nhoizey, to Travel

“The Snows of Kilimanjaro”

Amboseli National Park is a national park in Kenya that spreads across the Kenya-Tanzania border. It has great views of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest free-standing mountain in the world.

Almost 85 percent of the ice cover on Kilimanjaro disappeared between October 1912 and June 2011. At the current rate, most of the ice on Kilimanjaro will disappear by 2040. 😢

“The Snows of Kilimanjaro” is a short story by Ernest Hemingway.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/the-snows-of-kilimanjaro/

📅 1 March 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T2 + 27mm
🎛️ ISO 200, ƒ/8, 1/1100 s

#Travel #TravelPhotography #Africa #Kenya #Amboseli #NationalPark #Photography #Fujifilm #Fuji #XT2

nhoizey, to Travel

“Close to me”

Elephant mothers carry their babies for nearly two years before giving birth. Then they ensure their babies get the best food, teach their children the most useful skills and show their children how to lead the herd during hard times.

Elephants learn how to pick the best plants for eating, how to defend against predators and how to navigate steep embankments — all from their mothers.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/close-to-me/

📅 26 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T2 + 27mm
🎛️ ISO 200, ƒ/2.8, 1/2200 s

#Travel #TravelPhotography #Africa #Kenya #MaasaiMara #NationalPark #Photography #Fujifilm #Fuji #XT2

nhoizey, to Travel

“Nothing to see… or maybe…”

As we drove slowly through the large empty spaces of the Maasai Mara National Reserve, I was fortunate enough to perceive a spot of slightly different color in a small group of bushes.

It was difficult to really see what it was, luckily a little bit of photography gear material can help!

Do you want to zoom (a lot)? 😁


🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/nothing-to-see-or-maybe/

📅 26 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T2 + 27mm
🎛️ ISO 200, ƒ/2.8, 1/2900 s

#Travel #TravelPhotography #Africa #Kenya #MaasaiMara #NationalPark #Photography #Fujifilm #Fuji #XT2

nhoizey, to Travel

“African Fish Eagle in Nakuru”

The African fish eagle is a large species of eagle found throughout sub-Saharan Africa wherever large bodies of open water with an abundant food supply occur, like lake Nakuru.

The adult is very distinctive in appearance with a mostly brown body with a white head like the bald eagle and large, powerful, black wings. The head, breast, and tail of African fish eagles are snow white, with the exception of the featherless face, which is yellow.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/african-fish-eagle-in-nakuru/

📅 27 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 100-400mm + 2.0×
🎛️ ISO 800, ƒ/10, 1/240 s

nhoizey, to Travel

“A nap in the shade”

Some people say lions sleep 22 out of every 24 hours. It's true we often see them lying in the grass, sometimes yawning. But it doesn't mean they sleep when we're not there. “Lions lying sleeping in the shade on a hot day are […] conserving energy during the least energetically efficient time of the day. […] If the energy costs involved in an activity aren’t outweighed by its potential benefits, they simply won’t do it.” Clever.

Read more in this article from James Tyrrell (@(@jamotyrrell) : https://blog.londolozi.com/2018/01/18/are-lions-lazy/

It was not so easy spotting these felas:https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/galleries/travels/africa/kenya/maasai-mara/nothing-to-see-or-maybe/

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/a-nap-in-the-shade/

📅 26 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 100-400mm + 2.0×
🎛️ ISO 800, ƒ/13, 1/105 s

#Travel #TravelPhotography #Africa #Kenya #MaasaiMara #NationalPark #Photography #Fujifilm #Fuji #XT3

nhoizey, to Travel

“Who is the observer?”

The Masai giraffe is the largest subspecies of giraffe, making it the tallest land animal on earth.

It is native to East Africa. The Masai giraffe can be found in central and southern Kenya and in Tanzania.

It has distinctive, irregular, jagged, star-like blotches which extend to the hooves.

Unfortunately, the Masai giraffe population declined 52% in recent decades due to poaching and habitat loss.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/who-is-the-observer/

📅 26 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T2 + 27mm
🎛️ ISO 200, ƒ/2.8, 1/6000 s

#Travel #TravelPhotography #Africa #Kenya #MaasaiMara #NationalPark #Photography #Fujifilm #Fuji #XT2

nhoizey, to Travel

“Spiderman is watching”

This red-headed rock agama (aka rainbow agama) wears the same colors as Spiderman, hence the name it is sometimes given in French.

