[Discussion] Regarding Exploding-Heads, the admins are now banning users requesting defederation. This isn't a bad thing.

Here is the thread of theirs

I have been looking through a long thread on another instance where a few users have been trying to convince that instance to defederate from Exploding Heads - because they do not want to see the content posted on Exploding Heads.

I have thought long and hard about how to please these people. They do have the option to individually block Exploding Heads communities or users, but they either do not know how to or simply do not want to.

In the end I realized if I ban those specific users requesting defederation from Exploding Heads - they will not see any content from Exploding Heads and therefore will not be offended by it. (Truth be told I am not sure if some of these users have really visited our site or interacted with our users).

So today I have banned those users with the explanation that they have said they do not want to see Exploding Heads content. If any of those users wish to be unbanned in the future, all they have to do is say so and I will happily unban them.

These users are not being banned in order to censor them, but to help them achieve what they have been requesting - to not see Exploding Heads content.

I hope you all find this a fair and reasonable action - if not let me know.

VoxAdActa avatar

Awesome. Can you guys just ban me now, or do I have to start a "defederate the fashy chuds" thread first?


Just a block will do.


Wait what, am I understanding this right, sh.itjust.works is federated with the nazis? Oof, well, enjoy I guess lol.


They're not Nazis. The Neo-Nazi instance has defederated itself from all communities.

You're not even from sh.it.


I took a look at it once and I think I‘m fairly good at spotting dogwhistles, which this was full of. Anyway it‘s you guy‘s instance and you can do what you want with it.

And I‘m asking cause I do indeed have a user on sh.it, but don‘t worry, I won‘t use it anymore. If you want me to not comment at all, maybe defederate from kbin or block me lol.


You know exploding heads is not defederated from kbin either right?


No I didn‘t know and that is actually sad. Could you tell me where to see that?


Lixus98 linked it earlier



Thank you! Still struggling a bit with the links on here.

It seems the good thing on kbin is, through that link you gave me I could block the entire instance myself, which is nice. Hopefully they’ll add that on lemmy too and then all that would be less of an issue.


Ah I see what you mean. So like If someone wanted to block the entirety of lemmy.world or beehaw in one fell swoop, they can do that on kbin, but not on lemmy

I didn't even consider that. It would be nice if Lemmy implemented it as well.


It looks like it at least, I‘ve used both quite a bit and I haven‘t found the button on lemmy yet and also seen others mention it.


If it did I think a lot of the discussion around defederation in the other threads wouldn't be necessary.


I'm aware, yes. That should probably be a discussion they should have on their own instance.


I don't want that at all. I want you to stay and talk.

Socsa, (edited )

Considering the entire point of places like this is to weaponize social media for far right forces, color me skeptical. Though I guess Imaybe they are still in a "protecting the movement" phase of "Nazis ruin everything" so maybe it makes sense.

Edit - I see what's going on here. Op is a right wing troll. Do not feed the troll.


Everyone I don't like is a troll.

@god@sh.itjust.works avatar

ok so serious question, why do you (& others) say they're nazis? I've checked the instance and haven't seen anything that reminds me of nazism.

@Trekman10@sh.itjust.works avatar

just perusing the communities tab over there, I saw TheDonald, a covid-19 subreddit with a conspiratorial tone, and "anarcho-capitalism". While these things aren't inherently nazi, they have a common association with right wing bigotry at the very least, and often appeal to fascists.

@god@sh.itjust.works avatar

i understand that thedonald and donald trump is often associated with fascism, i don't really understand why this is the case, since as far as i know, fascism is a militaristic state. I do get that it has a lot in common since it's a paternalistic one-man figure which appeals to reactionaries that would advocate to leave aside the law to put the guy in charge of reforming the country and removing something.

i'm not very sure if that's really fascism or not, i'd say it's eh, dumb authoritarianism. covid conspirationalism, i've seen that shit in venezuela from ppl who were just randos who didn't know anything, ppl who said it was the 5g or china or whatever, i didn't see any political alignment to being dumb and gullible

the one that strikes me the most from your list is anarcho-capitalism, which is often associated with a "nation" without a government, much less a president or a dictator, which i thought was an absolute requirement for fascism and authoritarianism. i'm not very sure how this one could even approach being nazism.

