msquebanh, avatar

@msquebanh heh, that is awesome - thank you for sharing, have never heard of that song before ✌️🖖

“But the cops can do no wrong
We've got to fight, take back the night
The cops are just like Hitler's Third Reich
Do what they want”

DNC=GOP, right there, specifically, in my opinion: beat down the other party and then do whatever they want

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah I have a longtime punk gal/punk music background. I also faced neo-nazis in my early punk times & had a local rep for literally punching out nazi guys.


@msquebanh Aye, I picked up on the punk music background - that is another genre that I barely dipped my ears into, but am well aware of the punk boot worshippers.

And hehehe, you rhino-tiger. Fist bump 👊

Perhaps the best actual bigot “WW2 Nazi” (maybe not non-bigot, human rights friendly national socialists), is a sore “WW2 Nazi”: from the litigation or handcuffs on the way to jail or a mental health center.

Germany doesn’t put up with shit at all, specifically by law, last time I checked.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah I was boots on ground & basement DIY punk from late 80s to now. I still consider myself punkrock. I never fully assimilated to any colonial or corporate identities. I resisted hard & sometimes physically punished, for my strong stances. I don't regret it. We stand strong for something beyond our mere souls, regardless of how public treats us - or we don't really stand for anything worth true importance.

KashifShah, (edited )

@msquebanh If I had to assign myself a sub-cultural identity, it would have to be cyberpunk. mirrorshades 🕶️

Then I became a tentative street-preacher, then a tentative academic, and then a conscientious corpo slave, and now, cyberpunk-evolved: cyberpunk muslim.

We have unseen raps guided by the Unseen. There’s 99 Names for Allah, but bitch ain’t one of ‘em.


msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah I don't need multiple identities online or offline. In fact, my thoughts on silliness of alternate names was fully illustrated in multiple court records from past 2 yrs from ppl who believed 'camp name IDs' would shield them from being found by cops & avoiding BS charges. That's more of a newbie mindset. All longtime activist vets don't play into those silly games. We know we can be tracked. We use our knowledge to form other tactics. We don't play into stupid.


@msquebanh No doubt about that!

That’s why I am all about my unique, personal identity and humbly, without much fear, use my real name, here.

Randomized usernames are generally a good idea, though, if you are interested in operational security.

It cracks me up that people think that code names and code words would hold up against code crackers that specialize in breaking code.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah It's mostly activist newbies & folks who have never been arrested for activism & never had all their fake identities all revealed in public court records who keep touting the - activists should use 'code names' BS. I'd love to know how many times that shit worked in real court. In my 30+ yrs in activism, that has NEVER worked.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah No online or offline username protects you - if cops are hunting you down. It's foolhardy to think your mask or multiple nicknames will stop cops from IDing you. Also - many of us activism veterans WANT to be formally charged & have our day in courts. We got almost all charges dropped because almost all were illegal arrests. They were trying to pull on us. Wish more media reported on that inhumanity.


@msquebanh mehhh, to a great degree you are correct - the full power of a nation-state is practically unstoppable. But operational security is a spectrum.

Having worked in enterprise environments as a software developer, operational security is a sort of stock-in-trade, to some degree or the other.

If you are a Human Rights activist in certain countries, you will likely have nation-state level security like Apple now provides as a feature. Or Ed Snowden level security, etc.


@msquebanh Granted, I have made my peace with death, a couple of times now, though, so that might explain some of my lack of fear.

I just take it for granted that if anyone wanted to harm or kill me, they’d be able to anytime they wanted.

Family definitely has received death threat letters in the past, due to my dad being humbly writing newspaper articles and such. Guilty of being Muslim, and all that jazz.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah It is not only me that I think about on these kind of decisions. I think about the rest of my frontliner friends in very remote standoffs with armed corporate mercenaries aka RCMP in Canada. If I'm stupid in my actions, I put the rest at higher risks of brutal RCMP assaults. I won't put my own self above many others.


@msquebanh yeah, opsec is the keyword if you need nation-state level security. often illegal to export, but generally not illegal to have.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah I just use my personal morals & ethics over any governmental mostly full of shit boards. I don't actually need ANY government entities to tell me right from wrong. Perhaps folks who didn't get much good guidance from their loved ones need to spend more time, learning about humanity.


@msquebanh Exactly. That’s why I’m all about human rights. Take away governments and we can all still choose to live by human rights.

“Grow civilization, not war.”

  • Paraphrasing Einstein and Freud’s letters on Why War?
msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah I am very loud - online & offline about human rights violations. That's a good thing, if you support human rights. It's a living nightmare, if you're a bigot. I go after local bigots & NOT SHY about it. I'm the gal who brought over 500 ppl to surround local RCMP & kept those cowards too scared to leave building for 5 hrs. I don't fuck around with no purpose. I don't let personal fears get in the way either.


