
People discard these things on the floor… wtf… what amount of brain cells must you be lacking to think thats fine? How fucking numb must your mind be to not even consider that the vape cant just be chucked to the ground when finished?

Where i work theres an unofficial smoking area and its littered with single use vapes. Fuck putting them ina bin like the article says people do.

And wtf 1% flush them down the toilet?

So many people are just so fucking stupid it destroys all hope i have for humanity.

I know im being dramatic but it is seriously soul destroying.

Just stop and think for 1 fucking second.


What amount of braincells must they be leaving to vape in the first place


What amount of braincells must they be leaving to vape instead of ingesting over 600 poisonous chemicals by smoking real cigarettes


So it’s just one or the other then? Give yourself and others the credit of more agency than that howay



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  • MrScottyTay,

    Not always, there’s loads of young ones that start on vapes now. I have no gripes with those that use it as a way to reduce their addiction.


    I really can understand the frustration.

    Always thought the same about people throwing away their cigarette buds. These are probably the same people.


    Long time vaper here, fuck these things. Fucking leds, pcbs, type c ports, lithium batteries, all packed in to a device intended to be entirely disposed of when the juice runs out. So wasteful.


    Isn’t the world running out of resources for batteries?


    Why would a disposable vape have a USB C port?


    Can usually charge them, they last 1-3 weeks from what I’ve seen


    I’m a long term vaper as well but I’m going to be honest I do get the appeal of the disposables. Ludicrous regulation has made proper vapes so ridiculously annoying to use for an average person that it’s no wonder people just turn to the easiest option.

    The 2ml tank cap and having to mix your own nicotine are both annoying and impractical. There’s also been a marked decline in the quality of coils and the tanks themselves since that law came into affect, with no actual benefits.

    I had to switch to an RDA tank because the terrible coils on offer now were costing me a fortune, I’d gone from using 1 every couple of weeks to having to change them every two days. I’ve tried tons of different tanks and coils but it seems like it’s just a fundamental design flaw, 2ml of juice just isn’t enough to keep the coils wet if you use a decent mod.

    RDA tanks are fine if you work from home like I do but it leaks all over my handbag when I go anywhere, so if you don’t work at home it’s just not a good solution.


    UK just bans everything it seems lol


    Your comment is 7 levels of stupid.


    other than the fact that there are several things being banned in the UK lately, all in mainstream news… sure


    Banning single use vapes is a good idea. There is no counterargument to this. They dont fill a gap in the market as reusable and refillable vapes already exist and work better. They produce a ridiculous amount of waste. That waste is terrible for the environment. People can’t be trusted to be responsible enough to dispose of them in a safe way.

    Dont try to conflate this proposed ban with something else you are pissed about.


    nothing I said had anything negative about banning Vapes


    The post is about banning single use vapes. You commented that the “uk is just banning everything now” so you are saying that the banning of single use vapes is linked to the banning of all these other things.

    So my defending of the single use vape ban is to show that it is in no way linked to any other bans apparently taking place in the uk. So your suggestion that the uk “just bans things” is not relevant and unsubstantiated.


    it’s generalized statement about the actions of the UK it doesn’t have to really mean anything more than that you’re just injecting things into what I say and then creating some weird argument in your head about it


    So what does it have to do with banning single use vapes?

    Why are you struggling to understand this very simple concept?

    You are commenting that the uk bans everything on a post about banning single use vapes.

    If you didn’t mean to imply that these two things are related, then why are you posting that here?

    If it’s a separate matter, then post it somewhere relevant.

    Or you can stop pretending im the weird one just because i correctly called you out on something you said being irrelevant.


    Try this: Google “UK bans” look at the hundreds of recent articles and come to your own conclusion. I’m not here to hold your hand and explain everything in the world to you.


    Why do you still think that banning single use vapes has anything to do with other uk bans? Why do you still think thats what im talking about?


    it just seems that they ban things often is my point, that’s literally it. UK’s solution to modern issues = ban


    Yes but its not relevant to the single use vape ban.

    If a ban is the best solution and solves a huge problem do we not do it just because we like to ban things?


    I'm a long time vaper, it's got me off the cigs, and I use a reusable tank because it's what I've always used but it's obviously better for the environment and cheaper.

    I do support clamping down on disposables because of the waste and these ones seem to be the ones that get into the hands of kids.

    However, the whole scare thing about ecigs has always looked like a massive diversion tactic when actual cigarettes are still on sale. I mean it won't happen because it's kerching for the government. But I see literally thousands more discarded cigarette butts than I do vapes round our way.

