
Ah yes the one demonstration to push a government to the left and organize labor that tankies don’t like acknowledging


No, there was another one, interestingly at the exact same time, in Poland. They don’t like that one either.


Could you be more specific? I hadn’t heard about that before

Noughmad, (edited )

The Solidarity movement, started in 1980 as a series of labor strikes, formed into a large trade union and then a political movement demanding workers’ rights, actual worker control over means of production, and similar socialist policies. It finally forced and won a public election in 1989 (on the very same day of the Tiananmen square crackdown) which in turn led to the end of communist (and Russian) rule in Poland.


a political movement demanding workers’ rights, actual worker control over means of production, and similar socialist policies.

They demanded this, won, and then ignored all of it and introduced neoliberal capitalism pretty much straight away?


Only idiots want communism.


Quite ironic, when you think about it… - the working class defeating the communist party!


When oliver Anthony sings that he’s an old world man struggling to live in a new world, all I think about is how strong the old world fought to unionize the work force. I didn’t even know about it until this year. The 1900s labour movement was intense and interesing. Especially reading about it from the future which helps put a lot of current politics into perspective.


Having to live in an authoritarian shithole takes its toll on you after a while.


Tankies when the people being told heirarchy is bad and steals the value of your labor when people actually believe it and try to abolish it:


Also tankies claiming to be anti-imperialist when people want to leave your empire.

American_Communist22, avatar

You mean the massive labor strikes calling for the return of the socialist government after inflation skyrocketed 400% (or 300% idc)


For those not around when that happened, i remember it this way, after 20 years of booze, weed & hookers:

The student protest was extremely peaceful and organized. There were student delegations that would report up to student representatives, educatio delegation, housing delegation, for example. The representatives were negotiating with Party people. It was unclear at the time if the Party people were indicative of the top brass. But there was a worldwide feeling something good and right might be changing in China. If I recall correctly this went on for weeks, so the implications were setting in.

Then it all changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

What the video & still represent is not 1 man facing a line of tanks. It a culmination of a generation of students frustrated enough but clever enough to find a way to negotiate a change and when the Army came in they knew they failed. The world knew they failed. The question was how badly that failure was. There were a few days when nothing happened after this video. Then it happened all at once. And the rest as they say is History – repression, violence, killing, abductions, lost family members, and rewriting history.

Like the Velvet Revolutions of the Middle East, it was a short time of hope for a better future, for the students & for their nation.

That feeling stays & that feeling is what China wants their populace to forget - and you forget by meming this historic picture without context.

P.S I don’t know if the man was ever found out, but I hope he stays anonymous.


Are you at least paid to write this emotional propaganda fantasy? Chinese students didn’t give a damn how you felt.


P.S I don’t know if the man was ever found out, but I hope he stays anonymous.

Lol he got taken away by 2 plain-clothed men, and he was never seen again. It is unclear who those 2 men are, but some have speculated they might be working for the Communist Party of China, and that they were detaining the man that stood in front of the tanks.

Also, “Tank Man” is actually on the morning of June 5th, after the protests have already been suppressed the night before.


That’s one frame of a video.

They guy cloned the tank to enter it.


Here’s some more information about what happened if you’re curious.…

Godric, (edited )

Oh sick link, the first report is literally the Murderers’ “Offical and True ;)” accounting of what happened.

It’s genuinely entertaining to read (in a very dark way), how their words are so blatantly flowery and dictatorial, I can’t believe that those CCP chucklefucks actually expected to be taken at their word lmao

Like who other than a troll or a moron would buy that report XD


You think the CPC writes the CIAs reports for them? What a weird take. I’m not sure which telegram you clicked on but since this is true for all the top results I’m fairly confident you read communication from the USA embassy to the USA secretary of state’s office.

