I don't get people that are here in the fediverse and *want to bring over* the content that is on FB, IG, TikTok, etc.

This has come to mind because all the chatter about Meta federating.

I see a lot of people saying they’d love to have that type of content here when Meta federates, and that those will be the best instances because they will have the most content, but they will still be accessible without compromising their privacy.

I truly don’t get this.

I’m not here for mass-produced content, if I wanted that, I’d be in other platforms. The beauty of these communities is they are not filled with posts that are all the same, algorithms and bots. It’s just a community of real people having conversations.

If you want mass-produced trendy content, please, consume it elsewhere, and when you are inevitably fed up, then come here and enjoy the slow-paced, real community.

PD: I hope this doesn’t come across as wall-keeping (or however it’s said lol), It’s my honest opinion.

ComplexLotus, (edited )

Purely text based content is way easier on the servers. If all Lemmy users uploaded videos and high res images all the time, the servers could not keep up, right?

  • consider that they use hardware that is run on donation (or their own) money
@Usernameblankface@lemmy.world avatar

Do people running servers have any options for limiting the amount of pictures and video that users upload to their instance?

Having text-only communities sounds like a good way to attract the right people and be an unattractive option for people who just want max content.


I asked a similar question previously one of the makers of lemmy responded to me:

Open an issue on that or write a bot

… I thought sometime in the future I will make such a bot … but turns out I need to use typescript for that.


I might be willing to help with this if you want to tackle it and are interested in help. I’m newish to Lemmy but want to get my feet wet. What tech stack do you prefer? Typescript is a very short leap from Javascript if you already know it, IMO.

@driving_crooner@lemmy.eco.br avatar

The instance I’m in limited pictures upload size to 265kb.


I really like that idea.

It would absolutely demolish the risk of a community turning into a meme sub, or one of subs where people just post pictures of their Raspberry Pi in some retail case over and over again.

And as long as pictures are disallowed on the main post, people could still be free to post links to guides or other important content that contains pictures.

@Usernameblankface@lemmy.world avatar

Hmm, links to pictures elsewhere seems like it would be less work for the computer running the instance.


Which would be pretty important if we want to keep monetization as unobtrusive as possible on Lemmy.

That said, I do think we need to figure out image hosting at some point.

!deleted95653, (edited )


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  • alertsleeper,

    I agree that the users should have the final say, and that it’s all very tricky in terms of the politics of it


    In fairness for Mastodon, apparently you can migrate instances without starting a new account, unlike Lemmy.

    @grimaldi@the.unknowing.dance avatar

    It is! Block instance ...


    Federation with Meta will probably not have a huge effect on Lemmy. Threads has no communities after all.

    It will probably be mostly a Mastodon thing.


    That was my take as well but I’m also an ignorant slut so more than happy to hear reasons why I’m wrong


    I’m also an ignorant slut

    Just wanted to say that ya made me laugh with that phrase lol. I too enjoy using “slut” in a myriad of fashions


    Your username is a hell of a reference, haha


    What will stop the bots? Were literally on a platform because the other one cut off moderation bots…

    alertsleeper, (edited )

    Bots are necessary. But having moderation bots and other useful ones like the one for reminders is one thing, and another one is bots posting spam 100 times a day.

    How to stop it? No idea

    Edit: typo


    i’ve seen quite a lot of content from tiktok, over on reddit (basically a repost?)

    I refuse to go on tiktok myself

    But i will gladly watch a 30 second clip if its funny or interesting, regardless of where it originally came from.

    i’ve already seen older memes reposted here anyway. not like we can avoid it…

    Rottcodd avatar

    I agree completely.

    I recently compared it to sitting in a comfortable little cafe that serves delicious food and looking around and saying, "Gee, I wish this was a McDonalds."

    It just doesn't even begin to make sense to me.

    And I'm with you - gatekeeping or no - anyone who wants Twitter or Reddit or Facebook content can already go to Twitter or Reddit or Facebook to get it, and that's exactly what they should do.


    that’s a great analogy

    CrazyEddie041 avatar

    It's appropriate because that kind of shit happens irl, too. Small city with a cool local vibe becomes popular, people move to the city because it's popular, all the popular stuff gets priced out and paved over to make room for more Starbucks. Then people whine about how cool the city used to be. Gee, I wonder what happened to it?!


