CIA publicly acknowledges 1953 coup it backed in Iran was undemocratic as it revisits 'Argo' rescue

While revealing new details about one of the most famed CIA operations of all times — the spiriting out of six American diplomats who escaped the 1979 U.S. Embassy seizure in Iran — the intelligence agency for the first time has acknowledged something else as well.

The CIA now officially describes the 1953 coup it backed in Iran that overthrew its prime minister and cemented the rule of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as undemocratic.

Other American officials have made similar remarks in the past, but the CIA’s acknowledgment in a podcast about the agency’s history comes as much of its official history of the coup remains classified 70 years after the putsch. That complicates the public’s understanding of an event that still resonates, as tensions remain high between Tehran and Washington over the Islamic Republic’s rapidly advancing nuclear program, its aiding of militia groups across the Mideast and as it cracks down on dissent.

The “CIA’s leadership is committed to being as open with the public as possible,” the agency said in a statement responding to questions from The Associated Press. “The agency’s podcast is part of that effort — and we knew that if we wanted to tell this incredible story, it was important to be transparent about the historical context surrounding these events, and CIA’s role in it.”

Stamets, (edited )

Really frustrating that this article does what Argo did and turn the entire rescue operation into an American affair, completely ignoring the fact that the Canadians were integral to every single part of the plan. Also that the Canadians were putting themselves in extreme risk to help the Americans. However by looking at that movie and this article you’d think that it was completely resolved by 2 CIA agents. Former president Jimmy Carter even said that “90 percent of the contributions to the ideas and the consummation of the plan was Canadian but Argo gives almost full credit to the CIA.”

Getting a little tired of his historical erasure when Canadians were the ones who risked literally everything to save the Americans. You guys claim the hero role in so much. Please just let us keep ours, damn. Not bad enough that the Canadian hero who was at the center of all this had to fly to LA to change the Argo ending because it was so outrageously offensive to Canada. At least that was a movie. Meanwhile CIA can publicly acknowledge overthrowing entire governments but can’t give me and my Leaf People a single shred of credit.


Hero role?


Every Hollywood movie is re-written to have the American be the hero, this is no different.

CosmicTurtle, (edited )

This isn’t limited to Argo. Hollywood absolutely steals real life events and turns them into America is Awesome movies.

U-571 should have been about the British navy.

Let’s not look past the white washing of stories as well. Last Samurai. Now You See Me 21…both movies where the stories are about Asians but played by Caucasians.


I completely agree with all your points except for the last movie you mention. Unless there’s another movie I’m unaware of called Now You See Me, that movie is about a handful of ‘magicians’ who ‘rob a bank’ and then piss off the FBI. There are no main characters in the movie that are Asian at all. That’s probably a problem of it’s own, but there’s no instance of white washing there.


Shit. I meant 21, the movie about the MIT Poker team.


I don’t know if anyone from 21 was involved in NYSM but I get your confusion. A lot of the stylistic choices of the movie are pretty similar.

So yeah, then I 100% back everything you say buddy. Hollywood is a fucking wreck.

Also I dunno who’s downvoting you but that’s pretty shitty of them.


Funnily enough, Last Samurai belongs in the first category too. There were some real-life white military officers who were employed as advisors and ended up fighting against the Meiji government in the late 18th century. They were French, though, not American.

vidarh, avatar

I remember growing up in the 1980’s and 90’s when there were still a horrifying amount of people who refused to believe CIA did things like that at all, even in a relatively left-wing country like Norway.


You don’t say?

jenniebuckley, avatar

cool. what do they want us to do now? applaud them for finally admitting something (that was obvious anyway) after 70 years?

HubertManne avatar
cedarmesa, avatar

The cia has a podcast? Link?

girlfreddy, avatar
cedarmesa, (edited ) avatar



Describe the CIA’s involment in Chile next!

throws_lemy, avatar

Well, no shit same here in SEA 🤨


I think you could add most Latin American countries to that list.


I mean, couping commies is always morally justified


Sinking a dane axe into the flesh of dumb fucks is always morally justified.


Commies trying not to be bloodthirsty killers responsible for murders of thousands of lgbtq+ community members and genociding entire ethnic minorities challenge: impossible

Honestly the CIA and american power projection is responsible for the majority of peace in the modern world and we are in great debt to them for it

MirthfulAlembic, avatar

Yeah, the Pinochet regime was FAMOUSLY peaceful.


