
SonicBlue03, to strangetimes in Vacuum containing hundreds of hornets stolen from Philadelphia beekeeper's truck

Sting operation.

erranto, to world in Gaza hospital bombed: Health Ministry says death toll in Gaza City hospital blast caused by Israel strike rises to at least 500

They have no shame on deflecting the blame

It must be a very precise and fortunate failure for Israel that an enemy rocket failed and landed exactly on a hospital and killed hundreds of Palestinians they deem unworthy of humanity.

The western world has blood on its hand by supporting such a criminal state


They’ve literally launched like 10,000 rockets.


Artisanal water pipe rockets that can’t kill more than 10 people or bring down one apartment floor, can’t be the same misfired rocket that killed 500 people all at once. they just don’t have the capability for that much damage.


killed 500 people all at once

And destroyed 80% of a hospital… or did it?

All the proof shows a parking lot with fewer than 10 cars on fire, surrounded by a hospital that’s still standing and usable, and maybe a dozen dead (there might be more, there is no proof of them yet).


Have you seen the picture of the aftermath? It t literally burned 10 cars in a parking lot. It certainly doesn’t look like something that could kill 500 people, especially since it didn’t even touch the building. Really looks like a small misfired rocket to me.



I look forward to your retraction and condemnation of those firing rockets


Right on. We should stop funding a government that pays out pensions to baby murderers and rapists.



When we point to your crimes against humanity, you tell us to look elsewhere. you must have iron guts to stomach what Israel committed today while keeping a straight face


Well, I’m still waiting for proof from either side before making a judgement call. Haven’t seen any either way yet. I wouldn’t put it past Israel to bomb a hospital, and I also wouldn’t put it past people who burn babies alive to stage a false flag attack.

So, for now, nobody knows who actually did this. There seems to be videos and evidence that can point either way. So you why don’t you take a fucking chill pill and go look at the pictures of what Hamas did last week.

For all you know, you’re about to get some fucking egg on your face if this gets proven to be an attack from within Gaza.


Looking forward to all those apologies from the triggered antisemitic egg faced cunts but I’m not holding my breath


An Israeli gov Spokesperson admitted in a tweet that it was meant to target Hamas but landed on the the hospital. he then deleted the tweet. a few screenshots are circulating still. but doesn’t constitute full proof yet


Even without knowing who did it, if Israel had stopped occupying Palestinian land, killing and displacing civilians as it’s been doing for decades, we probably wouldn’t be here today, or at least, maybe I could feel sorry for them. I’m not justifying Hamas’ recent attack on civilians, it was horrible, but Israel had it coming.


Even without knowing who did it, if Muslims had stopped trying to genocide Israel, murdering them and literally wanting to push them into the sea for decades, we certainly wouldn’t be here today, or at least, maybe I could feel sorry for them. I’m not justifying Israel’s past attacks on civilians, they were horrible, but Palestine had it coming.


I mean, they both had their fair chances of accepting a peace deal, but for some reason that didn’t work out. Anyways, there’s ony one of the two countries currently occupying territories of the other, and that’s where my bias come from, but yeah, they’re both murderers.


not really, unless you mean the Camp David talks that demanded the Palestinians have less autonomy than Poland under the USSR


Whoever told you that lied about something you could easily falsify and already knew that you wouldn’t check

Consider what that says about how they view you.


ima be real with you here, don’t you have a flat earth convention to go too? blunt absolutes are rarely conducive to understanding reality


I’m not the one who brought up blunt absolutes.

The person who lied to you is who you should be upset with, not me.


I mean that’s exactly my point: they were not able to negotiate a peace deal in good faith, which means they preferred war instead. Note I’m not familiar with that specific episode. I was thinking e.g. the assassination or Rabin by one of his own people


No, history began with the British exit, and also omits a dozen wars of aggression against Israelis and Hamas’ charter that states their mission is the eradication of all Jews everywhere… Oh, right, Arafat was a peacemaker of course too.


