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14% des votants LFI étaient prêts à voter RN…

Finalement, vu les résultats de l’élection elle même, ce n’est tristement pas si surprenant.


I wonder if, now that I’m on daylight saving time, I should be scheduling the sessions to start at 17:00 UTC+2 instead.


@> By the end of the decade, American electricity production will have grown tens of percent

… don’t worry guys AI will totally save us from climate change! /s


I know its a bit cliche, but cultural differences? I’ve heard of “the concept of face” / saving face being a greater factor in how the government goes about things in some East-Asian countries than what us Americans and/or Europeans might think necessary.


Comme quoi l’anarcho-capitalisme n’est autre chose que du despotisme avec une couche de peinture fraîche.

A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch (techcrunch.com)

Artists have finally had enough with Meta’s predatory AI policies, but Meta’s loss is Cara’s gain. An artist-run, anti-AI social platform, Cara has grown from 40,000 to 650,000 users within the last week, catapulting it to the top of the App Store charts....


Why would anyone try to register via a non-official app first (especially for a procedure like signin-up) is beyond me.

You may or may not have heard this before, but the app is not the instance is not the platform. I registered both my Mastodon account and this Lemmy account via their respective instance websites. I used mastodon in the browser for literally over a year before installing an app for it on my phone.

Apps are alternative front-ends to the fediverse, even “official” ones.

“Basic stuff” is very weird to read for me when many of the internet services I have accounts for don’t have apps - and I would rather they never make an app for it. My electricity bills, my hosting costs, my home internet, all are done through web pages that I can access from any internet-connected device, unlike an app.

Not to mention I appreciate being able to type things on a bigger screen and physical keyboard when I register for things.

Lastly, it is much easier for me to deal with a sloppily made website than a sloppily made app. I can use extensions, and if need be can open up the network tab to see if the registration request was accepted or not before the website malfunctioned on my end.


I was saying that it’s weird to blame Mastodon for “complex sign-up”, when you’re using a “3rd-party” tool to do so. That’s completely down to the app.

Ah, I understand now. Thanks for the correction.


“gros gg à ce crack”

Mdr vous faites pas de recherches complémentaires avant une interview? Entre nand2tetris, la chaîne youtube de Ben Eater, tous ces youtubeurs qui font des proc dans Minecraft et Terraria, et bien sûr les étudiants à travers le monde qui suivent des formations d’informatique qui partent de “bases solides”, l’habillage de cette vidéo fait penser à des commerciaux à 2 balles qui ne savent pas survendre chaque petit truc.

Après, bon, j’ai pas regardé la vidéo, si ça se trouve l’interview reste pertinente et tout ce que je critique n’est que partie du jeu YT pour rester rentable (je note que la vidéo de 11 minutes est créditée à 8 (!) personnes - effectivement il en faut des vues pour espérer tourner un profit).

[Diatribe] Je sais que sur Lemmy on est entre ingénieurs trentenaires sur Linux, mais parfois le niveau de sur-ingénierie me laisse quand même perplexe French

J’ai lancé récemment !imaginary, et alors que je voulais juste un truc simple “une commu générale, les gens postent dedans, puis s’ils veulent du contenu de niche, on peut les rediriger vers les commus style !imaginarywitches”, sauf que les mecs ne voulaient pas ça....


Je pense que c’est un schéma qu’on peut/va retrouver à chaque basculement depuis un service propriétaire et isolé à des outils qui nous laissent tant de liberté :

Ces gens ont bouffé du Reddit pendant 10 ans (voir 15-20), et maintenant qu’ils peuvent enfin faire autrement que là-bas ils ont 10 ans d’envies et de mauvaises expériences qui remontent simultanément. Et surtout, ils manquent 10 ans d’expérience de gestion/autogestion (d’une communauté fédérée en ligne, en tout cas).

C’est pas facile à faire tout en se déprogrammant d’une vision ou habitude “du haut-en-bas” ( top-down pour les anglophones).

J’ai bossé presque 5 ans dans une équipe autogérée ; on a quand même dû se payer une formation collective une fois qu’on dépassait les 15 personnes pour que le tout ne se désintègre pas.

J’ignore totalement avec qui tu as échangé mais j’imagine que c’est les admins de reddthat ? D’un côté je pense que tu pourrais tenter ta commu ici sur jlai.lu sans te taper ce shmilblique. D’un autre côté je comprends pas mal leur schéma voulu, et je regrette ne pas avoir le temps moi-même de leur aider à le rendre moins contraignant.

