@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar




winner Architizer Award 2021 - world's best architecture photographer.

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philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Eén van de achterliggende oorzaken is dat strategie van universiteiten om steeds meer studenten aan te trekken, geen of te weinig rekening houdt met infrastructuur. De campus waar ik zit barst ook uit zijn voegen, maar toch ‘mikken we op 20% meer studenten binnen 5 jaar.’ https://www.demorgen.be/nieuws/meer-dan-500-euro-voor-een-kot-wie-kan-dat-nog-betalen-universiteiten-en-hogescholen-moeten-zelf-koten-bouwen~b521ab18a/

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre ah look the opposite strategy of University de Paris - and the Saclay campus...

Let's first build the "human infrastructure" and then add "production" ... 🤣

It's an interesting place that campus...
It's almost a human experiment 🤣
I call it an intellectual factory.

Its on the top of a hill ( platteau)
All you have there is student housing and infrastructure for it. School buildings/labos/etc

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Vandaag lees ik een artikel waarin Europese bedrijven zich zorgen maken over de toenemende import van Chinese auto’s, en dat de Europese consument meer Europees zou moeten kopen. Allemaal goed en wel, maar waarom vinden bedrijven dan dat zij wel de Europese werknemer mogen negeren en hun productie vlotjes verplaatsen naar China?

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre on that point.

A majority of new "electric" cars of EU brands ARE chineese ;) - all Built on the same BYD skateboard platform with different decoration ;).. Hehe 🤷🏽‍♂️ - the difference you get is the quality of the leather...

philipdutre, to leuven Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Studenten die opdagen voor een examen, maar die quasi blanco afgeven. In de stats op het e-platform kan ik ook zien dat ze significante delen van de leerstof zelfs niet hebben opengeklikt. Ik blijf het een vreemd fenomeen vinden.

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre w
Why even show compassion for it? - those are the seat-fillers... "

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre @simondh you can also make yr Bis-exam Nobelprize level difficulty ;)...

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre @simondh or make the Bis-exams only worth 50% ;)... Hehe

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Waarom zijn onder vrienden diegenen die klagen dat ze te weinig verdienen en teveel belastingen betalen meestal diegenen die nominaal het meest verdienen? Zit daar een natuurwet achter?

julienlanoo, (edited )
@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre ah, to C++ it, you have forgotten to state a variable in your code statement. That is why Yr code bugs ...

You only stated "const int" - s
Try adding
int timeWorked

( don't forget= in miliseconds)

Once you have that variable -> you will have a better awnser , or in a better direction

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Van sommige dingen denk je oprecht ‘Wow, bestond dat nog?’ https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20231125_94889395

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre ofcourse ! Lots of people still use pens ;).

I literally have clients that write their email and instructions, draw a plan on paper -> throw it to their assistant that then scans it and sends it via mail... 🤷🏽‍♂️

And they are not even 50 yrs old

I even have 1 client that doesn't have a computer any where near his own office ( the first ones are on the level bellow. ) only pens and paper to design... the rest is just "technical, working out what we draw" he says...

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Als je er over nadenkt is het knettergek dat een voorzitter van een nationale politieke partij een 30- of zelfs 20-jarige is. Zeker in ons particratisch systeem waarbij er zeer veel macht bij de voorzitter ligt kan je dat eigenlijk toch niet verantwoorden?

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre my remarks never talked about "age" - but about experience...

You can be early 30s and allready have more than a decade of experience internationally.
( my self and most of my friends for one, even if we re now all nearing 40, - at 30 we all had more experience than many of our older competitors.

Or be 50 a 60 and have done shit all bellow the church tower.

In this case its not Connors age that poses problem it's his previous experience..

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Wat zou er eigenlijk gebeuren met een gewone werknemer die -achtige uitspraken doet?

julienlanoo, (edited )
@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre just a note.
He wasn't "just an employee" he was the equivalent of ceo - but for that political organisation...

So yah - it brings some extra responsibility...
To employees AND shareholders...

And in any bizz that's all based on trust.

The difference is as you said in other posts.
A CEO in a different honest bizz is more careful as a safety net for other jobs is harder to get. As is a come back...