@Trekman10@sh.itjust.works avatar

Alright I make it a point to try and engage people in good-faith, so I'm gonna actually try to explain why. I think that in practical terms, fascism is an ideology who's mythic core relies on ultra-nationalist rhetoric involving "rebirth" of the nation. (this is from Roger Griffin in his book "Fascism", which I learned from this medium essay) In this way, Trump, and many in the GOP in his footsteps, resemble this with their talk of "making america great again" and "taking their country back", rejection of multilateralism in favor of "America First", and the demonisation of outgroups (be it immigrants, queer people, muslims, etc), for example. hence the association.

The linked article does say that Trump is not fascist, but was written in 2019, before Trump did actively try to circumvent the peaceful transfer of power. It ends with the following:

Succinctly describing the current administration might not be a possibility until we have the benefit of hindsight. In the meantime, it’s the duty of all Americans to remain vigilant, and to continue to fight for democracy.

With anarcho-capitalism, you are right in the sense that the ideology as stated would be a capitalism society without a State (or government, as you put it) - but many ancaps do hold views against interracial and same-sex marrage, which often leads to them adopting other common fascist views like racial segregation, religious fundamentalism, etc.

god, (edited )
@god@sh.itjust.works avatar

thank you, i understand now the trump fascist perspective

i'm still feeling a bit left out on the anarcho-capitalist fascist perspective tho. Anarchists have a long history of wanting to use violence to get out of an authoritarian system. I'd say that's a similarity with fascism where they would circumvent the law to put themselves and their views first. But I'm not sure that's enough for that, as you did say that "as stated", it is an ideology that seeks to have a society without a 'state' or 'government'.

Is being racist, homophobic and monogamist and otherwise moralistic with some skewed morals enough to be called a fascist? Or to point toward being a fascist? Again afaik fascism is like Hitler or Mussolini where ppl decide "this figure is great and we need to break the law to get them absolute power, they will be equivalent to a king and will favor our people".

@Trekman10@sh.itjust.works avatar

Is being racist, homophobic and monogamist and otherwise moralistic with some skewed morals enough to be called a fascist

Not necessarily (although it does make one a bigot), but taking part in an organised political movement to enshrine that racism, homophobia, and monogamism traditional marriage (that's what I hear the Right refer to it as) into law and to advocate the use of violence to enforce their view of sex, race, and religion onto other people is fascistic. Think of it like a square and rectangle. All squares (fascists) are rectangles, but not all rectangles (right wing) are fascists. At the end of the day, fascists do need to appeal to a broad enough segment of the population beyond their most devoted base in order to gain power, so they'll do that by appealing to common prejudices and fears held by people, which can in turn radicalise them further.

That said, people on the right wing or conservative end of the political spectrum who identify as anti-authoritarian still, somewhat hypocritically, tend to believe in hierarchical structures elsewhere, be it familial, economic, racial, or sexual. In fact, many libertarians and "anarcho-capitalists" simultaneously argue for increased police funding while complaining about government tyranny.

I do want to be fair to those who identify as being right wing but do honestly leave other people alone (like New Hampshire-style libertarianism), but I believe that a confrontation between their wish for small government and the broader goals of their other right wing allies is inevitable, and that they will either be forced to abandon their stated limited government values.

Anarchists have a long history of wanting to use violence to get out of an authoritarian system

Yes, and the rest of the anarchist movement has largely disowned anarcho-capitalism. Many political philosophies have long held that violence is justified when it's an oppressed people trying to end their oppression.

From the wikipedia article on ancapism

In a theoretical anarcho-capitalist society, the system of private property would still exist and be enforced by private defense agencies and/or insurance companies selected by customers, which would operate competitively in a market and fulfill the roles of courts and the police.

A core part of political anarchism is the belief that capitalism is another unjust form of hierarchy that must be dismantled. Anarcho-capitalists, by definition, support an unrestrained form of capitalism wherein instead of using the State as a tool of violence through civil institutions like the police and military, corporations are able to do it themsleves by having their own private police forces and armies.


Good ol “not all Trumpists, covid conspiracy theorists, and anarcho-capitalists are fascists, but all fascists are Trumpists, covid conspiracy theorists, and anarcho-capitalists.”


I was a 12 year user and they banned me permanently on the 6th, during a blackout, for "harassment", on a comment that was mild and simply complained about r/politics moderators and shared my true experience of being banned from politics after a decade of use for saying, "only a fool links opinion pieces as evidence.". Would love to prove it but they removed my comment and I haven't been able to track it down subsequently.

Anyone have any ideas how to get it? I'd like to send my story to some journalists while Reddit is a hot topic to show they ban long term users who didn't break rules simply because they don't like what the user is saying.



