To the admins- will block Facebook's Threads or are you open to federating with them in the future?…

Many of us do not trust Facebook and anything it is associated with or swallows up.


"Instagram head Adam Mosseri said "

““Soon, you’ll be able to follow and interact with people on other fediverse platforms, such as Mastodon. They can also find people on Threads using full usernames, such as @mosseri.””

“We’re committed to building support for ActivityPub, the protocol behind Mastodon, into this app. We weren’t able to finish it for launch given a number of complications that come along with a decentralized network, but it’s coming,” he said.

“If you’re wondering why this matters, here’s a reason: you may one day end up leaving Threads, or, hopefully not, end up de-platformed. If that ever happens, you should be able to take your audience with you to another server. Being open can enable that.”


To me it’s simple. If Zuck has a part in this, I will find somewhere else to go.


Yes. They have destroyed enough internet they shouldn’t allowed to touch this.


I came here specifically to avoid meta and reddit


dude exactly

Onii-Chan avatar

Same. If Meta isn't chased away, I'm leaving the Fediverse. Once I ripped the reddit bandaid off, my loyalty to any one site evaporated. I won't feel a thing if I need to find somewhere else to go.


I would be even more disillusioned and disappointed than I currently am, I will admit it.


If this instance doesn't defederate from Threads, I'm sure plenty of others will. And you can always host your own and lose very little functionality. That's the entire point of the fediverse. Tying your view of the fediverse to one single instance is kind of missing the point.

Onii-Chan avatar

My concern is the embrace, extend, extinguish method that will ruin the Fediverse regardless of the number of instances, as big tech giants are so adept at doing. I don't have an optimistic outlook here. Meta is here for a reason, and they aren't going to just go away now that their foot is in the door.


Fediverse’s strength is being able to federate AND defederate as a choice, and the hierarchy flattens down from centralised Big Tech networks enough to the point the instances with big community hold power. EEE cannot do much or any damage, and Meta’s foot in the door can be chopped away by instances easily.

The content they will bring is Facebook tier memes and mostly Instagram women audience from what I can see from Threads’ adopters. Since Threads has NSFW and brand/influencer promotion prohibited, its adoption in itself is not just questionable, but in my POV, an experiment by Facebook to gauge the reaction of Fediverse’s current users towards them.


I don't see how they can accomplish that though. They can't really bring any value other than lower barrier of entry to users. They're exposed to other instances and everyone can point out what they're giving up when they can literally lose nothing by switching to a different instance.


Everyone read one article on ebrace, extend and extinguish and now they’re experts on the subject matter

For all I see is that the biggest threat Threads brings to us is that by federating with them you’re going to receive a shit ton of facebook quality content


Yup, all that matters is doomscrolling and shitposts, and we can all get our fill of content without any corporate fuckers fucking this shit the fuck up.

Also, Fuck spez and fuck Reddit.


Save some fucking for Ajit Pai while we’re at it.


Gladly, thanks for the reminder.


There are always instances and apps that will block them for you. That's the beauty of interoperability.


It’s very simple. Facebook/meta bullshit on here and I am moving to -tildes.

Fuck corporations. I hope they all burn and I hope their creators and their born and unborn offspring get cancer and die.


If you do move to tildes, would you mind sending me an invite?


I can send you one right now


could I please also get an invite from yourself/anyone else seeing this?


Can you send it to @curiosityLynx or curiosityLynx on Reddit (haven't deleted it yet because I want to make sure to edit my comments as subreddits go public again)? kbin doesn't have private messages yet.

fishos avatar

Kbin does have private messages. Click on your profile icon/name and you should see "Messages" in the drop down menu.


I should have edited my comment. What doesn't work yet is sending a private message to someone on another instance.

fishos avatar

Gotcha! I thought something was up with that. I noticed it seemed to not work either. Good catch.

I wasn't sure if you knew about messages or not because I've seen a lot of people miss features already. Even took me some to e to find a few lol


Oh I have access, I mailed the creator and he sent me one.

I’ll create one and send it your way!


yo if you don’t mind sending me one too that’d be dope


Why Tildes and not just another instance? Tildes is still headed by a single person

Sev, avatar

PS Tildes has a nice app now: Surfboard. I kinda hate the website, but using an app is way nicer.


Please /u/ruud do the right thing! Block those creatures!