PStaelens, to random Dutch
@PStaelens@mastodon-belgium.be avatar

Het is voor mij de enige juiste keuze dat opstapt als voorzitter van . Ik zie dit als een kans voor de partij om zich te herpakken. En ik hoop ook dat ze die grijpen.

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre @PStaelens @LeoBistmans

I have a different more "real world" approach.
The second one of them shows a real CV, with some coherent to the job / specialisation experience...

-> (s)he gets my vote. Untill then well...

I am sorry I wld never employ a CEO for my company that has zero experience in running a company and has no idea how my bizz works, but has some scouts-leading experience and knows everything about toy trains.

Yet we do elect them as managers to run a country...

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar
@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre @thebandb euhm - professionally, I can give a remark. -

Sorry Philip this is a "Non"-problem.
I assure you Flanders isn't the only ones being confronted with it. The difference is: what is being done... or What are the views on a solution.

Also NL, just like Flanders always want to re-invent hot water. Where for instant University de Paris, supported by Gouv for law changes have attacked the problem head on by building housing 🤣... - and new campuses

And very good housing !

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

11 november.

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre is it?
I still can find traces, explosive and other, when digging a hole in my garden 🤷🏽‍♂️.
And every Sunday october/November after harvest ya see pple with metal detectors on the fields looking for bombs... ( all the farms around here have a cage on their driveway to put them in the army comes and pick them up bi-weekly or monthly - estimates are 300yrs to go for the cleanup to be done. Mind you we live in a peacefull rich country 🤷🏽‍♂️)

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Gisteren zat ik op een vergadering. Een agendapunt: ‘er komt een werkgroep om de administratieve processen te optimaliseren …’ Volgend agendapunt: ‘Er is beslist dat bij elk dossier van type x er ook een extra document komt dat moet ingevuld worden … ‘

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre do you know "Grolsand" ? 🤣

Anyhow can't you just ask Brenda from the front desk to add a few lines in the Google forms ? - that's what it is for 😉...

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

De persoonlijke carrièreplanning van , waarom moeten we daar voortdurend wakker van liggen? Waarom moeten we stemmen op mensen die hun mandaat niet uitdoen? https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2023/11/06/bart-somers-open-vld-legt-zijn-mandaat-als-vlaams-minister-nee/

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre let's start with?
Why can we only vote on people with an empty CV and have no idea what job they actually are going for ? ... 🤷🏽‍♂️

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar
@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre news from images making land.

Yesterday, the " content credentials consortium" launched.
And yesterday, Leica launched the M11-p with content credentials embedded.

Spearheaded by Adobe and 1200 other image companies, redactions, publishers, social media's ..

This is a Cloud-based AND in image ( maybe one day block-chain ) system to authenticate images from creation to publishing. Also able to automatically match images.
And show if the image was edited and with what.

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Een overheidsdienst moet me werkgerelateerd toegang geven tot één van hun online tools. Ze vragen me mijn in te geven via een Microsoft Forms. Wtf? Ik laat weten dat ik dat niet doe. ‘Ah, maar u kan het ook per email opsturen!’ Wtf opnieuw???

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre seriously Philip ... Claudia of the main desk at the entrance spend ALL Monday and a part of Tuesday till lunch making that! Because her young teenage daughter talked about it they ve seen it in their ICT-lessons l.

And that's the respect you show for Claudia's work ...😆.

I expected more of you..

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

De algemene vaststelling is uiteraard dat de financieringsmiddelen voor het niet meegroeien met de studentenaantallen. Maar getallen als ‘een professor moet zoveel studenten begeleiden’ is altijd wat vreemd, omdat dat sterk contextafhankelijk, en eigenlijk nietszeggend is. Want wat is ‘teveel’? En wat betekent dat begeleiden in de praktijk?

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre what I do not get...
Universities have economic diplomas, buisness diplomas, master after master in macro and micro economics come out every year. Managers, etc etc...

And yet the organisation is ran like a local village football club 🤷🏽‍♂️.

These days a uni doesn't need a rector at the helm - it needs a triumvirate of a CEO, a CFO ( real ones from private) and a rector.

