HM05_Me, to uap in UFOs own the restricted airspace over Washington, D.C. avatar

I always hope that videos provide enough in the scenes to estimate depth and distance. One of the tricky things with capturing objects in the sky is that there will always be a sacrifice in what you capture. If you zoom in to just the sky, then you lose trees and objects on the ground to establish some sense of distance and visual anchors to match the movement of the objects to. If you’re zoomed out then you lose clarity of the object itself.

I do find the consistent rotation of the main object interesting. I’ve seen quite a few videos posted of objects that show tumbling movement, though it’s usually hard to make out exactly what they are.

Public sightings are a hard numbers game to win. It really just comes down to chance that someone with a good enough camera spots something and captures enough details. There’s a lot of open sky, time in the day, and not a ton of people actively watching the sky. But, enough videos like this can help categorize sightings to better determine what is anomalous.


Agree on all points.

Ideally we need multisensor + multilens systems to simultaneously zoom in and zoom out. Also we need next gen image stabilization or tripods.

As of right now the sightings are somewhat rare and it’s a big ask to have a pro level videographer with a tripod available 24/7 in every 20 miles sq area.

Eventually we’ll get something.

Witness testimony will remain essential. Once we get those crystal clear images, next we’ll hear how it’s all CGI.

Abductions with 8 hrs of lost time for all the debunkers. 🤣

RoyalEngineering, to uap in UFOs own the restricted airspace over Washington, D.C.

Hmm that video really looks like bugs? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be seeing here. 🤔


The video is taken by a veteran flight tower operator living in the area next to the tower for, iirc 29 years.

Extremely qualified, trained observer.

The video does NOT look like bugs.

But it is not a $2000 nicon coolpix 80x optical zoom video. Which is why witness testimony is important in this case.


Since there’s no way to tell how far away these things are from the camera there’s no way to get even a reasonable estimate of their speed or size!

willington, to uap in UFOs own the restricted airspace over Washington, D.C.

From the video description:

On September 24, 2022 at 12:48 p.m. ET, I personally observed and recorded on video a flight of 2 slow-moving UFOs and their numerous compatriots operating at length and with impunity inside airspace that the FAA calls the most restricted airspace in the United States: The Washington, D.C. Flight Restricted Zone (DC FRZ) a.k.a. "The DC Freeze.” My name is Lincoln Lounsbury and I am a retired FAA air traffic controller. I have 10 years of experience working in air traffic control towers and the last tower I worked in was at Washington National Airport (DCA). I am thoroughly familiar with the airspace and aircraft operations surrounding Washington, D.C., and I have lived in this airspace for 29 years. The DC FRZ is a cylinder of airspace that extends laterally to a 15-mile radius centered at DCA airport and vertically from the surface to 18,000’. Air traffic in the DC FRZ is largely restricted to three types of operations: commercial passenger flights landing and taking off from DCA; aircraft associated with Andrews Air Force Base; and a handful of very low flying military, police, and medevac helicopters. That’s it. My documented shooting location for this video was just 7 miles from DCA airport with my camera aimed straight up in the air. I estimate the flight of 2 UFOs in this video to be flying at roughly 5,000’ and the base of the clouds above the UFOs in the video were measured at 15,000’ by the ceilometer at DCA. All UFO operations in this video are well within the DC Freeze. Visibility was measured at 10 miles at the time of this sighting. Additionally, this flight of two UFOs passed through the traffic pattern for aircraft landing at DCA. The pilots of at least one passenger flight most certainly saw this flight of two highly reflective UFOs as they passed within a mile and a half laterally and 500’ to 1,500’ vertically of these UFOs. Peculiarly, this slow-moving pair of intruders met no response from the U.S. Coast Guard’s MH-65 helicopters stationed at DCA. These helicopters are D.C.'s first aerial responders who, otherwise, rigorously defend this airspace and the city of Washington, D.C. Routinely, these Coast Guard helicopters meet unauthorized, wayward aircraft well outside the DC FRZ and, with the help of considerable technology, have no problem getting these aircraft to turn away from the DC FRZ. As it turned out, there was no aerial response to these UFOs from any of the military, and the DC FRZ was eerily void of helicopter traffic for hours following this event. Interestingly, additional evidence shows at least one U.S. government organization was well-aware of and very concerned about the presence of these UFOs, and that evidence clearly indicates the UFOs weren’t ours.

willington, to uap in Astronomer Exposes UFO Evidence in 1952 DC Incident

From the video description:

