

Federated avatar


Posts by the enigmatic supervillain known only, to some, as the Librarian of Hermetic Library.

Archiving, Engaging and Encouraging the living Esoteric Tradition, Hermeticism, Aleister Crowley's Thelema, and much more. Open Access Occultism for over 25 years.

#magick #occult #occulture #esoteric #hermeticism #thelema #books #music #art #zines avatar


Crafts & Ritual items featuring #Shekinah, the #DivineFeminine, #Kabbalah & #Priestess Paths by fledgling #Jewish artist Leah Kiser.

Visit my webpage at to order bespoke items, or for ready to ship & quick turnaround figurines, decoupage, textiles & more

#JewishArt #JewishWomen #Judaica #Spirituality #Mysticism #Tarot #Altar #Goddess #FeminineDivine #Jewitch #Kohenet w/Smicha.


KnoxvilleRose on Etsy
Occult Bookseller
Animist Witch
Intuitive Reader - Tarot, Lenormand, Oracle, Runes & Dice

Founder of the Temple of Ma'at Knoxville, and High Priestess of the Priesthood of the Sacred Earth - a new working group sponsored by the Temple, Animist & Ceremonial Witchcraft


The Wild Hunt is a nonprofit news journal, providing the latest news impacting Pagans, Heathens, Witches and polytheists worldwide since 2004. avatar


Recovering academic, historian, tarot reader, roleplayer, booklover, cat mama. (she/her) avatar


Devotional Polytheist. Hedge Witch. Queer. Fiber Artist. Posts about Paganism and rural life in the Great Lakes region. He/Him

Header is the cover for my blog titled 'Great Lakes Pagan: Life and Craft in the Northern Forest'. The words are imposed over a landscape photo of a lakeshore with pine-covered sandstone cliffs cut out in curving patterns due to erosion.

Profile photo is me: a thin, clean-shaven brunet white guy with glasses wearing his signature grey knit hat. avatar


Creator and spirit worker who works magic with words, paint, ink, music, textiles, and herbs. Founder and Temple Mom of Ariadne's Tribe (inclusive Minoan spirituality). Tarotist. Gardener. Living history demonstrator. Queer. They/she.

[Profile pic: I have pale skin, blue eyes, long gray hair that photographs blond.]

[Header: My original art of the Isopata Minoan seal ring, a ritual trance-dance scene with four priestesses and interesting visions.]


☀︎Cᴀʀᴛᴏᴍᴀɴᴄʏ Cᴏɴɴᴏɪssᴇᴜʀ
☀︎sᴏᴜʀᴘᴜss sᴇᴇʀ
☀︎Mᴜʟᴛɪ-Mᴇᴅɪᴜᴍ Aʀᴛɪsᴛ 🎨
★Mᴜsɪᴄɪᴀɴ (Sɪɴɢ, Wʀɪᴛᴇ, Rᴀᴘ, ᴀɴᴅ Pʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ)
★Pʜɪʟᴏsᴏᴘʜᴇʀ+Bᴏᴏᴋ Lᴏᴠᴇʀ
★Gᴀᴍᴇʀ (Ps4 ᴀɴᴅ Sᴡɪᴛᴄʜ)
☾ᴀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ+Sᴘɪᴛᴇ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ✨ ᴀ ᴡʜᴏʟᴇ ʟᴏᴛᴛᴀ sᴘɪʀɪᴛᴜᴀʟ ɢᴀɴɢ ɪsʜ

Email for Booking:


Bookbinder specializing in leather bound journals inspired by D&D.

#Art #TTRPG #DnD #Bookbinding #Craft #Fantasy #Geeky #Witch avatar


Charismatic megafauna


Mathematics. Computer science. My Little Pony. Furries. Everything in between. Made in Singapore. Real name Jeremy Tan Jie Rui.

Parcly & Spindle header by Yaru ( avatar


Professional storyteller and author from Hungary. MA in Archaeology, MA in Storytelling, PhD in Culture Studies. I write about folktales, folklore, mythology, representation, role-playing games, and nerdy things. She/her
#ttrpg #folklore #mythology #storytelling #archaeology #fedi22
Hobbies and interests include #crochet, #beading, #archery, #travel, and #geology avatar


Artiste et illustratrice à l'aquarelle

Acquérir une de mes aquarelles originales n'est sûrement pas raisonnable, mais qui a envie d'être raisonnable à l'époque qu'on vit ?

Déesses, nymphes et fées t'attendent dans la boutique. (Et elles sont souvent toutes nues !)

Retrouve L'Oracle des Gardiennes sacrées en librairie. (Ed. Eyrolles)

Langues 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 avatar


Polytheist and Pagan still trying to find their particular branch of the tree. Cottage Witch. Tarot reader. Owned by a couple of cats.

Queer. Non-binary. They/them.