American_Communist22, avatar

I wonder what happens when you watch the full video

the one where the tanks politely wait for the man to leave and then continue on their way, away from the square.


holy fuck I heard lemmygrad was hard left, but actually denying well known massacres…

just wow

American_Communist22, avatar

We don’t deny it, but doubt its extent


Wowsers, I never knew the tanks were there as an honour guard to politely support the protestors. I suppose a lesser country would see sending tanks against the people as pure cowardice, but that time tanks were sent to show support to the people protesting against them! Very upright and cool!


I wonder what the man was protesting 🤔

American_Communist22, avatar

Your guess was as good as mine, he seem to hand the tanker groceries at one point, seems to gesture them to go back to the square, and has what looks like a full on convo with them.

We don’t know what he said so its up in the air


Likely simply letting one of the tankers know that their fly was undone!

American_Communist22, avatar

idk some people are weird like that

fact is that the tanks waited for him to leave when they had no reason to, didn’t engage him at all, and then went on their merry way.

I’d like to see a Palestinian kid be able to do the same to zionists


Unfortunately the students that could have brought peace to the middle east were horribly crushed the day before! Shame, really.

American_Communist22, avatar

who lol, student protests never go anywhere


Especially when they’re horribly crushed!

American_Communist22, avatar

Oh god you libs drive me nuts this is hilarious

honestly I really don’t give a shit if they did or didn’t


Shut the fuck up, MAGAt. Go back to Hexbear.


How did you manage to get MAGA out of someone with a hammer & sickle in their username? You arrived at a total opposite.

Psythik, (edited )

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…

It’s all a farce. Spend some time on Hexbear and you’ll see where I’m coming from (actually, don’t, unless you want to get irrationally angry). Those people aren’t real communists; they’re fascists pretending to be communists. All they ever do is act like aggressive douchebags and talk shit about “liberals”. I’ve seen this exact behavior over on /r/The_Donald and on Fox news. They’re not even trying to hide their true colors. Hell, one of them even told me that republicans are liberals. 🤣 (edit: Screenshot in case link goes down)


Not irrationally😊

American_Communist22, avatar

oh my god the only people who like liberals are liberals



Yank interacts with the real world for the first time.

Conservatives can be a variety of things, even communists. What you refer to as conservative is completely unrelated to conservativism and is just people who vote for a particular liberal party in your one ideology two party system. You’re a brainwashed populace thought to hate knowledge and learning so that you can be maximally exploited. You do not have any political understanding. Your election cycle engages with identity politics because they’re afraid of mentioning policy in case people start looking up what words mean. All your news sources are propaganda and you live in the most authoritarian country on earth ruled by dictators who do not value your opinion or needs.

You can measure these. They’re not just words. For the first, you can compare the subset of the population who are experiencing some form of correction, be it prison or otherwise to the total population. For the second, you can compare opinion polls to the actual policy being enacted. In both cases you score as bad as it’s possible to score.

And finally, everyone who supports liberal policies is a liberal. This includes people who are conservative in the global meaning of the word, but support, let’s say, a humane social democratic system with strong safety nets, but who’s backbone is an inhumane system of exploitation in the global south. This includes someone who is socially progressive and wants major political changes, but who’s fiscal politics are that of neo-liberalism.

P.S. Everyone hates liberals.


Inaccurate, yes, but I personally see the connection with the almost religious dedication to their ideology. Anything is permitted and forgiven, so long as it is in the name of [insert ideology here]

American_Communist22, avatar

I will tread where I please


Nothing happened on Tienanmen square, how naive are you all. The British ambassador inventer a tad too detailed horror stories, based on “trusted sources”. In fact, the students protesting killed a PLA soldier but after a talk with the intervention force decided to clear square peacefully. The deaths happened elsewhere but we have almost no information about those. People protested against different things, some were for liberal freedom, some for more communism. We know what told us the Western “objective” press.


Yes, a censorship state is muuuuch more objective.

Shouldn’t you be checking your banking accounts to see how many are at risk of getting closed off without warning due to defaults from the Evergrande crash? Everything is fine, nothing to see here. - CCP

American_Communist22, avatar

Your memes are just objectively cringe

also love crashes it allows the government to nationalize the private sector even more

also you really think the cpc cares about your existence at all and to pay us losers to bother you? Give me any evidence of them doing so.