I have some mixed feelings about this

But (and don’t hate me for this) If theads joins the fediverse it could actually bring a large user base over

And ofcourse once meta gets greedy the fediverse should do what it’s designed for and prevent any large company from owning the fediverse

It could also convince a decent portion of the threads userbase to move over to lemmy or mastodon much easier then they would of been able to in the past since they will already be so close

Tl;Dr Allow meta into the fediverse but if it’s shit then defederate them aka do what this system was designed for


I would normally agree with you. However, Facebook is notorious for user manipulation. I suspect they are trying to use the larger federated community to stabilise their own. They know they get maximum engagement out of rage baiting etc. Unfortunately, this also tends to turn the community toxic. If the threads community is diluted down by the fediverse, then they can maximize their milking of threads without killing the golden goose.

Unfortunately for us, things will flow both ways. That toxicity will flow into the fediverse. While the system is designed to deal with this, it can only deal with so much. If we give them their fix, then take it away later, by de-federating, there’s nothing to stop them jumping ship to us. That sounds great, until they bring the mentalties from the toxic community that meta created over to us. We don’t have the numbers, or history yet to cope and stabilise that sort of influx.

Meta is like gangrene, by the time you realise how serious it is, it’s spread everywhere and you’re already screwed. The only viable response is to amputate early to protect the rest.


That’s fair meta do be pretty shit


i really hope we keep conglomerate out of the fediverse... they will commercialize it.


Threads has 60 million users in 1 day, the fediverse has 12 million over years of growth.

We'd be keeping ourselves out of Threads, not the other way around.

Maxcoffee avatar

They can keep their 60 million threads, most of that is complete trash anyway.

BraveSirZaphod, (edited )
BraveSirZaphod avatar

That 60 million includes the vast majority of people's actual real-life friends and family.

I know "les normies suck lulz" is a popular sentiment here, but I don't think constantly harping on how much we hate the average person and find them to be trash is a particularly good way to create a positive and welcoming community.


This issue is less about accepting them, and more about preventing Meta and their scummy practices. I don’t want their hateful algorithms involved here. I don’t want their growth-at-all-costs mindset that will damage things more than any of their content will help. Whether the content has any value is a matter of opinion but my issue with this is that there are platforms for that kind of content already. If you want and enjoy it, go there. The fediverse so far doesn’t have the corporate evils permeating it, and very few communities online get to say that. No good can come from allowing meta in the door, and inevitably it will kill the fediverse in some form or fashion. People like to say “oh we can defederate later”. Later? When it is harder because now you have people hooked to the “content” coming from there? No, it’s best to never open the door in the first place.


Their algorithm can't apply here. It isn't how ActivityPub or algorithms work. Their algorithm is per user. So that right there can't migrate over. So a global algorithm which is way less useful is the only way. The only way to do that and have other instances 'see' it is to mess with the statistics. So they'd need to break spec. So if they do that (and destroy the ability to get user responses like upvotes and boosts for their native algorithm, ie make it less valuable to them) they'll get defederated anyway. The argument here is just let's see how it plays out. Literally nothing is lost by seeing what happens. If it's a bunch of garbage, most instances will defederate anyway and no problem. There is no downside to wait and see.


I appreciate the perspective, but I still disagree on whether there is a downside. Waiting and seeing what happens with a group that is known to have malicious intent isn’t going to ever be a true net gain. So why wait and see? We all see enough from their platforms. Why invite that here at all? And once they are in the door I argue it’s harder to expunge them because now you have their end users in the mix crying out that they don’t want Threads defederated.


Threads does have the chance to bring the fediverse into more mainstream acceptance. It may introduce users who wouldn't otherwise know there are alternatives. The net gain may not be one for you specifically, but the concept as a whole. It may not do that, but it can. And the argument against waiting and seeing being Thread users making noise? That seems farfetched. They don't hold leverage at all.


In your mind, who holds the leverage in the fediverse if not the users of it?


Defederation is an instance level discussion. So I'd say the users of that instance absolutely have sway. Folks in other instances have literally zero sway. Admins ultimately have the final sway.

Maxcoffee avatar

I don't hate anybody but I do hate their random bad takes and opinions on things and I don't care about their families either.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

I hate Lindsey de Fournier but she knows what she did. Pretty much everyone else is cool.


That not really how the fediverse works. A server can defederate them, but there's no way to keep them out of the fediverse as a whole. It's somewhat antithetical to the core purpose behind the fediverse anyway. They can't commercialize your instance.