@msquebanh Greta Thunberg and Que Banh -> tiger rhino’s

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah I appreciate your support but I'm one of many who need more humans to actually do more than tell us that they care. We need more humans to join as accomplices to fight against ongoing global ecocides & cultural genocides.


@msquebanh No doubt about that, either. I’m independently working on outreach and building out as my actions, for the time being.

Next phase will be organizing a local chapter of Amnesty International. I still have some severe social anxiety to work on through therapy.


@msquebanh thoughts on the rules?

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah Fuck these rules until UN actually enforces them on nations with MULTIPLE human rights violations. Looking straight at US & Canada. I don't need this to treat another human being as a human being. The fact that UNDRIP exists is only evidence on how inequitable society is towards almost everyone who isn't super rich.


@msquebanh US still hasn’t ratified one of the key treaties. And Canada is well known as an ignorer of certain UN standards. Apparently especially when it comes to reporting.

The core of Human Rights, until the US ratifies ICESCR, is that each of us, individually, have to constantly hold the UDHR in mind and educate each other about it.

Without UDHR, we only have our own personal moral beliefs to fall back on. And the obvious historical anguish caused by conflict between people.

msquebanh, (edited ) avatar

@KashifShah I'm not against UNDRIP - I'm against lack of actual heavy penalties & enforcement on it. Without actual enforcement - it's literally like taking politician words as good enough. Where did that 'good enough' shit bring us?


@msquebanh Right!! That’s what pisses me off so much, the states signed ICESCR in the 70s and 50 fucking years later, we still haven’t ratified. DNC+GOP=0

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah Which brings me back to why I think UN declarations & pledges & anything else - without actual penalties & consequences - does shit all to change anything.


@msquebanh Aye, conversated with some legal folls on mastodon and the consensus is that the logical next steps for human rights, in the US, at least, are:

  1. self-effecting human rights treaties,
  2. relevant national legislation in support of human rights,
  3. judiciable lawsuits based on tangible harms
msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah Nothing changes without actual heavy consequences for nations who violate & keep on violating because there's no real punishments dealt. It's a total farce now. I welcome actual enforcements.


@msquebanh Yup, those three things are the only way that real consequences can be had, in the states, apparently.

I’d presume that it is very similar for Canada

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah Canada gave corporate mercenaries billions of extra $ in last federal budget. Fuck colonial


@msquebanh following those monies might make some in KKKanada st-st-stutter

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah Almost always does. Did you know that the KKK was established in Canada before it became huge in Southern US? Another part of Canada's racism true history that they don't want many folks to learn about or remember.


@msquebanh Fosho.

Wow, no, I did not know that! Mental note made to read about that.

The Southern Poverty Law Center doesn’t track outside the US, as I recall, but having lived through the last vestiges of the old-KKK in the Midwest US, I was aware of this:

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah USA is super myopic.


@msquebanh It’s practically a personality trait of a lot of people all over the western world, at least.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah I haven't found that kinda myopic attitude in many other Global North countries. Most of us, outside of US, pay attention to other important issues outside of US often. I've had to remind Americans here, multiple times, to not forget that this is not a US specific place to interact & tons of us live outside of USA.

KashifShah, (edited )

@msquebanh Fair point, perhaps that kind of myopic view is more of a personality trait of … how would you say it … a lot of people with a colonial mindset.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah Decolonizing of minds is essential to societal progress. I'll tell you straight up that I had to work on self forgiveness in my early decolonization path. I had NO IDEA how heavily colonial school systems had indoctrinated me until I chose to learn a lot more beyond my formal schooling. I learned a lot by going to many different frontlines - urban & remote.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah I had a polluted colonized mind before cleansing it with regular decolonization efforts. It's insidious...the colonial programming. It's why I didn't recognize how mind was colonized for most of my life - until I started investing & committing myself to lifelong decolonization work - on myself & in helping others to decolonize their minds too ✌


@msquebanh “emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but you can free your mind” 🇯🇲

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah Great song. Even greater message - to be lived.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah Gonna say that I'm one of many folks here who have no issues admitting we lived with colonized mindsets for majority of our lives & how/why we opted to start to decolonize our own minds. It starts with ourselves. If we aren't personally willing to fully commit to decolonization, how do we think others will join us? Those of us who believe in better future are fighting for decolonization. We don't believe true progress happens without decolonization happening too.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah I got censored on TikTok, Twitter & IG for trying to share this book. It's a book used in several universities & colleges on race relations, racism, social justice & Indigenous & POC education.


