@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar



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GrimmReality, (edited ) to random
@GrimmReality@beige.party avatar

It's a good thing nobody made any meaningful reforms the last time cops murdered a guy in cold blood for no reason and it sparked the biggest wave of civil rights protests since the 1960s that cops nearly universally responded to with a fusillade of pointless violence against unarmed people and by strongarming municipal governments entertaining even the mildest measure of civilian oversight, after which nearly all cop unions endorsed an overt racist authoritarian then in the process of implementing the most massive battery crimes in the history of the republic with the ultimate goal of ending American democracy in favor of an unelected fascist police state, so that a few years later those same cops, heroes that they are, would feel liberated to do the important work of beating and gassing kids on their own college campuses for the insidious crime of chanting slogans.

@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@Theblueone @GrimmReality you do realize that’s Obama in the picture…

jann, to threads
@jann@twit.social avatar

Has anyone else noticed that @potus basically doesn't give a shit about ' aversion to political speech?? 😉

@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@jann @potus let me guess, edgy G who votes republican. I think you're lost.

@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@jann @potus accusing the president of not caring is assuming... and that's not exactly smart!

@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@jann @potus why engage in conversation when you can deny, lie, and tell ppl to just go away. what is this, saying the president doesn't give a shit - is it not - criticizing?

@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@jann @potus you create problems where there are none. that type of aggression shouldn't be used on the people you claim to support. there is nothing a politician can say without it being related to politics, what do you want Zuck to do, ban Biden's account? You definitely sound like a Trumper.

thurrott, to random
@thurrott@twit.social avatar
@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@thurrott my money's on the black one!

thurrott, to random
@thurrott@twit.social avatar
@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@thurrott Xbox has introduced several new features, including:

View leaderboards and achievements on game detail pages in the Xbox mobile app.

Discover more games with recommendations and collections coming to Xbox Game Pass.

jann, to random
@jann@twit.social avatar

@briannawu I think what the folks on 972 were ignoring (re:TikTok) was NOT just the dissemination of US citizens’ data to foreign companies (like data brokers do), but the ability for those foreign companies to influence - in a direct way by showing you different videos, etc - in the app itself. They directly control what we see based on data they get from us! Dangerous!

@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@jann @briannawu the influence is the most worrisome part of tik tok, lots of right wing extremism on that platform.

mattgrayyes, to random
@mattgrayyes@chaos.social avatar
@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@dodosan @cafou I wish we had a translate button on mastodon

thurrott, to random
@thurrott@twit.social avatar
@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@thurrott I was today years old when I found out google had a podcast service.

jann, to random
@jann@twit.social avatar

Georgia GOP official who denied the 2020 election is fined for illegally voting 9 times - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 😂

@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@jann I get it, the playbook is to accuse your enemies of what you yourself are doing. Noted.

thurrott, to random
@thurrott@twit.social avatar
@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@thurrott probably to stop cheaters

thurrott, to random
@thurrott@twit.social avatar
@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@thurrott Fear is the mind killer

wnknisely, to random
@wnknisely@twit.social avatar

Able to follow myself on Threads here on Twit.social Mastodon. Now if the big news agencies turn on sharing, and they keep posting to Threads, I can access all the stuff I want to access in good old comfortable Ivory!

@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@leo instagram has such an awful ui I don’t even bother

leo, to random
@leo@twit.social avatar

I just completed "The Floor Will Be Lava" - Day 16 - Advent of Code 2023 https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/16

That was fun. But where are the pathfinding problems?

@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@leo I love advent of code

leo, to random
@leo@twit.social avatar

First! 😀 Only. 🤔

Welcome to the new TWiT Mastodon Instance! It's like Twitter but open, federated, and dedicated to TWiT Fans. My new handle is @leo - see you there!

@ubiquiti_fanatic@twit.social avatar

@leo Hello!

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