Boeing whistleblower found dead in US

John Barnett had worked for Boeing for 32 years, until his retirement in 2017.

In the days before his death, he had been giving evidence in a whistleblower lawsuit against the company.

Boeing said it was saddened to hear of Mr Barnett’s passing. The Charleston County coroner confirmed his death to the BBC on Monday.

It said the 62-year-old had died from a “self-inflicted” wound on 9 March and police were investigating.

4grams, avatar

I am not a conspiracy theorist. Reality is trying it’s damnedest to make me one.


If it actually happened, it’s just a “conspiracy,” not a “conspiracy theory.”

solidgrue, avatar

There are circumstances where conspiracy the likeliest explanation.

This is one of those.


He didn’t show any signs of depression or suicidal tendencies… signs like voluntarily flying on a boeing plane.


It’s possible it was stress from the litigation. In fact, if you don’t specify whose stress, I’d almost guarantee it.

4grams, avatar



That's what they want you to think.


It’s no longer a conspiracy when it’s proven true.


A conspiracy is when a group plans to do something unlawful. So if it’s proven true it’s still a conspiracy. It just stops being a theory.


A “theory” is a collection of information we currently understand to be true.

The term “conspiracy theory” is a misnomer that should be correctly expressed as “conspiracy hypothesis”. But that’s just a theory.

Cosmicomical, (edited )

I think the confusion arises from the secrecy part. A conspiracy is understood to be a secret unlawful activity, especially of subversive nature. When it’s not secret anymore is it still conspiracy? or is it just organised crime? I know it feels just pedantic, but this is why the media abuses words to steer collective opinion. Nowadays you can just say something is a conspiracy and people will believe it’s fake without recourse.


I was just being kind of funny. Language is weird and I’m pretty sure that the word conspiracy is headed through the change to mean “Crazy people think this thing is true”


Then we need to find another word to express when people gets together to do shady shit, which happens more often than not.


No arguments here. I’d like to be able to differentiate between people going shady shit and flat earth believers.

GladiusB, avatar

This isn’t proof. That’s the crazy part. I hear ya. I’m with ya. I don’t see anything that is concrete physical evidence to tie it all together. As of now.


I agree, I just was making a joke. It’s a conspiracy until you realize it’s a fact. MK-ULTRA, Government spying on you (which time? ) , Big tobacco hiding that cigerettes cause cancer, Stacks of ET games are buried in New Mexico, even dark stories like the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments were all conspiracy theories at one time. Sadly they all turned out to be true.


There’s also the conspiracy theory of conspiracy theories that the government actually likes and even spreads conspiracy theories so that the real ones get lost in the noise and written off by the general public as “just another loony conspiracy theory”


I like that one because I absolutely don’t like it, but it’s hard not to like and think that it’s worth being a likable conspiracy theory.
And that’s the problem with conspiracy theories, you like to like them and then you can’t be sure.

It’s just like that sometimes.


Very few conspiracies are as dark and terrifying as (checks notes) Atari games buried in the desert.


That’s the most annoying misunderstanding. A conspiracy is still a conspiracy when you prove it happened/it’s happening. Conspirators remain conspirators, which means they were working together to do something illegal in secret. Ok, so now it’s not secret anymore, but they still conspired.


The Gulf of Tonkin incident being created by the US was a conspiracy theory until it wasn’t.

Not every “conspiracy theory” is wrong. Sometimes people in charge are actually trying to cover something up. It’s not insane to be skeptical of an official line until it’s backed up with proof.

Lizard people, however, don’t exist.


Lizard people, however, don’t exist.

Speak for yourself, upright ape.

4grams, avatar

My comment was meant to be tongue in cheek but you pretty much nailed the message I’m after. Don’t jump to the conspiracy conclusion but you have to have something wrong with your brain if this doesn’t at least tickle your skeptic gland.

EdibleFriend, avatar

Eh. There will always be real conspiracies and then…lizard people conspiracies.

This shit right here? yeah…they killed him. 100%. No doubt in my fucking mind.

agent_flounder, avatar

I mean, he was old…people die—

It said the 62-year-old had died from a “self-inflicted” wound on 9 March and police were investigating.

oh shit they totally fucking killed him




Relevant Chart (open image in new tab to see it larger):

umbrella, avatar

this is bulshit, epstein definetly didnt kill himself, for starters.


How did they make hollow earth antisemitic? MF’rs

agent_flounder, avatar

Not sure what to make of this chart except that a few items are misplaced imo and I agree conspiracy shit is an alt right pipeline in most cases. Maybe it wasn’t always but whatever.


I haven’t followed up on the news. But there sure wasn’t much available yesterday. So as far as actual reliable evidence we the public have little.

The guy being dead with an apparent self inflicted wound (as BBC and others said) or gunshot (as Corp Crime Reporter said) during whistleblower court proceedings against a giant company is consistent with suicide from:

  • Stress of the case or from blackmail
  • Stress from something totally unrelated.
  • Some other cause (depression, terminal illness…)

It is also consistent with:

  • murder made to look like suicide to silence his further testimony and dissuade others

Any of these is certainly plausible at least. As is Epstein being murdered. Actually, that one is more plausible, given the few suspicious coincidences and the sheer number of people who wanted his secrets to stay that way. Whereas extra-terrestrial UFOs aren’t all that plausible based on our current body of scientific knowledge.