Sorry to be insensitive, but I don't think that's a hot scoop.


I don't think that's insensitive. I think claiming a 12 year user is harassing people and permanently banning them, because they complained about subjective moderation, is evidence of how poorly run Reddit is. I don't need an article about me but it's damning evidence and can certainly be beneficial to these authors who already are writing about Reddit and have an audience. But I have nothing to share if I can't get a hold of my comment.


Reasonable, I think. It seems there's a faction of users going all or nothing across the instances, holding pitchforks and clutching their pearls, screaming, "Defederate or doom is upon us!" Man, I can block something if I don't want to see it. Or the alternative they chose, personal ban. It's not the end of times. I want to believe instances are trying to reach a middle ground here to preserve the spirit of federation.


These users will get bored and move back to Reddit eventually. They've done so on every other reddit alternative, it's nothing new.


You're wrong. I'll never use the site again. Reddit wasn't the first and isn't the only option.

@Cracks_InTheWalls@sh.itjust.works avatar

Doesn't solve the larger problems, but if I'm blocked that does make me happy that I can't see their content as of right now.

@chalkman@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, I too am blocked :). That being said closing your eyes doesn't magically make the nazis stop being nazis. They want to act like shitheads we shouldn't associate with them.


They aren't neo-nazis.

@chalkman@sh.itjust.works avatar

Didn't ask




No, they just go around casually discussing how trans people should be cleansed.


Really now? Got any evidence to back that up?

dm_me_your_secrets avatar

I am OOTL. What is "explodingheads" Is it a lemmy instance?

RiikkaTheIcePrincess avatar

Yes; it seems to be a fash instance or otherwise just full of hateful garbage.


It's a separate instance that has only like 20-something active users. Their modlog is pretty vigilant in taking down bigoted content that uses slurs, but there's still discussion of some controversial topics.

Your best method is visiting their instance and coming to a conclusion by yourself.


Lol sure great idea


That's an interesting strategy tbh. Remind me of "you have been banned from r/Pyongyang". Honestly the people screaming defederation is more annoying and more active than the community they are screaming at, so I am all for this approach.

Maybe when the technology is more mature, this process will be done through automated bot. That's something to think about too.


It's an interesting thing to watch evolve and grow. Can't wait to see if lemmy gets big enough to become like reddit. There'll be so much drama.

ivanafterall avatar

It'll be like the days of message board battles/invasions times ten. I'm okay with that, if we have to pick a poison.

wagesj45 avatar

there will be way more drama on the fediverse if it gets that big. get your popcorn ready.


Butter's already melting

lixus98 avatar

Also kbin users if you want to block them you can go to https://kbin.social/d/exploding-heads.com and block them.
For other kbin instances replace kbin.social.

khelmr avatar

When I go onto that webpage, I get a 404 error. Is it the same on your end?

lixus98 avatar

Try again, I made a mistake, the domain is .com not .net

khelmr avatar

Thanks for the fix!

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

Problem solved.


Not at all... You're allowing the problematic users to continue causing problems.


How? They remain in their own instance.


if they're remaining on their own instance, what's the problem with defederating from them?


Since it means no one from sh.it can wander into their threads.

I like controversial discussions and challenging bigoted opinions (which is allowed on EH), but if sh.it was to defederate, I won't be able to do that.


why did you link to a chain I already responded to?


Because it's still relevant to what you're saying.

You: They stick to their own instance

Me: Here's the proof they're not


But all of the communities and controversial posts are posted inside the exploding-heads instance.


When copying the permalink to a message in a discussion the link is to the commenting user's instance even if it was posted on a community that's not on their instance. Both links are provided are from discussions on sh.itjust.works main community.



But in the example images you linked, all the posts are exclusive to the Exploding-Head instance communities.


I'm looking to one of my own replies but the wall of pictures might not make it clear so I'll just paste it here, the way things work the links are to the user's instance even if the comments/posts are in another instance:



The links are from other instances but are replies on our instance, the second one if from a lemmy.world user that is then shown to be a exploding-heads user.


Oh, apologies, my mistake then. These links are much better.

That one user posting in lemmy.world is a problem, yeah. But the other guy, which is an admin at EH, didn't break any rules with his comment.


But from the beginning my arguments have revolved around users from extremist communities going to generalist forums (no matter the platform) to recruit and that's exactly what they're doing there.


I can understand how that's an issue. I used to be in burggit because they advertised free discussion... Annnd then I saw something rather disgusting as burggit got defedrated. So instead I made this account, which I suppose goes to show that defederating doesn't do anything.

