anonymous222, avatar


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  • CynicusRex,
    CynicusRex avatar

    every little bit counts.

    You bet it does:

    I should really create a list of websites too actually, but I think I'd be broke after donating to all of them.


    I think thats quite unrelated as its about synchronisation not about “every bit counts”. Great website though


    Yep. Fascinating read, completely unrelated.

    CynicusRex avatar

    @mexicancartel @anguo I don't consider it unrelated at all: “What small-scale interaction will you make today, little firefly?”
    Hence “every little bit counts.”


    I see it more like the opposite. Even if you made some difference in timings it still syncs. Even if “firefly you” didn’t exist, it makes no difference…


    I advocate for that since years. We need to normalize to pay for OSS. The biggest issue I see is not that people are unwilling to pay (donate) for the software they use daily, but the the payment itself is to complicated. There is not “the one” app store for OSS that every OS uses that makes donations easy. Additionally taking care of taxes for donations is too much of a burden, so the app store needs to handle that as well. And voila: You have the Apple App store or Android Play store.

    CynicusRex avatar

    If taxes are a concern then I think is the recommended platform:
    “Open Collective is a legal and financial toolbox for grassroots groups. It’s a fundraising + legal status + money management platform for your community. What do you want to do?”

    Infiltrated_ad8271 avatar

    It's quite sad to see reasonably popular apps with virtually no funding. I feel like highlighting the case of rssguard, probably one of the most popular apps in its category, with patreon, liberapay, and offering to prioritize bugs and suggestions from donors... barely 5€ per month.

    Oh, I almost forgot, in these topics there should be a mandatory mention of core-js case.

    CynicusRex avatar

    The article does indirectly mention core-js within source “31. b. Explain xkcd: 2347: Dependency.”
    But yeah, the status-quo is quite sad indeed.


    I do that for open-source videos games, I pay for the steam version to support the creators (Dwarf Fortress and Cataclysm : Dark Days Ahead for example). I’m totally fine with it, as long as it’s a one-time fee, no subscription bullshit.


    DF isn’t FOSS, is it?

    dannym, (edited )

    It is

    EDIT: I’m wrong, I don’t know what I was thinking, I misremembered hearing something apparently. Thank you for the corrections


    Care to provide a source? Because a quick internet search says “no, it’s not”. But I know that’s been the case for like a decade. I don’t know if something has changed recently.

    TheGrandNagus, (edited )


    The game’s code base is proprietary, and Adams has stated he has no plans to release it into the open-source domain, citing the risk of them going into financial trouble.

    He explained he would consider releasing its source if he could not maintain it anymore, seeing different game developers taking it up. He says that he does not mind any modifications as long as he is not put at financial risk.

    It should be noted though, that if people followed OP in actually financially contributing to FOSS projects, then DF would likely have been made FOSS by now. His main fear is not having financial stability if he open sources his game.


    I don’t really buy that considering how passionate people are about that game. Just because it’s now free software doesn’t mean you have to accept contributions.

    A copyleft license would prevent copycats and a trademark would distinguish the original from other compiled binaries a la Firefox or Rust.

    Counterpoint, Thunderbird received millions in donations when it was on the brink of death.

    At least when he retires it will finally be available that’s better than most games (esp. those built on nonfree game engines and assets)


    Oh you’re right, I don’t know why I assumed otherwise…


    You lumped it in with CDDA so maybe you were falling into the “ASCII graphics = FOSS” trap.


    ”Better known as Windoze”

    Stopped reading right there. Edgy 14 year old script kiddies can think whatever they want. I’m not interested.

    maniel, avatar

    Dude just cited it as a joke


    The overall post isn’t that bad, though. But the edginess and shit takes on Windows were very unnecessarry

    CynicusRex avatar

    There's a deluge of impersonal, academic, dry sources of information out there. If I chose that road it would just feel like writing a thesis. It's on my personal website, so I hope you can forgive a touch of personality. The levity is what keeps me going; there's so much frustrating/disheartening news all around us and comedy is a crucial way of dealing with it.
    Anyhow, I appreciate you taking the time to interact.


    What a fragile person, literally makes a lightist jab at a known enemy of free software and now you’re pissing and shitting yourself.

    But no, your billion dollar corporation needs defending from you. Get real.


    Free on free software stands for freedom, not for free of charge.

    Someone is paying for foss somehow. Maybe it’s the dev with his time and effort, maybe is an enterprise, maybe it’s a few fellows that contribute financially.

