
Rottcodd, to religiouscringe in wE cAn'T sAy mErRy ChRiStMaS aNyMoRe
Rottcodd avatar

It's weird - in all the years that I've been seeing and hearing this stuff about this "war on Christmas," the one thing I've never seen or even heard of is anybody actually being punished in any way for saying "Merry Christmas."

Alto avatar

Well of course, because for all intents and purposes nobody is going to care if you tell them Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays, because everyone understands the intent.

The only people who think there's a war on Christmas also think not being allowed to enforce their theocracy means they're being oppressed.

lily33, to programmerhumor in I'm going to sit down and actually learn git this week

Learning git is very easy. For example, to do it on Debain, one simply needs to run, sudo apt install lazygit


Wow this looks great. Amend an old commit dealing with a rebase? Sign me up!


git rebase -i origin/main (or whatever branch you’re rebasing on), then read the instructions that come up in the editor window

corytheboyd avatar

Read… instructions? I love teaching people that git very often prints out what you should do next.

git: “to continue, resolve conflicts, add files, and run rebase —continue”
dev: …time to search stack overflow

All that said… just use lazygit. It does help to know CLI git first to put things in context, but if you do, no need to punish yourself every day by not using a UI.

Kata1yst avatar

LazyGit may actually be black magic from Satan to tempt programmers into sin. And to that I say: 'where is a goat I can sacrifice to my dark lord?'

krey, to memes in I can't believe we're still having this conversation with some people

if you don’t tolerate the intolerant, it cancels out. everyone knows.


…is exactly the sort of brain dead take that let Nazis fester the first time round.

You don’t give space to those who will take space away from others without cause.


interesting. you called it brain dead, but you seem to have misunderstood


Explain instead of being high and mighty about it. What did I misunderstand?


the intolerant are the nazis, because they don’t tolerate people like jews, etc…

i say, you’re not intolerant yourself, if you don’t tolerate the intolerant (nazis), because the intolerance cancels out.

also, i did not intend to be “high and mighty”. i thought it would be enough to just say it’s a misunderstanding


Yeah, that was fairly unclear, which is why you’re original comment has so many downvotes. Even this response is hard to parse. It sounds like you’re saying intolerance of the intolerant is fine, since they cancel out. Which is, yeah, that’s the sentiment.


thx for the info. i hope, i can do better in the future


Tolerance is a two way fucking street




Cancelling out the intolerant? Sign me up!


Way to fail logic 101. An instigator is not equivalent to a responder, dumbass.

No, someone just living their life with a colorful shirt on IS NOT hurting you. People being with who they love DOES NOT hurt you. Grow up.


you call me a dumbass and say i shall grow up, yet you misunderstood what i wrote and became very angry, it seems


Nope, I responded to the obvious commonly interpreted flippantly dismissive subtext to your comment. Or do you think all those downvotes were because people disagree with the concept of the Paradox of Tolerance?

ImADifferentBird, to SquaredCircle in Premier Streaming Network Wrestling Showcase discussion thread!
@ImADifferentBird@midwest.social avatar

Dunno if anyone else is watching this, but I figured it would be worth putting a thread up

OutlierBlue, to atheistmemes in Pretty funny indeed

A Twitter post posted on Reddit, then screencapped and posted on Lemmy. Wonderful.

Someone wanna take a picture for Facebook?


I took out my flip phone camera and took a picture of the screen. How do I text it to Facebook?

@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Then screenshot it from Facebook to Quora.


ah yes the circle of life


How you know its a screencap from reddit?

Oh, turns out OP edited the post and removed the reddit part.

I think this image is an appropriate response to someone posting a screenshot of a screenshot…


wicked82, to ohio in Suck it Rs

Big shout out to the corrupt ass Ohio GOP, we wouldn’t have had this record breaking August turn out with out your shady ass tactics. See you bitches in November! 🖕

dephyre, to mobilewallpaper in Space Station
@dephyre@lemmy.world avatar
@Infinite_Indecision@midwest.social avatar

Awesome thank you they have some good pieces

jerome, to mildlyinfuriating in Ironic
jerome avatar

Ever notice how right-wing news is free but actual news you have to pay for.



