trent avatar


Hi, my name is Trent. i'm a computer programmer/developer and musician!

English / Español

trent avatar

Yeah - in article, it reads the resolution of data is significantly higher.

trent avatar

I'm curious if scraping UG and uploading elsewhere is considered piracy. Do they "own" submissions of other people's music?

I might just try to make an alt frontend for UG with additional OSS tab submission options. It sounds like a fun project.

trent avatar

this is DANGEROUS ground to tread on lemmy ☠️

trent avatar

The Fediverse is pretty radical. I'm an atheist also, an exmormon, and I think this might just be a misunderstanding.
The rule, "no LGBTQ+ content," I don't think is saying "no gay people." I am pretty sure it is just asking to avoid the topic, to prevent bigoted discussion from happening.
As fair or not as you want it to be, LGBTQ+ is a controversial topic for religious people, and I think it's fair to just put a pin in that discussion in your community. But what do I know?

trent avatar

Don't forget countries. A few, I don't have a list, but including .ai, .pn, are in full control of their domains and do it all on their own infra.

trent avatar

*Sorta. ICANN has a special relationship with ccTLDs. Registries of gtlds can't put an A record at the root tld.

trent avatar

Mostly I just hate the dialogue that people think WE are akin to a language model, where prompts go in and actions come out... it's a gross misrepresentation of the human brain, and we don't even know much of how it works, but we do know we don't spit outputs based solely on inputs.

trent avatar

Ubuntu is lame. OP conveniently missed LM (desktop users) and Debian (servers)

trent avatar

Mint has always been my go-to grandma-friendly system. I remember using it when I was in my single-digit years. Most intuitive operating system ever. :)

trent avatar

Zorin seems good. I unfortunately had crashing issues with it, but that was a long time ago (a few years, but I think it was in beta back then).

Which e-mail service should I use?

I’ve been wanting to move on from gmail for a while now, thought about self hosting but I’m afraid I won’t have the time or ability to keep it running well for a long period of time. Which service would you guys recommend? I’m not an avid email user, I basically just sign up to websites and send support emails once in a...

trent avatar

+1 on Skiff. E2EE intra- and inbound. Great service, greater support. Free custom domains setup (& catchall aliasing!!!). Comes with a Drive, Pages, and Calendar suite.

trent avatar

Radical political ideologists love the Fediverse and always have, be it anarchosocialists or confederates. Not sure why. I just want shitposts and tech stuff.

YSK: Sometimes fostering just doesn't work out.

I’ve been fostering a family member for a month or so, and it all came to a head today. My wife and I tried, but the behavior was just too much for us to feel safe with our existing children. I hate that we’re giving up and I hate the circumstances that caused this, but it is what it is. If you’re in the same place please...

trent avatar

Was the infant alright? AHT is no joke

trent avatar

I've seen the opposite. A few days into the blackout, I saw someone post this meme about dictatorships where they (literally) put a picture of Spez right next to Tiananmen Square

Mozilla is recuiting for an AI-powered recommendation engine (

I’m a dev and I was browsing Mozilla’s careers page and came across this. I find a privacy respecting company being interested in building an AI powered recommendation engine a little odd. Wouldn’t they need to sift through the very data we want private in order for a recommendation engine to be good? Curious of what...

trent avatar

Interesting, but probably harmless if it's one-shot. In general, it seems like a bad idea. Not any better or worse than other recommendations systems. Mozilla should look into FHE.

trent avatar

Why are people pretending this isn't an issue??? Of course it is lol.
Luckily the fix is also easy: an image proxy server. Mail clients do this already.
It exposes the bigger problem with Lemmy: lack of auditing.

trent avatar

Great thread. I'm currently on a OP8 and it's done me alright, but my screen broke a few months ago so I'm gonna hijack this thread to ask for The Best Phone on the market under 1k right now. Ideally cheap (and rootable).

trent avatar

dang, I haven't seen Obama since the presidency, man is getting old :(

Chain restaurant fees are getting absurd

I got this fun fee after trying to order takeout from Buffalo Wild Wings (yes I'm naming and shaming). How exactly does adding a dollar help you operate takeout? It's literally less work than waiting on a table. This is nothing more than a shameful cash grab to pad profits....

trent avatar

i spent $20 at Arby's for a burger, fries, and shake (as a meal). just go to Olive Garden... seriously lol

trent avatar

I don't think you can do recurring donations but just set a reminder if that's your thing

trent avatar

Ok but why are we lumping in a greedy ceo with criminal state regimes? Don't you think it's a little overkill to compare strenuous API costs to Tiananmen Square?

OC Don't speak German? Here's a userscript for you

Recently, especially with, there are a lot of posts in languages that are not English. This is great for adoption!, but unfortunately I have no idea what the posts are about because I don't speak German. I couldn't find a setting to hide posts in other languages either!...

trent avatar

I didn't check and didn't make one, but there certainly should be I agree. Take this as a hotfix

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