
A friend is offering me a free apple watch.

Like, cool. Free stuff.
Im actually hesitant to accept. Idk if I really like the idea of assimilating a computer even closer to my person than my phone already is.

It will probably just be a distraction. But idk. It might be useful.

Wondering what other owners might have to say.

I know @benjaminhollon has a smart watch. Made by frameworks maybe??? :thaenkin:

Whats your take, my friend?


@twizzay @benjaminhollon @jamesp just got my son a - increasingly choosing it over his Apple Watch. He says it is basic and the bezel is bigger but keeps wearing it.

Life goal = pinetime + Pinephone = good life


benjaminhollon, avatar

@jppelt @twizzay @jamesp @PINE64
Very fun! :D

I keep forgetting how young people get phones these days—I only got mine a year and a half ago, age 17.


@twizzay @benjaminhollon The main things I use mine for:

  1. Adding stuff to the supermarket shopping list when I think of it.
  2. Being reminded to take medication.
  3. Tracking sleep and other fitness stats.
  4. Weather report.
  5. Telling the time.
benjaminhollon, avatar

@mathew @twizzay
I'd think #5 should be near the top for a watch. ;)

benjaminhollon, avatar

@mathew @twizzay
Also, Weather Report is a great band. XD

liaizon, avatar

@twizzay @benjaminhollon What about jailbreaking it and installing a different OS?


@liaizon @benjaminhollon

You can do that with an apple watch??

liaizon, avatar
benjaminhollon, avatar

@liaizon @twizzay
I also expect it's not gonna work on any recent firmware or hardware version.

CharismaticBatman, avatar


Join the !!!

Say no to snort witches, or whatever that stuff is 😂

I also have a , sitting unused.

Want me to mail it to you?



@CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon

Lol I am very tempted to join the actually. Casios are cool.

Thats super nice of you. Lol I would feel bad if I also didnt use it though. :comfyeek:

CharismaticBatman, avatar

@twizzay @benjaminhollon

Well, I'm not using it now, so just let me know what you decide.

joel, avatar


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  • benjaminhollon, avatar

    @joel @twizzay @CharismaticBatman
    Have I mentioned I've been back on my Casio for the last month or so? :)

    I love the PineTime. But right now I don't feel like worrying about charging it.

    If the iOS support gets better I might go back.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar


    I sent mine to Señor Twizzz, and I'm happy to have it going to a loving home. 😁

    @joel @twizzay

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    As far as I know my youngest brother is still using his—he really liked it, but I know he'd keep forgetting to charge it, so he may have also stopped using it.

    He never really used a watch with much frequency, though, anyway.


    @twizzay @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel I’ve had an Apple swatch for over 2 years and honestly, unless there is a major battery improvement, I won’t buy another one for a long time. Charging daily is the worst. I love Fitness+ but I don’t use my Watch for anything other than texts and fitness/health stuff anymore.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @teamtuck @twizzay @CharismaticBatman @joel
    Yeah, my PineTime lasts me a week, which is nice.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar


    You must keep BT off.

    @teamtuck @twizzay @joel

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @teamtuck @twizzay @joel
    Yeah—as I said client support on iOS isn't great.

    I don't remember it being a ton worse, though, when I had it on. Charging it while in the shower would easily take care of the day's worth of power. :)



    :blutoth: prob only gives added notification support, right?

    @CharismaticBatman @teamtuck @joel

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @twizzay @joel @teamtuck @CharismaticBatman
    Actually there's no notification support on iOS. ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @twizzay @joel @teamtuck @CharismaticBatman
    You get play/pause only if you use Apple Music, you can update firmware, and it can read step count and heart rate data. Oh, and it'll set the time for you.

    That it, I think.



    Well currently my Crapple Watch only seems to support notifications if I have my VPN off. Which goes against one of my core values. So. :ms_shrug:

    Im assuming you can set vibrate alarms on the pinetime??

    Vibrate alarms are honestly one of the most underrated features of smart watches. I would much prefer to be woken up by a tap on the wrist than some ringtone.

    @joel @teamtuck @CharismaticBatman

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @twizzay @joel @teamtuck @CharismaticBatman
    Yeah, you can set vibrate alarms. I wish you could do more than one at once, though.

    The timers are terrible, though; it only vibrates with one blip, then stops.



    Huh. Yeah that kinda sucks. As long as one recurring alarm can be set I think Ill be happy.

    @joel @teamtuck @CharismaticBatman

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @twizzay @joel @teamtuck @CharismaticBatman
    You get that, at least. :)

    I kinda want to submit a PR but I have sealed watch so I'd be in potential danger of bricking it if I try flashing a broken image.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar


    I've flashed many custom images.

    You're only really in danger of bricking if you flash a broken bootloader, AFAIK.

    @twizzay @joel @teamtuck

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @twizzay @joel @teamtuck
    Ah, I see. I'm just restating what they recommend. ;)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @twizzay @joel @teamtuck

    Yes. There is a risk of bricking. But unless you brick the OS and have BT off or somehow have the watch permanently locked up, it's highly unlikely.

    If you're flashing a new kind of os altogether or a new bootloader, then the risk is pretty real.

    That's my understanding, informed by my (possibly quite lucky) experience. ;)


    @teamtuck @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel

    I honestly think this is the trend. The Apple watch was made to immerse you in the apple ecosystem and make it harder to leave them.

    :ms_shrug: thats what I think anyway.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @twizzay @joel @teamtuck @CharismaticBatman
    Everything Apple designs is with that in mind. :P

    That's why I'm getting out of the Apple ecosystem if I have a good chance.


    @CharismaticBatman @twizzay @joel @benjaminhollon I don’t mind swapping ecosystems but IMO Apple just has the best option sometimes. I don’t want to touch anything Google makes with a ten foot pole. I want something that will last and has security and feature updates for more than 3 years. But I really want a watch that has a week plus on a single charge. Sacrifices….

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @teamtuck @CharismaticBatman @twizzay @joel
    InfiniTime (PineTime's OS) has a generic Linux client I like, itd, so you could use it with a PinePhone or similar. :)

    (I think there are clients actually designed for Mobile Linux, though; itd is mainly designed to be used from the terminal via itctl)


    @twizzay @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel I’ve only had my iPhone 13 Pro for 9 months so I won’t get another phone for a long time. Whatever watch I buy will be a “dumb watch” or maybe a Garmin?


    @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay @CharismaticBatman Heh, one of the reasons I like my [Garmin] "smart" watch is that the battery life is, basically, one month.