I think most people believe that defederating means your messages stop going to Facebook when infact it’s the other way around. Only way to prevent Facebook from seeing what you’re posting here is if they defederate with us which probably is easy to accomplish by having content on your instance that’s agains Facebook’s terms of service and that you refuse to take it down even if they threaten to defederate.

What defederating (if we do it) does achieve however is that it removes all Threads content from our communities which probably isn’t a bad thing either


Please don’t federate with the Zucc


I feel like this is entirely against’s ethos of “a general-purpose Lemmy instance of various topics, for the entire world to use” (emphasis mine). I for one joined this instance exactly because they didn’t have a ban-happy federation policy like some of the other big ones. I understand people’s concerns, but if you want a “fuck corporations” walled garden instance, I feel like there are better homes for you somewhere else…


Corporations offer the walled garden. Keeping them and their greedy growth-at-all-costs motives out of here would be better for the community. You have places to go to go enjoy those platforms already. Feel free to use them. Please don’t force them on everyone here where they aren’t generally welcome and where the communities here do better without them.

We don’t have a lot of places to go to get away from them. And again, you can run to them and their platforms without pushing it on the rest of us.


I don’t think anyone is forcing anything on anyone? It just sounds like people like you and others in this thread want a more curated instance WRT federation, which I don’t think was designed to be (though I’m absolutely keen to be corrected if I’ve missed something in their policies).

That’s the freedom of this platform right, being able to move around to communities that better suit the individual 🤷‍♂️ Not trying to flame and argument my friend, just sounds like there’s a more obvious answer.


I don’t necessarily want much interference with content. Just defederate from known bad actors really.


We have no evidence of bad acting in the fediverse from Meta. It's all speculation at this point. And you're changing your argument back and forth from poor content concerns to "meta is evil."

You're asking for a better curated community in the end. If the content is bad or some other weird scenario occurs, then admins will act accordingly.


No evidence of bad acting from Meta? This is a joke right? If you think they will not do their best to pull the same bullshit they have pulled everywhere else you being a bit naive.

I’m not changing my argument. I don’t generally want interference with content. BUT in the case of Meta, who is known to be awful, and have awful content, yes I argue that both are good enough reasons to not join hands with them.


You literally misquoted me. I said no evidence of bad acting in the fediverse. Words have meaning. Don't argue in bad faith.


I’m not arguing in bad faith. They aren’t in the fediverse yet so of course there is no evidence here yet. I’m pointing out that you are putting your head in the sand and ignoring that Meta is a bad company, with bad intentions, and they will not change just because muh fediverse.


You are arguing in bad faith. You claimed I said Meta never acted in bad faith. I never did. That's a bad faith argument. It's a strawman arguments. Your whole first paragraph is attacking and insulting a position I literally never made. This is a joke, right? You seem a bit naive.


I don’t think we will get nowhere with furthering this discussion. I feel you aren’t following what I am saying, and I can’t tell if it’s willful or not. So, my bad. I’m sorry. I’m not trying to discuss anything in bad faith.


I am following you, I just don't think you understand it's incorrect. You change your argument between it being garbage content to being about undetermined, nonspecific dangers from Meta. We barely even ultimately disagree. I'll probably want to defederate Threads. I just don't want to do it for stupid illogical and immature reasons. I want to be consistent with how I approach the fediverse. I will treat all instances the same until the instance shows a reason otherwise. I will not make assumptions based on predetermined notions, no matter what the company has done. Especially since it is mostly moot since Threads has suggested they'll be multi-instance. It's like telling s Lemmy instance don't federate with Kbin. Or a specific PixelFed instance to not federate with Mastodon.

ulu_mulu, avatar

Yes please block them, I don’t want Meta poisoning Lemmy. If I wanted to see facebook content I would have a facebook account, I don’t.


In case doesn’t defederate, I need an instance recommendation. Preferably something active. Not and, I’m not going back to those. Anyone got any ideas?


I’m aware of the beehaw drama… But what’s the issue with

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

If I wanted to be on meta I’d make a meta account

QubaXR, avatar

Please defederate from Meta while it is to our advantage.


I actually would prefer .world not block Facebook’s Threads. I have some accounts on other instances that will be blocking them, so I can switch to those if it becomes an issue.

In any case, I think it’s a tough decision and I do like .world simply because of how open it is.

I support either decision. I only just got here damn it lol

UserNotFound, avatar

Don’t federate with Meta, please


Have admins said anything about this yet at all?


Please don’t federate with Meta. You can guarantee they’ll ruin all that is good about the fediverse.

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