@shoq@mastodon.social avatar



I'm @shoq from ExTwitter. Self-appointed evangelist for the #fediverse, working on open source projects that can help it become the communications backbone for the planet that Twitter might have been.

#fedi22 #opensource #sidetoolz #USpolitics #liberal #invention

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Twitter.com/shoq, @shoq; @shoq:sidetalk.net

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

I am flummoxed. @Green_Footballs keeps warning me that ChatGPT can write really borked code. I get that, but it also does pretty well on simple BATCH files. BUT THIS flusters: No matter how many times i tell it the three periods are causing an error and should be removed, it salutes, then regens the exact same error. It does this over and over again, no matter how many times I modify the prompt. WHY?

shoq, to random
@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

Is it any wonder Donald Trump has never had pets? If by some chance he ever did, it would have been very briefly. He probably ate what was edible, and threw the carcass in his neighbor’s yard.

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

Why did they elect @kristiNoem governor anyway? Was Hannibal Lecter too fictional to hold office at the time?

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

The only thing that skeeves me more than MAGA-grade conservatives, is any conservative who says something critical, but largely true, about liberals, liberalism, and their combined foibles, excesses and hypocrisies. It doesn’t hit home often, but when it does, it always leaves a bruise.

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

If the always reprehensible @KristiNoem can shoot a puppy because it annoys her, imagine what her kids must have felt like growing up if they got a failing grade or wet the bed?

Yes, please choose her, Mr. Trump. Please?

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

Such heartwarming humanity in this woman. Just imagine what she’ll do for the poor, the disadvantaged, and the mentally ill.

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

My friend @ben Werdmuller (@ben) is always on-point, no matter the point, but this essay is exquisite.

We need to be discussing our “social contract” in so many contexts. Let it begin here.

“Where I’m coming from”

shoq, to random
@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

I’ve lived through this Middle-East drama for my entire life. Let me tell you how this story (doesn’t) end ⏵

Israel will end military operations in Gaza

Israel will vote out Netanyahu

International efforts will be pledged to rebuild Gaza until memories fade.

Palestinians will go right on allowing Hamas to use them for their own political ends.

Hamas terrorism will continue for years to come.

Israeli reprisals, oppressions and occupations will continue for years to come.

The end, not.

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

Pretending active measures don’t or won’t happen, merely because you approve of a particular cause, or are habitually wary of any claims of interference by anyone, is simply denying things we’ve experience first hand for the last 8 to 100 years.

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

Autocracy and fascism are threatening the American Experiment and perhaps the Enlightenment itself, but at least Beyoncé is saving country music.

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

I am getting the sense that if this is encouraged to build any larger, all that will be achieved is a lot of commencements, if not graduations themselves, will be delayed or canceled outright, denying tens of thousands of students that hard-earned once in a lifetime moment.

@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

@rejinl Yes, they are. I was speaking for the many thousands of others not making that choice, but being impacted by it.

@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

@lakelady That’s your personal judgment about a choice they should be able to decide for themselves. For most, it will be made for them.

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

While many of these protests started out sincerely enough, this has morphed into performative political stunts by a) opportunistic grifters who show up at any fire to throw gasoline on it, and b) foreign adversaries who know how to skillfully enable and program them.

@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

@lakelady Said as if it weren’t not just sometimes true, but very often true. C’mon. This is not rocket science. There is nothing new or unique about Active Measures. And these are minor examples.


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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

Every year that I get older, college students seem to get a year younger. Weird.

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

I’m old enough to remember when only crackpots wanted to lecture you on how “America is a Republic, not a democracy.” They had no idea what either word meant, but it sure made them feel smarter saying it. Now the entire Republican party is crackpots and they’re all saying it. So it goes.

In reply to…

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar
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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

It’s still unsettling to see people join threads and already have 5000 or more followers, because they had them on Instagram. There’s nothing really wrong with that, but lots of worthless accounts had thousands of IG accounts. It just contributes to still more inauthenticity. I just loathe Meta, and it will always make liking Threads a challenge for me, no matter what good is “appears” to bring in the short term.

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

Good morning! Performatively speaking, anyway. Any chance it’s remotely accurate this time?

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar
BlackAzizAnansi, to random
@BlackAzizAnansi@mas.to avatar

What does resistance look like under a GOP government?

@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

@BlackAzizAnansi Good question. Another is: “what does governing itself look like under a GOP government?”

shoq, to random
@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

There should be a special (often postumous) Darwin Award for people who stand their ground, capturing killer tornados not more than a half mile from their position.

@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

@lakelady Ever been in a tornado? I have. They can come upon you so quickly, there is no predicting “which way it’s heading.” May have died trying.

@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

@lakelady All true, but there is no compelling reason to take such risk. Taking cover should be the priority, not catching dramatic photos. Most know what tornados look like. There’s not much reason or sense to risking any life just to take a picture of one more instance of one, imo.

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@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

Outside the Fort Lauderdale courthouse earlier, was a small Palestinian demonstration. One was chanting “Palestinians need ‘their’ land back.”

I asked him if he understood that that’s how many Jews have felt for about 20 centuries. He started screaming at me, called me a “Jew-loving fascist” who was “ignorant of history.”

That sort of blithering isn’t helpful.

@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

@paninid @Selena Yep. But there is still this terrible information out there that neglects to mention that none of this “land” belonged to anyone but Ottoman empire and its designees. The only truly indigenous peoples there, even according to the UN, were Jews. The Palestine of the 1940s was settled almost entirely by migrating Jews AND Arabs.

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