    ...except when the GPS and bluetooth are enabled (tracking + music for runs), which means I practically have to charge it weekly instead of monthly, but it charges off of a tiny solar panel in like 30 minutes so /shrug

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    A smart watch with a solar panel. That's kinda cool ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    That's awesome


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Err

    I should note the solar panel is external. The watch does not have one built in.

    The model with a built-in solar panel is ~$100 extra, even though $100 can buy a 100W solar panel, enough to charge the watch in LITERALLY SIXTY SECONDS on a sunny day.

    or...maybe closer to five minutes? Point is the solar option is actually really bad for the price.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay

    Wait the watch can take 100W of input power? That's… insane. XD


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay No no no

    I mean

    100W for 60 seconds = ~1.67Wh

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    I figured, but it's fun to imagine. ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    …now I wish I were an electrical engineer so I'd know how to design a 100W-charging watch.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay No, you really don't.

    Trust me.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    I'm a KSP player. Of course I want to build something that'll blow up spectacularly. ;)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Yeah, just don't wear it while charging, ok? ;)

    Besides, the REALLY KSP thing to do would be to charge it by plugging in 100 micro USB-B cables at once.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Needs more struts.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Don't forget the parachutes. ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    It's ladders that I forget.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Not a problem if you never go further than Minmus ;)

    Remain within the embrace of Kerbin's SOI ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    I'll admit that Duna's the only other planet I've successfully done a return trip from.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Yeah, it's the easiest one to land and return from, as it gives you just enough atmosphere to do some aerobraking, but not so much that launching back up into orbit is horrible.

    The planets without atmosphere are a bear to land on. Way too much dV.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Well, it would need something like starlite for the back plate so as to not cook the person's wrist, and some fold-out heatsinks and a fan to dissipate the heat, because no matter how great your circuit is, handling 100W is kinda nuts, unless you're just running it through some fat gauge wiring and not much else.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    When I read this all I'm thinking is "that would be awesome"

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    That's a little scary, kiddo. ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Aren't you glad I'm not an electrical engineer?

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Realistically, though, if I actually had the know-how, I know exactly what I'd build. An mp3 player, based off of the Ox64. Bluetooth, storage on microSD, perhaps streaming over the wifi, etc. Would be so great.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    RISC-V all the things! ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    I'm also still waiting on a low-power e-ink writing device that's not the insanely-expensive freewrite. ;)


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Book nova 3 can be got on ebay decently cheap. I'd offer you my old black and white one even cheaper (read: friend discound [read: free]), but the screen broke and I dunno that it can be easily replaced anyways :/

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    Hmm, interesting.

    Not quite what I'm envisioning but it's kinda in that arena.

    Honestly even just the new PineTab 2 would be fantastic; I might jump on it once software support is further along.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Yeah, pinetab 2 looks good.

    ...assuming they learned from their many failures with the pinebook pro, anyways.

    Their many, many, many, many, MANY failures.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    I've seen good things so far from them on this. Looks very promising.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay That's what I thought of the pinebook pro, too, even for months after having bought it.

    It took me sitting down and doing some calculations to realize that the machine wasn't getting nearly what the hardware was supposed to be capable of.

    It. Took. HALF A SECOND. To open a freaking terminal.

    It's insanity.

    In fairness, I still haven't tried it with any non-stock distros - that's one of my projects for today - so we'll see whose fault it is.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    I'd be curious to hear the results.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    What were the failures of the PBP? I love mine. I mean, the trackpad is kinda bad (started out HORRIBLE), and the webcam is useless, but otherwise it's a pretty sweet little not-chromebook. ;)


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay I like it, overall. For the price tag, it's not bad.

    It's a problem of expectations - it's not bad, but I expected it to be really good.

    I wasn't expecting high throughput or anything, but 500ms of latency to OPEN A TERMINAL is OBNOXIOUS.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay I'll give @PINE64 the benefit of the doubt and not assume they screwed up as badly this time until I see people saying otherwise.

    That said, I'm definitely not buying either of the new pinetabs. My eReader is plenty. I don't need more hardware.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay @PINE64

    I also want a better e-reader. ;)

    The Kobo Libra 2 is what I really wanna go for, but the pricetag gives me pause.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay @PINE64
    Why does E-Ink stuff have to be so darn expensive? XD

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay @PINE64

    Niche tech.

    Also, it's pretty crazy tech to begin with. It's got a bit more in common with flippy train station signs than LCDs or OLEDs.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay @PINE64
    It's only niche tech because it's so expensive! XD

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    imo at least. If it were more affordable there would be a ton of great applications out there.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    I think it's slowly getting into more and more products, but when companies like Onyx try to make general purpose e-ink devices like the BOOX, they get reviews from youtubers cough Tinus Lech Lips cough that just say, "Man, no color? The refresh rate is crap!" :eyeroll:


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay Oi.

    I have the boox nova 3 color. Low refresh rate, sure, but color is fine.

    ...wait, LTT reviewed the black and white one? O_O link? or is that just an example [because it... does sound like the kinda thing they'd do, yeah.]

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Yeah. I forget if it was a Boox or the ReMarkable 2, now, but probably a Boox.

    A young artist lady was reviewing it, and while she definitely tried to give a good review, I don't think she got the point of the device, or the trade-offs of eInk.

    Found it. It was from a couple years ago:

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Looking back at the Libra 2…

    They have refurbished Libra H20s that are significantly cheaper and also have the page turn buttons. Only caveat? Micro-USB instead of USB C. XD

    Having a real hard time deciding what to do here. Maybe just stay with my Kindle, as frustrating as it is.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay Oof :/

    Nothing against the presenter or anyone else involved, but... yikes.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Right. XD


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Looks like they reviewed a different one a few months later, with more positive impressions?

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    I'll have to give that a watch later.
    Maybe they got some feedback on their previous review X'-D

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    Color e-ink feels weird to me.

    I've had kindles since they were very new, so I guess that's why.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Does anyone remember Mirasol? It was a revolutionary low-energy high-refresh-rate reflective color display technology from the latter naughties that just seemed to vanish into thin air. :/

    benjaminhollon, avatar
    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Apparently there was a 50% failure rate of constructing the screens.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    From the description, the tech sounds a lot like DLP, except that it actually produces color, whereas DLP only reflects a varying amount of light, and relies on a color wheel to produce color.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    The tech in most projectors nowadays. Micro-mirror arrays.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Darn it this conversation is too engaging—I was supposed to have a tty1 post drafted by now. XD


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay I know what you mean, but talking is great

    ...maybe we should hop on mumble next time or something, so that we can at least be less interrupty and more conversationy :)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    I'm not familiar with mumble


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay FOSS voice chat ;)

    I have a server up at, too ;)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Ah, ok.

