TonyTonyChopper, avatar

the main character syndrome is wild

HatchetHaro, avatar

My guy, I’m supportive of your idea and search for a keyboard with those extra keys. It’s just… you’ve been and are still being super defensive about it, and definitely blowing it way out of proportion.

Yes, I agree, you shouldn’t have to learn to touch type perfectly to get into split keyboards. No, the people telling you to chill out a bit aren’t the same people that are telling you to learn how to touch type.

You’re being critical of a community that is mostly supportive, just because of a minority of elitists.

As you can see, a lot of us disagree with your actions so far, yet we’re still being nice about it. Again, the people telling you to chillax are still supportive of your search for your split keyboard.

Stop replying to every comment that even so slightly misaligns with your own opinion of the community. Stop painting proper feedback as villainous enablers of the elitist few.

Just chillax, take what you want from the comments, thank the supportive ones, and move on.

PeachMan, avatar

Welcome to the Internet. You’re going to find assholes with crappy opinions here. It’s a bad idea to get defensive and combative with that minority, which is exactly what you did in this case.


I was poking fun that all these crazy keyboards exist, but when i asked for my layout, there was pushback. People telling me that i was doing it wrong blah blah.

It feels like you are being defensive?

I’m just trying to hang out. I don’t get why people are reading so negatively into my words

PeachMan, avatar

A few people told you that, and you decided to engage with them, which is a bad idea. Most people (myself included) gave you helpful advice. Consider it a learning experience; don’t engage with the trolls.


Ok. Tell the trolls to stop too. Idk. I’m so bummed people are defending the trolls lol.

Have a nice day.


Dude, take it as a learning experience. You can’t tell a troll to stop - so best don’t engage.

I had to learn the same thing many years ago: I asked for an option to exit-on-close for steam. Some trolls didn’t like the idea of a more customisable software and i foolishly argued my point. AFAIK this option still does not exist. Maybe the devs never saw that forum thread bc there was too much bs.


I’m exhausted with this. Kick the trolls.

Idk. It’s your community. If it’s ok to talk to people like that, fine.

You do you.


Lmfao at this person going nuts over seemingly nothing. Hopefully they can find a manager to speak to.


Dude. I’m making a joke. Lighten up :)


I meant your comments. Unless it’s an elaborate joke, which would be very funny.


I wasn’t going nuts man. I was talking. Why overlay anger on my words?


They kinda just confirmed your post by speaking against it like that


I saw that post and most of the people were being quite nice and even supportive of the idea. After going back and reading most, if not all, of the comments, the vast majority were either neutral, supportive or gave good criticism in a nice manner.

I wonder why are you blowing this out of proportion. Some of your replies don’t even make sense given the comment you reply to.


(not you)


I am making a joke about the situation I had.

Yes. People were nice. Im making a joke about the mean ones.


The (untasteful) joke is about the whole community being negative. Quite different from just the “mean ones”. Plus, as I said, the vast majority of the comments were either neutral, positive or respectful opinions.

You are going to find a couple of trolls and douches on every community, doesn’t mean the whole community should look like asshats on a meme because of that.


Man. It was a meme format. You control your thoughts. You are allowed to not like it. You are allowed to ignore the many times Ive said it’s meant about the few who were mean.

You are choosing to ignore me.


No, you’re just choosing to be stubborn and ignore that you are wrong.


I thought your meme was funny.

People need to chill out

HatchetHaro, (edited ) avatar

For context, before I made that comment, about 50% of the top level comments were to the tune of “just fix your typing lol”.

That being said, I feel OP is also being super defensive, which only paints them as a critic of the community rather than as someone who wants to participate in it.

I myself don’t even own any ergo mech keyboards; I’m just interested in them.


I feel like the majority were fairly supportive and the people who said you’re probably going to continue with arguably bad habits were met with quite sudden hostility from you.

It’s a fair opinion to state that while your idea has merit, there are reasons we have certain accepted keyboard layouts, and maybe learning to tidy up your typing habits would be beneficial in the long run.