Surtout, je pense que laisser les gens faire ce qu’ils veulent, et les guider doucement à faire émerger la structure voulue, réussit mieux que de vouloir l’imposer dès le départ.


Chaque fois que je re-découvre cette nouvelle, elle m’enrage un peu plus.

Tom est un sale type qui plombe non seulement sa boîte mais surtout le développement personnel et les carrières de tous les devs ayant le malheur de bosser sous son égide.

La boîte en soi on s’en tape. Mais quand tu ponds une merde pareil comme système de dev, tu de fait mets en danger la continuité de ton propre salaire en ouvrant la porte aux concurrents de ton employeur. Donc même pour ses propres intérêts c’est contre productif à long terme…


Ok, merci pour la précision!


Merde, un bon qui nous quitte…

How is everyone handling the 2FA requirement for GitHub? (docs.github.com)

Just wondering what people are using to meet the 2FA requirement GitHub has been rolling out. I don’t love the idea of having an authenticator app installed on my phone just to log into GitHub. And really don’t want to give them my phone number just to log in....

Jayjader, (edited )

I already use pass (“the unix password manager”) and there’s a pretty decent extension that lets it handle 2fa: github.com/tadfisher/pass-otp

Worth noting that this somewhat defeats the purpose of 2fa if you put your GitHub password in the same store as the one used for otp. Nevertheless, this let’s me sign on to 2fa services from the command line without purchasing a USB dongle or needing a smartphone on-hand.


C’est peut-être l’angle parfait pour vendre la revitalisation de nos cultures et langues régionales a la macronie 😈

Que dis-je, ils vont surtout insister pour encore plus americaniser la france :(


Non, hélas ! Ma mamie qui parlait patois est décédée avant que je sois sensibilisé à la question.

Je suis bilingue anglais depuis ma naissance, et j’étais bon en maths à l’école. Je peux attester, niveau vécu personnel, que jongler entre les deux en sa tête pour s’exprimer est très semblable au maniement d’un problème en maths, surtout ceux où la clé de voute de la solution consiste à transformer le problème pour le réexprimer dans un autre domaine.


Maybe it’s just because it’s all actually real, but there’s a mind-melting yet quiet horror to this article that I feel Lovecraft could only dream of imagining.

Like some sort of Ionesco’s Rhinoceros mixed with a reverse Kafka’s Metamorphosis, grotesquely stretched over Primo Levi’s If This Is A Man.

That’s probably too convoluted of a metaphor to mean much to anyone else, but, fuck, I don’t have the energy or the will to unpack it further than that.

To think, when I first read the post title, that my initial reaction was “here we go, techtakes has finally gotten too edgy for me”.

I need a cigarette and a scalding hot shower.


OP, the link is to lemmygrad.ml but you keep citing lemmy.ml in this thread; are you mixing up the 2 without realizing it or do you intend to mean both?

I haven’t seen much of anything on lemmy.ml that reaches grad.ml’s level of what you describe. Then again, I stick mostly to somewhat-niche interest subreddits that receive a decent amount of participation from other federated servers.

In my experience even hexbear users are surprisingly (for the internet) good and decent to others, as long as you can avoid provoking their “the capitalist US empire is the current hegemony that’s killing the planet and ourselves, and we don’t punch down, therefore our vitriol is a uni-directional torrent” mode of operation that others in this thread have mentioned.

Obviously, the classical “cult” approach resembles that as well (love-bomb anyone not explicitly an enemy, close ranks against any potential discrediting of the movement). In my books most of them are ordinary people, from whom (legitimate) despair of the current state of the world has leeched all desire for compromise.

I don’t have a less patronizing way of saying it, but they remind me of someone who, after years of abuse by their partner, finally snaps and gravely injures said partner. In some sense, it’s on the rest of us to not have intervened beforehand, and at the same time their lashing out really doesn’t help things.

Oh, and this probably reads as hippy anar-kiddy logic to them, which is part of why I personally stay away from most of their politics-related communities.

Jayjader, (edited )

either a block or some kind of federation issue, IDK

I think your home instance, sh.itjust.works (whoops, that’s this community’s instance, not your home) (mbin.)grits.dev, defederated from both of them.

My own, jlai.lu, hasn’t, so I see some of their posts crop up in my “All” timeline.