On The Good Trouble Show (), astronomer Dr. Beatriz Villarroeal joins us to discuss the recently discovered telescope astronomical plates that could offer proof of the famous UFO flap 1952 over Washington, DC, along with the former head of Harvard Astronomy Dr. Donald Menzel who destroyed astronomical plates that could have held UFO evidence. It was later discovered Donald Menzel also worked for the NSA. Dr. Villaroel presented at The Sol Foundation symposium last year on UFOs / UAPs and the scientific search for them. Her interview for this podcast will also reveal news on VASCO and the European Crash Retrieval Initiative.

willington, to uap in Pentyrch UFO Incident II: Caz Clarke Unravels the Coverup

Even though it’s been out since feb 27, I just found it today.

From the video description:

Since she first entered the basement [‘the basement’ is a reference to the name of this youtube channel] in 2021 to tell us about her experience of the Pentyrch UFO Incident, Caz Clarke been hard at work trying to get to the bottom of the subsequent coverup. Incensed that the military would lie in wait days before the UFOs appeared and then immediately attack them, possibly putting all of humanity at risk without any public discourse, she has filed dozens of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to get answers. Nobody who listens to this interview will doubt that something strange is afoot, given the responses she received to her government inquiries. Thanks to Caz and team’s efforts, the Pentyrch UFO Incident might just be the best documented UFO coverup in history.

To me that’s an astounding testimony with plenty of documentation.

dingus182, to music in Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 - Mas Que Nada avatar

One of my favorite finds! Check the price tag.

raoulraoul, avatar

Gnashing of teeth

Worth it for the cover art alone! 😄

HM05_Me, (edited ) to uap in Jax UFO 12 8 16 avatar

One of the key things about tracking UAP seems to be narrowing down the spectrums at which they can be observed. Infrared seems to be more frequently reported for visual detection and there are specific radio frequencies they’re detected at. Even a presentation by AARO highlighted signatures that they’re often detected at.


What are we even looking at?

If it’s a cloaked device I expect to bump into it if I attempt to occupy the same space as it.

If it’s a device that’s out of phase, I will pass through it without bumping into it.

If it’s not a device at all, but is a natural organism that’s always been just outside our umwelt (subjective surroundings, subjective world), then that’s something completely different again.

All of the above, and maybe more, can conceivably look the same to our infrared and visual sensors.

Obviously something is going on, and it’s interesting, and we need to investigate further and exercise the highest level of discernment we can muster at this time.

HM05_Me, avatar

Definitely a good question and one there doesn’t seem to be a solid answer too. Also, some of the suggested speeds of UAP should be creating shock waves, whereas they’re typically silent and have no discernible impact on their surroundings. It’s as if they’re not truly occupying the space they’re in. Suggestions I’ve seen are that they’re moving outside our known/perceived dimensions or using a means of warping gravity and essentially displacing their surroundings.


I think similarly. I also have a feeling that many (but probably not all) exotic craft are more like our earth skateboards, so we won’t find any engines on them. I feel in many cases the occupants move these things around with their minds. The craft just forms a protective barrier, and maybe enhances the mind’s function, or something like that.

In any case we need to be careful with our assumptions. Of course we want to find the engine as the first priority, but what if they don’t have and don’t need engines? Who knows.

willington, to uap in Jax UFO 12 8 16

From the video description:

Videos taken with multiple government forward-looking infrared systems (FLIRs). This video compilation shows a comparison of normal objects seen in the air and the UFO seen in Jacksonville, Florida on 12-8-2016. In the beginning of the UFO video, I am centering it in to the reticle.

jordanlund, to uap in Exclusive: Latest Langley AFB UFO updates and footage avatar

I don’t have time for a 2+ hour video, is there a “good parts” version?


Not that I know of. Matt might make one or more short clips from it later.

The most interesting part is the witness interview in the middle of the video. And there are two long righteous rants on the either end of the video.

HM05_Me, to uap in Exclusive: Latest Langley AFB UFO updates and footage avatar

I think events like the UAP over Langley AFB and the UAP engaged by military over North America last year should have more coverage than they’ve had. There is a clear presence of objects of unknown origin that even our own military is concerned about. It should be an issue that bridges beliefs of what the objects are and where they come from. Whether they’re drones, NHI, or you name it, there is something engaging military bases and even interrupting military exercises. Unfortunately, the stigma on this subject can easily silence the news.

willington, (edited )

Of course. The media is willfully ignoring this issue because of a) the potential for ontological upset, and b) no profit-oriented upside. Most of the MSM is owned by one of the 6 giant corporations. For these people the status quo has worked phenomenally well. The UFO issue threatens to destabilize the status quo. For those who are hanging onto the status quo with a white-knuckled grip, the UFO issue is a huge risk at best, and an apocalypse at the worst.