At least it wasn’t communist. As you can see from the other poster, communists are inherently violent and anti-lgbtq

vidarh, avatar

“They had the right colour uniform on when they carried out the mass murder, and that makes it better” <- how you come across.


I don’t care how I come across to a violent conservative. I’m right, have not been proven wrong and absolutely mopping the floor with fascists atm.

Brigading, purposeful misunderstanding and enraged lashouts from you guys is only expected

vidarh, avatar

I’m neither violent or a conservative, nor will your ongoing attempt to justify mass murder make it so. For someone who keeps calling people fascists, you’re the only one in this thread supporting a far-right extremist authoritarian, mass-murdering dictator.


Better than the guy who refutably would have killed more :)

vidarh, avatar

“Better mass murder than the fiction I invented in my head” is the comeback you think it is. All it underlines is that you’re doubling back on the support of violence and destruction of democracy when it fits your extremist ideology.


If the reality of communist genocides is “in my head” I’ve got a sound head tbh, thank you.

vidarh, avatar

Allende didn’t carry out any mass murder. Pinochet did. Hence your purported “knowledge” about what Allende might have done had your preferred mass murderer not taken power is only in your head.

Trying to set up strawmen by pointing to entirely different regimes that nobody in this thread have expressed support for does not change the fact that you’re still the only one here repeatedly arguing in favor of someone who actually carried out mass murder.


Already addressed this

vidarh, avatar

You’ve only “addressed this” by repeating your imaginary scenario of thought crime as justification for arguing that bringing mass murderer into power was right, just like the supporters of every brutal dictator in history though their favourite mass murderer did what they needed to as well.

It’s not actually “addressing” anything - all you’ve done is doubling down on trying to justify actual, real murders that happen with your fear of something hypothetical. This irrational fear of hypothetical harm and willingness to preemptively harm the other first, driven by a relentless bloodlust lies at the core of the fascist psyche.


Same can be said about fascism. Or capitalism. Look at how many people want to remove rights of lgbtq in americs. Look how the nazis treated homosexuals (and communists)


I mean, fascism is just an umbrella term for communism, nazism etc. Capitalism really is just the existence of money in terms of servicing transactions, something that has brought immense value to the world. How lemmy looks at issues like police brutality and concludes 'welp thats capitalism" is honestly kinda weird. Thought it was a joke at first but now I’m not that sure.


Bad troll or just completely politically and economically ignorant?


I’m just really into history.

And historically, every single communist regime proves the horseshoe theory, it’s not my fault.


You don’t think that has anything to do with the trillions of dollars America has spent over the last century trying to fight communism lol?


“sorry comrade I camped those homosexuals but you see, the americans spent trillions last century trying to stop us from camping the said minorities so it’s justified”

Sentences said by the entirely deranged.


I mean, fascism is just an umbrella term for communism, nazism etc. Capitalism really is just the existence of money in terms of servicing transactions, something that has brought immense value to the world. How lemmy looks at issues like police brutality and concludes 'welp thats capitalism" is honestly kinda weird.

Literally the dumbest shit I’ve ever read lmfao




Okay. I’m glad that you acknowledge how utterly retarded what you have said here is. Sorry to anyone sensitive to that word.


Am I really supposed to be surprised that someone who’s emotionally invested into a violent ideology acts violent when that ideology is questioned?

Of course they think I’m “retarded”, but they support an ideology that wants to kill them.


You said fascism is an umbrella term for communism so no, you are not really into history. Probably the farthest from it if you are that moratorium.


You disagree with me based on emotional responses. In technicalities and practice, communism is a form of fascism.

I can’t of course change the opinion of a person who’s emotionally invested in violent ideology, but I want to sow the seed of the idea that killing lgbtq+ is not a good thing in your head. Think about it, will you?


No, I disagree with you because you are categorically wrong.

I agree that discrimination and killing the LGBTQ+ community is wrong. That is why I don’t vote for conservatives who would love to see that happen.


I agree that discrimination and killing the LGBTQ+ community is wrong.

Then stop supporting violent ideologies which depend on killing said minorities.

That is why I don’t vote for conservatives who would love to see that happen.

Good start but push through some more aight.


I do not support violent ideologies like fascism. I am also educated enough to recognize that fascism and communism are not the same. Although that is not a high bar to beat and somehow you failed to do that…


Sure they just act all the same. Good definition there!


What the fuck are you talking about? Are you on crack?


