DodgeForthrast avatar

DodgeForthrast avatar

Hello! The biggest piece of advice I have is to forget about them until they have roots. It feels wrong and it might be as much as a month. Maybe more. But let them grow roots on a dry medium of some sort before you plant them.

DodgeForthrast avatar

Love your username. I just finished the almost the whole Sanderson library! Everything in the Cosmere, skyward and a few others. It was a long year hahah.

DodgeForthrast avatar

By all means!

DodgeForthrast avatar

You absolute legend. Make it paid and I’ll pay for it. This is how we win.

DodgeForthrast avatar

I made a new one. I keep my Reddit one semi anonymous but I’m gonna maybe be more ok with this one being associated with me.

DodgeForthrast avatar

Any advice you'll get is going to be very species-specific. What plants do you have? Happy to try to help.

The most important things are:

  1. Light - Make sure it's getting enough light to grow but not too much that it burns but not so little that it elongates.
  2. Water - Make sure they get enough water but not too much.
  3. Soil - Make sure it drains fast enough so your roots don't rot but slowly enough that the plant gets to use the water.

All three of these are profoundly species specific. You can find a plant for almost any space in your home though. Just gotta shop around.

DodgeForthrast avatar

Well, a little good news! While I'm no expert, I have at least some of everything you posted and they're all pretty healthy. I might actually be able to help.

I do mean drains at the bottom of the pot, but also that the soil itself lets water through it. Think of sponges that hold different amounts of water when you squeeze them. Your cactus wants sandy soil so it won't hold much water. Your ivy is less picky but probably wants a peatier soil to keep some moisture around the roots.

Let me know species you have and I'll try to keep helping. Bonsai trees are tricky assholes and I have a love-hate relationship with mine.

DodgeForthrast avatar

Oh, and the moldy (Hello from across the pond!) succulents are a common problem. Let them dry out ALL. THE. WAY. between waterings. The soil should be crumbly. If the leaves just barely start to wrinkle, that's alright as long as you get to them soon thereafter. You can seriously let them go weeks between waterings sometimes. Check out some of my other posts for some of my succulents that are doing well.

DodgeForthrast avatar

I think it'll take a little while but we'll find our niches. I'm finding a few magazines on to be really active in and I also got on I don't think the latter is for me. I need to figure out a little better how federation works then I'm gonna explore more.

DodgeForthrast avatar

Yeah that’s definitely a challenge. I wish I had an answer for you but I’m still figuring it out myself.

DodgeForthrast avatar

It sounds like you're describing etiolation, when the plant stretches out for light. I took this plant from a friend and it was pretty stretched when I got it which led to the beheading. In the picture I (hopefully, new here) included, you can see the before photo. If that's what you're seeing, it needs significantly more light. Try to find a south-facing window in your home or adding a grow light.

DodgeForthrast avatar

Succulents are billed as simple, low maintenance plants and often they aren’t. They require a ton of light compared to many other indoor plants. I was pretty surprised to find that out when I did. Now my hobby has turned to an obsession 😂

DodgeForthrast avatar

That’s one of my favorite things too! I have a couple of those I’ll share later on.

DodgeForthrast avatar

Good idea! Go for it. If you want mod help I’ll try. No experience though.

DodgeForthrast avatar

It’s about ten feet with a loop on one end and the frill on the other. It’s just some PCord she stole from me when I visited years ago. Had it to tie some stuff up and found out quickly it wasn’t mine anymore 😂

DodgeForthrast avatar

Wow. This looks like a lot of fun! Hopefully it’s open world and not “open world” like Jedi Survivor. I enjoyed that game but I like the idea of GTA Tatooine.

Kbin Roadmap 2023

A certain stage of development has ended - a prototype was created that allowed me to verify whether such a form makes sense in the #fediverse. Until now, it was a project that I developed in my free time. Now, thanks to the great people from Nlnet, I will be able to devote much more time to it. This time, we have already...

A person pointing to something that resembles the kbin platform's homepage.
DodgeForthrast, (edited )
DodgeForthrast avatar

One more reddit refugee here. Thanks for all your work so far and your devotion to the project. Growing pains are normal, especially when you're asked to ramp up this fast. Keep up the good work. We'll be patient!

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