    Having gone through that, there are also Starbucks suits and the owners of the buildings housing the Starbucks yelling at you that this is WHAT YOU NEED!


    Just defederate the Meta instances, and your problem is solved, right?

    It’s not like saying “I wish this awesome little bar is a McDonald’s” but “I don’t want to go to a bar in a city that also has a McDonalds”.


    More like a small town that used to have real restaurants that got driven out of business when McDonalds came to town selling shit on a plate so cheap it was impossible to be price competitive with food suitable for humans.

    The mere existence of McDonalds dramatically hurt the options available.

    Rottcodd, (edited )
    Rottcodd avatar

    Well... yes and no.

    I'm not talking about any effect I think it might have on me, because yes - I can just avoid the instances favored by morons.

    To belabor the analogy a bit more, it's not quite accurate to say that they want this neat little cafe to be McDonalds - they want the entire town to be McDonalds. They want to be able to open up their door snd see nothing but McDonalds, stretching to the horizon in all directions.

    That that literally can't happen - that the decentralized nature of the ActivityPub means that the most anyone can ever do is turn instances into empty wastelands of brain-dead "content" one at a time - doesn't make their viewpoint any less perplexing to me.

    Poggervania avatar

    That’s what had me confused at first when people were leaving Reddit but going “bRiNg ReDdIt CoNtEnT oVeR aNd DeLeTe ReDdIt!” and using the whole “we need content” as a reason.

    Like, if y’all want content from social media platforms… use those social media platforms. In my mind’s eye, I see the Fediverse as more of an old-school forum where people can make any forum for specific communities, not as a content-vomiting platform.


    The issue I have with this analogy is that the food here isn't quite that great. Maybe the service is better and it's less crowded and more friendly, but the menu is pretty limited and not everything it serves even matches the fast food's quality. I guess there's merits from being loyal to your local cafeteria and its community even if it's not always the best, but lets not exaggerate the quality being delivered here.

    I used to browse reddit for gaming news, especially indie games, and the communities I found for this on Lemmy didn't pick up any momentum yet.

    Rottcodd avatar

    Mm... you do have a point, but I would argue that the content is generally better at the very least to the degree that it's actual people sincerely posting things rather than bots, shills and karma farmers spamming and/or astroturfing.

    And yes - niche communities are extremely underpopulated here.

    I don't think the solution to that though is to aim for more generic "content" with the hope that it'll lead to broad growth and that a byproduct of that will be to bring more people who happen to share your interests. The solution IMO is to get on the communities you want to see grow and start contributing stuff, right now. Even if you're just posting to one person, keep at it, and pretty soon it'll be two, then three, then...


    But I’m here because I can’t get reddit content anymore in the format I want to consume it. I didn’t have an issue with the content of reddit, just the owners.


    Same. Ideally, Lemmy would be a Reddit replacement for me.

    @Marxine@lemmy.world avatar

    But it can be a replacement with original content. Even if they have the same topics, it’s beneficial to let each community grow their own culture.

    MeowdyPardner avatar

    I don't necessarily disagree, I just think that the solution is to cultivate the content here. Not connect with the same old corporate platforms that caused the problems in the first place.


    I wouldn’t mind if someone stole and curated the top posts from certain subreddits I’m interested in.

    I really don’t dislike reddit for their communities but for their CEO and corporate greed. The content is great.

    I’m not there because I don’t want to give them money after they mistreated their users.

    @zeppo@lemmy.world avatar

    I got a tired of the cliched site culture and some people’s attitudes. I suppose it’s because it’s such a large slice of the public that you get more people being dicks and leaving drive-by jerky comments. The overdone in-jokes and pun threads got to be a bit much too. I needed something like Lemmy to demonstrate what I was missing on reddit.

    tal avatar

    Also, I don't think that the way to deal with "there is content on a platform that I don't like" is to run from it. It's to make better filtering systems to choose what I want. Two reasons:

    • First, some people like different things. They shouldn't have to use different platforms just for that.

    • Second, stuff like spam will show up anywhere that has decent size anyway eventually, once there are enough eyeballs for it.

    I think that the goal should be to have plenty of content of all sorts on the Threadiverse, and then just have good filtering tools that are hard to subvert.

    Reddit didn't let people build the filtering tools they wanted in and in some cases -- like when it came to their own ads -- were actively opposed to that. The Threadiverse solves that problem for me.