    From the name, it sounded like one of those whacko alt-right social networks, but I was pretty sure that wouldn't have been it, coming from you ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    It's audio chat, I think.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    Audio chat isn't a thing I really do. :P

    Be happy to do it on something like XMPP or Matrix, though.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    I've never actually used it. :)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    It's worth adding to your list of experiences.

    IRC is kind of awesome because it's changed so little in a quarter century. <3

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Heh. I'm supposed to be asleep AND have done a post on "Humble Computing" by now. :P


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Holy heck, this looks SO GOOD and I'm suddenly even more pissed at qualcomm than I've ever been.

    That's it, Qualcomm's on my boycott list now. Not buying any tech with any of their hardware in it.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    Well if you read the article you'll note that they had a 50% failure rate in production. ;)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    That's not too shocking for tech in development. But probably big Q got sold on a tech that would be super easy to implement and the reality thereof gave them cold feet.

    Kinda cowardly, but what are you gonna do? :/

    Man, it could have been SO stinking cool.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Kinda off on a tangent here but here goes.

    I'm at the point where I can see times I'd benefit from having a second screen, but those things are so expensive. Thoughts on whether it's worth it?

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    What's so expensive? eInk monitors?

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Monitors in general.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Um, monitors aren't expensive. You can get a nice one for $100.
    Or is that a lot of money for you? Sorry, been out of college for a few years now XD

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    I mean… I could easily afford it. I have thousands in savings, I guess, simply because I've never touched the vast majority of the money I've received.

    But my own mother describes me as a miser; I find it really hard to justify a purchase for something that feels redundant. In my head it basically goes:

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    1. Ooh, I should get a <x>
    2. This isn't too expensive
    3. For the same amount, though, I could get <y>
    4. I'd rather have <y>
    5. proceeds not to buy <y> either, see step 1

    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Not a bad call.

    Consumerism is a disease, I don't think 'miser' is the right term for choosing not to play the dirty game.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    Well… it goes pretty far for me.

    My parents bought me the unlimited meal plan at A&M because they thought I'm the kind of person who would skip meals to save money.

    …they're probably right, to be honest.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    LOL :D

    Ben Hollon, 19ish going on 74 ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    "Back in my day, we only had electricity at night, and our house was made of mud."

    "Yeah, my day was the mid-00s, what of it? It was a tiny city in northern Afghanistan."


    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Your childhood lifestyle would have strongly resembled my great-grandfather's, who owned a small village in northwestern Iran. VERY rural and basic.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Wait, owned a village?


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay I was about to ask O_O

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Yeah, like a small-time feudal lord.

    Not as glamorous OR austere (personality-wise) as it sounds.

    He was a mullah.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Ahh, okay. That makes more sense.

    Side note since I'm curious, have you heard Mulla Nasrudin stories? I love those. ;)

    Here's a specific book of them I've read that's pretty good (other than the ones I've been told by my parents):

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay


    Side note, one of the theories of the mullah's origins places him in Khoy, the city closest to my great-grandpa's village. ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Heh, I'm sure everywhere claims him, but that is pretty cool. ;)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    I was a little more miserly when I was young (read: 30).
    I suffered with a broken 17" CRT that only worked half of the time unless you slapped it for a few years until I finally broke down in 2006 and bought a 19" LCD.

    Then I really wondered what I had been waiting for for so long ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Heh, I've never owned an external display, so… XD

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    blink, blink, blink

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    I mean, I've used a TV as an external display for my Pi, but haven't actually had one I used with any regularity.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Ok, I'm exiting and going to bed while I still can, lol :D

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Trying to decide whether or not to attempt drafting part of that article.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay 50% failure rate is normal for a lot of early tech, innit? Or is that just for silicon?

    They probably could have solved that, is my point

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Yes, I'm on the exact same page.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    They're not a great company, but this is such a common story. The better tech gets supplanted by the worse because of the cost of development, bad management, poached engineers, stupid marketing, or many/all of the above.

    I remember being so miffed that PCs outsold Macs like crazy, because (to me), not only was the OS and hardware superior, the CPUs were a full generation of Intel crap until the 486 (at which point Intel in Austin had poached enough Motorola engineers. Egad. XP

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Not entirely related, but reminds me of how Kindles are affordable while every other e-ink device isn't.

    It's because Amazon sells them at a loss, knowing they'll make the money back on ebook sales.

    Anyone selling this kind of thing at a normal price (like Kobo) looks like they're super greedy because of it.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Amazon ALWAYS pulls this shit. It's despicable.

    icedquinn, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay i rather like my h2o glow


    @icedquinn @benjaminhollon @joel @CharismaticBatman @twizzay h2o glow?

    icedquinn, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @CharismaticBatman @twizzay was a model of kobo ereader from ~2015, back when they still had SD card slots. prior to their sell out also


    @icedquinn @benjaminhollon @joel @CharismaticBatman @twizzay Ahhh, gotcha; I ducked 'amazon h2o glow', so now I get why that didn't find anything ;P

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Yeah. :/

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Man, that's tragic.

    Capitalism is such crap for developing technology. So many brilliant ideas just end up in the bitbucket.

    And crappy ones just roll on in dominance cough iPhone cough


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay related to this discussion + eInk: first RLCD monitor came out last year:

    It's $1500, but... it uses 6W of power, and basically looks like eInk, while ALSO having a 60Hz refresh rate and 24-bit color.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay ...but it's $1500 and thus totally unreasonable if you aren't loaded, really.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Yeah


    What other 32" display is even close to that efficient?

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    This one? ;)

    (not quite 32" I know—it also is a higher pricetag)


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Is it <6W? I don't see the consumption listed anywhere.

    I suspect it wins for text editing but loses hard for videos, not least of which because the RLCD can display videos at 60Hz full color in 6W, and the eInk can't do that at all

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    Oh I have no idea. I just know e-ink tends to be very low power, especially for stationary things. It doesn't use any power at all if the image isn't changing; you can power it off and the image will remain.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Yes, but LCDs themselves don't use up all that much power, either. MOST of it is the backlight, from what I understand.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay Yeah, that sounds right - which is why RLCDs are so much more efficient


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay ...I did mention I use an ereader daily, right?

