jordanlund, to world in Israeli tanks have deliberately run over dozens of Palestinian civilians alive avatar

The fact that you can start your sentence with “Not an unusual event” is astonishing all by itself.

xor, to worldnews in Israel not only prevents entry of aid into Gaza, but also kills those who try to receive it

“Israeli quadcopter drones opened fire on Palestinians who had gathered to receive flour brought by UN trucks”

well that’s about the most horrible thing ive ever heard of…

Blackbeard, (edited ) to world in Gaza: After ICJ order to halt attacks on Rafah, Israel launches over 60 air raids on the city in 48 hours avatar

Netanyahu wants Trump and will continue to ignore all attempts to intervene until Trump is elected, at which point Gaza will be annexed, the remaining Palestinians will be killed or “relocated”, and he will pressure Trump to bomb Iran. The ICJ, UN, Europe, and Democrats no longer have any influence on the Israeli right-wing government. This is all for naught.

Bibi will name it Trump Alley or something else equally ridiculous, just like he did with the Golan Heights.

queermunist, avatar

Why is Biden making it easier for Trump to get reelected?

Blackbeard, avatar

Either choice he makes does that. And Netanyahu knows this.

queermunist, (edited ) avatar

He could choose to do what his supporters want him to do, but he won’t. A majority of Americans disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza. A majority of US voters want a permanent ceasefire. The numbers are even more stark among his own base. There’s no constituency for this genocide unless he’s trying to win over Trump’s base.

Blackbeard, (edited ) avatar

If he turns on Israel, he will lose in a landslide. Of that you can be absolutely certain.

queermunist, avatar

I just posted polls that clearly show the opposite.

If he lets Israel drag us into WW3 he will certainly lose in a landslide. If he does what Reagan did and force Israel to back down, he’ll maybe lose some support from hardcore Zionists (who are mostly Republicans anyway) but he’ll gain back a lot more from the majority of Americans that oppose this genocide.

People like me.

I’m not voting for genocide and you have no one to blame for that but Biden. Deal with it.

unreasonabro, (edited )

cuz at nearly 90 and held together by cutting edge miracle drugs, he’s probably at least a little out of touch, and has no way of understanding how big the blunder is he’s making, and it’s far worse than Hilary’s decision to simply not campaign at all until it was too late.

Because the democratic party should never have chased him in the first place, he said he didn’t want to and he meant it. But they couldn’t embrace new ideas and nobody can put a good face on the old ideas any more so they frankensteined up the monstrosity and affront to nature, man, and democracy we now see before us, and we coulda had Bernie Sanders, who would have risen to the occassion in stellar form and changed the course of history. Good job, DNC! Great system you’ve got down there, well and competently managed, to boot. /wrist

But Trump is going to Hitlertown in a honky carriage, and if that happens EVERYBODY is probably fucked, so make the right decision, would you, please?

queermunist, avatar

Biden is doing genocide. We’re already in Hitlertown.

This November is a choice between polite Hitler and rude Hitler. If you vote for this, the Democratic Party is going to learn one lesson: they can kill as many children as they want and not lose a single vote i.e. “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” If Blue MAGA wins, they will put me in a camp and you will vote for it because the other party would be ‘worse.’


Idk man, Trump’s got some wild plans for Hitlertown.

“On day one, we’ll restore our travel ban. We had a travel ban because we didn’t want people coming into our country who really loved the idea of blowing our country up,” he said. He called the ban an “amazing success.”

“We didn’t have one incident in four years, because we kept bad people out of our country,” he claimed.

“I’ll also be implementing strong ideological screenings for all immigrants coming in,” he said. “If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel, if you sympathize with jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you’re not going to be getting into our country.”

Trump also said he would cancel student visas of Hamas sympathizers.

“The college campuses are being taken over, and all of the resident aliens who joined in the pro-jihadist protests this month, nobody’s seen anything like it,” he said. “Come 2025, we will find you, and we will deport you.”

As president, Trump would “put every single university and college president on notice,” he said. “The American taxpayer will not subsidize the creation of terrorist sympathizers on American soil.”

I know you were speaking in hyperbole, but it sounds like he’d actually be gunning to actually put Palestine supporters in camps.

queermunist, avatar

I am not speaking in hyperbole!

Biden is already cracking down on peaceful protesters who support Palestinians, it isn’t much of a stretch to start going after people more broadly. Biden has already "put every single university and college president on notice,” and Republican congressional members are doing McCarthyist witch hunts.

If you actually pay attention, the stuff Trump says he’s going to do is already happening.

By the time we get to the election it’s already going to be much worse than it’s already gotten, and you will vote for it.