Thanks to the efforts of a lot of people on the ground and also inside the deep state, the issue is no longer possible to ignore. But the MSM likely will do absolute minimum for the disclosure. So the MSM isn’t going to and cannot completely ignore this issue. The MSM will participate conservatively in order to continue to attempt narrative control.

So if disclosure is unavoidable (pssst: it is in fact unavoidable), the billionaires and their minions will spin the disclosure in the least damaging, least disruptive for them way. But of course they will also pretend nothing is going on as long as possible because they serve their own interests, not mine or yours. They wanna keep things stable and same-y. It’s pretty simple.

bquintb, to uap in Exclusive: Latest Langley AFB UFO updates and footage avatar

Wish we had an active UAP group on lemmy

HM05_Me, avatar

I agree. There are a few semi-regulars on here, though it definitely pales compared to a certain other platform. Lemmy is a great site, but niche communities can have trouble taking off. I try to keep an eye out for news or informative articles to post and occasionally those posts take off. UAP is a topic that has a lot of interest, but getting user engagement is a different story.

willington, to uap in Exclusive: Latest Langley AFB UFO updates and footage

From the video description:

Chris Sharp of The Liberation Times, @liberationtimes, will release new news on the UFOs that swarmed Langley Air Force Base Virginia in December 2023 on May 11th at 12 Noon Pacific. We will cover this breaking story, but that’s not all, Jonathan Butner is here with us, live, to discuss the UFO / UAP event he witnessed over Langley and the videos of the UAPs / UFOs that The United States Air Force is blaming on drones that forced the relocation of the Langley F-22 fighter wing. Our friend Ross Coulthart from @NewsNation covered this event recently on his show Reality Check. Members of Congress are asking questions while The Pentagon and The United States Air Force continue to cover up the event.

That’s from Matt Ford’s “The Good Trouble Show.”

viking, to music in 🖤 "Place harmony where there has been discord" (Anne Clark: Boy Racing, 2008) 🎶 avatar

Anne Clark ist schon ziemlich geil. Mein absoluter Favorit ist aber nach wie vor Poem Without Words, dürfte von 1982 oder so sein.


Ja, das ist auch ein Meisterwerk, aber ich vermisse doch etwas die Stimme / Yes, this is also a masterpiece, but I do miss the voice a bit

Es gibt aber anscheinend verschiedene Versionen und Teile von “Poem Without Words”. Welche meintest Du davon? / But apparently there are different versions and parts of “Poem Without Words”. Which one did you mean?…/38399-Anne-Clark-Hopeless-Cases

viking, avatar

Ich meine tatsächlich das allererste release auf der Hopeless Cases LP (nennt sie glaube ich Part I). Part II war das Outro auf der selben Platte, auch gut, aber das erste gefiel mir besser.

yamanii, to movies in TRON and the illusion of cubic reality - TRON 1982 film analysis / review / retrospective Rob Ager avatar

I think it aged well, I watched it a few years after seeing his world in Kingdom Hearts and was really impressed with what they did.


I’m biased since I grew up with the movie and always loved computers, but I watched it with my gf a few years back (okay like 7 years ago, at my age a few years isn’t a big difference) and thought it held up for what it was. It’s almost like an early cyberpunk jacked in experience but even without that thinking, being sucked into a computer sounded awesome and I definitely dug the fx in the 80s which I’ve seen a few shows about how it was revolutionary for the time.

Also think the cast was solid, Jeff Bridges needs no other comment, but I keep forgetting the rest of the names, Tron was the second commander in Babylon 5 show, the old scientist character was the grandpa in Lost Boys. Okay I cheated and checked imdb but too lazy to copy names, the dude who played Londo from B5 is there plus David Warner who is the bad guy in many things from the 80s.

It’s a slower paced movie but well worth the watch, and one line I always remember from it 'now that is a big door’s.

Also if you program the general premise is about code being stolen and him hitting them back, kinda cyberpunkish too.

Carighan, to space in Let’s Shrink Earth to Half Its Size #kurzgesagt #shorts avatar

Working link to the short. It’s sadly only a short, I had hoped this was a new full length video.

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