:antifa: :Blobhaj_Witch: #queer #goth lady, lots of #tattoos, some custom body parts, #neuroSpicy, #photography, #art, #writing, #witch, former #tech worker, #psychology student, #antiFascism, #antiCapitalism

Admin of

There are four lights! avatar


40s, Queer, Vegetarian, Spouse, Parent, Knitter, Nature Lover, Runner, Avid Reader, TTRP Gamer, Pen and Ink Illustrator, Minecrafter, Snail Mail Enthusiast, Tarot Reader, Future Crazy Cat Person || they/them

AlienSunset on Ravelry

Llama = Son / Mathemagician = Partner avatar


48 years old, Sun & Moon in Cancer with Gemini Rising, INFJ.
Embrace The Golden Rule, Life is Comedy. All DM’s accepted.


I'm a Western Massachusetts-based illustrator whose work focuses on fairy tales, fantasy, and historical subjects. You can see my work in books, games, and divination decks. I primarily work with ink and watercolor. avatar

phildini admin. Writer of fiction, code, and campaigns.


Writer, podcaster, and ceremonial magician interested in Renaissance magic, Graeco-Egyptian Magical Papyri, Tarot, spirit work, and other occult topics. avatar



Follow requests welcome!

Profile pic: An anime girl with purple hair in pigtails, wearing a black mask on her lower face
Banner: A plush shark spinning on a ceiling fan, with musical instruments in the background

If you like basically any of my posts, I will probably follow you ​:shinx_hug:​

Strange loop within a concentration of low entropy, living in #Meanjin on unceded Jagera/Turrbal land with my lovely wife and doggo. Justice for all. ​:aboriginal_flat:​

I'm a practising #CyberWitch and a player of the mighty Anglo #concertina.

The Australian Magpie is my spirit animal.

Interests include #clouds #birds #insects #flowers #dogs #astronomy #folkmusic #art #photography #media #sculpture #space #philosophy #postmodernism #absurdism #socialjustice #witchcraft #paganism #folkmagic #solarpunk #etymology #archaeology #folkhistory

Kindness is the highest virtue. ​:adhd_butterfly:​ ​:enby_fire:​

I have ME/CFS and Bipolar #spoonie and those really hinder my ability to be out in the world and socialise, so online socialising means a lot to me, replies are most welcome (though please ask first before being super affectionate ​:shinx_hug:​ )

My Emotes

I also have a bot that toots all my youtube likes if you want

I have follower requests on, will reject any blank profiles or failed vibe checks ​:shinx_happygun:​

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

#nobot #noindex #nosearch avatar


I’m here for the readers, the writers, and the lovers of art, prose, poetry, tarot, magic, and musing.

Nonbinary, they/them pronouns.

It’s nice to meet you! avatar


I'm Zephyr, denizen of the Irish Hills in what is now called Michigan on Turtle Island. I'm 31 years old, father of one, roommate of two cats. I'm a Druid, rune-caster, wandmaker, and an eternal seeker of new knowledge and new friends.

Avatar pic is me in a candid shot, laughing with eyes closed while raising a drink towards my mouth.

Header pic is a summer woodland, with a deer at the center. avatar


Visenya, the First of Her Name, Witch of the Gallows, Protector of Pagan.Plus, the Mother of Corvids, the Beguiler of the Innocents, the Unshaven, the Hag of the Fediverse

#PaganPride :demigirl:


Stargazing spoonie ever vacillating between delusional hope and doom spiraling. Chronically ill & exhausted. AuDHD. 🌈🏳️‍🌈🍉 😷 C🦠vid cautious & conscious. 🔗

Image descriptions Profile pic: a digital drawing of a bright green cuttlefish, one of their tentacles forming the shape of a heart. Background is blues, underwater effect. Header image: photo of blue sky, fluffy white clouds, and treetops of ponderosa pines. #artist #tarot #disability #queer #writer avatar


If you're looking for me, I'll be over there with the dogs. avatar


Emergency VFX Hologram
VFX Supervisor for Star Trek
Seems familiar to many
This is what I'm thinking at any given moment avatar


Plareist deacon, tarot reader, millennial, Portuguese language teacher and writer. 🏳️‍🌈☭🐧 #brasil #brazil
Posts in English. avatar


lover of #tech, finder of narwhals, can fix my own printer, #cat parent. #queer #artist. avatar


Software wizard. Roller derby athlete. Mom. Gamer.

Warning: crush hazard


They/them type middle-aged queerdo. GLAAD-award nominated journalist. Formerly Digital Editor at the Texas Observer. Disabled with #fibromyalgia.