Can you link some sources as examples?

queermunist, avatar

Examples of the hundreds of people being rounded up at dozens of pro-Palestine protests? I suppose Biden has plausible deniability here since he’s not sending in National Guard, but these are cities controlled by Democrats in states controlled by Democrats at schools predominantly supporting Democrats. With as heavily armed our cops are in this fascist country they don’t need National Guard to crack down anymore.

Linkerbaan, (edited ) avatar

Yes and

Putin says Russia prefers Biden to Trump but criticizes current US policy

Not sure I’m going to take these people on their word.

For Netanyahu there’s little difference between Biden and Trump.

Blackbeard, avatar

Not according to the source I linked. His split with Biden and the Democrats has been years in the making, and has reached a point of no return. He wants Trump, and he’s willing to drag Biden through the mud to get Trump. This is not according to Bibi, this is according to people who worked for Obama and Biden, as well as Democrats in Congress.

Linkerbaan, avatar
Blackbeard, avatar

Israel ≠ Netanyahu

There’s a very big difference between what the broader Jewish community prefers and what Netanyahu’s right-wing government prefers. But, to be sure, the best way to make those one in the same would be to withdraw support.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Jews are not Zionists. Much of the Jewish community does not support the existence of israel whatsoever.

The Zionists that do support israel bribe off both Democrats and Republicans. But they have hit the jackpot with Genocide Joe. There has never been an American president more willing to throw away his entire election in order to bow down for israel.

If Zionists truly were trying to get Trump elected over Biden then there’s no reason for Biden to keep supporting this Genocide. And you would have to question Bidens sanity instead of his morals.


You could link to resources on Jewish opposition to Zionism.

Until World War II, anti-Zionism was widespread among Jews for varying reasons. Orthodox Jews opposed Zionism on religious grounds, as preempting the Messiah, while many secular Jewish anti-Zionists identified more with ideals of the Enlightenment and saw Zionism as a reactionary ideology.

The whole article has a fantastic background. Basically, Zionism was considered sinful!


Sorry, the website doesn’t make it clear to me, what are these numbers indicating they’re a recipient for? Are these direct donations from Israel?

Linkerbaan, avatar

This is Pro-Israel Recipients. So donations from lobbies like AIPAC and other groups that bribe politicians into supporting israel.

DarkGamer, to world in Israeli tanks have deliberately run over dozens of Palestinian civilians alive
DarkGamer avatar

This guy runs Euro Med Monitor:

Abdu was the assistant director and Palestine Office Manager for Council for European Palestinian Relations,[19][20] an organisation described by The Independent as "a Belgian non-profit organisation that lobbies on behalf of the Hamas-led Gaza Government."[21] He was on the board of trustees of the International platform of NGOs working for Palestine.

Congratulations, you're spreading Hamas propaganda. There's a reason this story isn't being run anywhere credible.


It must be so easy for someone who can see evidence of war crimes being committed right in front of them and just write it off because some person involved in reporting about it was once described by a British paper as supporting the government of the country he was born in. I'm sick of people just looking the other way at atrocities being committed here with the shield of "but Hamas"

DarkGamer avatar

It must be so easy for haters of Israel to accept anti-Israeli propaganda from biased pro-Hamas sources at face value. I'm sick of people spreading unfounded Islamist terrorist propaganda as though it were factual. So much BS is being amplified here.

WaxedWookie, to worldnews in Israeli army executes an elderly Palestinian after using him in propaganda campaign about its ‘safe corridor’ in Gaza

I mean condemnation is a great start, but Israel isn’t going to stop killing Palestinians until they’re stopped, or there’s no Palestinians left to kill.

Their rhetoric has made it clear that killing civilians isn’t an unfortunate consequence of stopping Hamas - it’s the objective, and they propped up Hamas over the PLO to create the pretext for this.


They taking the USA’s Native Americans approach after the apartheid South African government approach. Didn’t yield what they wanted.


I mean, they call the Israelis that are taking land in the West Bank ‘settlers’. It’s colonial language that is explicitly meant to designate the Palestinians as ‘natives’ that need to be conquered. Similar to the ‘settling’ of the Americas or Australia, the people that were already there don’t count, don’t have rights and are basically a nuisance.


In the case of Australia, it was arguably a bit worse than that - the legal “terra nullius” justification translates to “nobody’s land”. At best, it said that there was no civilisation here - in reality, the general consensus seems to have been closer to “they’re just animals”. The way they were treated did nothing to suggest otherwise.


Israel is treating Palestine as terra nullus as well. You can just waltz in, take someone’s house, and the IDF will defend you. And it’s not like the courts are an option for recourse either.


