
Camille_Poulsard, French
@Camille_Poulsard@mamot.fr avatar

Quels sont les films qui vont ont marqués ?

De mon côté, ça doit être 2001 de on-sait-qui, Brazil de Gillliam (qui à maltraité et fais mourir un cheval pour rappel) et Bagdad café de Percy Adlon.

Des films que j'ai vu à 12 ou 13 ans et qui m'ont marqués.

J'ai vu le premier sur France 3 en m'endormant devant... Je l'ai fini le lendemain grâce au magnétoscope.

J'ai vu les 2 suivants sur France 2 pendant une soirée cinéma.

Tout ça était du cinéma, mais tout était tellement différent...🙂

@Camille_Poulsard@mamot.fr avatar


Donnie darko, je n'ai pas accroché, mais je pense que le film était plus novateur à l'époque. Je me demande si je ne suis pas passé à côté vu tout le bien que j'en entend.

T2 🤩

Pour les matrix, les 2 et 3 ont été des déceptions, mais avec le temps, il y a des choses que j'aime bien. Et surtout, j'ai adoré le 4 (surtout la première moitié en fait).

@Camille_Poulsard@mamot.fr avatar


Le Spider man est un animé ? Je crois que j'en ai entendu beaucoup de bien.

Pour les films de SF, je te rejoins pas mal. Et je trouvais que Pacific rim et The edge étaient bien funs et un peu sous-estimés à ce niveau

@Wileymiller@mastodon.social avatar

A story about my mom and Trump.

My mom was an executive assistant for two Jewish brothers who ran a construction company in the '80s. They were in competition with Trump on some real estate deal and lost out to him. For some reason they had to make a pilgrimage to Trump Tower to go on bended knee. When one of the brothers introduced mom, Trump his usual graceful manner said, “Which one of these two Jews did you have fuck to get your job?”.

@MarionDonnelly@sfba.social avatar

@Wileymiller @GottaLaff I am so sorry. Your mom, however, was the true and graceful person in that situation. She sounds like she was an elegant and wonderful mom. 💕

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@MarionDonnelly She had @Wileymiller for a son, so she was the best person ever.

@JuliusGoat@mastodon.social avatar

Isn't it interesting that every killing by every cop is just a single bad apple that should never be thought to spoil the bunch, while every protest by and on behalf of marginalized people must be flawlessly perfect, or all participants deserve the brutality the police exist to deliver to them?

@theogrin@chaosfem.tw avatar


Isn't it remarkable how every white male cishet mass shooter must have some form of exceptional circumstance or cause behind their action so as to separate them from all those other lone wolf white cishet male mass shooters, while every marginalized person who commits (or is said to have committed) a crime like shoplifting becomes the exemplar, the shining epitome of every other marginalized person in that and any other group?

If only there were some way to square that circle, something about differentiation.

@jamesbritt@mastodon.social avatar


And any protester who says something wildly egregious clearly speaks for everyone protesting.

@ZachWeinersmith@mastodon.social avatar

Yesterday I had one person say I'm too so pro-tech pro-capitalist and one person say I was trying to force a leftist ideology, and both were responding to A City on Mars. All I can say is I wish people would stop trying to find the hidden motive and just read the words as plainly written!

@lightninhopkins@mastodon.social avatar

@ZachWeinersmith I like stories.

@stupidjim@mastodon.social avatar

@ZachWeinersmith There will always be people searching for something to point there finger instead of just enjoying what they have.

n.b. thanks to US corporate social media like FB, twitter, Insta, youtube etc. etc.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar
@TheEjj@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost I need to hire whoever installed those cupboard doors.

@seagarden@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost Wingsuit, winter conditions and no helmet… It’s not even the absence of the helmet. Doesn’t make much difference if you crash, but that guy’s forehead ate at least 100 popsicles at 200km/h for a minute at least.

@dramypsyd@ohai.social avatar

I’m glad Kristi Noem is getting hate for killing a dog, as she should be, and I want to make sure folks know she’s terrible for lots of other reasons too

-Cutting lunch programs for low income kids
-Making SD hostile to trans people
-Banning abortion

And much more. She’s vile.

@dramypsyd@ohai.social avatar

@Barbramon1 YUP! If you’re banned from a chunk of your state you’re definitely not fit to govern it

@JoscelynTransient@chaosfem.tw avatar


2012: GOP presidential nominee hurt in polls by story he left dog in carrier on top of car during roadtrip.

