'Horrific' violence at UCLA after counter-protesters attack pro-Palestinian camp

Violence erupted at the University of California, Los Angeles after pro-Israeli counter-demonstrators attacked a pro-Palestinian campus encampment. Bubbling tensions on the campus boiled over following the alleged breach of a “buffer zone” between the rival groups.


Its weird yo see they York University was so far ahead of its time with this stuff.


I think this is a good example of how vigilantes often work to support the state’s goals when it can’t legally/easily complete their goals.

For every fascistic government still bound by laws, there will be fascists willing to ignore them to support it. See this. See the KKK carrying out lynchings on people who are barely escaping the grasp of the state. See the settlers illegally settling on Palestinian land to carry out the state’s goals of ethnic cleansing.


In situations like this, it’s common that the vigilantes are not actually rogue. They’re working together with the police. They might be friends, they might be off duty cops, and they could easily be messaging each other about what ought to be done when.

I don’t have any specific evidence that this situation is as described above, but we know that many others have been and will be.



If we travel back in time a little bit you will find obvious examples, such as the police working directly with the klan (specifically the 2nd klan) and instances of sherrifs deputizing people to allow them to carry out extreme violence against bipoc


Don’t need to go all the way back to the Klan: Video shows Portland officers made deal with far-right group leader

@FenrirIII@lemmy.world avatar

Hate is a powerful tool used by fascists to rally people to violence. Every one of these attackers should be arrested and thrown in prison.


Hate is a strong motivator but it uses up too much fuel and burns itself out. To see it only as hate is a bit reductionist. You can only use hate to motivate yourself for so long.

Fear, envy, and uncertainty/fear of the future are much more longstanding motivators used to continue fascist creep.

Regardless, fascists align themselves with the state. The police often can’t get away with crushing protesters without suffering bad PR, and risking strengthening popular support when images of police brutality evoke memories of past brutalities.

Fascist vigilantes don’t care about PR, and they might get the support of the police (or they get the police’s non-support of their enemies) or even the government


Vigilante porn is too useful as propaganda. Americans, especially, love the imagery of a tough person who steps up and does “the right thing,” where traditional tools of enforcement are weakened by corruption, incompetence, or policy. Doesn’t matter if it’s Dirty Harry, Batman, or some Christian Nationalist with a sharpened flagpole.


How is it that on this one topic, all rational discourse is completely absent? I mean there’s some topics where one side is completely irrational, sure. But when it comes to Israel-Palestine, everyone on all sides is just completely and often violently nonsensical.


How is it that on this one topic, all rational discourse is completely absent?

It isn’t.


Find me one rational argument about Israel and/or Palestine. Any one, from anywhere, at any time in history.


Genocide is wrong and Hamas is wrong.

This is the argument nearly everyone has been making forever.

A two-state solution is the only way the situation should end, and that should include the removal of Netanyahu and an end to Isreal’s encroachment on Palestinian land. The people of the area have been failed by their governments.


Genocide is wrong and Hamas is wrong.

Ok fine, this is a rational argument, although present company excepted I don’t really find other people arguing both at the same time.

A two-state solution is the only way the situation should end

But this is where the mainstream views lose me and seem to grasp at something that everyone should be able to see is just not gonna work. You have the gaza strip on one side, the west bank on the other, and Israel in between. How can this be two countries? Is there any other country that’s in 2 separate land masses with its adversary in the middle?


As I understand it, Israel would have to cede land to Palestine so that each can have a continuous land mass. That land was taken to from Israel in the first place, so it’s not unreasonable for some of it to be taken back.

But of course Israel the government is not fond of that at all.


Found the Enlightened Centrist!


See that in itself is a perfect example because it’s both a hasty generalization, and an ad hominem.

lolcatnip, (edited )


I am utterly unconcerned by criticism from someone who wants to “both sides” a genocide.


Which thing that someone says is a genocide are you referring to? Because last I checked, “both sides” claim that the other is trying to genocide them.

And frankly, both are again engaging in hasty generalizations. There are people in Palestine who want a genocide in Israel, and people in Israel who want a genocide in Palestine. And many more in both that don’t. But that latter bit is really inconvenient for everyone, isn’t it?


There are people in Palestine who want a genocide in Israel, and people in Israel who want a genocide in Palestine


Only one of those is actually happening


Username checks out


It is unfortunate that the very small % of people that choose violence tend to only make things worse not better.


Which is exactly why those people are being used by more powerful figures. It’s hard to change the hearts and minds of the people, it’s easy to make them fight themselves.


It is indeed an effective strategy to distract the masses unfortunately. There is a real growth opportunity here for humanity if we are able to see it as clearly the established pattern is not serving society.


People supporting genocide are violent.

What a surprise.


The descriptions suggest the counter protesters are not students but people whipped up from outside the school by media.

We know why students wouldn’t have jobs but who the fuck are these people attacking the kids?