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  • bizzacore,
    @bizzacore@lemmy.world avatar

    And they make their money peddling boner pills, fear, and preparation buckets.


    More like the proletariat it influences are the product being sold


    I dunno - isn’t it the right always complaining about mainstream news that is often as supported & rarely keep hosts that the main stream audience or advertisers get upset over & are willing to give quality news for free in exchange, think NPR, PBS & even CNN during trump before it went to pot & they tried their CNN+ bs.

    Oddly I think CNN did well or better BEFORE they got greedy & attempted a Fox News by trying to overly pay wall their news.

    It’s usually the right wing that tries to overcharge for their horrible infotainment. And it’s mostly the extreme right that does a mixture of pay for & free. Imo it’s the
    Middle & left (that’s often still middle in context globally, that offers quality news at reasonable rates or for free as it’s more of an ethical service to them than a money grab. Not saying there isn’t or can’t be greedy left leaning orgs, CNN today imo, but they’re less common & less popular. They don’t reach Fox News or Newsmax level insanity imo.

    FinalFallacy, to mildlyinfuriating in Ironic
    FinalFallacy avatar

    The internet is almost unrecognizable from what it was 20 years ago.


    @FinalFallacy @KingStrafeIV

    wait. it's going backwards now.

    FinalFallacy avatar

    It definitely does it's cycle. Like p2p versus server/client models.


    you can thank the jews for that

    FinalFallacy avatar

    Yeah. One ethnic group is responsible for all the bad things. I wish people like you stayed on Reddit.


    Don't feed the troll. Report and move on.


    reddit is run by jews too lol


    Profits run everything, and while I understand that, it does lend itself to a shitty experience for the user unless you pay for it.

    FinalFallacy avatar

    To me it seems like the 2000s and 2010s when all those companies got massive and laid off middle management. Then those short sighted assholes got jobs elsewhere and poisoned those ponds.

    Darnov avatar

    Almost unrecognizable from just three years ago.

    steal_your_face, to memes in I'll sue any business that doesn't let me bring it in
    @steal_your_face@lemmy.ml avatar



    When you are confident in your age, you don’t care that the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council says ketchup is only for kids.

    @steal_your_face@lemmy.ml avatar

    Ketchup is only good for fries and is basically just liquid sugar. Fight me


    The key ingredient of ketchup is vinegar. Otherwise tomato sauce with sugar is marinara.

    I_Has_A_Hat, to politicalmemes in I wonder which one is harder

    No one is arguing a little genocide is good. They’re arguing that a lot of genocide is clearly worse. This seems obvious, but I’m constantly surprised how fucking stupid people are.


    Does that really change which button you would press here? I’m a little worried


    What if the buttons were (and kinda are) “Palestinian genocide with survivors” or “Palestinian and Ukrainian genocide with no survivors”?


    How about NO GENOCIDE.

    NO GENOCIDE is the only acceptable option.

    norbert avatar

    That's not an option, there are only two buttons and they're labeled Genocide- or Genocide+ which one do you push? Be honest, you can't relabel the buttons by smashing them with a hammer so which one do you push?


    Dumdums will insist on dumduming.

    In terms of this meme, the button is "Convince Democrats to stop supporting a genocide."

    In the real world, there are only 2 possible things that will do that. Money and shitty poll numbers.

    I don't have 20 million dollars to pay off Biden, so I guess I will just need to make his poll numbers shitty and hope it forces the Democrat party to find a clue.

    HopeOfTheGunblade avatar

    Oh hey and then when the Republicans take power nothing you've done will matter.

    Nice job breaking it, hero.


    Then we all die.

    You die a genocidal boot licker.

    I dont.

    HopeOfTheGunblade avatar

    No genocide is the correct amount of genocide, yes.

    Now that we've established that, in the case where you have exactly 2 possible outcomes, one where x people die, and one where y people die, where y is at least an order of magnitude larger than x, and you can, as I said, have one of those two outcomes and no other, which outcome do you prefer?