Functionally, it’s not much different - a militarily dominant power invading with the backing of the bulk of the West, committing a genocide to sieze the territory.

Drusas, to world in In light of Israel’s increasing starvation crimes, famine in Gaza Strip must be officially declared - EuroMed Human Rights Monitor

It is obnoxious how the media has been saying that Gaza "is on the brink of famine" for months now.

No, motherfucker, it was on the brink of famine. Just because not literally every person in the country is starving to death yet doesn't mean the country/region itself isn't already experiencing famine.

Linkerbaan, avatar

It was on the brink of famine for months. Then it entered famine and got the worst IPC food crisis rating ever. Then somehow all the warnings beforehand mean that the current crisis isn’t real.

crossmr, to world in In light of Israel’s increasing starvation crimes, famine in Gaza Strip must be officially declared - EuroMed Human Rights Monitor

You should really look into the impartiality of that website.


Oh look, a website that digs up dirt on all critics of Israel so it can undermine them with concern trolling.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Human rights watch “monitoring” site and being an obviously israeli shill front name a better combo.

Your site is really confident that UNRWA is Hamas by the way. How did that turn out again?

Mrkawfee, to world in Gaza: After ICJ order to halt attacks on Rafah, Israel launches over 60 air raids on the city in 48 hours

They are literally bombing civilians in tents. Israel is a rogue state.

poo, avatar

Israel is awful and disgusting.

givesomefucks, to world in Gaza: After ICJ order to halt attacks on Rafah, Israel launches over 60 air raids on the city in 48 hours

Fuck any politician who thinks they can support this shit and I’ll ever support them again.

They know this isn’t what their voters want, but:

What are you gonna do, vote Republican?

No, they’re just not going to vote, even though trump is terrible. It’s like Biden trump as an excuse to just not give a fuck. Hillary did too.

The last 12 years, and they’re still going with it.

As much as moderates bitch about trump they love him, it’s the only way to get people to vote for moderates.


A reminder that not voting, has the same effect as splitting your vote proportionally to the eventual winner.

So in that way you are supporting that candidate.

Vote for someone else if you want to make a point.


I’ll vote for the candidate that deserves my vote.

If that’s “none of the above” like from Brewster’s Millions, well, that would make sense considering both candidates are running for president like the last thing they want is to be president, they just can’t drop out of the election.

If the DNC wants more votes next election, maybe they shouldn’t run an 82 year old conservative who went around Congress to fund a genocide then blamed peaceful protestors when zionists and cops attack them?

Seems kind of common sense, the left wing part should be left wing…

But it is what it is.

If you don’t like it, why try to convince 100s if millions of people to vote for someone they disagree with rather than the handful of people at the DNC that decide who the candidate is, to pick a better candidate to push thru the primary next time?

I would have said convince Biden to do anything, but we all know he’s going to do whatever the fuck he wants. He’s 82 years old, and that’s what that generation thinks a leader is. Just like trump.

The problem is the majority of voters are half their age and we’re just not into that shit.

RIPandTERROR, avatar

Making a point is what the primary is for.


The point that was made was they’ll declare it over after the first handful of states, and if you keep voting progressive early, they’ll take your delegates away.

A couple years ago the DNCs lawyers made another point to a judge:

It doesn’t matter if we interfere in the primary, it’s not real and we can just ignore the results.

Tell me again why anyone cares about the primary?

2020 we said it could pull Biden to the left. It did till the election, January wasn’t even over before he said he couldn’t change any Dem senator’s mind so it would be a waste of time to try for anything.

So while letting the primary run to the convention would help the party’s choice in the general, they’re not prepared to take the risk of their pick losing and having to nominate against the primary result.

So please, let me know there’s so magical way primary votes matter.

And what the ones of us in the 45 states that don’t vote till long after the DNC declared a victory can do?

Hell, my ballot literally didn’t even have a “undecided” option. There was one circle next to Biden’s name and that was fucking it.

RIPandTERROR, avatar

And why do you think non voting makes a difference in your favor? There is no progressive party. There is a conservative party and a REGRESSIVE party. You think hitting the gas pedal on reverse is going to help the situation? You’re being a clown. You deserve what you’re voting for.

RIPandTERROR, avatar

So you’re voting Republican.


No, they aren’t voting.

RIPandTERROR, avatar

No they’re voting Republican.

NoneOfUrBusiness, to world in Gaza: Israel deliberately militarizes civilian objects, turns schools into military bases

Okay I knew that every Zionist accusation is a confession but what the shit?