More fucking Rittenhouses I assume


These idiots couldn’t answer a single fucking question about Israel or Palestine but the people protesting are “libs” and the brainwashing of “my tribe vs their tribe” appears to be as effective as ever

@return2ozma@lemmy.world avatar

Here’s a video. Some are middle aged men attacking the students. x.com/ryangrim/status/1785622283161067568

@v_krishna@lemmy.ml avatar

Often I think, while smashing things and screaming “FUCK YOU OLD LADY!”, that I must definitely be in the right.


The same cops that attack protesters during the day, just off duty. Still paid overtime, somehow, because reasons.

@PriorityMotif@lemmy.world avatar


@LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Jesus Christ. All over students protesting that their university is openly supporting a regime committing genocide and crimes against humanity.


Police Prevent Crime! I mean Police Protect us from Crime! I mean Police Solve Crimes! I mean

@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar


This is an example of a news organization trying so hard to be neutral that they end up taking a side.

gregorum, (edited )

That’s the term. They were counter-protesting the pro-Palestinian protesters. Sorry, what’s the problem?

@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

“Fireworks and tear gas flew through the night sky as masked counter-protesters attempted to tear down barricades, and struck campers with sticks and bats.”

That’s counter protesting in your world?


As I said in another comment:

If you had read past “counter-protesters”, it goes on to say, “…attack pro-Palestinian camp”

“Counter-protester” describes who they were not what they were doing. That’s what the word “attack” is for. If you read the article it contains even more details.


I think people are suggesting the “counter protesters” aren’t “protesting” anything, they’re just straight up a mob attacking kids.


I understand that. That’s why I explained what the words mean.

Hegar avatar

Charging sleeping people with baseball bats isn't normally considered a form of protest. Masked attackers would be a more neutral description.


When we protested the Iraq War very similarly, someone hung a noose in the camp the first night.

After that I was the one to stay up all night keeping watch.


If you had read past “counter-protesters”, it goes on to say, “…attack pro-Palestinian camp”

Hegar avatar

Yep, that was one of the sentences that showed how silly it is to describe attackers as protesters but there are plenty more.


They were there counter-protesting and then attacked the pro-palenstine protesters. Why do you object to an accurate description of the events?



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  • gregorum,

    you disingenuous, festering carbuncle.

    Name-calling when you can’t come up with an argument. Typical


    Lol you can’t piece together an argument unless some one spells it out for you.


    Says the person who can only spew insults. Classy.




    Oh, do you need that spelled out for you? Lol


    You mus think I’m someone else.


    You’re not very good at trying to read my mind over the Internet. Or insults.


    You should double down again


    You’re not very good at trolling either


    You should know


    Now you’re jealous? Lol

    This isn’t going well for you

    MIDItheKID, (edited )

    It seems like you’re having a difficult time understanding this, maybe I can help. If another group of people showed up, and they had signs, and maybe bullhorns, and they started protesting the opposite of what the original people were protesting, they would be counter-protesting. Some heckling could even be involved.

    When they show up wearing masks and wielding baseball bats, they are not counter-protestors. They are violent criminals. They did not show up to protest. They showed up to insight violence.


    It seems like your having a difficult time understanding this

    Im not, and your childish insults don’t make you right. There’s not dress code for protesters, and your No True Scotsman fallacy doesn’t win your argument any points. The Counter-protesters were counter-protesting, then they attacked the protesters. It’s a simple concept to grasp.

    Just because it doesn’t tell the narrative you wish it to tell isn’t my fault. It’s just the facts as they happened, not an opinion piece.

    Now go insult someone else for their ability to read.


    The term that fits here is actually Terrorists.


    I wasn’t making an argument, simply explaining what this headline meant.

    You’re welcome to publish your own news articles if you think you can do better, but it doesn’t seem you could be objective.


    Yes, we had established that the headline’s use of words was wrong, and then you came to chime in afterwards to argue in their favor. Nobody was confused about their intent before you came here. You added nothing but to contradict the previous user.


    Yes, we had established that the headline’s use of words was wrong

    No, several people here feel that way. You and others have that opinion. Nobody gets do decide their own facts, however. But this is a news article, not an opinion piece, and objective reporting of facts is what was called for. You are free to disagree about that, but it doesn’t make you “right”.

    and then you came to chime in afterwards to argue in their favor

    Wrong. I didn’t argue in anyone’s “favor”. I merely pointed out what I said above: this is a news article, not an opinion piece, which reported on a group of protesters being attacked by a group of counter-protesters. How you or anyone may feel about that or those involved is opinion and doesn’t belong in a news article.

    Nobody was confused about their intent before you came here. You added nothing but to contradict the previous user.

    Well, that’s just demonstrably false, and if you don’t like that, or the contents of the article, that’s what the downvote button is for, but I didn’t write the article and am not to blame for it’s contents.


    I’m seeing this comment pattern a lot lately where they take apart and quote the previous comment in an argument, often using nonsequitur bullshit responses. Is this the latest bot, or do the kids these days lack all originality? I don’t do that shit. I assume you already know what your previous comment was without quoting it back to you. Maybe I’m giving you too much credit?