This is a species of lizard from the family Agamidae found in most of sub-Saharan Africa.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/spiderman-is-watching/

📅 26 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 100-400mm + 2.0×
🎛️ ISO 800, ƒ/13, 1/180 s

nhoizey, to Travel

“Common Ostrich”

The ostriches of the Kenyan savannah have never been so prized: first by jockeys, who ride them to the delight of spectators, and then by meat lovers, their flesh being reputed to be healthy.

These birds, which can reach up to 2.60 meters and weigh a hundred kilos, can kill with a single blow of their legs.

The ban imposed at the end of 2003 on the sale of meat from wild animals, apart from ostrich and crocodile, has led to an increase in demand for ostrich meat, which is high in protein and low in cholesterol. Only the meat of the legs is marketed. Ostriches are slaughtered at the age of eight months to ensure that the meat is tender.

Ostriches have a life expectancy of 70 years and females can lay up to 35 eggs per clutch, some of which are never fertilized.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/common-ostrich/

📅 26 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 100-400mm + 2.0×
🎛️ ISO 800, ƒ/10, 1/250 s

nhoizey, to Travel

“Masai giraffes like tree leaves”

The Masai giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchii), also spelled Maasai giraffe, also called Kilimanjaro giraffe, is the largest subspecies of giraffe. It is native to East Africa. The Masai giraffe can be found in central and southern Kenya and in Tanzania. It has distinctive, irregular, jagged, star-like blotches that extend to the hooves. A median forehead lump is usually present in bulls.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/masai-giraffes-like-tree-leaves/

📅 26 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 100-400mm + 2.0×
🎛️ ISO 500, ƒ/9, 1/300 s

#Travel #TravelPhotography #Africa #Kenya #MaasaiMara #NationalPark #Photography #Fujifilm #Fuji #XT3

nhoizey, to Travel

“Follow the path around”

Unlike in urban areas where we cut trees to build roads, here roads turn around trees, this is much better!

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/follow-the-path-around/

📅 26 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T2 + 27mm
🎛️ ISO 200, ƒ/2.8, 1/1100 s

nhoizey, to Travel

“Juvenile D'Arnaud's Barbets in sunset”

D'Arnaud's barbet is a small East African bird that feeds on insects, fruits, and seeds.

It grows to about eight inches, and is equally at home in trees or on the ground. A vertical tunnel two to three feet into the ground with a sideways and upward turn leads to the nest chamber.

In a striking dance the male and female face each on nearby twigs and twitch, bob and sing like mechanical toys.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/juvenile-d-arnaud-s-barbets-in-sunset/

📅 26 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 100-400mm + 2.0×
🎛️ ISO 800, ƒ/10, 1/105 s

#Travel #TravelPhotography #Africa #Kenya #MaasaiMara #NationalPark #Photography #Fujifilm #Fuji #XT3

nhoizey, to Travel

“Children propelling a tire”

Children love to play, and they don't need much in the way of accessories.

Here, we offer them a thousand sophisticated and expensive gifts, and they sometimes prefer to play with packing boxes...

Over there, in Kenya for example, they don't have the “chance” to have so many gadgets, they make do with what they have, and have a lot of fun!

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/children-propelling-a-tire/

📅 27 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 56mm
🎛️ ISO 160, ƒ/1.2, 1/5000 s

nhoizey, to Travel

“The Mau Escarpment in Great Rift Valley”

Great Rift Valley is part of an intra-continental ridge system that runs through Kenya from north to south. It is part of the Gregory Rift, the eastern branch of the East African Rift, which starts in Tanzania to the south and continues northward into Ethiopia.

The Mau Escarpment is a fault scarp running along the western edge of the Great Rift Valley. The top of the escarpment reaches approximately 3000 m (10,000 ft) above sea level, and is over 1000 m higher than the floor of the Rift Valley.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/the-mau-escarpment-in-great-rift-valley/

📅 27 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 56mm
🎛️ ISO 160, ƒ/1.2, 1/9000 s

nhoizey, to Travel

“Hard manual work in the fields”

I shot this photo from a very shaky 4-wheel drive vehicle on a bumpy dirt track, so I made sure to have the fastest shutter speed by using my ƒ/1.2 lens…

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/hard-manual-work-in-the-fields/

📅 27 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 56mm
🎛️ ISO 160, ƒ/1.2, 1/30000 s

nhoizey, to Travel

“Cleaning the dust”

Dust is omnipresent in Kenya, and Kenyans take great care of their motorcycles, the main means of transportation at their disposal.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/cleaning-the-dust/

📅 27 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 56mm
🎛️ ISO 160, ƒ/1.2, 1/10500 s

#Travel #TravelPhotography #Africa #Kenya #Photography #Fujifilm #Fuji #XT3

nhoizey, to Travel


🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/tetris/

📅 27 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 56mm
🎛️ ISO 160, ƒ/1.2, 1/14000 s

