dreadgoat avatar


dreadgoat avatar

I think the better way to understand this is to know that the melanin difference between the fairest skinned person and the darkest skinned person is way smaller than you think. Something like 2x. It makes a big difference to our eyes, but it makes almost no difference to deadly radiation.

Imagine your skin magically became twice as thick, twice as tough. This would be convenient to avoid minor scrapes and scratches, but if you get stabbed or shot you will die just like anybody else. Hence, darker skinned people fare better when fighting off sunburn, but their skin melts off just like anybody else's when the rad levels get truly dangerous, with basically no difference at all.

dreadgoat avatar

Lots of comments here not understanding the role of the Supreme Court.

The stalker was not being judged here, the state that convicted him was, and they failed the test. The Court's decisions is that the law Colorado wrote, as written, could too easily be used to stifle free speech, as just about any "misunderstanding" could then be classified as a threat if the state court decides so. Ergo, anyone prosecuted under said law potentially had their rights violated, so there is no reasonable recourse but to forgive them. They could be re-tried for their crimes, but we also have laws against Double Jeopardy, so if the state already played all their cards then basically they fucked up and a potentially dangerous man will go free due to the state's incompetence.

dreadgoat avatar

RPGs have good stories more often than not, but the story telling can be pretty bad, especially in older titles where the translations are really dodgy.

You end up remembering the story much how you remember the graphics. It may not have been presented well, but if the premise/concept is good, your own imagination will make up for the shortfalls.

dreadgoat avatar

Bizarre and gruesome, but probably totally painless.

If you get sucked in at 100mph, your body will completely pass through the blades faster than your brain can register pain.

OC The branding for kbin is perfect

The branding for kbin is perfect for capturing the reddit migrators. The biggest friction point for the Fediverse is choosing an instance. If I want to join Lemmy, googling Lemmy takes me to a landing page with no join button, telling me to go to these other sites. Some of these sites even actively discourage signups, creating...

dreadgoat avatar

I could see this being a wonderful happy accident (or maybe not, perhaps @ernest is a machiavellian mastermind)

People flow into kbin.social and have a familiar localized experience. They get accustomed to the interface, they invest in the communities, they get hooked. Then BAM federation kicks in. Slowly at first, like now, where basically only microblogging is working. But eventually everything spins up and suddenly everyone is comfortably navigating the fediverse through kbin without even realizing it.

OC Don't speak German? Here's a userscript for you

Recently, especially with feddit.de, there are a lot of posts in languages that are not English. This is great for adoption!, but unfortunately I have no idea what the posts are about because I don't speak German. I couldn't find a setting to hide posts in other languages either!...

dreadgoat avatar

If you use Chrome, the world is your oyster at this point. Translation tools are getting amazing.

Text post, or title? Highlight, right click, translate. Done.

Oh no, but it's a meme/image/screenshot. Guess you're screwed, right? Gotta pull out your phone and use google lens, way too annoying, right? Wrong! Go to chrome://flags and enable "Translate text in images with Google Lens". Now you can right click anywhere to translate the page to English, and then just right-click any image and get a translated version.

Now go meme on some Germans. It is Wednesday, after all.

dreadgoat avatar

"Cat red" makes Japanese sounds way more vague than it really is, you're just not bothering to attempt to transliterate the grammar structures because it's too hard for English speakers to understand without a half-hour lecture.

It's "Cat (topic marker) red (basic copula)", which obviously carries a lot more information than just "cat red" to a person who intuitively understands what those weird grammar markers signify

Japanese not having articles is just as weird as PIE languages not having things like topic markers.

dreadgoat avatar

Reminds me of all the great Crusader Kings classics such as:

What are the best ways to murder my gay / stupid / disabled son?
My wife isn't producing children, do I need to murder her and marry a younger one?
I'm paranoid and sadistic, who should I murder to manage my stress?

dreadgoat avatar

Stop thinking about it in a binary sense. Nobody's totally straight or totally gay. Nobody's totally masculine or totally feminine. Nobody's totally cis or totally trans. You're an individual, and if the recipe of these ingredients that makes you up makes you feel more one way than another, then it's true by your own definition, which is the only one that matters.