    I know this ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    This thread has gone on so long I've almost stopped checking who sent each post. ;)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Man, I'm sure @joel is going to be SOOOOO happy with us in the morning XD

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay @joel
    We're in the same timezone as him. XD

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay @joel

    Yeah, he's probably in bed by now. That's what I meant.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar
    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Right. Again, niche. ;)


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay AFAIK it's basically the first large RLCD ever made, which is probably part of it. If it matures, this could be great :P

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Interesting. Some of the first LCDs were reflective, but I think it became very difficult for them to be reflective once color was introduced.
    I wonder if they're using a bayer pattern instead of RGB subpixels for more clarity.

    I was also thinking about PixelQi, which was a screen technology used on the OLPC XO. It was a normal LCD when backlit, and a monochrome reflective screen when not. Very interesting.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay Both of my watches are TLCDs - transflective LCDs. They have the same color quality when backlit and when using external light.

    Basically, it means that the backlight is off at all times outside during the day, when indoors with a light on, etc, but can be turned on e.g. at night to see the screen :)

    TLCDs are even harder to make than RLCDs, because they ARE RLCDs, but which ALSO have more layers so the transmission backlight works.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay I had never heard of BOOX before, but this looks pretty cool. I should put one of these things on a wishlist to play around with sometime!


    @tyil @joel @benjaminhollon @twizzay @CharismaticBatman Caveat: they run a sketchy proprietary fork of Android.

    Don't think it can be replaced, either.


    @pixelherodev @joel @benjaminhollon @twizzay @CharismaticBatman Oh, that's a pretty big caveat then. I must reconsider my joy 😞

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @tyil @joel @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @twizzay

    I'm still considering it. Is it worse than just getting an iPad? Or keeping my somewhat open but also locked-down reMarkable 2? Eh.

    We really need a FOSS TABLET, DADGUM. Especially eInk or OLED.

    A true dark mode OLED can be nearly as efficient as e-ink, especially if it's writing and text-oriented, not images.


    @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @benjaminhollon @twizzay Yeah, that's the thing about OLED - if you use it the way you'd use an eInk, but in reverse [white text on black; used primarily for reading static content, text editing, etc.], it's pretty competitive with eInk.

    But, when you want to do things eInk can't, you have that option, it'll just drain more power.

    So, yeah, either would be nice, but I'd honestly prefer OLED.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay
    Yeah white text on black is hard to read for me. Presumably due to my moderate astigmatism.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay What have you tried it on?

    There's a major difference in contrast between white on black on OLED and other devices; I only really feel super comfy with it on the OLED

    [you've seen my eye-torture themes I use elsewhere, I assume :P]

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay
    I'll admit I haven't tried it on OLED, but the issue isn't with the contrast, it's with the fact that for people with astigmatisms small points of light amidst a dark background are fuzzy.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay Ahh, okay - it might actually be WORSE on an OLED, then, because the blacks are actually black, whereas on an LCD, there's a bit of white light shining through them

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay
    Exactly. :)

    In general I only feel uncomfortable when reading light on dark, but I know some people just can't read it well at all.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @tyil @joel @twizzay

    I'm more or less visually comfortable with it either way, it's just that it's more battery-efficient on LCD to use a light theme, and it looks less HAX0R-ey.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @tyil @joel @twizzay

    Why on earth is the archetypal terminal colorscheme lime green on black, by the way? That's a terrible reading experience. XD


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay Because old terminals were monochrome green on black, I think

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay
    WHY? XD

    That sounds terrible.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay For hardware reasons?

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay
    I mean, I guess. I'm not sure why that would be the hardware restriction, though. I'd think white on black to be more likely.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay see other post :)


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay Actually, a couple of very good reasons:

    > green phosphor has the longest afterglow (remains on the screen for the longest time)
    > green phosphor was the first available
    > The human eye responds to the green color the best, so it looks brightest


    Not a good source, but there's nothing here that doesn't make a lot of sense?

    Could still be very wrong, though...

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay
    Interesting, okay. What do you know. I'd assumed it was some sort of hollywood thing.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @tyil @joel @twizzay

    Cheap monitors in the apple ][ era were monochrome green. Slightly nicer was amber. Really pricey was color.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @tyil @joel @twizzay

    Thinking back to it, the predecessor of raster CRTs were oscilloscope and radar CRTs, and they were always green. So I think you're right about it being the first phosphor.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @tyil @joel @twizzay

    Because green phosphor CRTs were very prevalent in terminals.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @tyil @joel @twizzay > light theme is more battery-efficient on LCD

    Citation needed?

    I'd think both themes would be relatively equal, and that regularly switching between the two would be what really drained power

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @tyil @joel @twizzay

    LCDs are removing light from the backlight. The darker the image, the brighter the backlight needs to be for it to be legible.

    I've quantified it before, but I don't remember the exact numbers.

    I just know that I generally have to crank my brightness up way higher in white-on-black mode, while black-on-white is quite legible even at very low brightness.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @tyil @joel @twizzay Ahhhh, yeah. If you leave the backlight alone, it's the same - but the contrast is awful

    This is one place OLEDs really shine, pun intended :)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @tyil @joel @twizzay

    > I just know that I generally have to crank my brightness up way higher in white-on-black mode, while black-on-white is quite legible even at very low brightness.
    You know, I've noticed that.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @tyil @joel @twizzay

    Do you use an OLED monitor?

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @tyil @joel @twizzay

    NOIIIICE. Was it crazy pricey? Now I want one XD


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @tyil @joel @twizzay ...yeaaaaaah


    It's 48". I couldn't find any that were cheaper. I figured, heck, if it's between 35" for $1k, 42" for $1k, or 48" for 1K, why not go with the biggest one, right?

    ahahahahahahahaha NO I WAS WRONG.

    I like it, but I'm crazy

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay
    Whoa, that's huge.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay Did I not post the pictures for context here? I'm sure they're somewhere in lol

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay
    403 Forbidden.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay I know :P That's deliberate

    I'm looking now :)


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay Aha!

    This is from before I got the mech keyboard

    Also of note, it's way easier to take a picture of an OLED with a black background than an LCD ;)


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay For the record, my desk is WAY cleaner now. I should grab a pic when I go home...