    I’m seeing this response a lot lately. Can’t write a rational counter argument, so out come the insults and/or accusations of being a bot.


    FWIW, I don’t hold it against you. This is a terrible, horrible subject and series of events, and I’m trying very hard not to be overly emotional about all of this. I very much do support the pro-Palestinian protesters, but it also think it’s important to keep facts straight and to keep a cool head when discussing these events.

    I’m not your enemy.


    Fuck Granite! Fuck Cement! Fuck Wood! Fuck All Counters!

    All Counters Are Bad!


    I see you


    What am I doing right now?


    Ew gross


    It’s okay. This counter isn’t for food.

    @PriorityMotif@lemmy.world avatar

    Little slatey slut

    Dreizehn avatar

    The religious nutter brothers, Isaac and Ishmael, should leave their stupid family blood feud baggage, over some dried rocks, in the Middle East. Leave the rest of us in peace and you can go medieval on each other over the fuck there.


    after Israel supporters attack pro-Palestinean camp FTFY


    Does anyone know what political stance(s) the attacking crowd is made of?

    Like, also lefties? Tankies, anarchists? Or like MAGAs?


    Zionists, probably wouldn’t surprise me if they made common cause with actual neo-nazi groups as well, wouldn’t be the first time.

    @Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Zionists, Democrats, and Republicans.


    Boo this man.

    They first and foremost identify as violent shit bags and only representative of violent shit bags.

    @Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

    You can boo all you want, but those are the three sides supporting Israel.

    Funny how it’s all rightists supporting them.


    Are you trolling?


    No, see response in other comment


    I’m gonna go out on a limb and say “not the left”, and leave the rest as an exercise to the reader.


    why the hell would tankies and anarchist side with the counter protestors. palestine litterally isnt a state yet(its trying to get accepted in the UN)


    Sorry, are you following this story generally? Lefties, tankies and anarchists all seem extremely unlikely to be involved with pro Israel attackers.


    Ok wow. First, thanks to everyone who have their estimates. Appreciated. And for everyone else and the warriors of downvoting: No I was not trolling abd not it’s not THAT unilkely for it to be lefties (yes okay anarchists and tankies I mostly said as exmples so you know what I’m trying to ask)

    If you are interested: there is a german lefty flavor called Antideutsche (anti-german). They are Zionists, antifas, anticapitalist, have a thing for violence (stylizing “bomber harris” for example), say weird thing like “protecting ur environment is like protecting your ‘home country’ like nazis would” and sometimes think of whoever basically as if they were nazis.

    I’m not making this up, lefties go weird ways sometimes.

    Edit readibility


    Okay on second thought I wanna take back that warriors comment, that was too bitchy. Guess I’m also not uneffected by how toxic the whole discourse on Israel (also in or between lefty communities) is.

    Like, everyone seems to feel they’d have to be either “pro israel” or “pro palestine”, wich imo 1. Is freaking dangerous for germans specifically 2. Doesn’t recognize the complexity (in the sense of one can’t just identify the totality of Israel with its right wing government as ome can’t just identify palestine with hamas.) 3. It tends to overlook the perspective of both israelian and palestinian lefties

    natural_motions, (edited )

    Right-wingers. They just happen to be zionist right-wingers.

    Same the world over because violence and fascism are the fundemental basis of right-wing political ideology, whatever local flavor it might be.


    I’ve seen reports that they were Chabad Lubavitch. Not sure of the accuracy.


    There were two attacks on different days, so it could be separate groups, but a Jewish professor who intervened said a lot of them were speaking Hebrew and one carried a Chabad flag.


    MAGAs. because american conservatives are often also american evangelists, and they’ve got some weird ideas about israel. those conservatives who don’t necessarily personally believe weird stuff about israel (ie the jews having a homeland means the second coming of jesus and everything will be great for evangelical christians) are being brought along by the right-wing propaganda on this issue.


    Alt-Right just likes attacking leftwing protests. No actual political beliefs required. It’s the physical version of owning the libs.


    i think that’s definitely a part of it.


    For every large group there’s probably only only 2-8 that are genuinely knowledgeable and authentic about the beliefs being fought for. Regardless of sides.

    Or not idk… Idk why I’m posting this.


    Isn’t it interesting how Israel and pro-Israel people apply the exact same tactic?! Let’s attack innocent people. Whether it’s bombing innocent civilians or violently attacking peaceful protestors. It’s so telling. They are rotten to their core.


    That’s what 80 years of cultural righteousness gets you. You start to think you can do no wrong.

    Cue up the “I learned it from you” meme because the USA showed Israel how it’s done.


    It’s just plain old Fascism.

    Etnic/nationalistic/cultural righteousness (aka nationalistic racism) is one of the foundational blocks of it along with violence.

    Unlike Europe, Israel hasn’t realy evolved in social and political terms from the kind of thinking so prevalent in the early XX century.

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