Others may think and say that you aren't far enough in the spectrum to qualify for whatever label, but how much these opinions matter to you is in your control. It may still bother you, that is difficult to escape, but you can at least choose not to let it define you.

Alt answer: If you need LEASE HELP, you should probably contact a lawyer in your local jurisdiction.

dreadgoat avatar

Because they're kids, and probably poor too. When I was younger I played so much CS 1.6 that I seriously considered going pro. The setup I had then would probably literally kill me now, but when I was a teenager I didn't feel it at all. I could work with anything so long as I had my trusty MX518.

dreadgoat avatar

I bought one recently to upgrade my 1080ti, and I'm happy with my purchase.

Caveat is that I'm a gainfully employed adult with plenty of disposable income. I can't in good conscience recommend such a costly upgrade to someone on a budget. The GPU market is still just an absolute mess, you would get better value updating just about any other component: games are leaning hard into SSD tech, are you ready?

But if you're like me and can afford to upgrade your toys and are just looking for a reasonable choice, then I can say the 7900xt has been a great thing for me. I play on a 1440p 144hz monitor.

dreadgoat avatar

This is what happened when Reddit usurped Digg as well. A solid few weeks of people just railing on Digg until they got comfortable with the new way of life. This is normal.

dreadgoat avatar

There's a lot of complaining about, "why is news covering these billionaires, there's nothing tragic about their circumstance" versus "you'd have to be heartless not to sympathize with such a horrifying fate"

But the real villain here is our morbid curiosity. It has nothing to do with sympathy nor classism. Dozens drowning by relatively conventional means? Eh people die every day, whatever. A family dying in a particularly bizarre and agonizing manner? Oooh let's think about and discuss in detail what their final moments may be like! We can dress it up in hate or dress it up in kindness, but the real reason anybody is interested is that it's just a weird way to die.

The world is a stage and we love a good horror story.

dreadgoat avatar

I'd say Windows you expect to get a Honda Civic but instead you get a Toyota Camry. It's not what you wanted, but it does everything you needed it to do, but also nothing really cool.

Linux you expect to get jalopy held together by duct tape and dreams, but instead get a juiced up supercar with manual transmission and a bunch of supercar fanatics as friends. unfortunately it is not street legal

Mac depiction is accurate.

dreadgoat avatar

Ford is one of the most fascinating people in recent history, it's a shame to boil him down to "antisemitic car man"

Reading through his wiki is like :D D: :D D: :D D:
The guy was the definition of a mad genius. An authoritarian anti-war socially progressive union-busting nazi. That description doesn't even make sense, but that's who he was.

dreadgoat, (edited )
dreadgoat avatar

It's important to choose your home wisely.

I have an account here on kbin.social, but I also wanted a dedicated lemmy account. I chose fmhy because it aligns with what I want: hearing every voice, for better or for worse. I considered beehaw due to their large gaming community, but I read about their philosophy and saw that they were trying to create more of a safe space for their users (suspicion recently confirmed). If someone wants a more positive experience without having to worry about trolling and harassment, beehaw would be the better choice. I am personally fine with treading through sludge to find hidden gems, so I made my own choice.

Bear in mind that defederation isn't bidirectional. If beehaw decides to defederate fmhy, I don't care, I can still see gaming@beehaw and interact with users that live on instances still federated with my own. But the beehaw users are safe from from troll-friendly hosts, so everybody wins. This isn't true, as pointed out by zinklog. It can still be worked around by having accounts in multiple places, but even with the eventual account migration feature, this makes it impossible for anyone to see everything in any one place. Maybe this can be fixed in the future, as the fediverse continues to develop?