    The point is: we all have to pay our bills. Someone is being charged to maintain foss.

    So yes, we should normalize paying for foss.

    MudMan avatar

    I hate this argument so, so passionately.

    It's the argument you hear from anarchocapitalists trying to argue that there are hidden costs to the res publica and thus it should be dismantled. Yes, we all have a finite amount of time. Yes, we can all quantify the cost of every single thing we do. That is a terrible way to look at things, though. There are things that are publicly available or owned by the public or in the public domain, and those things serve a purpose.

    So yeah, absolutely, if you can afford it support people who develop open software. Developing open software is absolutely a job that many people have and they do pay the bills with it. You may be able to help crowdfund it if you want to contribute and can't do it any other way (or hey, maybe it's already funded by corporate money, that's also a thing). But no, you're not a freeloader for using a thing that is publicly available while it's publicly available. That's some late stage capitalism crap.

    Which, in fairness, the article linked here does acknowledge and it's coming from absolutely the right place. I absolutely agree that if you want to improve the state of people contributing to publicly available things, be it health care or software, you start by ensuring you redistribute the wealth of those who don't contirbute to the public domain and profit disproportionately. I don't know if that looks like UBI or not, but still, redistribution. And, again, that you can absolutely donate if you can afford it. I actually find the thought experiment of calculating the cost interesting, the extrapolation that it's owed not so much.


    Well, your assumption that I heard (or I am) an anarchocaptalist is wrong. I have a lot of critics to the captalist system.

    I fiercely disagree with dismantle of public policies. Actually I support free and universal healthcare system (like I have in my country), free and good educational system, free and public transportation system, and many other ideas. However all of these free stuff are paid with our taxes. It’s public and free, but it’s not out of charges, cause someone is paying (this case all of us).

    But for this to happen, it’s necessary public policies to invest public money on every one of these projects. Afterall, nothing is free.

    In the other hand, we have a lot of FOSS software, that most of them is maintained by one person or a small group of persons. Maybe this software may solve an issue to a specific person, but it’s not relevant to the most part of the users. There is no interest to invest public money to pay for these kind of projects, cause they don’t solve anything meaningful for the majority. It does not means that the project is meaningless, but it’s not relevant enough to get investment.

    The maintainers of these projects have their bills to pay. If they can’t pay their bills, they will certainly abandon the project to make money. It’s not good for anyone.

    If the FOSS community normalize paying for the apps, probably we’ll have a much stronger community. But don’t get me wrong, when I say “paying” I don’t mean as in a closed source apps where if we don’t pay, we can’t use it. I mean paying like a tip. Zorin OS do this very well. Bitwarden too. Many FOSS apps do it.

    Of course it will be really good if public policies support these kind of development, but it’s not an easy task.

    Remember, despite you and I dislike the capitalism and how society is structured today, we still live in this society and we (and the devs) have to pay our bills.

    MudMan avatar

    No, hey, let me be clear, I don't think you're actively an ideologue, but you can absolutely disagree or actively advocate against it and still have your worldview filtered through that lens. None of us is immune to their context or their upgringing, least of all me.

    What I do say is that the notion that "it's not free, it all comes from taxes" is a very active framing, and it comes from an anarchocapitalist perspective, whether you agree with it or not. Yes, there is a cost to public services. And yes, you do have to tax people to fund the government that is meant to provide those services, but paying taxes isn't the same as paying for a service, and public services aren't "services you pay with your taxes", they're... well, public services.

    And in the same vein, having an industry built on tipping is not sustainable and yeah, it's a fairly (anarcho)capitalist perspective. Screw tips. You can contribute to an open source project, be it with cash, work, promotion or whatever, but you're definitely not obligated to do so and that systemmust work within those parameters. FOSS is not software paid in tips, that's not the point. It may be crowdsourced, but that's not the same thing.

    So hey, I get it, you don't ideologically support those things, consciously. If you take anything from my comment let it be that you're still thinking about it from that framework and there are other ways to frame it. You're right that eventually the money has to come from somewhere, but how you frame the situation impacts which somewheres you're willing to explore.

    demesisx, avatar

    I hate this argument even more passionately. Since austerity has been eating away at all social programs…particularly ones that involve technology (which should be the correct avenue for funding FOSS software projects), we must, as citizens, financially incentivize software developers to avoid the monetization traps that exist.