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay
    Yeah, that's pretty much what my experience was like, using full TVs as external monitors. ;)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @tyil @joel @twizzay

    Dang, I hate spending that much on a COMPUTER! XD


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @tyil @joel @twizzay I haven't spent that much on a computer lol

    On computers, yes. pbp ~$200, various SBCs ~$200, 5600X+5600XT+used mobo ~$500 at the time IIRC, etc etc, but no individual machine cost me nearly that much >_>

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay
    My Framework Laptop cost me more than that but i think it was money well spent. :)

    My Surface Laptop also cost that much and it was the worst money I've ever spent.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay My work laptop is a framework, and it largely flipped my opinion on them to positive.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay
    Framework is awesome. :)


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay Eh.

    I think they're an improvement over the status quo, but that fundamentally we need to stop making so much new hardware.

    Framework cannot, fundamentally, solve the problem of e-waste. Whether or not it ends up improving the problem depends largely on whether people buy them instead of other hardware, or in addition to - which means, effectively, they only help solve the problem by becoming a monopoly!

    I really don't like that.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay I also, fundamentally, think, fundamentally, that I fundamentally use the word fundamentally a bit too much.


    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay
    Well, fundamentally, as long as you fundamentally get your fundamental point across, you've accomplished your fundamental task, speaking from the fundamental standpoint explained in my fundamental Communiations classes.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay

    Oh, definitely.

    But I don't know that they're a monopoly in that case, necessarily, they're definitely very happy for third parties to come in and do stuff with the designs they made. They've open sourced a lot of the designs.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @tyil @joel @twizzay Sure, but that's now. I'm saying they're not a monopoly now, and also haven't really improved things all that much.

    For serious improvement, their mechanisms have to become universal, not necessarily the company.

    I remain optimistic that they will end up having a positive impact, at least.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @tyil @joel @benjaminhollon @twizzay

    Yeah. And now I'm just imagining what a backlit (sidelit) single-layer mirasol display would be like.

    Dad gum. 😭

    icedquinn, avatar

    @pixelherodev @tyil @joel @benjaminhollon @twizzay @CharismaticBatman yeah and when they were told they were GPL violating they basically just said sue us we're chinese we don't give a fuck


    @icedquinn @tyil @benjaminhollon @joel @CharismaticBatman @twizzay Yeaaaaah unsurprising. Do you happen to have a link to that? Curious to see the details :/

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @icedquinn @tyil @joel @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @twizzay
    From what I've seen there's debate over whether it actually is GPL violating—if they didn't modifications to the kernel, there's not an issue, I think? And it seems like their modifications are mostly on top of Android.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @icedquinn @tyil @benjaminhollon @joel @pixelherodev @twizzay

    Ugh, that gives me pause.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @icedquinn @tyil @joel @pixelherodev @twizzay
    From what I read that wasn't their response; they were asked for the source code and said "we can't do that at this point in time" (or something to that effect) which read to me more like they didn't really understand the GPL, rather than maliciously not complying.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @icedquinn @tyil @joel @twizzay Correct me if I'm wrong; wouldn't they at most be obligated to release changes to the kernel??

    Which could still be a big deal if they have super-fancy drivers nobody else does, but I kinda doubt that is the case

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @icedquinn @tyil @joel @twizzay
    They would, yeah. That's what I saw the debate about; many people were arguing about that exact thing, whether they'd actually made changes that require it.

    Hard to know whether they made those changes, though, without the source code or official word from them.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @icedquinn @tyil @joel @twizzay Unless it runs on hardware not supported by mainline

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @icedquinn @tyil @joel @twizzay

    I mean, if they didn't make any changes, how would they be so reticent to release it, though? :?


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @icedquinn @tyil @joel @twizzay I would be unsurprised if the request was less than polite and was requesting more than just their Linux tree.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @icedquinn @tyil @joel @twizzay
    iirc it went something like this from the screenshot I saw:

    "Hey, could you send me a copy of the source code?"
    "I'm sorry, we are unable to provide source code at this point in time."
    "You are in violation of the GPL, etc., etc., etc." posts on reddit denouncing the company

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @icedquinn @tyil @joel @twizzay

    Ah, so that's a fossbro.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @icedquinn @tyil @joel @twizzay Ha! pretty much, yeah

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @icedquinn @tyil @joel @twizzay
    Because they're not a company based around FOSS? Most companies aren't interested in releasing their source code.

    Also from the email I saw it looked like it was just a regular support person giving a fairly routine answer, not actually the company's refusal after hearing a well-reasoned response.

    icedquinn, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @tyil @joel @twizzay how reasoned of a response is required? There is no social grace requirement to the license. You just ask and they provide or are in violation (and in a just world would have two weeks to comply or be injuncted from doing any business)


    @icedquinn @tyil @benjaminhollon @joel @CharismaticBatman @twizzay That's assuming they even knew they were using code under that license; I kinda doubt it.

    icedquinn, avatar

    @pixelherodev @tyil @benjaminhollon @joel @CharismaticBatman @twizzay ignorance isn't a legal defense


    @icedquinn @tyil @benjaminhollon @joel @CharismaticBatman @twizzay No, but it is a moral defense, if you ask me.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @icedquinn @tyil @joel @CharismaticBatman @twizzay
    Yeah, it was from a support person, not a high-level person in the company.


    @icedquinn @benjaminhollon @tyil @joel @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @twizzay Just user v3 it has a 30 day compliance period.

    v3 is better in every aspect, Linus doesn't like it "muh lenux on drm". Is it moving beyond software? Yes but nobody cares when the "trusted" computing corpos does it their locked bootloader and other "security" measures.

    Also it's not "trusted" computing but rather "trust-us" computing because you can't run stuff on things you paid for unless allowed by them.
    You might as well give a spare key to your house as well to them for MAXIMUM SECURITY.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @icedquinn @tyil @joel @pixelherodev @twizzay

    Still a crappy attitude, but more understandable.

    Kind of like Ubuntu's response to people asking them to open source the snap server... which made me apoplectic.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay @PINE64 Patents.

    Yet another argument in my long list of reasons patents should be banned. Or, maybe, modify them so that e.g. you're not allowed to prevent anyone from copying your work, but they're required to give, say, 0.1% of profits?

    Dunno the solution, but i'm pretty sure a few smart people thinking about it for an hour could devise a better system.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay

    > Or, maybe, modify them so that e.g. you're not allowed to prevent anyone from copying your work, but they're required to give, say, 0.1% of profits?
    How would you even regulate that, though?


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay @PINE64 O_O The kobo is waterproof?! Sweet.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay @PINE64
    The Libra 2 is, at least. Not all of them are.