Milk_SDF_Possum, avatar

B-But China is free and good…


I wonder what actual Chinese people think, anyone originally from China able to weigh in?


According to my aunt, whose parents fled the Cultural Revolution when she was a teenager:

It’s like if Chinese people kept trying to give you shit about the Kent State massacre and not Vietnam itself.

American_Communist22, avatar

According to my aunt, whose parents fled the Cultural Revolution when she was a teenager:

lmao I will strive to turn this reactionary in to the CPC

Bernie_Sandals, avatar

This is why everyone hates you and the working class rejects you fucking stop with the larping

American_Communist22, avatar

Nah, irl they hate me cause im trans girl with autism

cool name tho, Imma write that one down next to Privatized Sun

GuyDudeman, avatar

That’s interesting.






未曾设想在这里能看见中文回复 笑死


From my conversations with mainland Chinese, they often tout the line that the US was somehow involved, so it was partly an excusable defense of the homeland against dangerously co-opted students. That said, most acknowledge that it was pretty bad. But these are also well-educated Chinese working abroad, so I assume the majority of Chinese don’t know much.

One story I heard retold by an English teacher working in Nanjing that I used to know was about the experience of one of the people involved in the protests…or at least they were an academic in Beijing at the time of the massacre. They were really depressed 20 years later and felt that nobody around them, particularly their students, knew anything.

WtfEvenIsExistence, (edited )

Edit: Sorry for the wall of text. I typed too quickly and didn’t even realize how long this is…

I wasn’t born at the time so I have no first-hand account of the events. My parents heard about it briefly mentioned on the news and they also heard about it from relatives. The only thing they learn of was that there was a demonstration, then the news stopped talking about it. My parents and grand parents are pro- Communist Party, they didn’t really care about the protests being suppressed, they wanted stability more. But remember, China has a culture of what westerners refer to as “Social Harmony”, and don’t like to “causs troubles”. In 1912, when people were uprising against the Qing Monarchy, most parents would not have wanted their children being revolutionaries either. Same thing when Communists and Nationalists were fighting a civil war. The youth always want change, but no parent would ever want their child getting involved in stuff. They don’t want to lose their childen. This is the same sentiment regarding Tiananmen. Change is risky, causes too much instability. China not being united is what allows foreigners to invade China. (Eg: Eight Nations Alliance invading China, Concessions in China (Chinese land that was occupied by foreign countries), Japanese invasions of China during the midst of Communist-Nationalist Civil war, etc.) Even though the students in Tiananmen called for reforms, not revolution, the Communist leaders feared riots or a violent uprising, so they decided to violently suppress it before it “got out of hand”. Most people in China are probably just glad that it ended without fracturing China, they didn’t care which side won, as long as the country is still stable.

I learned about the events in Tiananmen when I was around high school age, many years after immigrating to the US. I left China when I was in 2nd grade, so it’s not surprising I didn’t know about it, I mean most kids thag age don’t get taught history. My older brother who learned about it on the internet first told me about it. At first, I just thought: meh, another one of the government’s conflict with the people But that wasn’t the important thing. What was odd to me was that they censored it in China. I mean, in my public school in the US, I was learning about slavery, how George Washington was a slave owner, most founders owned enslaved people. Natives were forcibly removed from their hones and put in so-called “reservations”. And learning about the fact that even after the US Civil War, there’s still racism against black people. I mean, the US had so much atrocities that I learned in a US public school. And I started learning that stuff around like 3-5th grade. Yet, my older brother who was like 7th grade in China didn’t know about the Tiananmen stuff. So that was really odd to me. It was odd that the US was so open to teaching atrocities, but China didn’t want to.

Then, I learn about how they put a firewall around the entirety of China’s network. Now the government started to look very shady to me. I mean, at this point, I’m still very Patriotic for China. But I’m also starting to wonder: hmm, wtf is going on in the government?