Melkath, to world in Gaza: Israel deliberately militarizes civilian objects, turns schools into military bases

Gaza is the beta version of the war they want the 30s to be.

jordanlund, to world in Gaza: Israel deliberately militarizes civilian objects, turns schools into military bases avatar

Being reported as an unreliable source without supporting documents, and I have to admit being conflicted here.

On the one hand:…/euro-med-human-rights-monitor/

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor (Euro-Med Monitor) consistently spreads blood libels and conspiracy theories about Israel, and accuses Israel of “apartheid,” genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “collective punishment,” and “war crimes.”

On the OTHER hand:

“NGO Monitor has faced criticism and has been labeled a right-wing pro-Israeli group. For example, in 2013, a member of NGO Monitor was caught editing their own Wikipedia page, which is not allowed. Wikipedia then banned him as an editor. Further, the founder Gerald Steinburg worked for the Israeli government after the formation of the NGO, a seemingly obvious conflict of interest.”

I’m tempted to remove it pending a less biased source, however in this case I’ll leave it for now with the “pillar of salt” warning and a note that everyone sucks here.


and accuses Israel of “apartheid,” genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “collective punishment,” and “war crimes.”

I mean that's just the truth so I think we can all agree that NGO monitor has no credibility here.

Linkerbaan, (edited ) avatar

Euro-Med Monitor is an internationally recognized and reliable NGO that has been extremely accurate over the entire Genocide. They are a primary source cited by many newspapers which base their news solely of their articles

Meanwhile NGO-Monitor is an israeli propaganda site just like UN-Watch. Not in the conspiracy sense but in the “anyone that reads their front page can see these guys are pushing a 100% Zionist agenda” sense. I have already sent evidence of this before. In case you missed it, here’s NGO-Watch pushing UNRWA = Hamas propaganda that now know is a full on Zionist lie.

The UNRWA Constellation: Partnerships with UN Agencies and Terror-Linked NGOs

However, beyond its core role in fueling the conflict for the past 74 years, as well as severe problems with terror links, antisemitism (discussed briefly below) and corruption, UNRWA also engages in extensive politicized anti-Israel “advocacy work in response to the needs of Palestine refugees affected by the Israeli occupation,” such as “in-person protection briefings to external partners including the donor and diplomatic community.” This activity often involves partnerships with international and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as other UN agencies.

In this regard, UNRWA is part of the UN-NGO network dedicated to campaigns to demonize and delegitimize Israel, in contrast to humanitarian principles and promoting peace. Post-October 7, this entire system must be reviewed and reconsidered.

UNWRA, as part of the UN system, does not consider Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) to be terror groups. As such, it does not hesitate to partner with these groups, which are proscribed by UNRWA’s main donors. Nor does it screen employees for ties to Hamas et al, which is particularly concerning as, according to UNRWA’s 2022 Annual Report, 99.77% of staff in Gaza and the West Bank – 15,589 out of 15,624 – were local Palestinians.

The screening Hamas part is a massive and proven lie, as is most other stuff in this poorly written slander tabloid.

And notice the second language of the funding reports.

Linkerbaan, to world in Gaza: Israel deliberately militarizes civilian objects, turns schools into military bases avatar
Mrkawfee, to technology in Urgent need to investigate role of technology, social media companies in killing Gazan civilians

Zuckerberg is a committed Zionist. Musk had a “come to genocide” moment with Shapiro. TikTok is being banned. If you want to know what thought control looks like this is it.

NoSpiritAnimal, avatar

I’m muted on threads and insta since I commented on Sentaor John Fettermans account with an image of a Guardian report about Netanyahu rejecting a ceasefire including returning the hostages.

Fetterman was posting about how they need to return the hostages, and I said they tried, but Bibi doesn’t want the hostages back. He wants war.

Anyway I’ve got a mystery time out now, so anything I try to comment tells me I’m not allowed for 2 weeks.

rottingleaf, to technology in Urgent need to investigate role of technology, social media companies in killing Gazan civilians

I mean, all this is asking the governments which support this to investigate others’ complicity in their actions.

“Rule of law” surely sounds and seems nice, when it’s some Scandinavian country compared to some ex-Soviet poor trashy area.

Now “rule of law” is on the side of genocide. Be it Palestine or Artsakh (oh, they say sometimes some official toothless things about what Azerbaijan should do without leaving it, and then it would apparently have the right to rule over Armenian land where it’s demolishing right now whole villages and towns with bulldozing cemeteries and cutting trees, they even hate trees planted by Armenians FFS).

So, for me genocide is the definite evil and “values and alliances uniting the West” or something is not the definite good to make it OK.

But there are people, sometimes sincere, who think otherwise.

This won’t be solved by petitions.

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