mvario, to acab avatar
mvario, to acab avatar

Penn protesters ordered to disband encampment; antisemitic graffiti will be investigated as hate crime

Shibanarchiste, to acab French avatar

La justice annule toutes les sanctions prononcées à l'encontre du policier lanceur d’alerte Amar Benmohamed

Le lanceur d'alerte a dénoncé que "dans les cellules du dépôt, plus d’un millier de personnes ont subi de la part de policiers : humiliations, insultes souvent racistes ou homophobes, privations de nourriture ou d’eau, refus de soins médicaux…

Certains des fonctionnaires mis en cause auraient également, à plusieurs reprises, profité des transferts vers les prisons pour voler des liquidités ou du petit matériel informatique à des retenus choisis parce qu’ils ne parlaient pas français."

mvario, to acab avatar
richard, to Palestine avatar

Seeing videos of protestors in so many campuses being abused by coward pig cops . I am so in love with all these brave college students. I am not surprised professors don't have the guts to join then. At least it is very rare that one does. Security in is a powerful drug. Be careful you don't lose your integrity with your confort, @academicchatter.

mvario, to acab avatar
mvario, to acab avatar
weilawei, to acab avatar

See, we don't stop the use of the bombs and the guns over there, so they bring it home to use on the citizens here.

This isn't a proposition where you get to let your government use a little genocide. It doesn't work like that.

mvario, to acab avatar

NYPD chief blasts AOC criticisms of response to Columbia University pro-Gaza encampment

#CopsOffCampuses #FreePalestine #BDS #ACAB #StopAIPAC #VoteProgressive #AOC2024

mvario, to acab avatar
weilawei, to random avatar

When people say that defunding the police will lead to a wave of crime, I have to ask:

What about the wave of crime we wouldn't have been experiencing for centuries if we hadn't given "police" powers to slavers?

This mess is -because of the cops-.

No more standing armies in the street. It's way past time America got actual freedom and representation.

weilawei, avatar

If there wasn't a standing army with a surveillance network, rifles, grenade launchers, body armor, and armored vehicles on our streets, do you think the politicians would feel comfortable ignoring protests?

mrcompletely, to music avatar

You Can't Blame The Youth
Peter Tosh - Bob Marley - the Wailers
Live in studio 1973

No Bunny, funny false start, still the sharpest OG version on the tubes

ampersine, to acab avatar
msquebanh, to random avatar

Random share: Funniest cop dodge was in 1999, in Vancouver - at huge rally protest for homeless. I bonked a cop in the nuts, with my bicycle helmet, while crawling under him & trying to get away from the batons beat downs. He tried grabbing me & I just whipped my head up fast & hit his nutsack. He fell over. I crawled over him & said - My helmet cost $2!

msquebanh, avatar

I was told that it's not helping me to ask if the officer that was sent to hospital, because I bonked his balls out, with my bicycle helmet, needed jelly donuts to feel better 🤐

I asked, anyways 🙃

mvario, to acab avatar

Demonstrators at Penn protest war in Gaza and set up encampment; Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges escorted out of Princeton rally

mvario, to acab avatar
mvario, to acab avatar
pansytram, to Atlanta avatar

The pigs tackled, teargassed, tazed, and fired pepper balls at protestors at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Staff, students, and allies have been battered by the agents of state violence and arrested.

mvario, to acab avatar

American university students arrested for embarrassing Israel

> This is definitely not cancel culture

mvario, to acab avatar

108 arrested during ‘horrific’ police sweep of Emerson College pro-Palestine encampment | GBH

MusiqueNow, to acab avatar
SallyStrange, to acab avatar

Since people are talking about Kent State, Ohio, 1970, it's a good time to talk about Jackson State, Mississippi, 1970.

Similar situation, except there was no active protest, just a bunch of students hanging out. The mayor of Jackson declared a riot and called in the pigs. Someone threw a glass bottle, not at the pigs, but they still opened fire. Phillip Gibbs, a student at Jackson State, and James Green, a high school student who was walking home from his job, were murdered by cops. Many others were wounded.

Left: photo of James Earl Green, age 17

Right: photo of Phillip Gibbs with his wife, Dale

@histodons @blackmastodon

Sepia-toned photo of a couple in a casual seated pose, looking towards the camera. She is on the left, nearly sitting on his lap, smiling, wearing a dark knee-length dress with buttons up the front and a wide collar, holding a white purse. Her hair is straight, shoulder-length, curled at the end, with bangs. He is wearing light-colored slacks and a boldly patterned shirt, like a Hawaiian short, and has his arm around his wife. His hair is short and his expression is more curious than friendly.

archlinette, to acab French avatar

Croise ce matin sur la route pour du boulot, de quoi bien commencer la journée 😊 ✊

mvario, to acab avatar

Former Juror Agrees That Obviously Innocent Toforest Johnson Is Obviously Innocent

Shibanarchiste, to acab French avatar


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