2024: GOP vice-presidential hopeful proudly proclaims, "I shot a puppy."

...what is this world? 😖

@webology@mastodon.social avatar

🔥 Drop Google Chrome and try out Vivaldi for a week, I dare you.


@demstavrou@fosstodon.org avatar

@webology I have been using Firefox since forever, but then I saw this in your post that makes me think about my choice: "I also don’t trust their parent company because of where their money comes [...]". Any pointers to learn more on this?

@webology@mastodon.social avatar

@demstavrou Fwiw, this isn't meant to be an anti-Firefox piece. It's an anti-Google Chrome piece. Now that we have that out of the ways, most of their money comes from Google.


We are going on over a decade of this being the case.

Also, here is one of their recent mishaps that felt too big to mess up this badly. https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/22/24109116/mozilla-ends-onerep-data-removal-partnership

@stux@mstdn.social avatar

So in total our trip was about 320KM across the country and we only came cross 2 US-style trucks!

They immediately stand out since they are just massive, loud and look like rolling crap

We laughed at them like many people do here :bloblaugh:

One had to have super low self-esteem to drive such a "look at my balls" truck here in the Netherlands

Happy I'm not in the US where this is "normal" :nkoFacepalm2:

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@OhOkKay Yeah, whoever came up with the NFL part did me a favor

@bester@mstdn.social avatar

@stux Here in the US, not only do lots of people like to roll around in big stupid trucks, but the auto makers are actually incentivized to make bigger vehicles. Fuel economy standards that the government imposes upon them do not apply when the vehicles are over a certain size or weight (likely thanks to the big petrochemical lobbyists).

So less efficiency + public appetite for wankpanzers = higher profit for auto makers and oil companies. Blech.

@w7voa@journa.host avatar

Mastodon forms new US non-profit, announces CEO / Founder @Gargron. https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2024/04/mastodon-forms-new-u.s.-non-profit/

@matzipan@hachyderm.io avatar

@w7voa ahhh the unpredictability of the German tax office. Love it.

@phryk@mastodon.social avatar

@w7voa @Gargron Some of those board members are HUGE red flags… to the point of me immediately losing all trust in Mastodons integrity.

Like, the only way I can see for getting a worse lineup would be to include Peter Thiel.

thomasfuchs, (edited )
@thomasfuchs@hachyderm.io avatar

lol both Mastodon and Bluesky now have Twitter cofounders on their boards and both have blockchain people as well

(Update: here’s the link to announcement of new US-based nonprofit: https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2024/04/mastodon-forms-new-u.s.-non-profit/)

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@thomasfuchs For better or (often) worse, American capitalism is always ready to step up in lieu of an impossible German bureaucracy.

@rjschutten@hachyderm.io avatar

@thomasfuchs Doesn’t look like the worst list of people possible. The Twitter guy is from early twitter and seems fine? Only the digital assets guy is questionable? All others seem good for a non profit board. Mastodon needs something to sustain itself.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Via Andrew Weissmann said this last night. These are creative, and hopefully potentially effective, options:

options in addition to fine/jail:

  • put a monitor over his use of social media posts
  • hold sentence on a contempt finding until after trial over
  • advise Trump that his contempt of gag order can be considered at sentencing upon conviction.

All can be used by Judge Merchan.

@Edelruth@mastodon.online avatar


I like all of these.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@Edelruth So do I. I hope the judge does.

@mattblaze@federate.social avatar

I’m still stuck on the fact that “I shot and killed a puppy simply because I didn’t like it” is HER side of the story.

@20002ist@thepit.social avatar

@SteveBellovin @mattblaze Unsurprising given that her political views are abyssal.

@mattblaze@federate.social avatar

@20002ist @SteveBellovin Also, her views on pet ownership.

@mekkaokereke@hachyderm.io avatar

Again for people (racists), complaining about falling birth rates:

The birth rate for women over 40 is not falling. The birth rate for women over 30 is not falling.

What's happening, is girls 15 to 17 are having fewer babies. Kids are having fewer kids.

Also, this is an interesting way of saying that "Teen pregnancy is down, due to sex education and contraception."

In 1991 25% of 15 year olds gave birth before they turned 21. That's bad. Now it's 6%. That's better.


@chriswho@mstdn.social avatar

@mekkaokereke @chasseur Exactly. Immigration works for everyone. Immigrants hire others, pay taxes and generally enrich the culture. I've always been more of a fan of the cultural mosaic, where everyone brings their own unique style and identity that enriches the whole, as opposed to the melting pot where everyone becomes the same and folks lose a cultural identity.

