@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar



Currently unemployed software engineer corpo drone by day, cyberpunk edgerunner by night, and opinionated armchair quarterback 24/7. I love the Oxford comma and believe that you should also. I tend to post a lot when I've got a bee under my bonnet. There are a lot of bees and I have a pretty big bonnet.

Other interests include everything #technology, #martialarts, #formula1, #books, #movies, #music, #grafitti, #streetart, #gigposters, #GraphicNovels, #boardgames, #cyberpunk, and witty repartee.

Akkoma: @SynAck
Iceshrimp: @SynAck
Totentanz: Syn-Ack
Bookwyrm: @SynAck
Matrix: @synack_ci:matrix.org


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SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

@pluralistic spreading some truth in The Bezzle:

America will never make life better for the millions of souls it has imprisoned. Never. It is not in our character. To be an American is to live with the festering background knowledge that you are in a land that imprisons more of its people than any country in the history of the world—a land with more prisoners than Stalin’s USSR or Hu Jintao’s China or P. W. Botha’s Apartheid South Africa.

With so many in prison, either you have to believe that you are living in the midst of a great many secret criminals, or you have to confront the fact that you live in a place where the only thing standing between you and decades in a prison (running at two or three times its nominal capacity) is luck … and connections.

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

In my opinion, the tech requirement that every engineer at any level be a "full stack" developer is a fraud and a bald-faced exploitation of the worker. And a lot of tech workers have blindly bought into it as "just part of the job". But let me be clear:

  • UX design is a full time job
  • UI/front-end dev is a full time job
  • API/backend dev is a full time job
  • Database administration is a full time job
  • QA and testing is a full time job
  • Deployments/sysadmin is a full time job

Each of these things has their own set of mindsets, disciplines, and tools that need to be thoroughly understood in order to work properly, and their goals are often at odds with each other in implementation.

I believe that this "full stack developer" malarkey is why we have so many buggy, insecure, and inefficient apps and web sites. Devs are forced to be "jacks of all trades, master of none" just to keep their job.

And the ludicrously high salaries (at least here in the US anyway) aren't fooling anyone. They're a smokescreen to keep the worker blind to the fact that they're doing the jobs of 2, sometimes 3, other people all so the company doesn't have to hire those 2 or 3 butts to fill the seats.

It's a leftover relic from the "startup scramble" days that has become the norm, and I'm calling bullshit. The emperor is naked, friends.

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

I really wonder what society would look like if people weren't forced to do jobs they hate just in order to live.

The fact that a capitalist system makes money by denying people the basic necesssities of life and then lays the blame for not being able to live at the feet of the people that the system has screwed is despicable.

Capitalism profits the most on the misery that the capitalist system itself creates. The fact that "work" is seen as both an ideal state of being as well as an "incentive" to get the basic necessities of life is reprehensible. Forcing people to start work as young as possible and then work until they've been completely used up through decades of constant work like so many cogs is abhorrent.

And the capitalists who perpetuate this system have likely never been anything less than affluent their entire lives. The irony is that their accumulated wealth allows them to be more of a "freeloader" than any person without a job. They have transferred their "work" to their money and the only "work" they do is to say, "put this much here".

Capitalism is a lie. It is the ultimate ponzi scheme. It is a system of control by which the wealthy control the rest of us. Capitalism devalues humanity to the point of insignificance.

I hate it here.

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

You know, you don't have to smash things and bust heads to be punk. I mean, you can - no one's stopping you if that's how you wanna express it - but you don't have to. Punk is a subversive state of mind. It's saying, "I see your rules, but I'm not gonna play by them."

Work the system, don't let it work you. Being punk can be as simple as missing out on events because you're not willing to step within 1,000 miles of a Facebook account. Requiring your friends to communicate with you on E2EE platforms is subversive. You don't have to be a hacker to be a cyberpunk (but of course it helps). Being here in the 'verse is subversive, if you think about it. Fighting for a free, open, and secure exchange of ideas is subversive. If someone asks, "well how do you make money on this?" and there's no answer, that thing is subversive. It's a mindset and the will to use it, choom.

My point is, be subversive. Don't let society tell you what to read, what to think, and who to associate with. Use their own logic against them. Be different. If you have to burn something down, so be it; but if you can work around it or bend it into something that is no longer an obstruction, well.... that's punk af as well, IMO. :thinkaboutit:​

SynAck, to acab
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

Max Headroom knew the score even back in 1985...

"You see, I'm not one to beat about the large, black boots but the first requirement for any security guard is to be totally-totally-t-to-totally insecure. I mean, who else needs to dress like a riot control cop so that he can write down your name and tell you where to park your car?"

Animated GIF of Max Headroom smiling and winking

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

Best decision I've made in the last year: setting the "boost" notification sound in @moshidon on my phone to an F1 car racing past the grandstands.

