
I really hope they don’t choose the option with active roads crossing through the park.

This has been a long time in the making. Though I do not live downtown, I could very much see my family and I spending a day at a park like this.

I am concerned with the paid parking situation downtown. We need better public transportation for the people who want to visit but can’t afford parking.


Yeah but all the higher-ups care about is making money in the short-term. They figure they won’t be alive for the consequences and that their riches will somehow protect their kids from the shitstorm to come.


With as much as they seem to be pushing this, they really need to use that money and improve public transportation. Our city sprawl is incredibly large and our residents need their day-to-day transportation needs met. Most KC residents aren’t going to and from the airport every day, but they are going grocery shopping, working, and going to appointments. I feel like the city is trying to be too flashy too soon. Take care of our basic transportation needs first!


One of my neighbors has a window unit in the back of their van. You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess.


Help us find a cure

… stop giving soda to juveniles lol


Have you tried joining a discord server? That may be more of what you’re looking for.


I’m still finding the city funding to be a hard pill to swallow.


Question: I have a notification on one of the magazines saying something about the federation being incomplete or something g like that. It tells me to go see the original instance. In order to interact with that instance, though, I have to have an account. It only seems to be for this one instance, though.

Have you experienced this?


To piggyback off of this:

How to add magazines to favorites?


This is a new userID. Good riddance to Reddit. They can keep the username along with a big middle finger from me.


Absolutely not. After reading Christian’s last post containing the audio recordings and reading about his interactions with Reddit, I find that I am too disgusted to continue using the site.

I am enjoying Kbin so far and I hope that it grows into something really amazing over time.

Trump pleads not guilty to federal charges (

A spokesman for the U.S. Marshals Service says former President Donald Trump will be digitally fingerprinted and have his birthdate and Social Security number taken as part of the booking process at the federal courthouse in Miami. The spokesman said the former president will forgo a mugshot tuesday because enough photos of him...


Thanks for sharing the link. His “not guilty” plea is a joke. Did anyone speak out about him having boxes upon boxes of documents removed from their “secure” location? Wondering while no one stopped him.

TheK, (edited ) to kansascity

Hey KC! Is anyone alive out there?


Yeah. I’m glad that this magazine was created. Good riddance to Reddit.

What part of KC are you in?


@remillard Hopefully we can make it work! What part of KC are you in? I’m in SKC near the triangle.


Let’s make it happen. The more we post and the more content we share, the more the community will grow.


Where at in SKC? Red Bridge area here


I honestly can’t think of any roadside bbq locations along i70. Might be worth parking and getting a Lyft or Uber to a good place.

Kbin Roadmap 2023

A certain stage of development has ended - a prototype was created that allowed me to verify whether such a form makes sense in the #fediverse. Until now, it was a project that I developed in my free time. Now, thanks to the great people from Nlnet, I will be able to devote much more time to it. This time, we have already...

A person pointing to something that resembles the kbin platform's homepage.

Is there any plan to add the ability to collapse comment chains? That's, like, the one big UI thing from Reddit that I'm missing.

Same. @ernest is this something you are considering?


Thank you!

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