I scrolled through every comment and not much of it seemed very hostile, just the ones where you came back at them quite aggressively.

You asked a fair question, and all the direct replies were reasonably fair also, it just devolved into an argument later (in my view).


Hostility? I never had anger in my posts.

Please read my messages with positive frame of mind. I am not trying to fight.

Can I not make a joke about people being mean to me?

I’m memeing about the few people being rude. You are taking it personally instead of laughing at the stupid little situation that happened.



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  • Starglasses,

    In the end, I’m still being harassed. I’m not interested in this anymore.


    Definitely a good time to stop posting about it then.


    It was a genius idea. A genius idea is going to piss off a certain amount of people who don't understand the benefits.


    Thanks. I got a little huffy at some points because I get frustrated when an idea presented is met with the negatives and not cooperarion for how it could work. Personal flaw. I reigned it back, but not everyone sees. It sucks, but I hope people see I am trying to only be positive .


    LMAO this great. I remember seeing your post yesterday and thinking: this is gonna piss some people off. Godspeed bud


    Thanks man. I’m just trying to have fun :)


    looking at ur other comments it looks more lile you just want to be offended… Nobody was rude on the original post either. Still enjoyed this meme tho, thanks


    Maybe, just maybe, reflect.


    On? I genuinely don’t see where I’m supposed to go with this. Help me out?


    Based on the comments here, it sounds like you and others agree that the majority of people who responded to your initial post didn’t do anything wrong, but you thought the overall experience was negative due to a few mean comments, right? So with this meme post, you portray the entire community as a bloodthirsty mob who got angry at you for asking a question. Do you see how this could be considered “not nice” to the people who wrote helpful comments, those who downvoted the negative comments, and people who didn’t even see your post but are still included in the ergo mech community here? While those who wrote mean comments to your post should consider being kinder to newbies, perhaps you ought to consider being kinder to everybody else.


    No. The mob is the mean comments.

    Not everyone is in the mob.

    I am making fun. It did not hit the target.


    This is a community about ergonimic keyboards. When I asked if there was a split keyboard that I was thinking of, many people were telling me I need to learn to type; that I type wrong.

    You guys have fancy keyboards to make typing more comfortable and less straining on the wrist. Some make the keyboards curved for even more shape optimism.

    I wanted a few extra middle keys.

    There were kind people. Why were people unkind though? Who wants to learn about something when you are made fun of for the very first question you ask to learn?

    mriormro, avatar

    Why were people unkind though?

    I mean this is the Internet, dude. It also happens to be filled with humans.


    I’m not asking anyone to solve or explain why meanness exists.

    If we were in person and I asked why people were bwing mean, responding with “they’re humans” just avoids thinking about it.

    Idk. Have a good day.


    I mean you joined a niche community that will spend hundreds of dollars and hours building custom ergo shit then you said “fuck all that ergo shit” and the ergo nerds doubled down on it.

    Either way, it’s good to see these super awkward interactions on lemmy. Dive into your Errgo keyboard (that’s intentional) and post when you’ve got it built. Follow through and you’ll be a legend. If you go custom and need any modeling done, hmu and I’ll do my best.


    One time I used two full keyboards next to each other. It was a little wide but still more comfortable than T-Rex posture.


    I just use 2 88 key mech keyboards side by side. The home keys are just in the right spot to keep my arms straight.

    Freeman, (edited )

    I mean you have a 81:9 up/down ratio on your original post at the moment and almost only good comments. Don’t get pulled down by the negative ones, as there will always be negative people posting bad and mean stuff.

    Edit: What also doesnt help is that almost half of your comments on other peoples answers is you judging the community and their answers. Its like you still see yourself as an outsider, rating the friendlyness of the people.


    I don’t understand? I am judging the community for not wanting to be judged? Am I missing something

    Just because there are lots of upvotes doesn’t mean the responders are kind.

    I can’t believe how many people were giving me crap for the layout I wanted. On a custom keyboard focused community.