“In the beginning, Winston Churchill created the heavens and the earth, and batshit insane geopolitical borders.” - tankies and neoliberals apparently


“those civilians had it coming” is the definition of “justifying” Hamas.


There are no civilians in Israel except those who haven’t reached the age where they have to join the IDF.


Christ this is grim. Forced conscription means anyone is fair game? Not having a decision is basically the same thing as having one, so morals have no say in this discussion.

You sound like a fucking cartoon villain, think about that.


I didn’t say civilians, mind you, I said “Israel”, but let’s talk about the civilians: they voted for this government over and over for decades (minus the brief pause last year), and similar ones before, so at least the majority of them bears some responsibility as well. I’m only sorry for that minority of Israeli that wanted peace and voted for someone else.


So all Palestinians who want a pure Muslim country and support the different extremist groups in Palestine have it coming as well?




considering that Hamas had to fight a civil war to actually get control of Gaza and the Netanyahu government has been supporting Hamas to weaken the less radical PAs ability to actually negotiate a solution, no, the Palestinians actually have less to do with keeping Hamas in power, as compared to the Israeli government


Actually you, again, literally said the thing… you referred to the civilians. They are the victims from the Israeli perspective. But tell me, what did I miss?

So all Americans should have their kids raped and murdered in front of them bc Trump or the decades of conservatives before him elected by half the population at best?

Minority in Israel? You ever talk to Israelis? Nobody under middle age votes this way and most of the older people I know are the same.

You’re an ignorant fuck.

Btw did you see who actually blew up the hospital? Apologize cunt.


Sorry I was hoping to talk with an intelligent being, I will stop wasting mt time


So wsup with that hospital? Who dunnit?


FINALLY ! someone with common sense. Thank you


Who is funding that government exactly? Certainly not the USA and “the west”, who prefer to fund Israel instead: a country doing exactly the same, but on a larger scale, and calling different, more socially acceptable names (e.g. “casualties” vs killings). Two wrongs don’t make a right.


Good point! A large amount of humanitarian funding does come from the US, EU, and UN. But a good chunk of military funding also comes from genocidal, fascist regimes such as Iran! Don’t forget about them and their critical funding for Palestine’s “military”.


What I see is, two terrorists doing terror attacks on each others. Some countries fund one terrorist, others fund the other terrorist. One just happen to have a lot more funding. If only they would make a peace deal … ah yeah, they tried that, didn’t work …


The biggest financial backer of the Palestinian Authority is “the west.” Unless you don’t consider Europe part of the west. The United States is also a substantial financial backer of the Palestinians, though not as much as Europe. About 64% of pledged international funds come from “the west” with only 20% coming from Arab sources.

Not arguing that the US doesn’t give far more money to Israel which is of course true, but I think with these complex situations it’s important to be precise about facts.


@mayo@lemmy.world avatar

Block em!

Block block block :)

agent_flounder, to world in Gaza hospital bombed: Health Ministry says death toll in Gaza City hospital blast caused by Israel strike rises to at least 500
@agent_flounder@lemmy.world avatar

Where are all the people talking about how the Israeli government minimizes casualties with precision strikes?


That’s why Israel obviously didn’t do this. Not that this community cares. They want any excuse to attack Israel. I’m already seeing posts calling for death to Israel.



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  • hotdaniel, (edited )
    Satelllliiiiiiiteeee avatar

    Two hexbear posts is the best you could find? You do know that most of the popular lemmy instances have defederated from them, right?


    They asked for proof and I provided it. The sentiment in this community is not far off.


    I've seen a thread where someone suggested building a canal through the whole region and a replying saying to glass the whole region. Granted, they wanted both sides wiped out, because somehow a group of people within each region committing violence justifies nuking the entire region?

    Not exactly common sentiments either: out of 100s of comments, those are the only two I've seen along those lines. No clue where they were and I'd they may have been removed by mods, making them harder to find (but mod logs do exist), so unfortunately I can't link to them.