I'm hoping to one day have a post that goes viral and makes my phone sound like I'm at a race. 🏎️​ :spongebobsmug:​

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

Just a gentle reminder as today is release day: please be kind and CW & hashtag any spoilers that you may want to post about. This could include mission discussions, screenshots, characters, or anything else that could spoil the game for anybody else.

Not everyone is going to be able to get to playing it right away, so I'd suggest considering it as "spoiler material" for at least a month or two from release day, just to give folks a fighting chance to discover the new content on their own.

Thanks, choombas! :samurai:

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

So here's a question for anyone that cares to answer it: at what point (if any) does a free piece of software become more beholden to the desires of its users as opposed to the desires of the author/developer?

Is there ever a point where a developer can no longer reasonably say, "it's my software so I'm taking this in direction X and I don't care what the users want" because the software effectively "belongs to the people"?

An example I like to use is Star Wars. The original trilogy didn't quite tell the story that George Lucas wanted to tell in a way that he was happy with so when he retconned the original 3 and also produced the prequels, there was outrage over the changes. Even though the story didn't completely match Lucas' original vision, an entire generation grew up with the original films and some even felt betrayed by the additions and changes some 20+ years later. At some point, those films became part of the cultural Zeitgeist as-is; to change them after the fact to match one person's vision seemed like the ultimate hubris. In effect, at some point, those films came to belong to the culture and not to Lucas anymore.

Can the same be said for software, especially free software? If yes, how does that developer effectively walk away from the software when it no longer matches their vision or is "fun"?

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

So I've finally started reading Chokepoint Capitalism (by @rgibli and @pluralistic) and I only wish I had started reading it sooner. I'm only 1 chapter in, so I don't know if they talk about this in later chapters, but while the focus is the impact of these chokepoints on creatives, it also sheds light on what is really going on with these tech layoffs.

Essentially, Big Tech - which has created these chokepoints - is now cannibalizing their own workforce to squeeze more margin out of their flywheel. While the pandemic lockdowns seemed to be a boon for remote workers, it also showed upper management where to put the squeeze on.

Tech workers know their jobs are never secure (or they should by now), but Big Tech is using the same terms as during the dotcom burst to cover themselves as they do these layoffs. The problem is that these same conditions don't apply now - it's not that the company can't pay its workers, it's that it doesn't want to. But it worked before, so let's see if we can get away with that same reasoning again, shall we?

The fix/squeeze is in. Tech is no longer a "special" industry. Software is creative work, and corpos are now ensuring that it is being treated just like all the other creative work these days: just another margin to be twiddled for their benefit.

Cannibals, all of 'em.

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

Best thing I've heard on the Internet in a long time in reference to Joe Biden, from @briannawu:

"You're like Robocop but much slower".

I literally lol'd at this. Well played, well played. 😂​🤣​💀​

Original Toot: https://mstdn.social/@briannawu/110984565178801506

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

Happy 2nd Birthday :corteximplant: !!! 🥳🎉 It's been a great 2 years, although I've only been here for 1 and a half of them. :holdthepain:

I'm really happy and proud to be part of the community that has grown here, and I echo all the sentiments that @lucy posted earlier. I have never had a social media experience like the one I found here, and within 2 days of joining :corteximplant_b: I knew I had made a good decision for my "home" instance!

For those of you young'uns out there, this place is a lot like what things felt like back in the early days of the 'net and combined with all the other OTS stuff in the "family" has given me back an excitment that I lost so many long years ago. It's good to be here, with good folks, with lots of diverse interests but also lots of shared passion from all over the world.

I'm glad to be a part of it, and I'm so glad that everyone on decided to be a part of it too!

And much thanks to @revengeday for opening up his hobby project to us and giving all of us nomads a base camp to call home. You're a true street samurai, choom! :samurai: :silverhand:

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

Waiting for grass to grow is like watching paint dry while boiling water in a pot.

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

And just what is this fresh privacy nightmare hell? Sure, Google - I'll believe you when you say that "they will not be visible to Google or used for other purposes." At least, not now. Not while they need people to stay opted in to the process to build the location database. What happens in a year or three, Google?

How much money or which government agency is going to make you change your tune, eh?

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

My favorite privacy-related quotes from the movie Anon (which, if you haven't seen it, you absolutely should, like, right now):

The Girl: "It's not that I have something to hide. I have nothing I want you to see."

The Girl: "You invade my privacy, it's nothing. I try to get it back, it's a crime."

Josef Kenik (a cop): "We rely on transparency. We can't control what we can't see. We require persistent identity."

The Girl: "We close our eyes to pray, cry, kiss, dream....or break the law."

I need to get these on some t-shirts or something.

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

I did not take this picture (my karate sensei did), but it is representative of the view from Austin. While this picture appears to be an annular eclipse, it's just overexposure from the corona due to being shot on a phone (pixel 6, I believe).