    What I really want is the physical page turn buttons; I'm still mad at Amazon for removing those from the Kindles. ;)

    My Kindle 4 is basically the ideal e-reading device if only it had a backlight, non-sucky battery life, and better software.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay @PINE64
    I did get KOreader loaded on it, though.

    (to clarify, I have both a Paperwhite and a K4)


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay @PINE64 I like the swipe-to-turn on the nova, TBH.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay @PINE64
    Have you tried the reading experience with physical buttons, though? :)

    Also I don't swipe; that's even worse to me (probably just from how much time it takes, and that swiping across a screen doesn't feel great). I tap on the screen, but that's worse than a button.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    the RISC-V version looks fascinating, although it will probably be a lot rougher software and performance-wise until the ISA's support in the Linux kernel matures a bit.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Yeah that'll be even worse for a good long while, I expect.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    I'm not sure it'll ever get mature. I know the pattern too well. Something really amazingly free and open comes out and everyone gets super excited, only to realize later on that it was free-and-open for the corpos, which then lock it down for maximal denigration. Bleh. :P

    xref. "Tivoization"

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Excuse me if I remain optimistic. ;)

    I'm of course not going to go out and buy it yet, as I said.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Man, I REALLY want a FOSS e-ink (or even AMOLED!) notebook. I think the PineTab is the closest thing, until (if?) the PineNote gets mature. And I don't think the PineTab has a wacom/EMR digitizer. :/

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Yeah, PineNote's been around a while but I haven't seen them do much on it.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Honestly though, going back to my wish for that mp3 player, Pine64 did announce the "PinePod" in the same April Fools' post as the PineBuds, and the PineBuds turned out to be an actual thing.

    I'm hoping that turns out to be the same for the PinePod; I would buy that like a shot. XD

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Could be pretty easy to make with a RasPi zero, though.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Again, if I had any idea how to add hardware controls to it. ;)

    Also anything RasPi is impossible to get right now.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    I've got a zero W not being used. ;)

    But yeah, you'd have to get comfortable with PC board soldering and 3d printing to make your own. :D

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    I've got a Pi 3.

    It's not being used because to set it up on the uni wifi I'd want a monitor, and I don't have a monitor.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    ssh or serial into it and use nmtui and w3m/links?

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    SSH in how, without the network connection? XD

    And no idea how to do serial stuff.

    nmtui doesn't work with my university wifi; it doesn't support WPA2 Enterprise.

    You can set up a Pi headless, which I've done before, but it's kinda tedious and it's hard to find documentatino on the wpa_supplicant.conf format for WPA2 Enterprise. Eventually I'll get to it, I guess.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Direct ethernet? Plug it into a device with a screen and SSH into that, then forward a port? :P

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    If I had an ethernet cable, yeah I'd do direct ethernet. Except I don't think I'd be able to connect to it from my laptop without having my laptop also over Ethernet, which means I'd have to borrow my roommate's ethernet connection; we only get one each.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    Networking is one downside to living on a university campus. :P

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    I'm kinda surprised I've never had anyone knocking on my door about my network usage.

    opens door "Yes?"
    "Sir, we have here that you did 960G of downloads in the last two days."
    "Ah yes, that was me setting up my private fork of Project Gutenberg."


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Ooh I should do that

    Do you have a torrent? :P

    benjaminhollon, avatar
    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    Be aware it's ~1TB.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay /me bumps storage requirements for primary storage mirror from ~512G to 4TiB

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    I've stopped mirroring it personally; I'd rather use the space for a dual boot or something of the sort.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay is worth asking if I really need to get a HDD for this.

    ...but.. why not? Would be nice to have a public-facing mirror.

    benjaminhollon, avatar
    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Dual boot??!?

    Brah. Do you even FOSSbro? ;)


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay Oi, I've dual-booted 9front and Linux on the same machine.

    Fortunately, I'm [pretty sure I'm] not an asshole [anymore! Hooray for character development!], so I continue to remain not a FOSS bro :)


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay in the derogtaroy sense in which bro is often used in these circles, anyways.

    Not in the, "That guy is so nice, he's everyone's bro!" sense that I wish was still prevalent :/

    Why does the internet have to ruin everything?

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Oh, I get that, it's just that I don't know where people draw the line between,

    "Man, I get where you're coming from, but you truly DO have better choices, if you'd just spend a little time to become familiar with them."



    And the fact that the line isn't clearly defined is concerning, because it can be used to repudiate people of good conscience trying to encourage others to make good decisions.

    benjaminhollon, avatar
    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    WELL DONE. ;)

    I remember that one, and the crispy JPEG vs optimized PNG one ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    > I remember that one, and the crispy JPEG vs optimized PNG one ;)
    Oh ha, I just remembered that one. XD

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Thaaaat's different ;)

    I'm honestly not sure what a FOSSbro is. I could be one, depending on how you define it.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay It's generally a derogatory term for asshole dudes in FOSS. Pretty sure it's a bit more specific than that, but I don't exactly care to check.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Dual boot of multiple Linux operating systems, I should clarify. Currently I'm dual booting NixOS and Fedora 38. ;)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Ahh, cool. I didn't think you were using windows anywhere.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Nope, I gave up on Windows a couple years ago.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    chef's kiss

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    LOL... that's just so YOU. ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    opens door "You again?"
    "Yes sir, this time—"
    grabs tablet and takes a look "That was just me downloading the Linux install ISOs of every systemd-free Linux distribution"
    "But what about—"
    "Oh, that. I was downloading the entire archives of every podcast I listen to."
    "And this spike here?"
    "Syncing my local music collection over to the laptop under my bed, then streaming it to my phone."


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay That last one probably wouldn't even raise meaningful flags, tbh

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    Yeah probably not, I'm just trying to think up unique ways I use the network. ;)

    It might raise flags in that it's dozens of GB in uploads, rather than downloads.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    You can serial into it using the USB port (it's still USB protocol, but a special serial connection over USB mode)

    But I don't think you can do something like VNC over USB :/

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    I think I read about people setting up an SSH connection to headless Pis over Bluetooth. That's kinda crazy; I need to look that article back up.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    I wonder if their cough Manjaro relationship permanently hurt their dev clout and relationships.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    I was tempted to keep my rM2 when I saw the keyboard for it, but it's $200, which I think is just bleeding outrageous for a keyboard.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    I get that e-ink products are expensive (though I don't like it), but that's insane. That's as much as my Mechanical Keyboard which I'm sure is far nicer.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Right, reMarkable thinks they can copy Apple's smarmy attitude, but they just don't have the clout to pull it off.