    Blamemeta, to strangetimes in Vacuum containing hundreds of hornets stolen from Philadelphia beekeeper's truck

    Fuck around and find out

    sour avatar

    is unoriginal ._.


    And its overused because its true.

    Do dumb shit, bad things happen.

    Unaware7013, to thepoliceproblem in Delaware police chase, shoot, and kill suspected shoplifter

    Cops have the perp cornered in his car, so why didn’t they let the air out of all four tires, and sit in the squad car eating doughnuts until he gets bored and gives up?

    Because then they wouldn't get to kill someone and have that amazing post-murder sex.

    American cops treat lethal force as the go-to, and wonder why so many people are ACAB...

    Uranium3006 avatar

    Defund the police all the way to $0


    Charge people to be police. They want the extra privilege of qualified immunity? Pay for a limited license to operate as a peace officer.


    So the wealthy can become even more entitled? This comment is braindead.


    What if we reframed your weird argument as liability insurace?


    So if I want to kill somebody, I just have to pay up first?


    Nah, we still need police. But literally only a small fraction of what we have now. And a fraction of the budget allotted to them. And a MASSIVE retooling of the hiring process. We need to hire good, empathetic, smart people who want to serve and protect. Not these highschool C student bullies looking for everyone around them to respect their authoritah

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    Empathetic people would burn out from the exposure to the horrible parts of society. None of them would opt into this.

    Daisyifyoudo, (edited )

    I think your take on empathy is a bit oversimplified. Most people exhibit qualities of empathy. It’s not just one size one shape.


    That’s not how reality works. You NEED police. The problem is that in the USA you don’t have police, you basically have a government funded maffia with thug enforcers.

    How about “restructure police”? Much better. You’ll actually end up with a service that serves and protects


    We’d be more open to that sort of compromise if it didn’t always end in giving them more money and more latitude in murdering us.


    That is not compromising, that is actually fixing the problem. Right now the problems, as I see them, with the US police are:

    • there is a police union that will protect even the worst offenders
    • Police forces do little to curb racism and or sexism
    • police officers recieve little to no training in anything, even in handling their guns, let alone de-escalation handling
    • there are many police officers that simply don’t have the skills or intelligence tondo their work properly
    • there is a Rambo / cowboy culture
    • police squads are flooded with ex-military materials and weapons

    None of these problems are insurmountable. Lets looks at each problem, and fix them

    That is not comprising, that is fixing the issues



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  • attero,

    All cops are bastards

    Dkarma, to acab in Bethlehem, Pa. school resource officer accused of sexually assaulting student

    Conservative,not a surprise

    litchralee, to micromobility in Consumer Product Safety Commission issues warning about particular e-bike batteries

    Direct link to CPSC press release: cpsc.gov/…/CPSC-Warns-Consumers-to-Stop-Using-Uni…

    Crackhappy, to philadelphia in 4.8 magnitude earthquake hits NJ, shaking felt across Northeast including Philadelphia area
    @Crackhappy@lemmy.world avatar

    Lol. Nothing less than a 6 even gets reported over here.

    MisterNeon, to philadelphia in 4.8 magnitude earthquake hits NJ, shaking felt across Northeast including Philadelphia area
    @MisterNeon@lemmy.world avatar

    I thought a large truck was driving around in my rowhouse basement for about a minute.


    I live near train tracks and 100% thought it was SEPTA

    @MisterNeon@lemmy.world avatar

    When I first moved up here I was maybe 50ft away from SEPTA regional rail station in the thinnest apartment walls ever constructed by man.

    NOT_RICK, to philadelphia in 4.8 magnitude earthquake hits NJ, shaking felt across Northeast including Philadelphia area
    @NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

    I missed the quake 13 years ago so this was a real treat


    Same lol


    I bet it rocked your world

    Mandarbmax, to philadelphia in Developers of proposed 76ers arena host 1st in-person community meeting; make changes after input

    I might be for it if basically the entire body of research on the economic and social impacts said anything good about it at all. Inner city arenas not only kill the Chinatown but also increase crime, drive down per capita wages, cause traffic and pollution, and chew up space that could be for something good like a park or a condo tower.