    Case in point: I’ve recently been working on a way of federating inventory. I’ll let you guess how viable that project is without some way of COMPLETELY UNDERMINING THE SOCIAL GOOD OF SUCH A PROJECT SIMPLY BECAUSE I HAVE TO PAY RENT AND EAT FOOD WHILE WORKING ON IT. I’ll let you guess how many different ways that I will likely need to compromise the sanctity of my vision (which should basically be an addition to the open pub/sub protocol) just to make working on it something that could support me. If my project were funded by governments and non-commercial entities, I’d be fine. But the reality is: these kinds of technologies are often compromised because of this same bullshit line of reasoning.

    MudMan avatar

    We absolutely must financially incentivize software developers. But charity is not a substitute for financing in a healthy system. The sources of financing can't rely on badgering individuals to feel guilty for using resources in the public domain (or at least publicly available) without a voluntary contributions. I agree with the OP and the article in that the support system shouldn't be charity. Tax evaders, redistribute wealth, provide public contributions to FOSS. We should create a sysem where FOSS is sustainable, not held up by tips like a service job in an anarchocapitalist hellscape.

    demesisx, avatar

    I don’t personally support badgering users. I’m talking about the compromises built into most of our projects that are only NECESSARY because our social programs have been scrapped.

    In a sufficiently advanced socialist society, FOSS projects would be funded the same as roads. We don’t live in that system. I wish we did. We live in a system where Meta, Google, and Amazon have gigantic government contracts and they use that money to pay their devs to compromise open protocols. The reality is that indie devs with true integrity (like the ones who built the platform were having this discussion on right now) need more funding than they’re getting. I appreciate them not hounding people for money but that doesn’t eliminate the need for it…

    to create a strawman argument about being “hounded” is disingenuous at best.

    MudMan avatar

    It's not a strawman argument. My response (which wasn't to you) was triggered by the notion that we "need to normalize paying for foss". I don't think that's true, and I do think it'd lead to generating a "tipping system". Plus, again, not what the linked article is driving at.

    I'm also not fond of "we live in a system" as an argument for playing by the system's rules. I mean, by that metric people should just charge for access and call it a day, that's what the "system" is encouraging. We need sustainable flows of income towards FOSS, but that doesn't mean step one is normalizing end users feeling obligated to pay.

    demesisx, avatar

    Fair enough in the strawman thing.

    Anyway: Either we enact social change or we literally do the thing that you said: we need to normalize users feeling obligated to pay for FOSS software.

    Actually: IMO, we DO need to normalize people understanding that the reason their software doesn’t suck is because the dev has integrity and hasn’t sold out to corporate interests. They should be reminded of that fact because the pull of greed is PERVASIVE.

    The way I see it,

    We have two options:

    A.) fix the broken FOSS system to properly fund projects that eschew monetary gains and the stockpiling and hiding intellectual property in the interest of the sanctity of these technologies.

    B.) Normalize end users feeling obligated to pay.

    MudMan avatar

    If the system relies on integrity, it will fail. If it relies on shame or moral obligation it will fail. There is a reason on the other side of the fence they couldn't root out piracy until they started providing more convenient (but more expensive) alternatives. If you rely on people feeling "obligated" to pay, they either won't pay anyway or won't use the software. That's not a viable option.

    So you're left with the other option. Whether one agrees that FOSS is "broken" or not, the only way to make the system sustainable is... well, to make it sustainable. If that means enacting political change, then that's where the effort should go.

    demesisx, avatar

    I very much agree that the social change route is for the best. However, being a cynical old man that has watched Google and others lay waste to the open internet time and again, I guarantee that we’ll have to go with the FOSS hounding route unless some new viable alternative pops up. Thanks for the spirited discussion! I think we both, in the end, want the same thing.

    MudMan avatar

    Yeah, for sure. I'm just wary that the line between cynicism and defeatism is thin, and defeatism leads to conformism.


    Thank you! More people should do this. It may seem like $5 is nothing, but it’s actually great help. Even $1 helps out FOSS projects, as if even just 1% of the users of such projects donated $1 each month that’d be able to make a good income,


    I’m confused, as I progressed in the article I started seeing many proprietary applications being mentioned, with “free software” did you mean libre or gratis?

    CynicusRex avatar

    Ideally both. However, is “many” the correct word? How many proprietary applications did you count? And I'm not being ironic/sarcastic.