Presently there are no rules against advertising your instance.

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

Explain how defederating them will stop them from causing problems? They can just as easily make an account over here to mess with us if they wanted.

If anything you're the one poking the hornet's nest. The OP is literally them trying not to offend or bother our users. Just let them be and everything will be fine.


@Kecessa is a bit of a troll, don't expect a discussion. They've been following my posts and comments for a while now. Report and move on.

@chalkman@sh.itjust.works avatar

Someone disagreed with you, must be a troll. Don't expect any discussion except the discussion they've been having in the comments of this post.


True, these comments in this thread are different. I think Kecessa and myself have come to a mutual understanding.

Think the same can be done with us? Referring to our other chain.


I never forced you to reply to the messages I posted and you disagreed with 🤷


Yet you continue to follow me and spam the same emoji on my comments. Your post history is public.


Stop replying to me if you don't like it... Or... Block me?

That's your solution with exploding heads users isn't it? People should block the users that post comments they don't like and the mods shouldn't intervene... Yet you're saying I should be reported to the mod? Isn't that hypocritical on your part?


Stop replying to you? But you replied to me first.

And no, I'm not going to block you. That's against the values of this community. See in the sidebar,

Remember, every voice matters and your contribution can make a difference. We believe that through open dialogue, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to discovery, we can foster a community that embodies the democratic spirit of the Agora in our modern world.


Really? I made it pretty clear in the first discussion that I didn't want to argue with you anymore, you saw my message in the second discussion and replied to me 🤷



That's an entirely different thread. You were also the first one to contact me in the original thread on a different community as well.


Because the entire point of these places is to weaponize social media for far right propaganda purposes.


Most won't bother creating a new account just to bother users on other instances.

Defederation doesn't prevent them from posting here, we just won't see their comments. It doesn't prevent us from posting there if we want to either.

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

Lol what?

That's exactly what defederation does, it will prevent them from posting here and us from posting there.


No, I can still post on Beehaw, only people federated with sh.itjust.works can see my messages


Have you gone onto the beehaw instance directly to see if your posts are there? From what i'm aware it's possible to post in the snapshot of a defederated instance but it won't actually reach that site.

The only threads that should be on your instance are the ones from prior to defederation


Thanks for the clarification!


I just checked and I can see posts on their technology community from 12h ago...

AnonTwo, (edited )

So I checked your instance, sh.itjust.works

All of the threads for !technology are 5-7 days old

There are comments, but those comments are from non-beehaw users (aka, users who aren't defederated) posting to 7 day old threads

I think those people are equally confused as to how defederation works.

Though, I am confused as well as there's a thread that says it was posted 19h ago that seems to have slipped in, but none of the other posts on their main site did. Which is odd.



Is it perhaps that it's not both ways for users, and the user posted the thread to both sites, rather than a sync occurring?

darkwing_duck, (edited )

No, you can't. You're posting on sh.itjust.works's copy of beehaw's thread. Being defederated with them, not a single beehaw user will see your comment. Only users from your specific instance will.


Yes and that's exactly the point of defederating from an instance? They can do whatever they please on their side, we don't need to see it.


I want to see varied opinions. I do NOT want another filter bubble.


Then you're free to join EH and enjoy the freedom to look at racist, homophobic and conspiracy content, it doesn't mean that should be imposed on communities that value tolerance.


You are way too intolerant to be pushing "tolerance".



Those who are tolerant can't afford to tolerate intolerance because it leads to intolerance. Only those who argue in good faith and with rational arguments should be allowed to share their intolerant views because it means they're open to actual discussion. This is not the case with the alt-right or tankies, therefore tolerating them leads to intolerance.


Only those who argue in good faith and with rational arguments should be allowed to share their intolerant views because it means they’re open to actual discussion.

Who decides whether a particular user is arguing in good or bad faith, exactly? I've seen a few comments on "tolerant" communities get deleted that I personally thought were made in good faith but brought up inconvenient points for the majority opinion. Before you ask, there is exactly zero chance I will find them for a demo.


In this case we're talking about a whole community where we've got proof that people post intolerant content with false premises. There's a whole thread with pictures of it. People who disagree with that shouldn't subscribe to an instance that allows it.

It's not an issue that can be tackled on a user by user basis... Unless you want to hire and pay for a bunch of full time mods to watch every posts on our instance? You know... What private social medias need to resort to to try and keep extremism and false information under control?