    HumanPenguin, avatar

    As an old fart. 53. I have to say. The number of cig butt’s is way lower then it was in the past.

    Really nothing more then me stating an observation. But during the 80s. And into the 90s. Throwing butt’s on the road was just what folks did.

    At least now most folks have the idea it is bad. So there is some notacible attempt to limit it.

    As for vapes. I sorta agree. Its an easy visable attack point.

    But like all disposable plastic. It needs to be the manufacturers who are held responsible more then the users. At least this seems to be doing that.

    But we have plenty of plastic alternatives. It’s just the cost that stops corps using them. If disposable plastics as a whole are banned. Then the corps are forced to look for cheaper production methods. And to swap.

    That said. I don’t smoke. (Did for a while way back)

    Are the foam like filters in cig butt’s made from a plastic product. Like most other foam. Or is it biodegradable. I habe no idea. On phone atm. (Hence typos) So will do a search tonight.


    To be fair, discarding cigarette butts is less wasteful of resources than discarding single-use vapes though, isn’t it? Also aren’t cigarette butts 100% biodegradable and renewable nowadays? Edit: No, they’re not at all, they’re also bad for the environment. Clearly disposable vapes are individually more wasteful though


    Clearly disposable vapes are individually more wasteful though

    I do agree that disposable vapes are a horrible idea. But they’re equivalent to a large number of cigarettes so you can’t just say “bigger than a single butt therefore worse”. At least they’re recyclable in theory, if not often in practice.

    This is not a defence of disposables. They’re a ridiculous thing, designed for impulse purchasing by children. Fully support a ban.


    I didn’t mean they were the same as a single cigarette butt, sorry if I wasn’t clear - it’s just that one of them has a bunch of lithium and electronics as well as plastic, obviously neither is good but the vape is especially egregious imo!


    Single use vapes? Aren’t those called cigarettes or (given the article’s origins) fags?


    I’ve never heard anyone call a vape a fag, because that very specifically refers to a cigarette. Like you wouldn’t call a cigar or a blunt a fag either.


    Nah, these have electronics inside, and appeal to teens with their fruit flavors (which are banned in cigarettes in most countries). I took some apart, they are terribly wasteful, especially when all you need to make them reusable is sell the wool cartriges or liquid and add a $0.30 charging port and a $0.20 charging chip on a $0.10 PCB. The battery is already rechargeable!!


    I've actually been collecting reusable capes to pull out the batteries and convert them into powerbanks, crazy these are bing tossed after a single charge. Some of the batteries are pretty big too!


    Did you find any with actual 18650s? Those are most useful in “DIY powerbanks”. Just remember to add fuses, the chip could go short circuit!

    static avatar

    Some disposables actually use 18650 or 18500, I've only seen 18500; it's such a waste.

    Disposables should be banned.

    static, (edited )
    static avatar

    Most adults vape fruit flavors too.
    Disposables have to go, banning flavors is just pushing ex-smokers to smoking again.

    It's impossible to replicate tobacco flavor with artificial food flavorings, "tobacco" flavored ecigs taste horrible.

    b000urns, (edited ) avatar

    Just curious, are lithium batteries worse than other disposable batteries that end up in landfill? In know many are Nickle cadmium, but aren’t just as many ALSO lithium batteries?

    (Here in Australia at least there are means of “safely” disposing of batteries, and nicotine vapes are in-theory not for sale).


    Lithium batteries aren’t exactly great if they still hold a charge, they risk violent combustion if damaged/pierced.

    The problems really occur when they end up in amongst trash heaps/recycling plants as they can ignite causing huge plastic/rubbish fires that smolder internally for days before suddenly going up.

    IIRC there are other metals included in lithium batteries that you don’t want leaking into the ground water (lithium isn’t great, but heavy metals can be pretty awful)

    Some places take the vapes, but afaik there is no consistent program, this is compounded by a lot of the people I see using these vapes are children/young teens, which means a lot of them don’t end up in the bin, but literally just thrown on the ground.

    b000urns, avatar

    Cheers for the thoughtful response. Producing large amounts of harmful waste seems to be a larger societal issue, not something specific to lithium batteries, but I can see the part about fires being of particular concern. I still find the demonization of vaping in particular to be a bit odd.


    The other thing is that lithium is a finite, hard to get resource that we have a lot of use for, and typically not used in any other mass consumed disposable product.