    I thought I didn’t until I came here and realized how nasty Reddit has become. You can go days on Lemmy without encountering an angry asshole.


    I’m in the same boat. I want Lemmy to be a firehose of content, the overwhelming majority of which I won’t ever want to interact with. I want that because different people are interested in different things, and that’s what allows for even the niche communities to find their footing with more than a small contingent of people.

    I think the tools at our disposal as users and administrators of Fediverse systems are already good enough to manage and control your own experience, and I’m confident that they’ll continue to improve at a rapid click. The experience of using Lemmy as a Reddit replacement has already improved dramatically since June 12th, and it does so every day. I appreciate that others may feel much more strongly about the “dumbing down” of the overall content and community than I do, and for those folks joining an instance that outright defederates is a great option.

    Folks are quick to tell people how they should be using Lemmy. “Don’t sign up for one of the big instances, you should use a small one instead because federation” is a big one - but there’s a lot of appeal in this model with being signed up to the instances generating the majority of the content the broader community is consuming because it makes finding that content easier than it otherwise would be. My hope is that the larger instances like lemmy.world will at least test the waters with Threads federation to see what it actually does to the community before taking the step of defederation, because right now those large instances are what’s feeding the rest of the rest of Lemmy.

    As it stands, having those large instances federated with Threads and having smaller communities defederated seems like a best of both worlds scenario, because a small instance defederating with Threads won’t lose out on the other content being generated by those larger instances, but those who want to trudge through the mire of mass appeal can do so in one place.


    The Eternal September begins again I guess


    Personally, I am fresh enough to all this that I feel it’s prudent to kind of sit back on the discussion, and am leaning toward the “defederate” option.

    However - I deleted my Facebook years ago, and never had Instagram or Twitter. It would be nice to interact with my own family and friends who do most of their online presence in places like that. So I kinda get it. I’m not after the mass-produced content but it would be cool to hear from people I know again that I’ve lost touch with because I’m stubborn about FB.

    Just spitballing - and please consider that I haven’t been at Lemmy long enough to know if this is a terrible idea - but what about an instance that hasn’t blocked Facebook and other big corpos, but doesn’t raise their content by default? Like what if you have to actively connect with people on them? Seems like a decent middle ground, until Facebook decides to break it anyway.


    It would be nice to interact with my own family and friends

    That’s a straight no from me.

    We can already interact with our friends and family anywhere we choose, but Lemmy is one of the only general discussion areas left on the internet that isn’t full of the stupidest people on the planet.

    Bringing our family here will just result in real identities taking over and limiting discussion to what’s acceptable in all our little social bubbles.


    I don’t think this discussion is just about Lemmy

    I agree that Lemmy (+ Reddit and other forums) by design are for anonymous accounts.

    At the same time, things like Twitter / Facebook/ Instagram are more for personally identifiable accounts. I want to see photos from my friends on Instagram, not random people. I get the random people photos on Reddit/Lemmy

    It’s different use cases. I use my real name on Mastodon and PixelFed, and I use this account on Lemmy.


    We can already interact with our friends and family anywhere we choose

    Well not exactly. The person posting chooses the platform and then other people have to go to said platform. If someone doesn’t like platform X and prefers Y then they have to convince others to also switch to Y. This happened with instant messengers and it happens with chat applications.


    Especially given the armies of people who cross post any decent content to all networks. I hope that here, due to no monetary benefit and no karma, it is only for the love of sharing. All the good content will make it here, but rather than being a firehouse of crap, the community nature should make the relevant communities more focused.

    I still use Facebook for local groups. I think even they realise that niche communities without outrage are where the growth will lie. That’s likely why they are scared of federated networks. It could easily kill them over time.


    No karma? What are the little arrows for?


    I think what it means is that it doesn’t add up all the little arrows across all posts and comments, by default. Although, I suppose an instance, external tool, or browser plugin could still do that.


    Thank you for explaining. I was wondering about all the talk of (lack of) karma.


    This site is an aggregator. I want to use it to aggregate content I want to see.

