
This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


My favorite analogy is email- it doesn’t matter if you have @gmail, @outlook, or even disgusting ones like @yahoo or @hotmail, you can send and receive emails using the same protocols between any of them.


Does kbin have a good iOS app? MLEM is going to be great, eventually, but being in beta it’s obviously missing a lot of features

I've seen a few discussions about the "failed" protests and wanted to talk about it

So I've seen a few posts regarding news outlets calling the protests a failure, and I don't really think that's the case. The protests have clearly made an impact, especially if the Reddit CEO is willing to oust MODS to reopen subreddits. I truly believe that something has been jump started here on Lemmy, Kbin, and all of the...


Upvotes on posts on the front page of /r/all are now like 15k where they used to be in the 100k range. Very promising. I keep checking in every other day or so but that’s going to stop once Apollo goes dark. Things are going to get quite bad for reddit in July and I absolutely can’t wait to see it


::: spoiler spoiler You can turn them in to Bargainer statues for special gear, including Depths gear which protects you from Gloom :::


No, ::: spoiler spoiler Bargainer statues are located in the Depths. There is one in Lookout Landing that will show you the location of other ones. Their inventory increases the more statues you find (total of 6 I think) :::


No, they’re a lot bigger (although some are partially buried) - spoilers for Depths locations and items in this link


I would like to know this as well. In Mastodon, I’m pretty sure you could access all Toots regardless of server, but communities seem to be locked to the server.


Are communities unique? e.g. could you have a !gaming community on but have another !gaming community with different content on another server?


There is a text box just under the post with a "Post" button, at least for me.

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