    I acknowledge the kind posters. Most interactions were frustrating.


    It's always funny to me when people make posts advocating for moderation polices in a way that would straight up get them banned due to those policies.




    Like people who complain about rude people when they're the most rude person there.


    Don’t answer the comments you find frustrating, as this will not lead to a fruitful discussion. In a hobby such as this there will be a lot of passionate people, some of them have invested countless hours into their own optimal layout. So the answers will be personal opinions. And if ones opinion is “I recommend against this layout, its better to change your typing habits” then this “judging” is more like a opinionated recommendation.

    I dont know if this is a cultural thing, but this behaviour, up/down-ratio, even the type of comments are pretty normal (and for me expected) for a niche community like custom/ergo-mech KBs. You trying to school everyone makes you look like a dick, thats what the one commenter meant by getting banned because being rude.

    Tldr: Be open to other opinions, pick the persons you want to talk to, don’t try to school a whole community as it appears arrogant and ignorant.


    What am I trying to school you on? I have no rude intent Everyone is twisting it all. I don’t need this.


    That’s unfortunate. I’ve always had a positive experience, and I don’t even have an ergo keyboard (yet)

    Got a link to your introduction?


    You won’t find the terrible reception that OP is claiming there was. From an outside perspective it looks generally helpful in nature.


    I think most comments were generally helpful or at least sharing their experiences when faced with a similar problem.

    The openly critical responses were downvoted.

    I’m not a member of the community, but I think you might be a little unfair calling it not nice.


    If a meal has a few rotten fries, am I unfair saying the meal was not nice?


    I do understand downvotes show displeasure at negative comments. It doesn’t take away the impact of the comments. There are people in the community who are not kind.


    Buddy, there are people who are not kind in every community. People aren’t apples. Don’t throw out the bunch because a few are bad.


    Thanks for sharing that, but I actually am referring to the correct verbiage and intent of the phrase. “A bad apple spoils the rest of the bunch.” Comes from the fact that apples release high amounts of ethylene gas as they ripen, which speeds up the ripening process for other nearby fruit.

    As I said in my comment, people aren’t apples. The saying shouldn’t be applied in OPs situation.


    Did not throw out the community.

    I don’t think people are capable of nuance online…


    Since you’re capable of nuance, you surely must have noticed this about your own comment. You responded to the advice that you shouldn’t make generalizations by explicitly making an even broader generalization.

    “don’t generalize a whole group off individuals’ actions.”

    “I’m just going to generalize everyone on the internet now.”


    I’m not. Am i not allowed to be upset at the jerks in a crowd?

    Stop painting my intention with malice.

    Oh. Nevermind. I see what you’re pointing out. I ak bad because i generalized people in a conversation of you generalizing people.

    You got me. Im bad. Makes you bad too, huh?


    I did not take part in you original discussion. Then you posted your meme, which I found insulting, since I try to help people and not diss them. My initial reaction to your pic was “Over-reaction much?” It is time you got the message …

    As to your initial idea, the problems are that (a) no such keyboards exist, you will have to make your own. The reason they don’t exist is because it is not a good idea, because (b) you are adding keys further from your home position and that is not good design for optimal typing. Hence why people told you it will be easier to improve your typing habits.

    When you go ask experts for help, it is a good idea to adopt a humble attitude. Accept that they know what they are talking about (even if that is not always true, experts disagree all the time). Not everyone here is an expert, and as pointed out numerous times, every community has jerks or unpleasant people. Ignore them.


    As there are in every bigger group of people? That doesn’t make the community bad.


    I am not calling the community bad. Why, when I say there was a jerk in the group, are you taking it as an affront on everyone?

    This is a meme making a joke about a situation I had. I am not placing judgement on you.


    So you’ll blame every single helpful person for something they had no control over?


    Dude. All I am saying is that there were unkind people in the mix and it made my experience unpleasant. I am not blaming every single helpful person.

    I’m perturbed at the negativity I received and am expressing it as a meme.