    So even aside from the above general issues with disposing lithium, disposable vapes are particularly wasteful, because people aren’t throwing out their phone battery every other day, for example.

    b000urns, avatar

    Gotcha. They certainly seem to have become pretty commonplace. Weird thing here is that even though they’re not meant to be sold here (nicotine vapes), disposable vapes are certainly the most readily available, so I’ve been guilty of buying them on occasion for that reason alone. If you’re using one with a tank or pods (still probably more commonly used here) you basically have to order from overseas

    DrownedRats, avatar

    On top of that, lithium ion batteries aren’t designed as disposable batteries. In devices like vapes, they should be getting upwards of 400 charge cycles before being considered spent. Some get more, some get less, but in “disposable” vapes, they get one. It’s just horrifically wasteful!


    The problem is there is no real infrastructure to recycle the stuff so it just ends up in landfills with the associated pollution from discarded batteries.


    There are processes to recover raw materials from Li-Ion cells: freeze them to decrease electrolytic reactions, shred them and separate the bits mechanically (using computer vision) and chemically. Very expensive and risky.


    I’m not sure I’d want to work in the place where they shred lithium batteries…!


    The fact that these things came out after banning plastic straws shows nobody knows what the fuck they’re doing.


    at least nobody’s vaping out of straws

    ElBarto, avatar

    You might not be!


    This whole government makes a whole lot more sense once you come to the realisation that they’re all mentally challenged in the literal sense. It wouldn’t surprise me if they couldn’t even conceptualise how the two things are related.


    Nah, that does a disservice to both mentally challenged people, and lets the Tories off for how cruel they really are


    You can still be cruel and mentally challenged.

    They got in to power because of privilege. Those with privilege and intelligence have long since abandoned the Tory party, so you’re just left with the bottom of the barrel; the privileged and dim - it’s no wonder this country is failing.

    It’s like that whole encryption thing they’re failing to push through; the fact that “this is an embarrassingly stupid and unworkable idea” never gets brought up just goes to show. They don’t even know what encryption is, it’s a joke.


    Dude, they aren’t lacking in intelligence, they’re educated and very capable people. They don’t give a shit about plastic pollution, they just want to try and reduce the impact of protesters. They don’t give a shit about how bad their encryption law would be for people and businesses because it would give them more power and a stronger chilling effect so they can suppress dissidents. They are not lacking in mental faculties whatsoever, they are playing you for a fool.


    I know they don’t care but they’re also not very intelligent. I thought that would be non-controversial. The capitalist class that put them there might be intelligent but not the politicians themselves.


    No, you’re just wrong. Most politicians are of average intelligence or above. Do you have any sort of source which indicates otherwise? What would drive you to this? The argument that politicians are bad because they have an intellectual disability is extremely ableist.


    It’s not ablism to suggest someone might not have the mental capacity to do a job.

    I thought it would be obvious just looking at the shallowness of their reasoning. Also, an evil genius would at least act in their own interests, whereas the Tories have been pretty self-destructive.


    They have acted very strongly in their own interests. Do you think they want to be in politics forever? They hang around for a few years to make their name, get the lobbyist money, do some favours for some corporations in exchange for lucrative benefits and board positions and head off into to sunset to count their stacks of cash.

    Again, “the shallowness of their reasoning”, they’re very clearly lying about their reasons because they can’t come out and say “we want to ban encryption because we want to be able to spy on all of our own population at any time without a warrant”

    It’s not ablism to suggest someone might not have the mental capacity to do a job.

    Yes, it literally is. It’s like saying that women are too sensitive to be politicians. I would far rather have a trustworthy person who listens to working class people and has a good heart but who also has an intellectual disability to run the country than what we have right now. It would be far better.

    FatLegTed, avatar

    Or even cares. As usual cheap Chinese tat (other third world tat markets are available) and its lapped up here without a thought.


    straws aren't even the problem. The largest source of plastic in the ocean is fishing nets and discarded fishing equipment.

    HeartyBeast avatar

    The interesting question becomes where these are coming from and why. Which countries?

    Straws may not be the problem, but I remember straws being washed up all over the beach.

    HeartyBeast avatar

    I'm not sure what you are saying. Straws, like plastic carriers were a well-established product that could be beneficially regulated tp reduce plastic waste. Single-use vapes were a new product category that pretty much came out of nowhere and are now likely to be regulated. Do you want a general purpose ban on every single-use item containing plastic? Not a bad idea, but it would be a big, quite radical change to the way people lived their lives - no biros etc.


    Straws a literal drop on the ocean compared to what corporations are doing to the oceans.