    Billionaire David Adleman can fuck right off with his land grab.

    jeffw, to philadelphia in Developers of proposed 76ers arena host 1st in-person community meeting; make changes after input

    I just don’t buy that this will revitalize the area. The slapped on some affordable housing units a while back and thought that would appease people.

    I’m also inclined to listed to people who live and work in the area, who seem to be opposed.

    I think it’ll just clog up SEPTA on nights where there are games. I don’t buy that people will shop and dine before and after games.

    Veraxus, to pennsylvania in Barring 'thin blue line' flag on Montgomery County property is unconstitutional, US court rules
    Veraxus avatar

    Well, defaced American flags are protected speech.

    dukethorion, to pennsylvania in Barring 'thin blue line' flag on Montgomery County property is unconstitutional, US court rules
    @dukethorion@lemmy.world avatar

    Good. Montgomery County in general seems to really have jumped into the deep end in recent years (I know they’re primarily a blue area, but still).


    In what sense did they jump into the deep end?

    @dukethorion@lemmy.world avatar

    I think it was clear from the context, but “strongly liberal” is a phrase I’ve seen used. Anyway, here’s an article you can read.



    Is there an example of going of the deep end in this article? It’s about the radicalization of the GOP? I’m not seeing anything negative in here about Montco. Unless you’re just saying anything liberal=bad?

    @dukethorion@lemmy.world avatar

    I’ll spell it for you.

    U s e d t o b e s t r o n g R e d .

    I s n o w s t r o n g B l u e.

    Was the pool analogy too much for you? I thought it illustrated going “all in” to one side.

    And no, I’m not saying anything liberal is bad. Don’t put words in my mouth. Healthy competition is important otherwise you get stuck with “more of the same, forever” regardless of what that “same” is.

    Someday third parties in PA will get an actual fair chance, but I won’t hold my breath.


    Can’t tell if you’re trolling or just an asshole

    @dukethorion@lemmy.world avatar

    The second thing mostly, I suppose.

    tacosanonymous, to pennsylvania in Barring 'thin blue line' flag on Montgomery County property is unconstitutional, US court rules

    They admit the racist and classist undertones but want to fly it anyway. Boo. Hiss.

    dukethorion, (edited )
    @dukethorion@lemmy.world avatar

    No, they admit that they were told, so in other words, they were told someone’s opinion. Edit: and they ignored that opinion.

    @dukethorion@lemmy.world avatar

    Back the blue isn’t about racism, no matter how much you want it to be.

    Its about the law versus criminals. Meanwhile, Philadelphia is the least safe city in the nation. Thanks, whoever.

    @ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

    It was created for the sole purpose of rebuking black lives matter.

    The main difference is blue lives don’t exist. You choose to put on the uniform. You don’t choose your skin color.

    @dukethorion@lemmy.world avatar

    Hey now, white guys commit crimes too.

    You should read the rest of the Wikipedia article where it clearly shows the usage going back to the 1950’s and past.

    “Blue Lives Matter” you are correct. “The Thin Blue Line” is decades old, if not over a century.

    You know who fomented the war on cops? President Obama. He pushed the “us vs them” mentality. Unprovoked ambushes on officers sitting in their cars really started during his second term. All the while, he was continuing to allow departments to request military armored vehicles and weaponry. Playing both sides of the field for what purpose?

    I know I’m potentially arguing with many who cannot or will not ever see both sides of an argument, and whoever believes different must be wrong.

    Is it strange to ANYONE that most of BLM’s heroes were in fact breaking the law, resisting lawful arrests, or putting others in danger? Probably not who I’d put on a pedestal, they weren’t martyrs.

    I’m not lumping Floyd in this argument, he was definitely unjustly killed by that cop.

    @uberdroog@lemmy.world avatar

    Cops don’t think they are part of the community but overlords of it. They separate themselves. Obama didn’t do this.

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