    The crap they pulled where they subscriptionified almost all of the cloud services for new customers ticked a LOT of people off.

    benjaminhollon, avatar
    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Yeah an e-ink tablet isn't really what I'm looking for.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    It's a neat replacement for a written journal, though. For the times that a laptop (even a teensy one) is just a bit too unwieldy.

    You know, I got BACK into the Linux world in early 2019 by purchasing a 2010 Thinkpad X200t to put Linux on "JUST FOR WRITING." It became my gateway drug back into the amazing Unix world, which I should have never left.

    Baptizing and killing my Macbook Air with tea didn't hurt either. ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    > It's a neat replacement for a written journal, though. For the times that a laptop (even a teensy one) is just a bit too unwieldy.
    I already find it hard to keep a journal; no way am I paying a ton for a device to do that on. ;)


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay I use it for my todo lists / the poetry drafts. Really, REALLY nice to write on. Nicer than paper, nicer than plain text on a computer.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    My rm2 got unused for a long time because I found I just greatly preferred the feel of a fountain pen. But compared to a pencil or ballpoint, it's great.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Do you do a paper journal or digital? Or both?

    I do both, and alternate from time to time. I have a journal script which... huh. I have not yet shared publicly. Ah well. ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    I've tried each but can never last more than a few weeks.

    My last attempt was only a month or so ago and it seemed like it was going really well, but I haven't done anything in it in a good week or so. :(

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    You do a LOT of writing, though. I think that helps a lot.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    It was actually Coding that sped me up, I think. :)

    Then I've sped up another ~20wpm since getting my mechanical keyboard.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    I feel like mine actually slow me down. Too much key travel.

    I need to splurge (a bit) on an inexpensive low profile mech.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Or just get some o-rings. They'll lower the travel too.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    I tried those, but didn't like the mushiness.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Yeah, that's the trade-off. :p

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    It's worth it to me for the silence.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    There are ones that are harder than others, which would mean they're less mushy. Worth looking into.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay


    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Look I was running Gateron Silent Black Ink switches. :)

    Now I'm on T1s and I love the feel but they're loud. They're still loud with o-rings but it's significantly better.



    I keep thinking about this post while I am playing with this typewriter today. Lol

    CharismaticBatman, avatar



    I typed middle school papers on an electronic typewriter with (iirc) a 16x1 character LCD.

    Typed em up, edited them, then hit print.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar


    I'd love to see what the demo produces

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    (and are super cheap)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay

    The main use is to change the noise-profile. I just got some to make my new Durock T1's quieter. But they also change the travel distance.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay


    I love that YT channel. I don't watch much YT anymore, but that was always so entertaining.

    I just can't get into mechs at that level, though. I'm just OK with buying cheap redragon stuff on Lexcorp. :P ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    I don't really ever watch their YT, just read their blog posts. I should take a look.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    They're quite entertaining, if you are really (or at least casually) into mechs

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    At this point I think I'm $350 worth into mechs, if you add up my two boards. ;)

    It's crazy how this is the one thing I'm not a miser about.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    mmmm...beeecause it's kind of impossible to be?

    I mean, my mech investment totals maybe $55 between two boards, but I'm downright cheap at times. ;)

    I may have to splurge for a keychron, but then if I actually get into mechs like a proper lunatic, the keycron will feel silly. :eyeroll:

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    If you go for a keychron I can definitely recommend the V line—all the same features as the Q line, but with a plastic chassis which significantly cuts the price. And it's lighter, meaning I can reasonably travel with it.

    Even "lighter", it's still pretty hefty—the V4 is the same weight as my previous TKL, as a 60% board.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel

    Fwiw There are ways to make a cheap board feel nice.

    I think my board cost me like $25. I bought it used and broken. Resoldered a transistor back onto it and desoldered all of the switches. Bought ~$20 of a good quality lube, and spent 18 hours lubing all 84 switches and resoldering them back on.

    I love my keeb now tho. Wouldnt trade it.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @twizzay @joel @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman

    Yeah, the only reason I went for a non-cheap board is for the features. QMK, hotswap, 60% isn't easy to find.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @twizzay @benjaminhollon @joel @pixelherodev

    That's wild. I don't think my keyb has removable switches, but honestly, I'm on laptop keyboards 95% of the time now :P

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @twizzay @joel @pixelherodev

    Well if he had to desolder they're not removable otherwise. :)

    I go for hotswap boards, which are ones where you can change out the switches. Not only does it give me more flexibility (as someone who doesn't solder), it means if a key stops working I can effortlessly swap out the switch in ~15 seconds.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay I'm sure the macbook had it coming ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    You know I've actually revived a macbook that had coffee spilled on it. I then daily-drove it for a couple months during lockdown after accidentally bricking my main laptop, until I could figure out how to fix it. XD

    It was the first of what is now my fleet of ~5 old or broken laptops I've been gifted by people not using them anymore. One is my home server under my bed.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay I've got a stack on my bookshelf, too :P Some of them still work, some don't [one needs a new screen IIRC, one needs a battery, one... has a broken power button, maybe?]

    Got to get them all fixed and start finding people who need them, I think. I certainly don't.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    The mac I fixed had no working storage or battery.

    I booted it off of an SD card and kept it always plugged in. ;)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    That works!

    I had a 128GB SD micro card permanently plugged into a short SD card adapter that sat flush with the side of the case. Nice way to augment the paltry 128GB storage that came stock ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Yeah, that's the way I did it, but as primary storage. XD

    But it wasn't flush, unfortunately. Sometimes you have to take what you can get when in Malaysia.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    (and when it's during lockdown and you have to describe to your mom who's at the store what to get)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    ha, yeah I get that ;)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Ha! I don't think mine was salvageable, as it stopped taking power.

    A friend tried to be helpful by trying to dry the water/tea with a hair dryer.

    WRONG thing to do.

    I took it outside and DOUSED it with denatured alcohol, but it was too late. :'(

    benjaminhollon, avatar
    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Heh funny story from the repair process.

    My first thing I tried was to reinstall MacOS.

    It said there were no versions of MacOS available. It was perplexing.

    Until I got the terminal open and ran "date", discovering it to be 1970. Fixed the date and it could again find available versions. Apparently it was trying to check what versions were available as of 1970? XD

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    lol... Yeah, Apple didn't exist yet. Set it to 1980 and see if it will download Apple DOS. XD

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Probably it looks for versions compatible with the Macbook Air. Apple's big on tying software to specific hardware. ;)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    It's a sad memory, but I have no time for regrets.

