TheTokingTurtle avatar

TheTokingTurtle avatar

My guess is they’re trying to provide a substitute for yogurt or frozen yogurt for people who are transitioning.

TheTokingTurtle avatar

There’s a youtuber named Martina who has EDS who uses a phrase “build a ladder” to describe how she helps herself feel better.

Here’s a link to a video she made to help out if you need help building a ladder yourself. Would highly recommend. You got this :)


Better yet, Here’s a video of 40 things that can make you happy in your everyday life <3

What's your go to comfort meal? (

Mine is this cheeseburger quesadilla with cherry hots. I used to force myself to always eat different things and vegetables etc etc but it’s been really nice this past year to give myself permission to let go of some of that and let myself off the hook to eat what I want without judgment

TheTokingTurtle avatar

I could be wrong but I remember reading somewhere that sinsemilla is closer to modern day weed in that its seedless?

That being said, I would still love to try the Thai. Just from all the stories of the legendary thai sticks.

TheTokingTurtle avatar

oh wow i never even thought of that, do you mean you can just take out the stick and smoke it like that?

TheTokingTurtle avatar

Oh man, even if the weed wasn’t that great what a story! Its crazy to think how far we’ve come. Weed just got recreational here in my state and my mom just went in to buy edibles for the first time. If you told me that would be reality 10 years ago I’m not sure I would believe you.

TheTokingTurtle avatar

This isn’t so much a marinade as it is a sauce, but:

grated ginger
grated garlic
fresh chopped thai chilli
mushroom powder/bouillon (optional)
rice vinegar
soy sauce
some kind of sugar (regular, brown, maple syrup, agave, etc…)
sesame oil
lao gan ma

optional short cut if you’re lazy:

get a bottle of this -
mix in lao gan ma and sesame oil

if you’re looking for a dry spice mix I recently tried mixing mccormicks mushroom umami powder and Tabatha Browns garlic all purpose seasoning and that was pretty good.

TheTokingTurtle avatar

Makes me think about all the beautiful art we’ve missed out on just because it was never shared. Thank you for sharing this :)

TheTokingTurtle avatar

It comes down to diet.

Two things: eating a plant based diet, and fasting.

Dr. Neal Barnard:

Dr. Jason Fung:

Dr. Michael Greger:

Dr. John Scharffenberg:

Dr. WIll Bulsiewicz:

TheTokingTurtle avatar


I can’t even log into lemmy and i’ve been verified and even tried talking to the mod on discord.

Kbin (at least for me) just seems to work.

TheTokingTurtle avatar

All I know is i’m using an ipad and everytime I try to log into lemmy i’m stuck at the login screen with a spinning icon. Tried kbin and it just works, no hassle.

TheTokingTurtle avatar

This is my experience as well. Tried lemmy and the login icon just kept spinning in circles. I even tried asking discords for help.

Tried kbin and it just works, no issues, smooth.

I’ve fallen into a deep gaming rut lately. What helped “get you back into” gaming and rediscover the magic of video games?

I, like many gamers, grew up playing Pokémon Red and Nintendo 64 and was obsessed with Nintendo products. I graduated to a PS2 and PS3 and became super into Metal Gear Solid and Call of Duty and Fallout. Also spent a ton of time with the Guitar Hero series. I loved the escape gaming brought me and it genuinely helped me relax....

TheTokingTurtle avatar

I’m not sure how old your kids are but maybe you could play a game with them like Diablo? I heard some people say they started playing it with their family (wife and kids) and it really helped them bond and decompress collectively.

TheTokingTurtle, to animals
TheTokingTurtle avatar

S l e e p y <3

cliffwade, to DiabloIV avatar

Was up early this morning due to taking a 4+ hour nap yesterday so I didn't sleep in late today unfortunately.

Managed to get about 3 hours of Diablo IV time in and again played my Rogue that I've just started a couple of days ago. Up to level 26(?) I think and moving right along. Really enjoying it much better than my Necromancer.

Are you playing Diablo IV and if so, what class are you?

TheTokingTurtle avatar

@cliffwade I’m also maining a Rogue right now, level 35 or something. Also enjoying it (surprisingly, I never play rogue in games).

I did play necromancer in the beta. What build were you? I was a minion build and while I like it, I do wish there were more ways to interact with them? As is they’re a bit brainless and there’s no way to tell them what to do.

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