@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar



Lemmy maintainer

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes that’s me :)

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

Having other projects which are similar to Lemmy is a great sign. It means users have more choices available and developers can experiment with different solutions. It’s really not a competition, because the existence of more compatible Fediverse projects will also benefit Lemmy, as there will be more users and more content.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

Mastodon seems like a better comparison. It has more than a dozen forks and clones, and plenty of donation income.

Sure it would be good to have more contributions in Lemmy, but as these projects are made by volunteers they will do what they are most interested in. Nothing we can do to change that. And if they add new features which prove useful, they can also be added to Lemmy.

New users for Piefed and Sublinks are most likely to come out of the millions of Reddit users, not out of a few thousand Lemmy users. So this will increase the size of the Lemmy network and lead to more activity.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

Something filled up all the server RAM, not sure what. A restart fixed it.

Quick video demonstrating that lemmy.world sends every activity out twice (i.imgur.com)

I realise this is a known issue and that lemmy.world isn’t the only instance that does this. Also, I’m aware that there are other things affecting federation. But I’m seeing some things not federate, and can’t help thinking that things would be going smoother if all the output from the biggest lemmy instance wasn’t 50%...

nutomic, (edited )
@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

Sounds like there might be a bug in Lemmy then. Please open an issue in the Lemmy repo.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

This is not true, Lemmy can definitely have plugins and there is an extensive discussion about this topic. The conclusion is that plugins should be implemented in webassembly, so that they can be written in many different languages. See extism for details. Whats needed is someone with a clear use case who can implement a proof of concept, as it wouldnt make sense to add plugin hooks that no one uses.

Also mod tools can be implemented as api clients such as LemmyAutomod.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

Its not necessary to learn Rust to improve mod tools in Lemmy. There can be external mod tools implemented as api clients using any language, such as LemmyAutomod. Its also possible to add plugin support for Lemmy, which again can be implemented in various languages thanks to webassembly

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

Sure the plugin hooks still need to be implemented. It wouldnt make much sense to do that now before any actual use case exists, then the hooks would remain unused or wouldnt even work properly. Thats why it should be implemented together with a proof of concept plugin.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

I couldnt find it in the repo, what sort of plugin hooks do you have?

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

We have never rejected any patches from lemmy.world admins or from sublinks developers.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

Well written, it would deserve a separate post.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

What is this “stance on mod features” that you are talking about?

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

I dont have time to read all that. The problem with Beehaw is that the admins are extremely entitled, as if we had some obligation to work for them for free. Similar to what is described in OP.

However we are consistently improving the mod tools, and accept contributions in that area. You can see in the dev updates.

nutomic, (edited )
@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

Im a former contributor to F-Droid with various merged pull requests. Looking at the indicated pull request I really doubt that it was an intentional attack. First of all its easy to forget for a new developer to escape SQL parameters, and the docs dont even mention a risk of SQL injection attacks. And of the users pushing for the PR to be merged, one is a long-time F-Droid contributor, and the other also looks like a real human with many contributions in other repos, so no sockpuppets in sight.

It simply looks like standard open source behaviour, for better or for worse. A new user makes a contribution for a highly demanded feature, and users want it to get merged as soon as possible. Maintainers are discussing the big picture of the change and want to avoid breaking changes, without getting into code review yet. The new contributor seems unwilling to make any design changes to his PR, and gets frustrated that it doesnt get merged as is. The potential vulnerability is only noticed half a year after the PR was opened, at which point it was already de facto abandoned. So not an attack, but simply a developer who is new to open source and doesnt understand how the process works.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

One of the comments mentions that another app can trigger search through an Android intent. So its better to be safe and close any potential vulnerabilities, but this doesnt seem particularly useful for an attacker.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

We applied for funding last August, but unfortunately we are still waiting for it to be finalized. Seems like NLnet is quite overloaded these days.

What's your take on Bluesky?

I recently finished the episode of The Verge’s podcast #Decoder with the interview to Bluesky’s CEO and it seems a quite interesting project. At the beginning I wasn’t looking really into it because of their choice of using a new protocol instead of the existing ActivityPub, but after listening to her and the reasons...

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

The Activitypub protocol is fine. It could use some minor improvements but there’s definitely no reason for an entirely new protocol.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

I still remember your name from the early days, it’s great that you stuck around! How much Lemmy changed in these few years…

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

The problem is that a server could very easily lie and claim to have captchas when it really doesnt.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

We only do major versions around once a year so those could still be named, while using numbers for minor versions. Lemmy is more user-facing than react, so it would make sense to have a more user-friendly versioning.

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

We didnt make any changes to the Lemmy version running on this instance during the past week. So it must be something else…

@nutomic@lemmy.ml avatar

Did you find out anything unusual that might be causing the duplicate activities? We have an issue for this now so we can hopefully resolve it.

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