@msquebanh ugh, yeah, most commercial social media is pretty reactionary against anything that might trigger people to hurt the bottom line of commercial dollars.

sweet, thanks for that share! i’ll have to see if i can find it in a library somewhere ;)

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah It's a good primer on

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah Additional read on this ugly racist history that tries to keep hiding from the rest of the world:

Did you know that Hitler was inspired by our govts handling of the 'Indian problem'? They built similar crematoriums, mass grave sites & used same brainwashing methods on Indigenous kids here. They also medically experimented on native kids with govt consent but not their parents. Canada needs to do a lot more to rectify injustices - still ongoing.

KashifShah, (edited )

@msquebanh ugh, no, but I am aware of the similar American inspiration for some of Hitler’s actions. America, also, still has a lot to do.

In my psychology studies, as part of our ethics training, we had to learn about some of the unconscionable things that used to be done to racial minorities, here, in the name of science.

Psychology at least tries to set and follow a golden standard, for conducting ethical human studies, ever since it became part of the scientific awareness.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah If I can find the reference, will share it. Hitler actually gave Canada credit for creating such an efficient system of genocide. The genocide of Indigenous ppls in Canada started way before Hitler gained any real powers. He studied our Indian Act while in jail & it sounded amazing to him. People need to learn Canada's been playing fake nice to the global public for too long.


@msquebanh That just makes me shudder.

Just like the American colonial song from 1944: “This Land Is Your Land”

“There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me.
The sign was painted, said 'Private Property.'
But on the backside, it didn't say nothing.
This land was made for you and me.”

msquebanh, (edited ) avatar

@KashifShah I would like it if more people learn about real Canadian history & not whitewashed lies in most textbooks that we grew up learning from.


@msquebanh I know some of how that feels; Islam gets slandered all the time, especially back during post-9/11: even on TV there would be ignorant, Christian preachers broadcasting incitements to discrimination and hatred towards Islam.


@KashifShah @msquebanh ignorant yes, but definitely not Christian!


@digitaltwilight @msquebanh Meh, perhaps. If they don’t eventually form back up like Power Rangers with the rest of Christianity, then yeah, I’d agree.


@KashifShah @msquebanh Christ lived in the margins, believing that the Law (fundamentalism) kills and the Spirit makes alive, a la 1 Cor 13. Anyone who espouses anything else is NOT a Christian, though sadly Christian and Nationalism have become interchangeable and interconnected in far too many places.

KashifShah, (edited )

@digitaltwilight @msquebanh

What about Matthew 5:17-20 ?

“17 [a]Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets. I am not come to destroy them, but to [b]fulfill them.

18 For truly I say unto you, Till heaven and earth perish, one jot or one tittle of the Law shall not escape, till all things be fulfilled.”


@KashifShah @msquebanh The devil in the details on that one, especially the method of 'fulfillment' - is it by unconditional love a la Corinthians or is it more the fundy / nationalist John 3:16 us and them attitude?

KashifShah, (edited )

@digitaltwilight @msquebanh Indeed, the devil is a sneaky snake.


John 3:16 Nothing else but the free love of the Father, is the beginning of our salvation, and Christ is he in whom our righteousness and salvation is resident: and faith is the instrument or mean whereby we apprehend it, and life everlasting is that which is set before us to apprehend.”


@digitaltwilight @msquebanh

“16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto learning: continue therein: for in doing this thou shalt both [w]save thyself, and them that hear thee.”

SaanichGuy, avatar

@msquebanh @KashifShah reference(s) for the statements on Canadian crematoriums and mass graves inspired Hilter? The timing doesn’t make sense


@SaanichGuy @msquebanh did a quick kagi search, this might point you in the right direction to track down academic works:

soc_i_ety, avatar

@msquebanh @KashifShah

Deserved of more boosting. I remember seeing Ku Klux Klan painted on a building in a small Canadian prairie city. Little wonder the Indigenous population was wiped out in many areas.


Cypress Hills Massacre National Historic Site of Canada


@soc_i_ety @msquebanh KKK spray painted on the back of a barn in rural Indiana near a campsite on a university kayaking trip. Tons of fun for me and POC..

The kayaking guide was awesome with good camp humor though, so we all made the best of it.

soc_i_ety, avatar

@KashifShah @msquebanh

Glad you were able to still enjoy the kayaking. A lovely way to travel.



@soc_i_ety @msquebanh Thanks! For sure, long-distance kayaking is a joy.

But, I just realized that I misspoke, it was a canoe trip, derp!

The guide had a kayak though and he let some people try it out towards the end of the trip.

Good times!


soc_i_ety, avatar

@KashifShah @msquebanh

Just as well. Canoe or Kayak, both are wonderful vehicles.👍


msquebanh, avatar

@soc_i_ety @KashifShah I like kayaking more because it's easier for me to maneuver & control on ocean waters - I do mainly sea kayaking. I can paddle longer distances solo or with a friend in a kayak. I'm unable to paddle for too long in a canoe. I like both watercraft ways of water transport though. Canoes have more cargo space for longer trips with friends.