You know what they say, if you hang out with a bunch of racists then you are too.


What I am seeing is any opposition no matter how reasonable instantly gets equated to fascist/nazi/whatever and exiled. This results in the people that subscribe to these views being siloed in an echochamber themselves. I want to see good faith discussions that aren't cut short by mods or admins because they are too intolerant of what they consider to be "intolerance".

Kecessa, (edited )

And having them in an echo chamber reduces their numbers in the long run because they have less space to post their ideas and to convince others to adhere to them.

Let's not pretend what we can see in the screenshots in the other thread is "reasonable opposition".


Good faith discussions with extremists/those who subscribe to conspiracy theories doesn't work and all experts agree with that hence why they don't debate them in the first place.

darkwing_duck, (edited )

having them in an echo chamber reduces their numbers in the long run because they have less space to post their ideas and to convince others to adhere to them

So you literally just want to control the narrative presented to naive viewers? I thought this was universally agreed upon to be bad joojoo.

Just let people select what they want to see themselves, out of the entirety of fediverse.

Let’s not pretend what we can see in the screenshots in the other thread is “reasonable opposition”.

Of course you'll get that if you select the worst of the worst. Surely you could find innocuous conversation there as well.

those who subscribe to conspiracy theories

I mean, way too many non-cooky "conspiracy theories" end up being the actual truth. Some select cases in point: mass NSA spying (thanks Snowden), operation northwoods (thanks JFK), tuskegee syphilis experiments.

Questioning authority and the narrative authority supports should be commonplace.


People are still free to subscribe to that instance if that's what they want to see, taking a neutral stance towards it is still encouraging it.

If you think you're better than actual scientists and experts to bring arguments to convince them then by all means, create an account over there and talk them out of their delusions. We're not a support group, we have no obligations to entertain people that want to live in a parallel reality.


If they get defederated I lose the option to subscribe to them.

I want to have 1 fediverse account, not 10s of them.


You can have one account over there then or on any other instances that is federated with them, I'm sure there are plenty of instances that are federated with everyone.


I started on this instance because the admin stance was to my liking. Unfortunately, he decided to let the mob rule. I need to start looking at VPS providers to run my own instance.


So their decision to unilaterally defederate from an instance was to your liking but now that it's up to debate you're not satisfied anymore?

How ironic.

darkwing_duck, (edited )

No, I was against defederating tankies as well. In hindsight that was the warning.

If the blocklist stayed that way, so would I.


You "were against it"... But there was no discussions about it anywhere as it was done at the same time the instance was created... a week before you joined?


Holy fuck that's fucking golden!

From your post history!


So, are you going to admit that you didn't mind seeing the tankies go because you're right leaning and it's also why you fight against defederating EH?

Seeing as you're moderating subs for crypto and guns, everything is so freaking clear now!

Oh the hypocrisy!


I agree that I should've turned around as soon as I saw lemmygrad defederated. My bias told me "eh that's not that terrible".

But it is.

Kecessa, (edited )

Yeah, it's not that terrible because it's the group you disagree with but we can't go and ban your buddies at the other end of the spectrum can we? 😂

Alright, I'm done with you, I pointed out your hypocrisy, you can't argue in good faith and as I mentioned before, only those who argue in good faith deserve to be heard!


Not just disagree with, they are just so irrelevant their absense is not missed.

As you noted, that ban was also done with zero discussion. As a free speech believer, I would advocate for them just the same.

What I wrote in that thread, and what you took as hypocrisy (because that's what you are looking for), is still true. Siloing is inevitable because of how idiotic human culture works, but that doesn't mean I should stay silent about it when it's brought up for discussion/vote.

Of course I am aware my efforts are in vain, duh.

FlagonOfMe, (edited )

I just read your whole conversation, and I understand what you are saying. I, myself, was once banned from a community for simply talking about the language people use for gender and sex, and what it all means. Anyone who knows me knows I'm really high on the tolerance spectrum, so being banned for that comment really threw me for a loop. That mod took zero time to try to figure out who I was and gave my words no charity at all. "He's talking about the semantics of gender vs sex. Ban!" (This was reddit, and it was one of the power mods)

It seems to me a lot of mods have a hair trigger when it comes to banning people who want to have a deeper discussion on a topic. Those who want to raise questions that might make people a little uncomfortable because they have to think. They instantly assume you're "concern trolling" or something. Nope! I'm just a philosopher. I have questions, and I have ideas, and I like to talk about our use of language. Especially when the use of language is a major point of contention between the two sides.