@witch_of_winter@hachyderm.io avatar

@mekkaokereke but Mekka that's not the point they only need more births because they want more worker drones for the factory. Why give the drones expensive things like health, housing and education. When all you need to do is remove their access to birth control and abortion. Force them to have children then workers are plentiful and easy to replace when they die due to awful conditions.

@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

Bad and freeloader behaviour
AnthropicAI. https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1ceco4f/claude_ai_name_and_shame/ Please boost to shame them.

@pixelriot@mas.to avatar

@iamdtms @nixCraft @chriscoyier @beep

Here's a maintained and updated robots.txt from the author of that blog:


@DamonHD@mastodon.social avatar

@nixCraft had to mail the press@ address to stop them re-checking every few seconds if I'd changed my mind about blocking them for effectively DoSing my site. Tech bros in a hurry...

@pluralistic@mamot.fr avatar

One of my weirder and more rewarding hobbies is collecting definitions of "conservativism," and one of the jewels of that collection comes from Corey Robin's must-read book The Reactionary Mind:



If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:



18+ pluralistic,
@pluralistic@mamot.fr avatar

@avi2022 This is resolved by Robin's formulation: they all agree in deference to authority, but disagree as to which authority is the true one. The conservative alliance is a movement that promotes a hierarchical structure without defining who goes where on the hierarchy. Once conservatives attain power, THEN they fight over who the ordained leaders should be (see, e.g. the neocon split over imperialism vs isolationism)

18+ angusm,
@angusm@mastodon.social avatar

@pluralistic If you’ll excuse the use of the word as a pejorative, I think that Robin's definition of conservatism might be glossed as a belief in the Divine Right of Cunts (*).

(*) Note for US readers: in UK slang, the word "cunt" is widely used as a non-gendered general-purpose insult filling more or less the same niche as "asshole”.

@rysiek@mstdn.social avatar

A few days ago @ward tooted about how it's somehow "AI art", but if it's human-made, inexplicably it's just "content":

His toot has been living rent-free in my head ever since.

I had ranted a few times before how "content" is a corporate-y way to devalue art. How "user-generated content" is a term designed to make it easier to deny the significance (not just monetary) of the amazing stuff people create online.

Contrasting this with "AI art" is jarring, and spot-on. 👀

@alxd@writing.exchange avatar

@rysiek @ward capitalism corrupts language like this.

To the point of some languages (not only Polish) missing "sustainability", only having "a balanced growth". Because you cannot not grow.

@rysiek@mstdn.social avatar

"It's art only if it was auto-generated by a stochastic black box controlled by a multi billion dollar corporation; otherwise it's just sparkling content." 🧐

@stroughtonsmith@mastodon.social avatar

All the RAM and virtual memory in the world didn’t stop Final Cut Pro for iPad from cancelling an export the moment I switched to another app in Stage Manager for a split second🥴


@gklka@mastodon.social avatar

@stroughtonsmith do you honestly believe, that the guys at Apple still remember it exists?

@its_john_davis@mastodon.social avatar

@stroughtonsmith Just another piece of software on the one-year-and-wait update schedule. Hopefully it wasn't just a promotion vehicle for someone and it'll actually get fixed.

@sarajw@front-end.social avatar
@paul@status.kinlan.me avatar

@sarajw looks awesome.

@Anneke@front-end.social avatar

@sarajw lucky lucky!!

@tante@tldr.nettime.org avatar

Balaji Srinivasan is the spearhead of the new fascist movement establishing itself in Silicon Valley.

It's easy to dismiss him as a clown given how bad, inconsistent and dumb his ideas are but he's a clown with a lot of followers in tech who listen to his visions of "ethnic cleansing".


@Firlefanz@writing.exchange avatar


Gray-shirts instead of brown-shirts, huh?

This German remembers how well that went down, and how much suffering and death they caused.

Not again, please.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@tante What’s definitely worth noting that to miss the tip of the hat toward fascism with ”gray shirts” is completely impossible with the level of education his supporters enjoy.

Just like with Mussolini, just like with Hitler, people can’t wait to dress up in their uniform shirts and start telling people what to do!

Fascism was not an anomaly.

@daviwil@fosstodon.org avatar

All the people disappointed with NixOS right now should consider putting their energy into Guix instead.

I would describe The Guix project as "allergic to corporate entanglement."