Photo credit: Paul Wilson

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

Why am I only getting max 89.42 Mbps download speed for Hellblade II when I have a 1Gbps connection, Microsoft? You should be maxing out that pipe like floodwaters!

And yes, I checked, and I get 1Gbps down on my other devices. No, I'm not on wi-fi, I'm wired directly into the wall.



SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

Hey, any of my choombas out there know where I might get my hands on a link to The Max Headroom Show that ran on Cinemax circa 1985 or so?

I never saw it because I grew up in a house where HBO was a gateway straight to hell, and of course that meant that "Skinemax" was out also. But I'd be interested to know if anybody has it archived somewhere so I could grab it.

There's not enough Max in either of the Max Headroom movies or series that I have.

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

What is Hollywood's fascination with every idle computer screen just scrolling endless amounts of text or code ALL THE TIME? Or better yet, the speed at which fully coherent (and nicely formatted!) code appears on screen while a geek is "hacking the system"?

I know that real life is boring and a lot of it is for effect, but I've been watching this crap for 40 years now and I still don't get it. Is a screenshot of static data not good enough?

You'd think that by now they'd at least try to make it a little more realistic. Static windows can still show a lot of interesting information and look "busy" on screen.

SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

Well of course he couldn't, because this "AI" bubble is all smoke & mirrors in the first place.

The failing was pinned on Mostaque's inability to devise and execute a viable business plan.

I just hope that Stability is the first domino to fall in this whole ridiculous hype machine. Will this wake people up to show how expensive, wasteful, and unfulfilling this lunacy is? Probably not. :gnah:​


SynAck, to random
@SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

Why is it so hard for most software developers to admit that they suck at UI and UX design and to ask for help from someone that actually knows what they're doing? Just because you can be a full stack developer doesn't mean you should.

UX is a full-on discipline in and of itself. There's no shame in getting help from someone who's actually good at it, nor admitting to yourself and everybody else that you are not.

People who are really good at FSD are the exceptions, not the rule. We need to stop pretending that they're not.

inquiline, to random
@inquiline@union.place avatar


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  • SynAck,
    @SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

    @inquiline It's interesting that they also left out the bit about the merger with McDonnell-Douglas that opened the door for all the corporate rot and stock shenanigans that started changing the Boeing culture towards one of profit maximization instead of safety. The reasons they wanted to cut costs so much was so they could do stock buybacks and keep more of the profits for themselves.

    If you look closely at the initial description of the MCAS system and what it was originally designed for, you'll see that the plane that it was built for was a military fighter jet (an F-15 Eagle), which was built by McDonnell-Douglas. They're the ones that brought it in and applied it to a civilian aircraft without modification, when they had no idea what the differences between the two are.

    Also, most of the executives are from McDonnell-Douglas and a lot of the old-school Boeing executives were replaced back in the day, which further led to the culture shift that allowed the 737 MAX to exist.

    It's a pretty shocking piece of the puzzle. Just a little bit more horror and/or anger to add to this terror tale.

    historyofpunkrock, to punk
    @historyofpunkrock@sfba.social avatar

    47 years ago
    The Dead Boys pose along a wall at CBGB, April 1977.

    Cheetah Chrome, Jimmy Zero, Stiv Bators and Johnny Blitz

    Photo by Roberta Bayley

    @SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

    @historyofpunkrock Cheetah Chrome looks like he wants to murder EVERYBODY.

    Alternatively, that look could mean that he's already murdered everybody BUT YOU and is coming for you. As soon as their set is done. Run. Run now.

    revengeday, to cyberpunk
    @revengeday@corteximplant.com avatar

    https://lucy.bz/ :confusedlucy:

    @SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

    @revengeday I'm in....

    revengeday, to random
    @revengeday@corteximplant.com avatar

    📻 And here we are again on Radio Nonsense with the worst hits from the 80s, 90s, and the worst of today! Our next hit is called, "Damn, I'm so freaking tired and need 1000 liters of coffee." 🎶

    @SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

    @revengeday "And now, a word from our sponsor: Bounty, the Quicker Picker-Upper!"

    SynAck, to random
    @SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

    🎵 dah-dah-dun-dun-dun...another one bites the dust! dah-dah-dun-dun-dun...hey, gonna get you too! Another one bites the dust! 🎶

    Hope all y'all Terraform users out there got some deep pockets, cuz that choice might start to cost you soon...


    @SynAck@corteximplant.com avatar

    So this means that when the deal is done, IBM will own Ansible, Terraform, Vagrant, and Vault. They've basically just acquired a complete DevOps stack which (I think) is all the industry standard stuff. Kinda makes me feel queasy for some reason...

    And all it's going to take is one money-hungry exec or product manager to make that open-source software that everybody uses not be so open anymore....

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