I agree with pretty much everything you’ve written. The only point I would like to make is that the section where the UFOs sits is the “We Have Questions” section, which is between the “Things That Actually Happened” and “Unequivocally False But Mostly Harmless” sections. I interpret this section as containing things that cannot (as of 2021) be conclusively shown to be true or false. Also note that they’re not even saying ET UFOs, but just UFOs. I think the flying saucer is just for visual flair. If I recall correctly, the person who designed this is/was an actual graphic designer.

gila, (edited )

Lol, they mustn’t be a great one, because their design seems to have led at least one of y’all to interpret the labels as denoting for the category below, rather than upper/lower bounds between two categories. i.e. things in the blue category above the “speculation line” label are speculative but not yet “leaving reality”


Epstein didn’t kill himself though. The circumstances where above the level of questioning, there were cameras turned off and he was supposedly on suicide watch.


As I much as I also believe that, there is no hard evidence (that we know of) that he didn’t kill himself. I think that’s why it’s in that section. The suspiciousness of it is through the roof, but we can’t prove it.


Sure we can’t prove it but that diagram puts it at the same level of UFOs.


Right, the chart is far from perfect, but they just grouped them both under the “we have questions” section. We have lots of unresolved questions about Epstein’s death, we have lots of unresolved questions about UFO sightings.


No, I understand we have questions but explaining epstein requires a couple of details, while UFOs require new laws of physics.


You definitely have a good point. I don’t think the designer probably meant much by it though. It’s only a casual classification.


“self-inflicted” wound

Did he shoot himself in the back of the head? Double tap for good measure?

nadram, avatar

The right thing to do would be to seize Boeing, take it away from its shareholders, hold and interrogate the major shareholders, and regardless of the outcome of interrogations the company should never return to the public. Either dismantle and sell every pathetic asset, or run it as a public company. This is a no-brainer, they should not be allowed to continue with business as usual even if no one is found guilty or no direct link is established.

4grams, avatar

You are 100% correct, and this same sentence is justified for countless other evil corporations but will similarly never pass. I honestly think biden is our dead cat bounce and regardless if he wins or not, the decline is just ramping up.


When a person is convicted of certain crimes, the government assumes control over their life in the form of imprisonment. Why shouldn’t the same happen to corporations that commit serious offenses? Any argument against this could be applied tenfold to the incarceration of citizens, but I suspect that defenders of criminal corporations don’t have a consistent view in that regard.

Forget identifying the people responsible, forget pleas that they’ll do better, forget fines-- if you demonstrate that you are willing to use your freedom to abuse society, society gets to tell you what to do. Sometimes for a few years, sometimes forever.


Boeing said it was saddened to hear of Mr Barnett’s passing.

I’m sure they were distraught.

This is something I thought would be on the Onion.

Shadywack, (edited ) avatar

Deeply saddened by such a tragic loss, and we send our condolences to his family.

Meanwhile, Boeing execs


“self-inflicted” ahh huuh

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

He just wandered out to his car and died, bro. In the middle of a deposition. Its actually incredibly normal, bro. Why are you asking all these questions, bro? He just died, okay? Its fine.


Yeah, he just fell down an elevator shaft… onto some bullets…


The timing is very convenient… for Boeing.


We should’ve all anticipated the word “self-inflicted” being redefined, once this happened to “safety”, “bullying”, “bigot”, and “weaponize”. “Self-inflicted” now means “His death was hastened along by those who weren’t eager to see him around for much longer”

TheObviousSolution, (edited )

He is the reason some people wants the US to be a bit more like Russia. Yeah, no, this wasn’t a suicide, this was to stop the case that he himself had embarked on a long-running legal action on and that he had been in Charleston for legal interviews for. This stops the case in its tracks.

“John was in the midst of a deposition in his whistleblower retaliation case, which finally was nearing the end,” Knowles and his co-counsel Robert Turkewitz said in a statement to TIME. “He was in very good spirits and really looking forward to putting this phase of his life behind him and moving on. We didn’t see any indication he would take his own life. No one can believe it.”

Please don’t reply if you are just going to spam “BuT sUiCiDe”. If that’s false, he’s just another casualty of Boeing. If that’s true, he’s just another casualty of Boeing.

Funny how he takes his own life in an hotel car park, and no one hears it. Let me guess, he also happened to buy the gun and get the gun permit the same day … His anxiety never manifested as suicidal tendencies, and if anything, taking action had decreased it.

nadram, avatar

Or, this is the reason why the USA already is like Russia… “Suicide by 3 shots in the back then jumped out of the window” kind of scenarios.

prettydarknwild, avatar

he commited suicide in a russian fashion


What would be the correct expression? Someone has committed this whistleblowers suicide?

nadram, avatar

He was suicided


Suicide implies that he did it to himself. In the absence of enough evidence to say “murder” it’s the best phrase we’ll get.


