore btw


because the billionaires can fight back


... I can fix her


A guys worst date would be a chick laughing at him

A girls worst date would be getting fucking murdered


I mean ... you're not wrong


Sorry the Vader doesn't do it for me.

Give me a 6 switch wood grain any day.


sometimes I remember I'm self hosting things


my main PC hosts nothing, everything else is always on


they already want to play with the parents phones so you get them a fake one of their own.

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