    It’s trivially easy for you to not be exposed to things you don’t want to see here, so I’m not really understanding the issue


    Yea, most content isn’t original anyways. If it’s actually good content I don’t care where it’s from

    hitstun, (edited )
    @hitstun@fedia.io avatar

    I'm a Reddit refugee and I've been moving all the pictures and videos from my old niche subreddit to my new niche Kbin magazine. I'm afraid Reddit will collapse, and the collection of floaty things I've been building up will become lost media if it's not reposted somewhere else. I like the Fediverse's mission and I want to see how the Fediverse develops. Also, I want to have a complete and functional artsy magazine on Kbin to show the others back on Reddit that it can be done well.

    For the past couple days, some of my posts have been making Fedia's home page and apparently other instances' home pages too. It's good to be seen, but I'm afraid I'm getting more attention than I actually deserve. I like seeing art of fantasy worlds and interactions, and I'm not alone in that. But, I'm afraid I'm corrupting your feeds with stuff you aren't looking for, just because I'm doing it first.


    Oh snap I saw a ton of floating is fun posts and wondered what was going on lol. Didn’t really bother me even though it’s not my thing, I’m just glad to see lemmy getting posted to so much.

    Keep it up!


    I get why some want it. I just wish they’d stop. They want ease of access to all the things they like. I hate those other platforms and have no accounts on them and I don’t want to see them here and prefer the community driven content over yet another algorithm pushing garbage I hate. They always try to spin their algorithms as finding content you want and tailoring it to you. But it’s never the case. They take the vile shit that they support and push that, mingling it with a few crumbs of real content. And eventually the crumbs disappear too. I don’t want any of that corporate nonsense around. I really like a good large community without that influence.


    Some automated algorithms can be good for content discovery and discovery of new creators tho

    • if you are to lazy to type in your search term into a text box
    • if you do not even know how to articulate the name of the content you search for in text form

    These automatic suggestion algorithms are perfect for mindless scrolling in an entertainment sense … these ranking algorithms justify the massive data collection we witness today.

    I wonder if there is another way of decentralized way of content creator discovery without the current drawbacks.


    I really don’t think anything justifies the massive data collection that currently happens. While “feeding the algorithm” may be their superficial excuse, data harvesting is really there for the resale value.


    I understand why you want that, and I’m glad that decentralization/defederation allow you to keep that.

    I have to ask though, why do you want to keep other people from getting that algorithmic, corporate content if they want it? Especially since this will allow them to do it without giving up so much personal info via apps. (While also allowing us to interact/evangelize the FOSS way > corporate systems)


    I don’t want to keep them from it. I just prefer they go to their other platforms for it. Because by inviting it to this platform, it degrades this platform in my eyes. I don’t have another place to go to get away from that content, they do have a place they can go to for that content. I’d appreciate it if we can respect that boundary. Keep this place free from the corporations that are destroying so much of our world. At least as much as possible. Nothing good can come from opening this door, and if it opens, history will repeat itself once more because there is always a new crop of people unwilling to listen to warnings. No good comes from aligning with growth at all costs corporations. It just isn’t possible.


    Putting my tinfoil hat: Would Meta be capable of having people in the Fediverse posting positively about Meta joining the Fediverse? Because anyone with 2 braincells and that has arrived here so far and gone through the trouble of understanding ± what this is about, set up an account etc, would understand by now the way the world works and why its such a bad idea to have Meta have a foot in the door here.


    This companies are all about profit and control and monopolies and give zero shits about you, quality content or anything else. Fuck them


    I have put on that same hat already believe me


    Thing is, they don’t have to pay people for that. Some people just love having the contrarian “not everything meta does is bad” opinion because they think they’re being clever


    Its a mix: contrarians, Meta shills and NPCs.


    I remember when I was considered a contrarian for refusing to have a facebook account back in 2008 or twiter later on or instagram. How times have changed.


    I think that an open systems that are universal and interoperable are inherently superior to any walled garden. If people think that the fediverse can’t handle or incorporate large corporate interests then this is a failed experiment and they should just shut it down now. Superior open systems should be able to dominate a free market environments, and people either don’t believe this to be the case, or the fediverse is inferior and will never beat the centralized competitors.

    I also hate Facebook but for those reasons I think that Facebook joining the fediverse would actually improve Facebook, not worsen the fediverse.


    I agree, if i want to see memes o pure shitposts there are tons of alternatives

    @Usernameblankface@lemmy.world avatar

    Sounds like something that will cause a split later down the line.

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