    Nor Apple's recent lame-buttocked UI design. GREAT GOD, how hideous.

    And don't even mention that flarping NOTCH laptop!!!! AUGH!!!

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    The rest of my family (except my youngest bro who's 12) all rock M1 Macbook Airs. :P

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    I mean, if you survived(1) your lab work, you might be amazing at it ;)

    1. Look up my countryman ElectroBOOM on YouTube. I still don't know how much of his electrical antics are staged, but I'm amazed he's still alive.

    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay ElectroBOOM is amazing. I've only seen a few clips, but I need to watch more :P

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    I think I've run across it at some point.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay NO the watch can't take 100W lol

    dump it into a battery that can, though, and you can fill that up quickly, and then slowly discharge it into the watch.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    I kinda want to get a solar panel. I've got an 88Wh power bank that's supposed to be designed with solar power in mind as an option, so that would be a neat thing to do.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Currently planning to get ~200W of solar panels plus ~1kWh of storage tomorrow.

    Need to finish designing the [waterproof] casing so I can keep this outside, and a mechanism for routing power inside, still...

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    How big is a 1KWh battery?


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay Depends on the material.

    I'm debating between li-ion, lipo, and [sealed] lead-acid, still.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    What about LiFe? It's got the advantages of NiMH without the disadvantages of LiPo/LiIon.
    No lead acid. Just no. I see no advantage to that technology, other than the fact that it's cheap.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay That's the exact advantage I was thinking of, yes.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    Yeah, cost can be a big deal with projects like this. XD


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay I'll have to look into LiFe batteries, actually was unaware of them. Thanks! :)


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay I take that back; you mean LiFePO4 batteries? Heard of em, didn't realize they were different from lipo.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    The same. It's another formulation of LiPo which I believe is more tolerant, like NiMH.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay i'll need to find a proper comparison of chemistries before pulling the trigger, then...

    Also need to factor in waterproofing. Raw cells are definitely far harder to waterproof than pre-waterproofed batteries, for which I "merely" need to waterproof the cable connections.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Yeah, they don't have quite the capacity of LiIons, but they are very tolerant of handling (in the sense of how deep it gets discharged, and how long it can be stored at full charge, I think).

    I learned the hard way you do NOT leave unprotected LiPos fully charged. You get a spicy pillow within about 24 hours.


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay Oof.

    LFP is looking very strongly like the way to go. AFAICT price is alright [<$300/kWh on ebay], even if it's worse, and I think their chemical characteristics are way less of a problem.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    We had a battery back in India that would power our full house for about an hour (frequent power outages made it a necessity). No idea the actual storage capacity, but it was pretty big.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    The tricky thing in my case is that I live in a dorm. I could keep it in the corner of the window, I guess?

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    It would basically have to become your window ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Oh well no way would it be 200W. I'm thinking more like… 20W.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    For a solar panel that has to take whatever it can get through a window without the ability to be rotated to be pointed directly at the sun without having any part of it obstructed... I'm thinking it could charge a phone or max a 10Ah battery.

    (Calling it 10,000 MAh is stupid. Silly marketing people.)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Yeah, that's about what I'm expecting. This is mostly an idea for the ideological merit of it, not the practical. :)

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Ahh, self-nerd-sniping, I see ;)


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Honestly, though, having it be the window [or, more practically, attached to the outside of a window] isn't a terrible idea. Could get a few hundred Wh per day that way, easy.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    Have you run across those backpacks with embedded solar panels? Any thoughts on that?


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay See my comments about solar panels in the smart watch.

    Great idea, price is ridiculous.

    I have a 21W solar panel I strap to my backpack, with the wires run through the zipper to a battery inside. Only did that once in NYC on a bookstore crawl, but it's much cheaper - if you already have a decent backpack, <$50.

    Whether it can be safely/reasonably attached to the backpack depends on the pack and the person attempting to connect them :)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay

    > I have a 21W solar panel I strap to my backpack, with the wires run through the zipper to a battery inside. Only did that once in NYC on a bookstore crawl, but it's much cheaper - if you already have a decent backpack, <$50.
    Hm I might try something along that route.


    @benjaminhollon @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay Ehhhh, unless you have a direct path in, it's probably not worth it.

    Could be worthwhile, actually, if you're accepting that you'll get less out of it now, but more later when you move out and can put it elsewhere?

    Some level of portability is one of my key requirements, since I plan on moving out in a few months.

    ...on that note, I need to restart the apartment hunt shortly :/

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @pixelherodev @CharismaticBatman @joel @twizzay
    I'm not expecting to get something big or expensive. I think it would largely be cool from a sustainability perspective. Say, if I were to power my home "server" off of it.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Oof, bon chance. That's never fun.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    @CharismaticBatman @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay
    Heh, I may have mentioned this before, but "some portability" isn't even enough for me. Psychologically, I don't feel comfortable if I can't at any given point in time, pack everything I need in two suitcases and move to a different country.

    I kinda like it, though.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @joel @twizzay

    Depending on the power delivery method, I seriously doubt it's getting 100W. Probably 5W max.
    The heat dissipation from that much wattage on a watch would be horrendous


    @CharismaticBatman @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay Not even 5W.

    CharismaticBatman, avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @joel @twizzay

    Yeah, I'd imagine 1W, so 200mw @ 5V. That sounds responsible for a device that goes on your wrist ;)

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    Hahaha, my watch is from pine64. :)

    In the end I stopped using it. I'm back on my Casio. Though the PineTime is definitely a very cool device. Perhaps I'd find it more useful if software support is better for iOS at some point down the road.



    Ah. Well it was a guess. Hehe.

    I’ve never really had a smart watch before. It feels kind of like the first time I bought a car with a backward facing camera. The whole time Im like “Do I really need this?”

    I cant decide. Maybe I will just take up the offer so I can make up my mind and then have a position. If I dont like it I can regift it or give it back I guess. :comfyshrug:

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    Sounds like a pretty good plan.



    Thank you for being apart of this critical decision. :RedCrystalHeart:

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    "part" is a strong word for what I did. ;)



    You were “here for it”.
    You “showed up”.


    benjaminhollon, avatar

    No, the message "showed up" in my notifications feed. ;)



    You were “captive” to my “queries”.

    I fee like im using a lot of quotes rn.

    benjaminhollon, avatar

    "You" are "using" a "lot" of "quotes".

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