@daviwil@fosstodon.org avatar

@alxlg entanglement would be taking money directly thereby being influenced

@brejoc@fosstodon.org avatar

@daviwil Has something specific happened? Why are people disappointed with NixOS?

@Alice@beige.party avatar

I’m going to try something kind of out of character, but Claudia needs air conditioning ASAP and she can't do that until she has 100% of the funds needed.

I have a stack of nerdy photo booth photos of me and/or me and Kev.

If you donate at least $10 to this gofundme, send me a screenshot of your donation along with your address and I'll mail you a photo from one of the strips.

If you donate at least $20 to this gofundme, send me a screenshot of your donation along with your address and I'll mail you an entire strip.

The bonus of the entire strip is that I’m a weird looking person so you're bound to get at least one weird photo of me.

I'll also write a little note and maybe draw a picture of something like a hotdog or whatever. (Disclaimer: I am NOT an artist and it will show) https://beige.party/@JoParkerBear/112339395276601966

@coffeepine@beige.party avatar

@Alice You won't bother because the only reason I cared is because you cared. Consider it my daily good deed and promise that if you ever grace Germany, we are going for too many drinks and the worst karaoke bar we can find.


@Alice@beige.party avatar

@coffeepine Aw. I love this. But I also love the idea of sending an envelope full of weird stuff to Germany if you change your mind.

In the meantime, I'll be looking forward to drinks and karaoke with you!

@mathowie@xoxo.zone avatar

Lawyer: my client should be able to Fuck Around, forever.

Lefty SC justice: What about the Finding Out step that always follows?

Lawyer: We eliminate it. It never happens ever again, but just for the office of President. Everyone else continues to Find Out.

[6 out of 9 SCOTUS justices nod in agreement]

@mathowie@xoxo.zone avatar

@Rhube he started going through my feed humorlessly arguing with every toot, no one has time for that level of bullshit, instablock

@GhostOnTheHalfShell@masto.ai avatar


That's the originalist recipe for jurisprudence.

senficon, German
@senficon@ohai.social avatar

Die aktuelle Korruptions- und Spionageaffäre rund um die Nr. 1 und 2 der #AfD für die Europawahl zeigt nochmal eindrücklich, dass wir mit „inhaltlich stellen“ allein nicht weiterkommen. Da können sie noch so viele Gesetze gebrochen haben und noch so viele Menschen mögen sich bei der Wahl deshalb gegen die AfD entscheiden: gewählt werden sie trotzdem. Je länger wir mit dem #AfDVerbot warten, desto größer die Gefahr für unsere Demokratie.


@NatureMC "die "Guten" sind in dem Fall alle Menschen, die demokratisch gesinnt sind und bereit, die Demokratie zu verteidigen, sich daran zu beteiligen etc."

Dazu gehören auch AfD-Anhänger bzw. Wähler.

"Die "Bösen" wollen die Demokratie zerstören/abschaffen."

Wer will das mit Absicht? Manche arbeiten an der Abschaffung der Demokratie unabsichtlich, indem sie Zensur, Sprach- und Denkverbote befürworten.

@bpb @alchemist @senficon

@NatureMC@mastodon.online avatar

@Fanta4NordishByNature Da kennst du ne andere AfD als ich. Aber dein Profil spricht ja Bände. Lies mal deren Parteiprogramm und Analysen desselben.
▶️ https://www.amadeu-antonio-stiftung.de/verfassungsfeindlichkeit-was-ist-demokratiefeindlich-an-der-afd-95277/
▶️ https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/afd-thueringen-rechtsstaat-schuetzen-verfassungsblog-hinweise-1.6560618
Zumindest die Leute in der Partei handeln bewusst und mit Vorsatz.

Es gibt keinen demokratiefreundlichen Faschismus!

@bpb @alchemist @senficon

mina, German
@mina@berlin.social avatar

Das Motto der #SPD zum #Europa-Wahlkampf "Besonnen Handeln", klingt für mich fatal nach "Wer nichts tut, macht auch nichts falsch", oder?

@luki@social.anoxinon.de avatar

@mina @intro ich finde die Aussage gut oder sollte in der Politik unbesonnen gehandelt werden? Auch wenn ich mir manchmal wünschen würde, dass er mehr und offener kommuniziert, macht er doch das meiste richtig

@mina@berlin.social avatar


In der Theorie ist Besonnenheit sicher gut.

Im Fall von Scholz ist es aber eher Mutlosigkeit getarnt als solche.

Was macht er denn, was deiner Meinung nach richtig ist?


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