I just proofread this comment and realized that it would probably get me banned from certain liberal communities. I sound like a right-winger crying about free speech. That couldn't be further from the truth.

Fucking humans. We waste so much brain power trying to figure out what "side" a person is on so we know whether to hate them or not.

That being said, nothing in the screenshots is good discussion.


I sound like a right-winger crying about free speech.

That's exactly what they would claim as the ban reason. I am way too familiar with this myself.

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

If the only people who can see the messages are local users, than you're not really posting on Beehaw, you're posting on sh.itjust.works


It's still replying to a discussion started on a beehaw community. All replies federated or not are "on your instance", only users on instances federated with yours can see your messages.

If we defederate from EH they'll still be able to post here and users from [insert instance federated with EH] would see their messages when looking at the post on our instance.


Sorry, but comments you make on defederated instances are only available to you and other instance users. No one from beehaw will be able to see them. You'd be posting on sh.it, not beehaw.


That's exactly what I'm saying...

The goal is that sh.it don't have to deal with EH users, EH users can still comment "here" if they feel like it, we just don't see their post because we're registered to an instance that's defederated from theirs.


That's not how it works. It's only visible to you and you alone.


I just checked, it's visible to everyone on your own instance



Really? My testing has shown otherwise, though that was on burggit, which is different. Do you have any links?



The thread is in beehaw and I can only see the comments by sh.it users


Oh, interesting, I take my point back then.

Though it still doesn't show up in search results from this instance.


Not how it works.

Other instances get information about who posted/commented to your instance from your instance, and that tells them which instances to ask for the content of those posts/comments. If you're defederated from an instance, they will not get any notice that there is content to fetch from that instance in the first place.

Technically, it might be possible to ask the defederated instance directly if it had any content to show, but as it stands the only instance that gets "asked" directly is the local instance.

As such, if you defederate from EH, the rest of the fediverse won't see EH users posting shit to your instance. Only EH users will see EH posts/comments to your instance.


Yeah that's what I've realised now by checking a post where I was discussing it with other users, turns out we were all from the same instance.


Well that's certainly an interesting strategy, let's see how that works out


Seems fair to me.

Though I think those who don't like this instance should just block the communities and move on.


Agreed, exploding heads is not for me, so I block and move on. I am new so I still use All to see what's going on and find new content. This NIMBY 'let's defederate' seems counterproductive. Looking at you beehaw.


I've noticed it's the same few users making the same de-federation argument and spreading it everywhere.


They're probably also the same people putting -2 on all your comments lol.


They are. I don't really care though since the downvote does literally nothing.


I don't really have any complaints about it (I mean about them blocking users not their content), I guess they don't have a lot of tools to reduce visibility. But I really should have put "Positive reaction to instance mass banning users who complain" on my lemmy drama bingo card this morning because I did not see that coming


A perfect solution would be a "Block Instance" function, hopefully they work on that. Lemmy is still very new.


I do this for nsfw content i see on all, i just block the community so I don't see it on this account. Don't want that popping up while in public.


I think they have some excellent points. I've been lurking in both instances and have yet to see any explodingheads users exploring outside of their instance (except one guy who said they made an account to cause dissent in the exploding-heads instance).

They are a tiny instance with only 40 Users per week (This is increased due to other instances peeking inside). If you look across their top posts all week, or even their hot page, you'll see that there are only a few active users. Their top post this week only has 18 upvotes. Comparatively, sh.it has 424 upvotes.

Block the active posters and communities, and you won't see them ever.


This proves my point. Most of those examples are from the same few users in the same communities.

Block them. Easy peasy.



CosmicApe avatar

"If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis"

I get what you're saying, but why associate with a place that allows people like that in the first place?

@Difficult_Bit_1339@sh.itjust.works avatar

Don't associate with them if you don't want to. You don't have to go to their communities on their instances. If they come here and break the rules then they will be banned for breaking our rules.

The ability for you to 'leave the table', so to speak, is already available to you. You just don't sit down in the first place, don't click on their communities and don't visit their instance.

If someone posts something you don't like on another community then either report them for breaking that community's instance's rules or block them so you don't have to see their posts.

It isn't up to you to decide what other users on this instance can view or respond to. You can curate your own block list. You can't tell me how to curate my block list.

@chalkman@sh.itjust.works avatar

This guy is a clown, he's been blowing up my inbox. Bro is like "just block them". Like I have them blocked but I still don't like having to put on shades to not see the nazis.


They aren't neo-nazis.

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