    Dodging the question in any way will demonstrate your fundamental unseriousness, so consider carefully before you answer.


    Again, you support genocide. I dont.

    That simple.

    HopeOfTheGunblade avatar

    And what your choice gets is more genocide.

    But yeah no that's better. Somehow.

    Your hands aren't clean in that world, dude. Deciding not to act is also a choice. You decided to let things move towards more genocide, and so you have all of the blood on your hands that I do for the world with a second term of biden, plus all of the additional blood of the second term of trump that you're enabling.

    I'm sure you'll be able to justify it to yourself, though.


    I will not kiss a tyrants ring because I like him more than the other tyrant.

    I have morals.

    Good luck with your suspension of morals because you think it will play out better for you.

    HopeOfTheGunblade avatar

    So, I think I'm probably wasting my time with this, but I would like you to consider a hypothetical possibility that other people have different morals to you, rather than no morals.


    Oh, I can comprehend that.

    People who support genocide do have different morals, they are called bad morals.

    People pressing either the correction of or the eradication of the 2 party system have good morals.

    People who pick a genocide because they like that genocide more than the other genocide have bad morals. And are cowards. And are boot lickers.

    HopeOfTheGunblade avatar

    So, it seems like you're coming at morals from a place of deontology, where things are moral or not based on whether they follow a specified set of rules, regardless of outcomes.

    Personally, I'm a consequentialist. What matters is not the specific action, as much as the outcomes of that action. Which is to say, given the trolley problem, I pull the lever so that one person dies instead of five, whereas you seem likely to leave the lever alone, because that would be killing someone, regardless of whether more people die of your inaction. You seem to see that inaction as a kind of neutral position, whereas I view it as an action, the action of standing by when you could have helped.

    I would rather live in a world where fewer people die, than one in which more people die. You would, to the best of my ability to discern, rather live in a world where you can claim a clear conscience, because you were just following your rules and refraining from actions.

    I think that both of us regard the other's position as questionable at best and repugnant at worst, and it's not obvious to me if that gap can be bridged.


    If your willing to accept a little genocide in exchange for not having to convince anyone of anything, sure

    Wait actually is this you convincing no-genocide voters that a little genocide is fine? Woa that was slick!


    What is a ‘little genocide’? I thought your whole shtick was that genocide was genocide and ‘less’ is still genocide.

    Are you conceding that there are degrees and less is better than more?


    Are you conceding that there’s a choice between convincing people genocide is ok vs convincing democrats it’s not, and you’d prefer the former?


    Voting is the only binary choice. You can do whatever other ‘choices’ you’re babbling about at the same time if you want.


    That’s not a terrible idea actually, work it from both ends.

    Unless you care about the substance of the issue, but if not then go nuts.

    stanleytweedle, (edited )

    The substance of the issue for me is saving Palestinian lives which is one of the many reasons I’m voting for Biden in 2024.


    They’re already dying kiddo, you need to do a little more than that.

    stanleytweedle, (edited )

    I’m chatting online with a stranger about it though- so we’re both putting in about the same amount of work on the issue ;)


    I for one am doing more than that AND voting. Turns out voting has never impeded me from participating in other forms of activism, isn’t that magical?


    Except no activism you’ve done has been to convince anyone here that there’s a chance democrats are in trouble for supporting genocide

    Yall seem really concerned about reassuring each other that you’ll vote for Biden, but little effort convincing anyone that Biden might lose because of this.


    Oh yeah *just *convince the Democrats. Sure thing, I’ll have it done by Tuesday. Honestly I feel stupid for not thinking of just convincing them. Why has no one tried this before? /S


    Good luck convincing enough people that a little genocide is fine to win against trump.


    Thanks. I really need it, since when Trump wins he’s going to expand the current genocide, then start a new one that will target me.


    Believe me, I’m not rooting for it (or don’t, Idgaf).

    Democrats are more principled than Trump voters though, if one party can survive running on it it’s not the democrats.


