@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar



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britt, to medical
@britt@mstdn.games avatar

Going to be a bit quiet here for a few days … I’ve got a surgical procedure in the morning and will have lots of doctor follow up appts to manage.

Good vibes are always appreciated. Imma come back from this stronger, no doubt! I never give up hope 💙💙

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@britt Good luck and good vibes and thoughts your way as always! Stay positive and focus on you and your health first and foremost!

beardedtechguy, to fediverse
@beardedtechguy@allthingstech.social avatar

After . Sorry I missed our morning gathering. Was busy getting the rest of my stuff gathered for my trip today.

About to head out to the airport in a bit. This coming week I’ll be sharing my conference and trip to Vegas here and on my Pixelfed account @beardedtechguy.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy Good afternoon sir! I hope you got everything you need for the trip and I hope you have safe travels.

Enjoy your first time experience as it's going to be super fun!


cliffwade, to fediverse
@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

Good morning and happy Sunday to all of you here in the today.

Let's talk about what we all have planned for the last day of the weekend today.

For me, nothing much of anything. Just going to rest and relax and enjoy the day. I'll play some video games and likely watch some TV shows with the wife for a while.

Tomorrow is a brand new day with some exciting news from me career wise, so I can't wait!

Fred, to random
@Fred@allthingstech.social avatar

A new day and a new profile pic.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@Fred Very nice! What did you use to make this?

stu, to random
@stu@allthingstech.social avatar

Good morning...

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@stu Good morning sir! I hope you are doing well.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@stu Very nice! I wish I could sleep in that late but haven't been able to do that for years now.

beardedtechguy, to fediverse
@beardedtechguy@allthingstech.social avatar

Good Saturday morning clan.

Let’s get together for our daily discussion and see what we all have going on today.

I’ll be packing and getting ready for the trip. Have to get all my tech things together. I also need to get a school assignment done for today.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy Good morning sir!

I personally don't have much of anything going on this weekend at all. Just some video games and then preparing for Monday!

Hope the packing goes well and here's to hoping you don't forget anything. Enjoy your time there!

cliffwade, to fediverse
@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

Good morning and happy Saturday everyone here in the today.

It's the weekend, so let's talk about what our plans are for the next couple of days.

For me, it's just a weekend to rest and relax and enjoy the days. I'll be playing some Horizon Forbidden West as well as No Rest For The Wicked.

Other than that, not much else planned.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@stu Good morning sir! How are you so far today?

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@jawarajabbi Very nice! That is awesome with regards to spending time with the kid that's in foster care. I hope y'all fun doing whatever y'all end up doing.

Wine tasting for business? Sounds interesting.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@jawarajabbi LOL I can imagine. I do hope you enjoy it and hopefully you get to taste some great wine along the way.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@chrisod Sounds like a fun day already. How did the birding stuff go?

We too have a baseball game coming up soon, May 10th. It's our first time to go see the Winston Salem Dash play so that should be a fun time.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy Morning sir! Sorry to hear about the neck pain. I've been dealing with neck pain for the last week or so and it's really getting annoying as it's quite painful. Not sure what's caused or causing it.

I assume you're flying? And I assume you've been to Las Vegas before or is this your first time?

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy Same. My neck pain started randomly about a week ago, or almost a week ago, and I really have no idea why as I don't feel anything changed. But who knows.

Very nice! It's quite the experience seeing it all in person. Can be a bit overwhelming seeing just how huge those hotels really and truly are. It's mind blowing.

I urge you to just walk down the strip at night and soak it all in. Make sure to watch the fountain show outside the Bellagio and visit Fremont St. if you can.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy Also, if you want a LOT of food at a very cheap price, and I'm talking REALLY GOOD food, visit Hash House A Go Go. They have 2 or 3 locations, but we always go to the one back at Fremont St. We literally go 2 - 3 times every time we visit Las Vegas, that's how good it is.

I'm sure @Bianca will agree as well.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@Bianca These are just two of the dishes from the last time we went in 2021.

That bowl of macaroni and cheese could seriously feed two people.

That burger is a double and you see how little of the knife is left showing.

The bowl of mashed potatoes are enough for two as well especially with all of that melted cheese they put on top.



@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@Bianca Couple more photos. Again, a huge double cheeseburger and that chicken pot pie is absolutely enormous and a meal for 2 people, easily.



stu, to fediverse
@stu@allthingstech.social avatar

Good morning 🌅 and

Hope you all have a wonderful !!!

I'm going to the rents this morning to do some outside work 😎

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@stu Good morning sir! I hope you enjoy the time at the parents house and hopefully get all the stuff done you need to get done.

beardedtechguy, to random
@beardedtechguy@allthingstech.social avatar

Work week is done, well was since about 2:30 CST. Time to chill and relax tonight.

Tomorrow I have some school work and gather up my things for the trip.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy Very nice! Sounds like it wasn't too bad of a day for you.

Enjoy the weekend and I hope you have a blast in Las Vegas, which I'm sure you will.

stu, to random
@stu@allthingstech.social avatar

I have an interview on at ...

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@stu Very nice and good luck to you sir! Hopefully it goes well for you.

beardedtechguy, to MSP
@beardedtechguy@allthingstech.social avatar

Next week I’ll be in Vegas attending . Looking forward to networking with fellow providers and colleagues there as well as seeing what’s new in the world of and Automation from an MSP standpoint.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy I hope you have a great time! Will you have any free time to do things you want to do yourself?

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy Ah, gotcha. I didn't know if you were having to pay for it all or if work was paying some of it.

Good thing is, there are bajillions of things to walk to. Everything is just right there.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy Ah, makes sense. What hotel are y'all staying in?

I'm sure you're going to meet lots of new folks while you're there.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy Sweet! While I've been there numerous times for shows and stuff, I've never stayed there but would love to one day.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy The next time I go, I'd like for it to be after this is completed as this is most definitely where I want to stay, the Hard Rock Hotel that's replacing The Mirage.

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