I have interacted with lemmy.ml people a decent amount, so most of what I’m saying in the comments is referencing them

Huh, that’s not what I was expecting. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Usually my experience is that if you have to edit your viewpoints to conform to what someone wants to hear, or else they will attack you, that person’s worth avoiding interacting with.

Not trying to be unkind about it (esp since specifically where hexbear is concerned I have basically no firsthand experience at all interacting with them) but that’s my feeling.

This might be a question of personal tolerance to types of interaction (similarly, not trying to be unkind). I see it as selectively choosing when to engage (and on what to engage with), but I can totally understand if to you that is me editing my viewpoints to conform to what they want to hear. For the record, I don’t often engage at all with grad and hexbear, not even up- or down-votes; I’ll read what they have to say if the post title I come across sufficiently grabs my attention. There are a number of lemmy.ml communities that I do directly interact with regularly, mostly tech-related.

Given how sometimes aggressively apolitical most of the fediverse tech spaces are, there is a part of the discussion that I value around current events that I have had a hard time finding outside of lemmy.ml. The best I’ve found are awful.systems and slrpnk.net (notably the permacomputing community at the latter). The scope of the first is intentionally limited to cathartic deconstruction of bad things, and the second I find lacking too much substance to suffice. There’s raddle.me, but as they’re not federated with the wider 'verse it doesn’t really fit the bill either.

I don’t have the energy or know-how to be the change I wish to see, but if there was an instance outside of these three (.ml,grad,hexbear) that provided a place for the construction of good things (admittedly, following my personal definition of good) in place of the bad, I could see myself blocking them after one too many full-on tankie posts cropping up in my feed.

Actually, now that I think about it, mostly what I get from the hexbear and grad posts are a less-substantive form of the catharsis that awful.systems provides but on a broader range of topics. It is, sadly a coin toss on whether that catharsis will be ruined by everything you so rightly are put off by.

I had this really disorienting experience […], and everything I found from that point on was hostile counterfactual condescending insanity.

My experience lines up with yours, except for me not even attempting to prod at all.

The part that I don’t get about that is the support for some of the actors that are primary engines of death and destruction in the current state of the world.

That’s not lack of compromise, that’s just being wrong and proud of it.

I think there’s being wrong and proud of it, and there’s being so scared and whip-lashed by the obvious contradictions of the West’s purported values and it’s geopolitical impact on the rest of the world over the past few centuries that you lose any sense of truth. That’s maybe me being a bit melodramatic. On the other hand, I see it as akin to how a person’s drowning “reflex” is to pull whoever comes close down with them - to the point that lifeguards need specific training (and a flotation device if I’m not mistaken) to be able to save a drowning person without endangering themselves as well.

They read more to me though like a person fleeing abuse from one partner, and then self-destructively choosing a partner that’s 10 times worse (or maybe more accurately starting a pen-pal relationship with a convict who if they got out and interacted with them would literally do 10 times worse or kill them.)

That’s probably closer to the mark. It doesn’t help that the former partner has friends all over the world that are very dismissive of any allegations. When I talk about the onus on us to intervene, I mean it more in the sense that we should be finding people that we can train and employ to be internet lifeguards.

On one hand, I don’t think they deserve to be written off as heavily as what I often see expressed in the rest of the fediverse. You don’t solve someone’s trust issues by ragging on their poor follow-up choices. On the other hand, this is online social media, not an irl group of friends and acquaintances. I don’t exactly expect any specific person to do the work to reach them via these spaces.

Thanks in any case for trying to productively engage with me on this. This exact conversation is tiring on the best of days.


I came across raddle.me a few months ago and spent a few nights trawling it without finding anything questionable - though I might just be too ignorant of parts of history to pick up where they fail. It’s very anarchist-flavored so while that might not be your preferred brand of communism I think it avoids descending into “deranged”. In any case, their faq/about page should give you a better idea than whatever I could write here.


I don’t think so, no.


That’s the proposal to GMO our companion animals like dogs and cats so that they can serve as Geiger-counter + canary-in-the-coal-mine for future humans, right? I don’t remember ever hearing a rendition of it!

Private Equity–Backed Firm Bowlero Is Ruining Bowling (jacobin.com)

For the most part, Bowlero doesn’t build its own centers. Instead, it purchases existing ones and makes them over in the Bowlero style: dim lights, loud music, expensive cocktails. At Bowleros, bowling isn’t bowling. It’s “upscale entertainment.”...


Let’s start a private equity corp called “Millennials”. Perfect camouflage!

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