    For someone who’s not rooting for it, you seem to be putting a lot of effort into stopping people from voting against Trump.


    I don’t want to stop anyone voting against Trump, I just think centrists are expecting an awful lot from a constituency that historically underperformed when enthusiasm is low (spoiler: it’s never been this low)


    You are endorsing genocide.

    Endorsing genocide is endorsing genocide.


    I edited it for you



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  • mozz,
    @mozz@mbin.grits.dev avatar

    I typed part of a response but honestly what’s even the point

    Here is how to find a protest in case it is useful to any of the 100% of Lemmy people who think that genocide is neither good nor fine


    I put the link the body of the meme, too.

    @mozz@mbin.grits.dev avatar


    mozz, (edited )
    @mozz@mbin.grits.dev avatar

    They are not stupid; they are deliberately misunderstanding.

    I feel a little bit silly even trying to “explain” this like there will be anyone who’s informed by it, but no one here is pro genocide. I would be surprised if you could find 5 people on Lemmy ever who said that genocide is good if done by Democrats, or at any other time.

    Here is where to find a protest; go there and meet some new friends, do what you can to stop the genocide. How to do it, I don’t really know, but posting on Lemmy about not voting for Biden will not accomplish it for a couple of different reasons.

    stanleytweedle, (edited )

    They are not stupid; they are deliberately misunderstanding.

    Lot of column A, little of column B.


    “Go to this place and keep your protest away from my peaceful politics-free community.”

    It is certainly not the case that people here need any encouragement to be louder about not wanting their candidate supporting genocide.

    I edited it for the both of you to make if more fair, hopefully you don’t still take issue with the framing

    @mozz@mbin.grits.dev avatar

    You claim that I think genocide is fine, and then hope I don't take issue with the framing?

    This is a very bizarre conversation


    I’m not saying you think it’s fine, i’m saying you need to convince no-genocide voters that it’s at least acceptable.


    It’s not acceptable. There are a lot of people arguing that it is not genocide, but there are zero people arguing that any genocide is acceptable.


    Acceptable in exchange for less of it?

    I’m really trying to work with you here. You are all here spending time on communicating something, what is it you’re trying to do by it?

    If it isn’t to convince people on the fence about Biden because of his support of Israel, what is it exactly?

    empireOfLove2, (edited ) to politicalmemes in Why are we wasting our server bandwidth on shit takes?

    Go ahead, pressure the lesser evil to be even less evil, but you still have to vote for said lesser evil, or you’re gonna be stuck with the massively bigger evil and no human rights.


    How many people do you think will vote for even a lesser evil? Go ahead and direct your effort into reinforcing that decision to me but unless you convince the millions of other people who don’t share your concern for trump we’ll all be stuck with the massively bigger evil and no human rights.


    the millions of other people who don’t share your concern for trump

    Every day I’m more and more surprised these people exist


    You shouldn’t be if you’re familiar with the parable of the boy who doth cried wolf too many times


    Please enlighten me on how this is a boy who cried wolf situation? Trump has materially done many, many, many things that would individually be disasterous

    Are you seriously arguing that he’s not really all that bad, or are you just here to troll?


    Did you ever finish that story?

    In the end, a wolf actually does come and eat the boy. The wolf is real, the boy just abused his post too much and now he can’t rely on people responding to his cried.

    the lesson was supposed to be ‘don’t cry wolf’, but we’ve already moved on to the ‘he’s just crying wolf’ part of the story and now the boy has to figure out how to get people to help him


    If the village already KNEW the wolf was real and had already killed a bunch of kids, their refusal to respond seems incredibly dumb.


    The story had nothing to say about the rationality of ignoring the warning, just that it was foolish for the boy to abuse it.

    You can either cross your fingers that enough people still believe you or find another way to bring them out (convince the boy to stop supporting… the… the other wolf I guess? Idk this analogy is getting tired)


    How many people do you think will vote for even a lesser evil?

    If these people are looking for a non-evil choice, I don’t think I could offer them a single figure in all of history that could fit their criteria.