I don’t know why Boeing would wait 6 or 7 years to kill him, right in the middle of his deposition, at the exact moment it would greatly intensify exposure of the story.

I hope people focus on the facts he was sharing-- that Boeing was taking safety shortcuts and ignoring clear risks to keep production deadlines–and what that means about possible risks to the millions of Americans that fly, not fall off into conspiracy land.


Truly only Americans are at risk because of their actions, astute observation there


Only Americans are real people. Is there a community for quotes like this?


Pretty sure no one at the top of boeing cares about anything other than the next quarter, and that mentality is exactly the one that would panic and pull the trigger.

They didn’t kill him for 6 or 7 years because boeings weren’t falling apart in the air back then. Now that its in the news they knew his testimony would sink them, so they made a gamble.

nadram, avatar

It took a while for them to preemptively buy their way out of the assassination

BackOnMyBS, avatar

to make an example so others dont blow the whistle

EmperorHenry, avatar

Ah yes, “found dead” like the people who reported on the Panama papers “died in car accidents”


And they get away with it because we let them. We have proven time and time again that we’ll do nothing, so they’ll keep doing it.


The difference between terrorism and revolution is critical mass of supporters. If it was as easy as taking to the streets with guns I imagine more of the left would do it. We only have to look as far back as 2019 to Willem van Spronsen to see you’d likely just die in vain. Until then, train, agitate, and organize.


If it was as easy as taking to the streets with guns I imagine more of the left would do it.

I mean, isn’t that how lefty commies defeated the Nazi’s? Never said it was easy, but they got there in the end, and there’s still more work to be done it would seem. We got numbers on our side, $32.6trillion worth of them wouldn’t even fill up a single 737 airplane.

EmperorHenry, avatar

No, WE don’t let them for forbid them from doing anything.

Those corporate jackoffs are the ones that control everything. All our elections are just for show.


These corporate jackoffs also have names and addresses, just sayin’. They’re only as untouchable as we let them be, and they’re terrified of the fact that we’re waking up to that (hence the bunkers n shit). They’re like “Nuh uh” and we’re like “Oh ok then” and give them our lunch money, their power is equal to that of a bully making rules on the playground, we just need to grow the fuck up.


Seems legit.


ITT: The equivalent of Trump supporters confusing the fact that they are suspicious that the election was stolen, with actually knowing so.


Well, Boeing is demonstrably willing, even determined, to choose financial short term gain over any amount of human lives or reputation loss. It would be shocking if it was truly an accident that saved Boeing from a second day of testimony right when everything is starting to really fall apart for them, right?


Notice how you haven’t offered up any evidence. Just motivation to kill him (even that’s tenuous at best).

You know what Trump supporters often argue? That the “deep state” had motive to stop Trump from becoming POTUS, which is what makes their claims reasonable.

In this case, you’re acting just like them.


I don’t disagree with you. But evidence of Boeing being willing to trade lives for profit is super, super easy to find right now. If you aren’t being disingenuous I am willing to do some of the labor you are asking for


You are just justifying being suspicious. I’m suspicious too. You don’t need to convince me of rhay.

But it’s 100% possible for them to be willing to kill him but he still killed himself. Right now I’ve seen no evidence that they did it. It’s all blind speculation.


I didn’t say they did although I would personally place it at like a 60% likelihood. Obviously there’s no evidence, this literally just happened.

Just wanted to be clear that I live in reality and no one has the security camera footage yet.


I didn’t say they did

t would be shocking if it was truly an accident that saved Boeing from a second day of testimony right when everything is starting to really fall apart for them, right?

Say it? No. But you certainly implied it.

I would personally place it at like a 60% likelihood.

Which is based on suspicion alone. That’s my point.


Exactly what evidence are you expecting random people on the internet to dig up?

EatATaco, (edited )

I’m expecting random people on the Internet not to dog up evidence, but to accept that their suspicions are just that, and without evidence you can’t call it likely the truth or pretend you know what happened.

You know, basic critical thinking.


No, that’s called letting other people think for you, but if that’s what you consider critical thinking, then I know who you voted for.


Holy shit you just argued that basing your opinions on the facts, instead of your own prejudices, not only isn’t critical thought, but letting people think for you.


blazera, avatar

I’d say it’s more like a huge percentage of votes for one candidate got lost in a fire. Sure fires happen, but it was really important that this one should be protected from happening.

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

I’m not going to say that Boeing had this guy directly killed, but I can certainly see them and their legal team explicitly trying to make his life as hellish as possible until he felt that he only had one way out. Legal threats if you stop proceeding with your case, legals threats if you don’t, they want a terrible warning for any other whistleblowers.


Isn’t that exactly what happened to Aaron Schwartz? Not a whistleblower, but similar tactics


Yes the FBI wanted to make an example out of him for the crime of downloading research papers from a service he had legitimate access to. Even JSTOR thought the prosecution was absurd and didn’t want anything to do with it.


I’m fully expecting to learn in a decade or so that spez was behind it using his family connections to push out the one person dedicated to keeping reddit from becoming a profit machine.

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