To directly map it to the example of your friend, if she chose to live on an instance more like beehaw, she would still be able to interact with the federated community at large, but be better shielded. If someone tried to throw slurs at her from an instance with a lower standard, she wouldn't see it at all, and the person delivering the slurs likely wouldn't even realize it.

dreadgoat avatar

unfortunately I was wrong, check my edited comment... but I do hope it can work this way in the future. There is no technical reason why a publisher needs to block its subscribers.

dreadgoat avatar

You're right, I'm operating on a flawed understanding of how ActivityPub functions. I was uncertain the post, but the examples comment really makes it clear what the concrete consequences are of defederation. I will edit my post, thanks!

dreadgoat avatar

Beehaw recently defederated from lemmy.world, one of the largest instances. Their position is that they want to maintain a hand-curated safe space for their users, whereas lemmy.world is open to all.

dreadgoat avatar

I agree and think it should be emphasized that the whole Man vs Woman aspect is a red herring.

I'm not going explode the skull of a child that is trying to hit me in the balls. At the absolute worst I'll give the kid a firm shove to demonstrate that I'm not fucking around, and more likely I can just harmlessly pin them down without much of a struggle.
Conversely if a massive bear of a man grabs me by the throat I will resist however I can with no regard for his life or well-being, because it's my only hope of survival if he's as hostile as he seems.

Sex/gender, age, these things don't matter. Size and ability matter. Treat each danger for threat that it is. Anything else is just stupid gender war bait.

dreadgoat avatar

You asked for sincere discussion and you got it, now you complain because it doesn't fit the narrative you want to hear.

I'll maliciously comply and provide you with more sincere discussion.

I think Jill is actually a great character, and the people complaining are mad because she doesn't fit either of the widely popular Female Support archetypes: She's not a sexed up bimbo written as a man with boobs; nor is she a patriarchy-toppling girlboss (which we have in the game already as Martha and Benedikta). She is far more relatable than either of those.

Jill is, in terms of personality, a normal, quiet woman, who only ever wanted to live a peaceful life. She also, like many real women, has spent her entire life being a passenger:
::: spoiler early game spoilers
Her childhood was spent as the ward of another nation, her primary job to be a good girl and stay out of trouble. After she awakens, she is enslaved and forced to work under threat of her friends/family being executed. Even her chosen method of resistance is quiet, she stonewalls her abusers until they figure out how to break her.
So when she is free to do as she wishes, she comfortably puts herself in the back seat where she's always been, her greatest ambition to protect and support those she loves.

She serves as damsel in distress in a couple of instances, but she also serves as the hero saving Clive in just as many. She has the strength and power to step forward and take the role of the hero, and she will do so when the people she values are threatened, but her preference is to play the support. I see the message of her character as, "This is a valid way that a person can be a hero," and should remind us of those people in our lives who may appear icy in demeanor and frozen in agency, but who are always there when it matters, displaying an inconspicuous strength when our own isn't enough to achieve our aims or dispel our grievances.

dreadgoat avatar

Technology rarely advances for reasons that benefit the majority. It advances to make a few people rich, kill people very efficiently, or to increase profit margins on porn sales (see item 1, I guess).

If you think about the really good applications of things like crypto, NFTs, blockchain, etc., you quickly realize that they are things that aren't marketable or profitable for the entities that would need to implement them. If all the banks and credit companies bought into something like blockchain or NFTs, then transaction fraud and identity theft would disappear overnight... but what would THEY get out of it? The only way it's ever going to happen is with coordinated government mandates, and nobody running for office has the faintest idea of what crypto tech is other than "dumb way for the nouveau riche to waste their money"

dreadgoat avatar

It's not the cryptocurrency itself that prevents fraud, it's the surrounding technologies such as blockchains and NFTs.