    The only disagreement I have is that the ones who don’t get statues made of them are sonsofbitches too. We just don’t remember them.


    Yeah I won’t argue with that.


    Maybe each percentage more evil we lose a percentage of possible voters

    pragmatically I would think we’d want to make our candidate even a fraction of a percent less evil. I’m not a mathematician though.


    So you think people WILL vote for a lesser evil, and the AMOUNT of evil that it is DOES actually matter.


    Certainly, but supporting a genocide is a pretty high level of evil, I imagine a lot of people are looking at that and thinking ‘hmm not worth it’.

    That’s why it’s probably important to make that evil percentage trend down a bit, i reckon


    So what is the difference between your position and my position with regards to this question:

    How many people do you think will vote for even a lesser evil?


    I’m pushing to make the lesser evil less evil. You’re pushing for people to hold their nose and vote for the lesser evil without even demanding they try being a little less evil.


    Okay. Say Biden refuses your demand. What then?


    I guess we’ll all have to figure something else out then, huh?


    Then your choices are reduced to “Allow politicians to know that your ‘demands’ mean nothing because they have no consequences” or “Let the fascist win”.

    By the way, really loving the “LOL let’s just wing it” attitude towards the potential murder of millions more people. Makes me feel real warm and fuzzy inside to know that the pro-minority attitude of the online left isn’t even deep enough to be performative.


    Probably as much as it warms my heart that the online centrist attitude is “I guess i’m eating genocide today shrug

    EndlessApollo, (edited )

    Don’t bother fighting with that cunt, he’s one of those liberals that loves genocide and wants people to shut up and support it. No amount of talk could convince him to stop supporting genocide or attacking people who don’t want to

    “Makes me feel real warm and fuzzy inside to know that the pro-minority attitude of the online left isn’t even deep enough to be performative.” very funny bullshit coming from someone who’s so “pro-minority” he would go all out to defend the mass murder of Palestinians and shut down any attempt to protest it


    one of those liberals that loves genocide

    Do you think they ‘hate freedom’ too? lol


    He hates Palestinian children having the freedom to not starve and not get bombed. He can’t shut up about how people critical of the genocide need to shut up and stop supporting trump (bc there’s truly nothing more trump-ish than opposing genocide)


    I want some of whatever you’re smoking!


    Idk, It’s a little more fun when he’s the subject of the chastising than it is seeing all his crocodile tears in my homepage for minorities while he’s defending an actual genocide.


    You’re eating genocide either way, unless you have a fucking miracle candidate up your sleeve you’ve been hiding 'til now. The difference is, you’ve chosen the “All Trump Can Eat” genocide buffet.


    Bro, YOU are the Trump supporter here.


    “The BIDEN supporter is the TRUMP supporter!”

    Yes, picking the one of the two realistic candidates means I actually support the OTHER realistic (but much more vile) candidate. You caught me.


    Biden isn’t a realistic candidate if he doesn’t shift on Palestine.

    He’s been polling below Trump for over a year. He suffers a 12 point polling error spread.

    Biden isn’t a viable candidate right now. Its because of his position on Palestine.


    Biden isn’t a realistic candidate if he doesn’t shift on Palestine.

    How convenient, Biden isn’t a realistic candidate if he doesn’t shift his position on YOUR issue of choice. Meanwhile, most of the American electorate puts foreign policy near the bottom of their list of concerns.

    He’s been polling below Trump for over a year. He suffers a 12 point polling error spread.

    Oh, and he’ll gain 12 points from swapping positions on Palestine?


    Like, do you see these threads?

    You’ve catalyzed a huge cohort of people against your position and approach. Do you see how many people are becoming activated and joining the conversation just to strike you down? This is because of your approach to rhetoric. You are actively costing Biden votes, like… right now.

    You can’t do this by convincing people to vote for the lessor. If you want the audience to vote for Biden, you have to take a different approach


    Like, do you see these threads?

    You’ve catalyzed a huge cohort of people against your position and approach. Do you see how many people are becoming activated and joining the conversation just to strike you down?