Then one day my mother told me about how she has to take a risk to conceive me during the One Child Policy. She was supposed to be sterilized after my older brother was born, but she bribed a government official to fake the certificate of being sterilized. Then also bribe them again to hide that she was pregnant with her second child (the second child being me, obviously). So she went to a nearby city to be less likely to be found by her village elders. So then I was born in the city hospital. Now that I’m already born, they can’t kill me anymore since somehow forcing a woman to abort her child was okay, but they didn’t want to go as far was actually killing someone who was already born.

But my mom had to be sterilized. My parents had to pay a fine. Something like tens of thousands of Yuan(¥)/Renminbi. It took years to pay off. (And if you don’t pay it off, they don’t give you your documents, birth certificates, ID, etc. Basically becoming a legally non-existant person, despite actually existing). So that’s my personal grudge against the CCP, I mean who wouldn’t hate an organization that essentially tried to kill you? Idk why my parents still support the CCP to this day. Everytime they spew Pro-CCP propaganda, I’d just say: “So you support the One Child Policy? Should I not have been born?” That usually shuts then up.

I personally view what happened in Tianamen as a tragedy. I mean, they weren’t even threatening to revolt, just wanted to talk some sense into the CCP leaders and start some reforms. The government didn’t need to use tanks to suppress it. Such unnecessary violence.

Authoritarianism and the One Child Policy are both reasons why I oppose the Communist Party of China, although the One Child Policy is much more personal to me. They have since changed it to Two Child Policy, but still wtf is this shit. It’s equivalent to US red states forcing women to give birth. Two sides of the same coin, both are governments dictating the lives of others.

I’m currently a US Citizen, I’m probably not going to visit China any time soon. (Not only because of China, but visiting China can also cause the US government putting you on a list of suspected CCP spies, and I don’t want that to happen.) And right now idc what happens in China, it aint my country anymore.

(Although if China and the US is at war, that’d be terrifying. That shit would cause another Internment camps, this time for people with Chinese Ancestry. Being a US Citizen with Chinese Ancestry is as being stuck in the turbulent oceans between 2 unsafe shores. No safe harbor for people like me. I have to deal with China labling me a traitor, and also the US suspecting CCP spies. What a shitty situation that’d be.)


The people I have spoken to in China understand something happened, and most of them know that it was the suppression of a student protest movement. From there the knowledge diverges as to what kind of protest movement and how violent was the suppression and whether it was justified. My family will kind of halfheartedly repeat some version of the party line but acknowledge it was a fucked up situation, and they also understand that the censorship surrounding it is awkward and unnecessary.

Generally the Chinese I have spoken to are mostly aware of and opposed to the CCP’s censorship, but they also don’t really like to talk about it for obvious reasons.


That’s just a Tiananmen 2d circle with stretching though.


Me when

When I discover G’MIC


We were all on vacation! In Poland!


Has the 50 cent party found us yet? 🤣

American_Communist22, avatar

we’re in your walls

please pass some cheese through the outlets, we get hungry sometimes





  • Loading...
  • sheogorath,

    Fuck off tankie.


    The Crown did nothing wrong :( /s


    HexBear and Lemmygrad fangirls heads exploded.

    ghost_of_faso2, avatar

    you need to go back to reddit, people like you are exactly why it became so shit


    there are more people that want your instances defederated than people wanting me to go back to reddit.

    I can’t go back anyway because I “threatened” the CEO.

    American_Communist22, avatar

    bro I was purged 6 times for death threats and “propaganda” you got rookie numbers


    Sounds like you have issues that should keep you out of the public (even social media), and I’m not talking about your gender identity.


    Exhibit A.


    No, YOU should go back to Reddit.


    lmao that was my first thought, this comment section should be very interesting

    Kes, avatar

    Given that they defederated from (at least Hexbear did, idk about lemmygrad), probably not

    Snowpix, avatar

    And thank fuck for that. Site is better off without them.


    Lol, for all their enthusiastic talk about “let’s go dunk on the libs”, that sure happened quickly.

    American_Communist22, avatar


    thanks for the affirmation

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