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Hoe ernstig en verwoestend de feiten uit ook zijn, het is beschamend voor de dat men nu plots ‘in actie’ schiet, surfend op de emo-golf. Het lijkt wel alsof ze allemaal nu plots wedijveren om de trofee ‘wie spreekt het meest stoere taal over het aanpakken van de ’. Ja, nu is het gemakkelijk. Waar was men 10, 20 of 30 jaar geleden?

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre I think you underestimate how rich, powerfull and dangerous this organisation is...

Top tip: look in news papers, look at the name of the politicians that speak now. And then cross reference their names with " recent negative news that came out " ;).
-> knowing that their statements are prepared in advance too ;) not done past 5 min ;)...

It is an extreamly dangerous organisation !!!
And I advise you to be carefull -> check the first letter if yr employer ;)

philipdutre, to leuven Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Eerste les van het nieuwe academiejaar net achter de rug. Meeste gestelde vraag vanwege de studenten: "Komen de lesopnames online?"

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre just say: NO ...

Done ;)

Or even better:
YES, - but only the part useless for exam and yr grading ...
YES - but without the sound ;) ...


philipdutre, to leuven Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Afgelopen donderdag hadden we onze voor nieuwe studenten in de opleiding waar ik bij betrokken ben. Je zou denken dat die allemaal opdagen, tenzij één of andere overmachtssituatie. Ochtendsessie: ~50%. Namiddag al iets beter, ~60% schat ik. Ik begrijp dat oprecht niet.

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre don't you think all your "Greef" with "motivation" is directly linked to all the safety nets put in place? - that transformed a Uni in a diploma factory rather than a center of higher learning ?

Cause honestly does it really matter if you fail or not if yr goal is just "a piece of paper". You any how have a multitude of systems at Yr disposal to at some point get it. Bis-exams, taking courses years and years, etc...

It's not a knowledge system, it's a credit system

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Allemaal leuk, zo’n voorzittersverkiezing van een politieke partij, om daar een hoofdpunt van te maken. Maar wat hebben wij te maken met het carrièreverloop van politici, en al zeker intern in een partij?

julienlanoo, (edited )
@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre well soon you will have to choose them for employment - since you do not have the CV's for the applicants - nor do they apply for any particular position, - it is a popularity contest, hence all the attention seeking.

Yes, it's annoying constantly having "politicians" cock-fighting in the media. However, that is what you get when you employ people with an empty CV in a management position.

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar
julienlanoo, (edited )
@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre question does Marie-Gabriele Verbergt, have any notions of how the world works? And had evolved? 🤷🏽‍♂️ or has she only cycled from home to library and back? ! Turning left at church quicker...

Dear Marie-Gabriel.
In September I worked in 6 different countries.
October it will be 7. -> I wldnt have been very efficient having to explain my self, point of views, ideas in Dutch !!!

Djeez this obsession of Flanders with Dutch 🤷🏽‍♂️ , sur keep it but damned the rest if planned moves on ..

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre it shldnt disappear no,
But it shldnt be the main focus neither...

Example -> France.
I know and work with many highly educated French, however the ones that can actually express their thoughts and work to an international team or audience is very Minimal.

julienlanoo, (edited )
@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre academics, evolution of thought. is much more than uni's though.

  • > you can't imagine how many times we write out word for word the lecture of one of our clients, including phonetics. Even for harvard And Berkley lectures....

Extreamly talented and intelligent people, with interesting things to say. But a drama to share their work and vision.

( our 2nd company concentrates on helping for this ).

It's also much more than just language...
My reason of being 😝-> images

philipdutre, to random Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Ik krijg nu emails van studenten over vakken die ze komend academiejaar zouden kunnen opnemen. Je hoopt dat het over de inhoud gaat, maar het gaat vaak over ‘worden de lessen komend semester opgenomen?’ De , het leven zoals het is.

@julienlanoo@mastodon.online avatar

@philipdutre maybe they shld offer 2 kinds of packages?
A- Buy Yr diploma for 250k on day 1 = printed on red paper.
B- Earn Yr diploma by learning and prooving you understand the subject, printed on Blue paper ?

As many anyhow just want the paper, so why bother planning infrastructure for those ? ...

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