    Sure, but the way you’re characterizing the group with your meme is that it was a mostly negative experience, when in reality almost everyone was kind except for one or maybe two people, and some of your comments were kind of inflammatory to boot. You’re being needlessly dramatic, and stirring the pot over one rude person online.


    OK yeah, I see that. It was how it felt with many of the interactions.

    I am meaning to poke fun at how varied and crazy layouts can be, but I got so much pushback for asking about a new layout. “Just learn to type right” and things like that. You were not receiving the comments.

    If I was wanting to join a group in person, and even one person was an asshole, I’d question the integrity of the group.


    I get that, and I’m not trying to insinuate that your feelings are invalid, just that perhaps you are giving the small negative minority more weight than it deserves.

    I think that with online communities, especially ones on social media that are more ad hoc than others or than IRL groups, it’s a bit more expected to tolerate people who maybe don’t have the best communication skills. Also, with a bigger audience, there’s always a chance that someone is just having a bad day. While it sucks that that happens, it’s important to try to give people the benefit of the doubt when we can, even when they’re clearly in the wrong.

    What that one person said was definitely not OK, though. Just want to be clear on that.


    Thats totally likely. My interaction with lemmy is replies and negativity sticks much harder.

    I really am not trying to say the community is a bunch of assholes. I found it pretty silly that ergonomic keybpards come in so many risiculously dofferent forms, and so many people were opposed to my proposed layout


    That’s not too surprising; there’s a natural human bias called negativity bias which makes that a common human reaction, if not the default one. I think simply being aware of it can help give us a more rounded perspective on our own experiences.

    And yeah, I get your intent wasn’t to call the community assholes, but I think it’s also fair that plenty of people interpreted it that way. Communication is a two way street, after all.

    There were definitely some people who weren’t outright rude, but also perhaps not terribly sympathetic to your particular use case, and were perhaps more prescriptive than they ought to be. But there were also quite a few who thought you had a unique and valid use case that hasn’t really been explored. As an outsider, I found it to be an pretty interesting conversation you were all having.

    TonyTonyChopper, avatar

    simmer down ok


    My fat ass would just eat around the rotten fries so I think it’s a bit unfair to call the entire meal bad.


    All I am trying to say to the community is that some of your people are being dicks to people newly entering ergo land.

    If you are a group and some of your members are jerks, is it ok since it’s just a few?


    The jerks were largely downvoted, what more do you expect of them? That’s literally the mechanism for dealing with bad actors. No one was okay with it, but you’re acting like they were.


    The way internet messages hit, it doesn’t have the same impact as a crowd booing a bully away in person. Downvotes are practically invisible.

    I really do want the overall message not to be that the crowd is mean. It was more that my ask caused a conversation that had enough community action tha it caused a large conversation.

    Imagine the faces as questioning? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

    My intent isn’t to attack. Just make fun of the commotion I caused.


    You seem whiney as hell, doubling down like that. Like a child.


    Thank you. I repeated my idea because it didn’t seem understood. I appreciate your kindness.


    You are throwing a mean comment at every fucking single french frie.

    Thats the problem. Not the meal, not the good nor even the bad fries are the problem. Its you, throwing your tandrum in the restaurant…


    I guess I don’t understand what to write online because I’m not being mean. A different culture i just don’t get.

    Metal_Zealot, (edited ) avatar






    This person lost 1.3k karma in a day. They know exactly what they are doing.

    Metal_Zealot, avatar

    I don’t think their sweet le epic Social cReddit Score was their concern


    Of course not. The attention is.


    2 posts (plus the initial one) criticising the community seems like an easy way to catch a ban.


    I had a look too… None of the parent commentors I saw were judging OPs taste, they mostly were saying what is readily available in the market, and at most providing their personal preferences, alternative suggestions to breaking in half a Dell keyboard that is easier, cheaper and less work and could still be suitable. Just because that’s not what OP had in mind doesn’t mean the commentors think that’s necessarily a bad concept. A couple replies were uncalled for (the diabetic one for example) but those were appropriately downvoted as you say.

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