#Travel #TravelPhotography #Africa #Kenya #Photography #Fujifilm #Fuji #XT3

nhoizey, to Travel

“40°C? No problem…”

It is impressive to see these Kenyans playing soccer in the sun at 40°C, while we could hardly stand the heat even in the shade.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/40-c-no-problem/

📅 28 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T2 + 56mm
🎛️ ISO 200, ƒ/2, 1/5800 s

nhoizey, to Travel

“If symptoms persist, seek medical advice”

Most stores in small Kenyan towns are like big advertisement billboards, covered with one single intense color and brand or product names.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/if-symptoms-persist-seek-medical-advice/

📅 27 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 56mm
🎛️ ISO 160, ƒ/1.2, 1/22000 s

#Travel #TravelPhotography #Africa #Kenya #Photography #Fujifilm #Fuji #XT3

nhoizey, to Travel

“What are you waiting for?”

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/what-are-you-waiting-for/

📅 28 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 100-400mm + 2.0×
🎛️ ISO 640, ƒ/11, 1/500 s

Miro_Collas, to random
@Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

Kenyan special forces police to arrive in Haiti to help combat gang violence | Haiti | The Guardian

Foreign intervention in Haiti has never worked, especially not when the US is involved.

nhoizey, to Travel

“Flooded gate at Lake Nakuru”

Lake Nakuru joined in 2013 the list of other lakes in Rift Valley whose water levels have abnormally increased endangering the lives of residents and the ecosystems around the lake.

Some lakes are recognized as Wetlands of International Importance, and all are Important Bird Areas, with several being within UNESCO-listed World Heritage Sites.

The lake level rises are worrying because of the destruction to homes, livelihoods, industry, and infrastructure, and loss of terrestrial wildlife habitat.

The effects on lake ecologies are a concern as flooding increases lake turbidity and dilutes the saline waters of alkaline lakes. Alkaline lakes like Nakuru provide unique feeding habitats for East Africa’s famous lesser flamingos.

You can watch a local news story:


🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/flooded-gate-at-lake-nakuru/

📅 27 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 56mm
🎛️ ISO 160, ƒ/1.2, 1/10000 s

nhoizey, to Travel

“Black Rhinoceros in Lake Nakuru National Park”

Lake Nakuru is well known in Kenya for its rhino population, and it has one hundred white and fifty black rhinos to be seen.

Black and white rhinos naming has created confusion because both species of rhino are in fact grey… I hope I didn't make a mistake identifying this one as black!

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/black-rhinoceros-in-lake-nakuru-national-park/

📅 27 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 100-400mm + 2.0×
🎛️ ISO 800, ƒ/9, 1/140 s

nhoizey, to Travel

“Augur Buzzard”

The Augur Buzzard is a large, stocky hawk, which usually perches in full view on the ground on a prominence of ground or on a perch (tree, rock, post,…) and is not shy, so that one can often observe it at leisure.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/augur-buzzard/

📅 27 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 100-400mm + 2.0×
🎛️ ISO 800, ƒ/11, 1/240 s

nhoizey, to Travel

“Now you see me”

Named for their preferred proximity to water, the Common Waterbuck feeds on plants near bodies of water in various habitats, including savannas and forests.

These creatures are designed for protection from Kenya’s predators in several ways. Their eyes are situated on the sides of their face in order to maximize their field of vision. Their bodies give off a strong odor that helps to ward off predators as well.

Another notable trait is their long horns, which are sometimes used by males when fighting over territory.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/now-you-see-me/

📅 27 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T3 + 100-400mm + 2.0×
🎛️ ISO 800, ƒ/9.2, 1/60 s

nhoizey, to Travel

“Grant's zebras”

More Grant’s zebras are in the wild than any other species or subspecies of zebras. Unlike Grevy and mountain zebras, they are not endangered.

Grant’s zebras eat the coarse grasses that grow on the African plains, and they are resistant to diseases that often kill cattle, so the zebras do well in the African savannas.

However, recent civil wars and political conflicts in the African countries near their habitats has caused regional extinction, and sometimes zebras are killed for their coats, or to eliminate competition with domestic livestock.

🔎 https://nicolas-hoizey.photo/photos/grant-s-zebras/

📅 28 February 2019

📸 Fujifilm X-T2 + 56mm
🎛️ ISO 200, ƒ/2, 1/9000 s

#Travel #TravelPhotography #Africa #Kenya #Amboseli #NationalPark #Photography #Fujifilm #Fuji #XT2

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