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Why is Matrix mentioned more often than XMPP in self hosted forums?

I’m looking into hosting one of these for the first time. From my limited research, XMPP seems to win in every way, which makes me think I must be missing something. Matrix is almost always mentioned as the de-facto standard, but I rarely saw arguments why it is better than XMPP?...


XMPP servers and clients have different standards. Some supports audio/video calls

And the same is true about Matrix lol

henrikx, (edited )

What is the point of all these proxy search engines if they rely on the centralized servers’ indexes anyways?

Correction: it’s not even the indexes it’s the results. So really you still have no control over things such as the pageranking.


It’s worth noting that you can rewrite history after the fact with Git


I’m a programmer and it really is quite easy to implement lol


You’re overthinking it. Select a few of the popular ones and be done with it


It’s not just “assumed”. There have been numerous studies that people with better social networks and resources around them are much more likely to succeed. It’s not surprising at all


Governments guarantee that their currency is worth something in various ways. Bitcoin is backed by the energy usage it costs to mine


It also has the additional property of being able to easily transfer that asserted value anywhere in the world, free of censorship.

Beginner questions about ZFS and how to use my drives.

Hello, I currently have a home server mainly for media, in which I have an SSD for the system and 2 6TB hard drives set up in raid 1 using mdadm, its the most I can fit in the case. I have been getting interested in ZFS and wanting to expand my storage since it’s getting pretty full. I have 2 12TB external hard drives. My...


Make sure you understand volume block size before you start using it. It has a big impact on compression, performance and even disk utilization. In certain configurations you may be surprised to find out as much as 25% of your disk space (in addition to parity) is effectively gone and it is untrivial to change the block size after the fact.


Great, so now we have even more fragmentation. Good job BlueSky!


Don’t see what is annoying about this dialog.


This ended up becoming a big issue with my OP7Pro where it would very aggressively kill apps causing them to constantly need to reload which would cost a lot of battery. My Pixel 7 does none of that and Firefox works great.

NIST Warns of Security and Privacy Risks from Rapid AI System Deployment (thehackernews.com)



The issue presented in the thumbnail is just as applicable to human drivers. Bad roadmarkings confuse unfamiliar drivers regularly.


We aren’t allowing it.

No doubt that AI which is used for Level 5 autonomy should be trained to detect these situations and make the correct decision. Otherwise they wouldn’t be Level 5 systems. This is one of the many reasons why self-driving cars is not a solved issue yet. The systems we use today are either used strictly as a driving aid under close supervision by a human driver or used in small areas that the AI has been already evaluated to perform well in.


Debrid-link seeds torrents from private trackers

Is it actually dangerous to run Firefox as root?

I have a few Linux servers at home that I regularly remote into in order to manage, usually logged into KDE Plasma as root. Usually they just have several command line windows and a file manager open (I personally just find it more convenient to use the command line from a remote desktop instead of directly SSH-ing into the...


Might not be the best place to say this, but considering Plex relies on online authentication servers to function it might be better for you to look into Jellyfin which works fully offline.


Trilium for the same reasons, but the featureset of Trilium is more like Obsidian.


There should be a vote to contest button next to the duplicate question notice/link.


Just wanted to chime in and say that I am super happy with my Pixel 7 so far. Easily one of the best phones out there, especially considering the price.


I feel like sometimes I watch something to actually learn about that thing whereas other times it’s more about being entertained and I found the topic interesting.

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