    I am happy to have paper straws if it helps the planet, but they chose the smallest thing they could do and as always put the onus on the consumers and not the producers.

    HeartyBeast avatar

    they chose the smallest thing they could do

    They initially chose a thing that would have marginal impact on consumers' behaviour, yes. Starting in October 2023, people will no longer be able to buy plastic cutlery, plates, bowls, trays, balloon sticks, and other items.

    Which items would you nominate for an immediate ban in addition?

    Regarding consumers v producers - they literally just stopped producers selling this stuff. What do you mean?


    I would shift the onus on the people buying the shit (consumers) to the people making it (producers).

    Maybe we could look at fishing nets, plastic bottles etc.

    To be clear I am all for doing more for the planet but I take issue with the blame being misplaced on consumers when the producers are polluting orders of magnitude more than we are.


    How much less talking about the consumers responsible is appropriate? Or do you think people shouldn’t talk about it at all?

    HeartyBeast avatar

    Stopping a producer selling it in a country is putting the onus on the producer.

    I don't think the narrative of producer v consumer is particularly helpful. Any regulation that hits the producer will also hit the consumer.

    I'd be all for a ban on plastic bottles, but you need proper glass bottle deposit schemes in place first


    I think it is helpful.

    Consumers can only buy what’s on the shelves. If we limit production then the former isn’t an issue.

    HeartyBeast avatar

    Whether a producer is prohibited from producing or selling has zero affect on the UK consumer. I agree that a ban on production would be good, but in the vast majority of cases these are overseas producers, so that can't be legislated for.


    Then wouldn’t we regulate the imports.

    No Asda you can’t import from X because they do Y?

    Not trying to argue here, just want to be more informed.

    HeartyBeast avatar

    I very much doubt that there are any products being imported - because they can’t be sold - so no need to regulate that.

    The only thing I can see where a ban on production would help with is if the UK was home to a big manufacturer-exporter of straws etc. But that doesn’t seem very likely.

    Appreciate thr discussion and happy to have my position changed if I’m on the wrong track


    why do you think the producers are producing these things? Because consumer demand. If we stopped purchasing these things, they wouldn't produce them. They only produce them because that's where the money is.


    Which is more likely.

    The majority of consumers giving a shit about anything that doesn’t affect them.

    Stopping the production of things we actually don’t want people to buy anymore.

    It’s much easier to regulate a handful of companies than it is to educate several billion people and try and get them to change buying habits.

    That’s like excusing a serial killer because victims are plentiful. You wouldn’t blame the victims and tell them to stay away from serial killers. You would punish the serial killer no?

    Maco1969, avatar

    Most of the world didn’t use single use plastics until the last fifty years, we could get rid of it all easily, we simply choose not to.

    HeartyBeast avatar

    Sure, we coudl go back to washing powder in boxes, using fountain pens, go back buying fruit loose from greengrocers, make our own yogurt, visit a creamery with a glass jar to buy cream, and get rid of most ready meals. I think "easily" is rather under-estimating the level of disruption it would cause the average person


    Tbh I think you are overestimating the disruption, lots people do already buy washing powder in cardboard boxes(it’s also a better product BC you buy it in bigger volumes and you can measure out the exact right amount for your machine and water hardness), picking your fruit from a loose box in the supermarket and putting into your shopping cart in a paper bag or a bag you bring yourself is also super normal, why would you have to make your own yougert? Why would you need to go to a creamry for cream rather than use the supermarket glass bottle return scheme used for milk? I feel like I should note that there a lot of food-safe resins and waxes that can liquid-proof containers that aren’t actualy prohibitively expensive but a bit more expensive and currently less widely produced than plastics. But considering what we’re doing to the planet that sacrifice is negligable

    Yeah the pre-portioned and plated ready meals you buy from the fridge section would probably stop being thing, but there also food-bar things that serve a very similar product

    Obviously life would change a bit and it wouldn’t be painless but I really think people overestimate it and something absolutely has to change

    HeartyBeast avatar

    Thank you for this optimistic take. Appreciated and thought provoking


    Have you never seen a cardboard carton of juice or milk?

    HeartyBeast avatar

    Yes. And for the most part, those are lined with a very thin plastic skin - which is what makes recycling difficult. I didn't mention milk or juice because glass bottles would be the obvious answer.


    You know, people have bought milk from farmers long before they invented plastic packaging…

    HeartyBeast avatar

    Yeh. Now scale that to New York or London. I think you are stuck with glass bottles in a refrigerator

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