Why do commies need to have their hand held even on the simplest of explanations? Pathetic really. Go and channel that anger you have on homosexuals online or something, come back with a clear head ye


You are making zero sense. What communists are you even talking about? Considering you are advocating anger towards the gay community, you seem to also fall under the category of bigot. Go back to your hole, bigot.



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  • SeaJ,

    You are the one who wants anger towards the gay community. You clearly hate homosexuals. You are also clearly a pedophile. Why do you support an ideology that wants to fuck children? Disgusting.


    No, no, we disagree with you because you fail to comprehend literal words, with literal definitions, which we would even require to start to explain these concepts to you. You are a lost cause, your opinion is irrelevant. You failed the first day of history, and economics lol.


    Ok sure. Lets say communists are not fascists. They just so happen to act like fascists. Fruitful conversation.


    I hope you are at least consistent and feel the same way about capitalism.


    Define capitalism for me please. You’ll find it to be quite an extensive term, useless for these conversations. Prefer terms such as fascism, as fascism always leads to atrocities, regardless of the economic model, whereas there are of course plenty of capitalist countries with near-perfect human rights situations.

    It’s like saying I don’t like scarves and you come in and ask me to be consistent and feel the same way about all clothing.


    Can you define communism in the same way for me, please?

    I think you’ll find that your understanding of the subject, which, for the record, is just as vast as ‘capitalism’ is flawed.

    Communism and capitalism are economic systems.

    Fascism is a political ideology.

    You’re literally doing the arguing for me.


    Can you define communism in the same way for me, please?

    Mass murder of minorities, for example sexual minorities. Genocide of ethnic minorities. Scared of those rich people with money, consolidates power and money to a closer set of people. Apparently also seizing the means of production plays a part in the lore but it’s really a secondary thing, it’s mostly mass murder.

    Communism and capitalism are economic systems.

    “Communism (from Latin communis, ‘common, universal’)[1][2] is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology

    If you’re going on the semantic route of arguing, make sure you’re even just a little bit right.


    Sorry, guess I should’ve used the term socialism to specifically refer to the economic system.

    The definition you gave of communism is just plainly incorrect tho… care to try again?


    Sorry, guess I should’ve used the term socialism to specifically refer to the economic system.

    So essentially you just learned that in order to take the smartass route, you actually have to be smart. Lmao

    My definition on communism is based off of reality and historical facts. What some bearded fuck said 150 years ago is a really nice pubquiz question, but totally irrelevant to the millions of innocent people dead because of the totalitarian policies of communists.

    That is actually something a lot of commies online have a problem with, and honestly I don’t blame them. Reality is a fleeting concept when you haven’t touched grass in a while and only indulge in what is essentially fanfiction on communism, like Das Capitals etc. Good for recreational purposes I guess, if you’re into delusion, but awful in reality. Keyword; reality. I only operate in, analyze and critique reality.


    Sadly words have definitions. If you look at those societies that claim to have been communist, you’ll find that almost none of them have been.

    It’s like saying democracy is terrible because of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea…


    Sadly words have definitions.

    Surely. But if something looks like fascism, talks like fascism, acts like fascism, you’re not gonna tell me it’s not fascism because a definition you made up said it’s not. I mean, you just did, but it’s quite fruitless. I guess hitler too thought nazism was actually peaceful and all that good stuff.



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  • SaakoPaahtaa,

    That literally is my point. The fact that commies say they’re not fascists doesn’t not make them fascists.

    The fact that commies nowadays say they don’t hate lgbtq+ doesn’t mean they don’t want to camp them.

    Thank you .



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  • SuddenlyBlowGreen,

    If you look at those societies that claim to have been communist, you’ll find that almost none of them have been.

    So which countries have been?

    GiveMemes, (edited )

    American Indian societies were quite communistic depending on tribe.


    Dude I pull my ideology from the pre-soviet american socialists. Think IWW, me being a bloodthirsty asshole aint got jack shit to do with my economic ideology, my bloodthirst is from my social ideology which is largely seperate. Id sink my axe into a tankie just as easily as a fascist, blood is blood it spills all the same.


    Peace? There’s no global war but that’s less because of the US and more because of the UN. But there’s still conflict all over the place and many timeses because the US stuck its nose in something that was none of its business, f*cked shit up and then ran away leaving everyone else to deal with the fallout.


    Oh hey you’re the guy from my kindergarten, exactly the same arguments too!