Using NFT to own the address to a PNG is hilariously stupid and worthless, but what it's actually great for is receipts. If I buy a donut and get an NFT proving that I now own the donut (along with metadata about where and when I purchased the donut) and months later I am on trial for murder, I can prove to the court with absolute mathematical certainty that I couldn't have killed anyone at that time because I was eating a donut halfway across town.

Using blockchain similarly is great for proving your transaction history. Maybe I somehow faked that NFT about the donut? Well, I couldn't have, because it was months ago and blockchain history is cryptographically impossible to spoof.

These are obviously contrived examples, but when applied at scale it becomes an extremely powerful way to verify truth. Yes, I did in fact buy those tickets, here's my NFT, now let me on the plane. No, I did not spend $3000 on knock-off accessories, here is my blockchain. The odds of someone being able to fake these is extremely low.

But, again, this will never come into practice, at least not in the near future. As @beefcat pointed out, implementing these systems would be expensive for the established financial institutions, and would present new challenges for them to create new processes for handling. An awful lot of work to create something that is stronger and safer when there is little motivation for them to do so.

dreadgoat avatar

Looking at each piece in isolation it's hard to see the real world value. You have to put it all together. Let's do the airline ticket example.

Real world today, the information involved in purchasing a ticket is controlled by three parties: The customer, the airline, and the financial institute (assuming you didn't walk up and pay cash). Anybody involved here screw up or be malicious. You lost your ticket. The airline had a database malfunction. The bank/creditor improperly recorded the transaction. All parties are aware of these potential failures, so there are contingencies in place in case of a missing ticket, a ticket that can't be found the system, a bad or missing financial transaction. But these backup plans also open the door to fraud, so there need to be even more plans on top of the backups: How to verify the integrity of a seemingly real ticket, protocol for re-verifying a financial event, etc.

It's simple because it's familiar, but it's really ridiculously complicated and error prone.

Let's introduce NFTs and blockchain.
You buy the airline ticket and the following things happen:
The bank performs the transaction and records it to the blockchain, which is decentralized and owned by no one, so it is verified by all parties before anything else happens. Bank errors are now impossible.
You and the airline perform a mutual authentication, which generates an NFT proving existence of the ticket and attaches it to your identity. From your perspective, this would be unlocking your phone and clicking "approve."

Now you approach the airport kiosk and there's a problem.
Airline has no record of purchase - well, the blockchain does, so it's their fuck up and they have no reasonable argument. You win.
Airline can't match your ticket to their database - You show them your NFTicket, which their system verifies is a valid, unspoofable, immutable ticket for what you say it is. Again, it's their fuck up and they have no reasonable argument. You win.
Conversely, you say you have a ticket for today, they say it's for tomorrow. You inspect the ticket, it is in fact for tomorrow. You fucked up, no further argument.

The only way any of this goes wrong is one of the following:
Multiple forms of your identification are stolen - phone, password, biometrics. Obviously a lot harder than nabbing a CC number.
Multiple parties lose their records at the same time. Possible but unlikely.
State-level villains sabotage the entire system. Possible, sure, but this is an apocalypse-level event and probably an act of war.

It's effectively impossible for someone to steal or fake a ticket or transaction in this system, and because of that, anybody who has receipts is automatically proven right and you don't need to jump through any more hoops or threaten to sue anybody. It's complex behind the scenes but it makes life for businesses and consumers braindead simple. There are so many layers of trust in action that no individual party can reasonably claim something did or did not happen just because THEY messed up.

Why do instances not run ads?

It probably goes against the philosophy or whatever of FOSS or Lemmy itself, but why not be a little evil so that you can actually sustain yourself? Donations can bring us far, but small non-intrusive ads can be a bliss in the skies for the people actually hosting the instance. Especially if there are millions of users uploading...

dreadgoat avatar

It comes down to whether the owners have a spine.

4chan runs ads. Pornhub runs ads. They have most certainly said goodbye to a large number of advertisers who were uncomfortable with the content they host.

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