@msquebanh @soc_i_ety I think very similarly. My back can’t quite handle canoeing for long distances, or perhaps I just haven’t learned the right technique yet.

But with a 14’ kayak, you barely have to expend any energy to keep moving. A proper sea kayak must be pretty awesome to paddle! Or a tandem, that’d be something else

What type of paddle do you use for your sea kayaking? i’ve wanted to try using a Greenland paddle on the small-to-medium-sized lakes that we have around here.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah @soc_i_ety Usually Werner or Aquabound paddles.

I've done longer canoeing trips before but only in one w/custom seat that one of my ex's built for me & it had a backrest built in - much more comfortable for long trips.

The flow style of kayak paddling doesn't strain my body as much as classic canoe style of paddling.


@msquebanh @soc_i_ety I just have whatever came from the department store 😅 But this would be a dream paddle, for me:

Ah wow, a backrest or special padding for sitting on your knees on the floor would be perfect. Not those standard benches, heh.

Aye, after some years of kayaking, I finally figured out an efficient flow stye that barely requires any strain.

I haven't paddled in a while, though, so I'm not sure how my carpal tunnel will hold up these days, though.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah @soc_i_ety Do you have any adaptive recreational organizations in your area? Those are helpful to contact as local adaptive resource & they often have events/opportunities for folks with disabilities to participate in.


@msquebanh @soc_i_ety The likelihood of there being adaptive recreational organizations here is extremely low :(

Spanning nearly 2.5k square miles, we have a whole whopping 350k people. The main city is 3rd largest in IN and has only 100k people - not much in the way of economic diversity, here.

There used to be one or maybe two small groups of shopkeepers/enthusiasts that occasionally had events, but I haven't yet looked into it since I moved back to the region a year or two ago.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah @soc_i_ety What region is it?

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah @soc_i_ety I'll ask some of my CanAm para athletes & coaches contacts about any resources closer to you. They work in both countries with adaptive sports & recreation.


@msquebanh @soc_i_ety Cool, that is much appreciated, thanks! Would be pretty awesome if there were some sort of physical therapists that specialized in rehabilitation using kayaks :D

msquebanh, avatar

@msquebanh @soc_i_ety hah, no, but I will :D

Thanks for finding that!

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah @soc_i_ety They can likely help you get back on water or help you find a program that can work with your disability. Good luck!

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah @soc_i_ety The other local lead I'd take is contacting local or state colleges & universities about their adaptive sports/recreational programs & resources. Most should have a department for this & they tend to be very helpful - even if you're not a student.


@msquebanh @soc_i_ety hmm, good to know. my alma mater had a pretty big sports program, so I might try to reach out to them. I think they used to provide an alumni discount, heh.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah @soc_i_ety I participate in a few different adaptive sports & recreation through OneAbility here - they work with our local colleges & universities & event/training space is provided by the schools.


@msquebanh @soc_i_ety The economic diversity and outdoors opportunities up and over there must be pretty awesome!

I have fond memories of looking at pictures of the BC coastal areas in kayaking magazines 🤤

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah @soc_i_ety It couldn't hurt. Thing is - most of these organizations are underfunded & don't have extra funds to advertise. I hunted down many resources to find local adaptive programs & opportunities that I could join.

We have to take personal initiatives to make good things happen for ourselves - especially when we have any disabilities because we currently live in a mainly ableist society. Gyms & regular sports orgs - don't advertise to us - they ignore us.


@msquebanh @soc_i_ety > "We have to take personal initiatives to make good things happen for ourselves"

That's the truth!

I get easily freaked out when I am around people, but with adaptive assistance, I can slowly build up my resilience.

The university gym had free personal trainers for students, so that was cool. After some weeks/months, I got to the point of being able to use the indoor track when it was mostly empty :D

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah @soc_i_ety That's awesome that the university had free personal trainers!


@msquebanh @soc_i_ety For sure!

They had a rock climbing wall, olympic sized pool, video game systems in the lobby, pool table, and all that jazz in the rec center.

USI is pretty decent-ish, heh.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah @soc_i_ety No huge pool at UVic but there's lots inside athletics facility building that also has a big rock wall for climbing sports.

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah Best wishes! I'm opting to invest time/efforts into localized efforts. I believe in helping where you're at, first & still keep supporting related causes elsewhere. Charity begins at home. I ask everyone to ask themselves - What am I doing this week/month, to help my own community? What more can I do to assist the marginalized folks in my community more? Can I spearhead a local environmental cleanup, with my community? I always start with local aid, first.


@msquebanh Thanks!!

I’m so ASD/PDD-NOS/ADD/MMD that I struggle doing anything in person, so I invest in the cyberpunk way ;)

msquebanh, avatar

@KashifShah We don't need to be pedestalled - we need more humans to back their own words with actual action.


Lyrics for those that can’t make out all the words:


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