    Not the majority, but that’s why I was confused as if they were put there by overlooking the license, anyway it makes sense now. I enjoyed the article btw!

    CynicusRex avatar

    Glad you enjoyed it, and your interaction is appreciated; I'm not immune to blunders so that's why I asked.


    you seems to be the kind of person who like the “pay your price” system

    CynicusRex avatar

    You mean the pay what you want strategy, right?


    yes, or “give your price” i don’t remember the exact name, probably different from every websites

    maniel, (edited ) avatar

    Excluding really good software such as f-droid just because it somehow mentions cryptocurrency? Seems ridiculous

    CynicusRex avatar

    Seems, yes, but I've got my reasons: Money corrupts; bitcoin corrupts absolutely.

    maniel, avatar

    yeah, i’d understanding rejecting software promoting crypto, like brave, but rejecting apps for accepting crypto donations is kinda kinky fetish in my book, also if you cancel f-droid just because they allow crypto related apps you should ban whole distros for hosting crypto packages in heir repositories


    It’s great to donate if you can, but if you can’t, then appreciate the public good that these programmers have done and don’t feel guilty for using free software for free.

    library_napper, avatar

    You can help in other ways. Spend a few hours marketing it. Or open feature requests or bug reports. If you can, contribute a new feature.

    CynicusRex avatar

    Indeed, hence: “Support the people whose products you love when possible or fight corporate tax avoidance”.
    Moreover, giving software a shout-out, a good review, reporting bugs, or contributing to its forum is also a significant method of support.

    PoliticalCustard, avatar

    “From each according to [their] ability, to each according to [their] needs” said some bloke called Karl Marx.

    I donate to foss projects when I am able to, if I am not able to I do not donate to foss projects. I use the results of foss projects according to my needs which, in my case, is every single day. If foss folk lived nearer I would cook and bake for them (that’s my ability) but as that is not possible I send money to these lovely people instead.

    MudMan avatar

    No, it's not, and it's not the argument the article is making. The article is arguing for developers receiving public supoprt financed by taxing corporation who are currently evading massive amounts of money.

    This is not a case of "no one", anyway. Throw a coffee if you can is already how this works. And it's not just "a coffee", plenty of openly available software has alternate revenue streams, support from corporate backers and other sustainability tools besides voluntary crowdsourcing. The OP is pondering a systemic solution, not a moral obligation based on capitalist conceptions of how much time is worth and charity.

    sxan, avatar

    While I applaud compensating FOSS developers, there’s a devil in the details: all software stands on the shoulders of many giants. The nature of software, and software users, means that most money is going to go to front-end developers, regardless of effort. They, in turn, would have to rigorously re-distribute most of that money to the developers of the great many many libraries and frameworks that their software depends on. I would argue that it is practically impossible for this trickle-down to happen fairly, which would result in developers of deep, indirect dependencies used by everyone being ignored. Throw a shitty, low-effort GUI on restic, and you’d end up with all the donations. If you’re ethical, you’d give 99 cents for every dollar to the restic devs; how likely is that? An added wrinkle is that people are really bad about estimating the relative worth of their efforts; even if everyone in the stack is ethical, how do you estimate the relative value of your effort against the effort of the database binding library you use? How much of your donations do you give to each developer of the 40 libraries you directly import?

    Another issue I personally have is that compensation invites obligation. It breaks the itch-scratching foundation of FOSS.

    Finally, I think introducing money into FOSS is a virus that ultimately destroys the only functioning communism in the world. It changes developer behavior, or at least introduces perverse incentives, in undesireable ways. I’d rather end-users contribute in whatever way they can: well-written bug reports, PRs that fix spelling in docs, wiki “how-to” contributions, code contributions. From each, according to ability. That’s what keeps FOSS running, and that’s the spirit of FOSS.

    Now, I’m fully in favor of for-profit companies funding and supporting projects. They’re making money off FOSS, and should roll that down. All of the same trickle-down issues apply, and certainly it introduces the same perverse incentives, but greed should have a cost, and all for-profit companies are by definition engines of greed.


    Good article 👍

    jsalvador, avatar

    Donations to free software projects are pretty important. Since most of big ones are maintained by companies which has a partnership with foundations, lot of most free software projects (libraries, components, apps, etc) are maintained by small amount of volunteers, who paid everything for the project.

    So, this not mean to make you rich, but at least having a coffee paid by some Lemmy user who uses your piece of software and wants to be grateful, makes you a bit more happy.

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