    How you been? Still believe moonlandings were fake? That covid-thing must’ve got you riled up haha


    Allende was not a communist…

    And no, having a coup against democratically elected leaders is not moral at all.


    Couping nazis our would’ve been nice but I guess I’m the only one here who gives a shit about minority lives.

    Edit also he was


    The Nazis were not voted into power by a majority. His appointment was undemocratic. They also suspended elections. That is a shit example.

    And no, Allende was not communist. He was left leaning but he was far from a communist. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of the situation knows that. You are clearly just trolling.


    The Nazis were not voted into power by a majority.

    They were

    His appointment was undemocratic.

    Perfectly in-line with the laws at the time.

    They also suspended elections.

    After the fact.

    Allende was not communist.

    “…has been described as the first Marxist to be elected president in a liberal democracy in Latin America.[9][10][11]”

    “…create the society of communism which Marxists see as true democracy”

    I’m literally reading wikipedia for you lmao. Try again after you read a book or two young lad.


    The Nazis never got more than 37% of the vote. A majority is more than 50%. In their last election they got less than 33%. Hitler’s appointment was not democratic. I don’t give a shit of the laws if the Weimar Republic allowed it. That does not make it democratic.

    We all know Wikipedia is the epitome of truth. 🙄 He was a democratic socialist by the time he was killed and never supported any sort of dictatorship. He was not pushing communism when he was president. Nationalization of basic resources, sure but that is a fast cry from communism. It is silly that the US even got involved. The Vuskovic Plan was failing and the next election likely would have resulted in a right wing government anyway.


    You should give a shit what the democracy in weimar allowed, that’s the point.

    But you don’t care about the conversation, you want to brainwash people into thinking commies don’t want lgbtq+ killed.

    vidarh, avatar

    When you are the only one here who is publicly stating your support for a coup that brought a mass-murdering lunatic into power you do not have the moral high ground on anything at all.


    Second lunatic was way better than the first one would ever have been. Just because we never got to see what that specific fascist would have done to his people doesn’t mean we can’t see what other fascists have done and extrapolate from there.

    vidarh, avatar

    So you’re supporting an actual, proven far-right extremist mass murderer over a democratically elected leader who didn’t kill anyone because in your head you imagines crimes he never carried out. That is the typical mindset of a fascist.


    Better than the guy who refutably would have killed more :)


    Are you saying that the Nazis were communists?


    No. But both nazis and commies are fascists, and should be treated as such


    Or you’re the only one here with a vast misunderstanding of communism…


    Even if reality is misunderstanding, I’m going to stand my ground here.


    “I’m wrong but I’m proudly wrong so accept my authority”


    Literally no one here has proven me wrong. And how can they, in reality communists have killed, are killing and will kill lgbtq+.

    Everything else is just noise and denial. Sad state of affairs

    vidarh, avatar

    Nobody will take the authority of someone who is on record in this very thread supporting a mass murderer.



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  • vidarh, avatar

    I’ve literally never done anything of the sort, you liar.



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  • vidarh, avatar

    I have never in my life supported any violent coups or putting mass murderers in charge by any means. You have on the other hand repeatedly done so in this thread alone.


    Again, reality defies this sentence. Communism is inherently violent

    vidarh, avatar

    In reality the dictator you’ve repeatedly expressed support for here killed thousands, while unlike you I’ve never supported any oppressive, mass-murdering government of any kind.

    Actual murders trumps your fictional head canon any time.



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  • vidarh, avatar

    And again, actual murders trump your fictional headcanon any time. This “it’s for the good of everyone” argument is the traditional argument of fascists to justify dismantling democracy and hunting down political opponents. Every brutal dictator and their supporters think they are the heroes and project their own brutality on the people they murder while they leave a trail of blood behind them.


    Please address the point I made instead of calls for violence against transgendered people. It’s not too much to ask

    vidarh, avatar

    I’ve addressed your points repeatedly, while you resort to fiction and defamatory lies.


    Don’t waste you’re time my guy, read through his history, he’s literally a moron. As in the medical definition.


    This comment is the perfect example of how everything goes to shit in this world. It should be in a museum.


    I had a history professor who was a freedom fighter from Chile. He taught us Colonial American History. Gave me a lot of new appreciation for how people were harmed in the settling of the New World. Spoke of the fear of the black cloud of the USA in South America. Great course.


    That one will take another 20 years.


    The “CIA’s leadership is committed to being as open with the public as possible”

    [pause for laughter]

    Nacktmull, avatar

    "as possible" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that statement.

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