Also follow

Pfp: a smiling white person against a dark bg with wavy brown hair, bushy eyebrows, a very light mustache and a big Irish nose and broad forehead. They are wearing a puffy white blouse, dark red and white scarf and green metal wayfarer glasses. Image by Ivan Flores. avatar


he/him | Cyberpunk Developer | Dog Daddy | Art Lover | VR Enthusiast | 18+ | I am very unserious until I am being serious. | Learning: 🇦🇷(🇪🇸)🇯🇵🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 | Duolingo is trash | #langtwt #langtoot #refold

If you want to follow me, please interact with me first. I'm trying to actively curate a safe space for LGBTQ folk to live and express themselves on this instance. Reply guys need not apply.

I don't care if you don't share the same enthusiasm for something as I do, let me enjoy the things that bring me joy. If you don't like something mute it at your own discression, I don't need to know.
letterboxd: avatar


Typographer. Wayfinder. Prefrontal-cortexly challenged. Aka uauage in some dubious circles. she/her 🇲🇽🇬🇧🇪🇺🇮🇹🇦🇹🇺🇦🍉


Writes, teaches & makes magic for a just, regenerating world. Reclaiming Trad priestexx. Sustainability Ed at Columbia U. #solarpunk #lunarpunk #CliFi in various outlets. #Witch #SFWA


strategist, software engineer, entrepreneur, activist ... also at @nexusofprivacy and a bunch of other places

#strategy #equity #justice #technology #policy #disinfo #privacy #algorithmicJustice, #intersectionality #activism #organizing #software #startups ...

And #nobot without permission. Opt-out isn't consent, but it's the only real option we have here. avatar


Go to the Source!


artist, pyrographer, tarot and oracle deck creator, pagan, leftie. often lemon scented. high priestess in a past life. nature, art, music, kindness, games, tattoos. trees are my favourite people. avatar


Hi, I’m Silver Moss! 🤍
local cryptid creature in Cascadia (PNW NA)
librarian @ a soto zen buddhist center
🏳️‍🌈 + ♿️


  • wildlife, hopepunk, creativity
  • currently: writing my 1st book, fountain pen art, ceramics
  • no niche
  • now with horrific long covid DLC! 🪫🥄


  • still committing to a kind connective presence on fedi
  • only boosts w/ alt text
  • rare #alt4me then edits
  • fedi 2022


I like cats, crafts, and video games (she/her)


Aging #nonbinary #disabled #artist and #writer who lives below the USA #poverty line in the desert. Very eclectic interests, 2 #cats, and I like pretty rocks. My pronouns are they/them. I like #folkrock, #goodfood, #tea, #fountainpens, #Tarot, and anything #purple (almost). Check out my info on avatar


Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None.
J'ai mis des points dans des tas de compétences de ma fiche de perso, mais je n'ai d'expertise nul part.

Sataniste (Temple satanique)

Entre gauchiste dans l'idée et anarchiste en pantoufles : je rêve d'un monde meilleur, mais je ne fais que rêver depuis mon canapé.

Elon Musk hate account

#VampireTheMasquerade | #tarot | #couture | #3dprinting | et tellement plus encore


Artist & Illustrator
• Working in Coloured Pencil, Watercolour, Ink, Acrylic
• Illustration for Tarot & Books avatar


Brit/Canadian Greek Cypriot, Planetary Science Ph.D, Player of Games, Tinkerer of Rules, music/science/history geek.
Likes #boardgames #hexandcounter #wargames #battletech #science #history #nature #progrock #music #movies #scifi avatar


bleeding heart leftist midwife with many hobbies (not sorry for that!) Here for pretty pictures and art activism. Doing my best not to topple the beautiful lopsided Jenga Tower that is my life

#pottery #knitting #quilting #painting #leathercraft #weaving #gaming #3dprinting #ttrpg #lasercutting #diy #alphabetmafia #art #velociraptors #witchcraft #midwifery


🐚 They/Her ☕ Chai snob 🔮 When I die turn me into a paintbrush 🖌 Hanging out in the occult section of the bookstore for 20+ years 🌙 Socialist 💐 Goddess venerator 🐍 Tarot & Lenormand 🃏 Candle magick 🕯Cat lady 🐈 Fuck cops 🪄 Sidereal astrology ⌛️ Art 🎨 Psychedelic music & drugs 🎶 I used to book some of the best psych bands in the world 🪷 Abolition is the way 📚 ✨️

#witch #tarot #lenormand #LiveMusic #weed #psychedelic #VirgenDeGuadalupe #Tonantzin


Voiceover Artist
Consciousness Explorer

Based in SE London.

"Seek no vain conclusions." avatar



Serial smoocher. Sometimes draws things.


Ok. I hate writing bios but here goes. I'm from S.Wales but now living and working in N.Wales. I learnt Welsh as an adult and speak it as my 2nd language. I work as a TV researcher and flit between hobbies and past-times. My current 'obsession' is making art from mudlarked & beachcombed items but others include rowing, swimming, tap-dancing, playing percussion... (too many to fit here) #Cymru #Cymraeg #celf #natur #progio #Wales #Welsh #art #nature #mudlarking #beachcombing

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