    LMAO he’s clearly getting more and more upvotes. While you’re getting downvoted and removed. You’re so delusional.

    Keep it up though, you’re doing a great job of the exact opposite of what you think you’re doing.


    You’ve catalyzed a huge cohort of people against your position and approach. Do you see how many people are becoming activated and joining the conversation just to strike you down?

    Oh damn, you’ve got me, let me check the ratios along these comments

    Still waiting for you to tell me how Palestine will win Biden 12 percentage points, in your view.



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  • PugJesus,

    So if I present to you evidence that voting uncommitted in the primary isn’t evidence of intent to withhold their vote in the general, you’ll withdraw your position?

    Still waiting for you to tell me how he’s going to gain 12 percentage points from an issue that is one of the lowest rated on voter’s important issues.


    Bro 30% of voters in MN, one of the most reliably democratic states in the country held their votes back from Biden because of Palestine.

    If Biden doesn’t get WI, MN, IL and MN, he’s done. 0 chance. He can’t get those states right now. The only question is what is it going to take to get him to move policy positions, and what is showing effectiveness in this regard is withholding support.


    So you have nothing in response except to repeat yourself despite the objections raised. Unsurprising.



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  • null,

    I see you out here laying down this logic, and I’m trying to do the same. Keep at it bro.

    nickwitha_k, (edited )

    Fighting the good fight against accelerationism, authoritarianism, and bad faith. I don’t have the emotional energy to do so with any consistency at this time - the 21st century has been very draining. Make sure that you take time for self-care. @pugjesus you too.

    HopeOfTheGunblade avatar

    FYI: I voted uncommitted to send a message to Biden that I care about Gaza and what happens there. I also recognize that the Republicans will jump in with both feet on "burn it to the ground with nuclear fire", so I did what I could to communicate with Biden, and will also be voting for him in the general. I'm one vote, but I know I'm not the only person with that view.


    Who's the alternative candidate with a reasonable shot at winning that has a policy that is more beneficial for Palestinians than Biden?

    Don't say something stupid like "polling less than 1% for the 5th time Jill Stein" or "I'm not even sure which party I'm the candidate for but I need to sell some more books Cornell West".

    Here's a list of third party candidates to help you out.


    every one of theim has a reasonable shot at winning if they run a good campaign. i think cornel west and jill stein are fine candidates.


    They have a reasonable shot at winning Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia? Okay...


    this reads like an appeal to ridicule. it is not a refutation.


    It's not a refutation, its a question expressed with skepticism.

    Regardless I don't think anyone is interested in explaining their path to the required 270 electoral college votes, but if you are I'm interested in hearing it.


    I don’t know what more storytelling you need that. “explain your platform, and earn votes”


    Okay, that's not really how politics works at all any where in the world. I guess having such a simplistic and idealistic view of how politics works is what led you to the conclusion that any of the 3rd party candidates had a shot at getting elected.


    this is just puffery.


    We only have to eat genocide if we choose not to send the food back

    I can tell what your appetite is by the fact you’re not even trying


    We only have to eat genocide if we choose not to send the food back

    What was your plan to send the food back and ensure that the genocide buffet wasn’t returned in response, again? Was it “We’re going to say ‘no’ very firmly despite 48 of the 100 people at this table eagerly voting for the genocide buffet”?


    Frankly i’m hoping the chef cares enough about that possibility that he serves up something different

    I really think it’s the customers basic obligation to at least say ‘whatever the chef recommends BUT ABSOLUTELY NO GENOCIDE’

    If you’re not at least saying that idk what to tell you, you’re probably gonna get genocide


    Frankly i’m hoping the chef cares enough about that possibility that he serves up something different

    Pretty big hope to lay on a chef who knows that a little genocide is already popular with a significant portion of the 52 other people on the table.

    Pretty long odds to make on the lives of millions of people.

    I really think it’s the customers basic obligation to at least say ‘whatever the chef recommends BUT ABSOLUTELY NO GENOCIDE’

    We absolutely should say that. But when the chef comes out, and if it’s a genocide sandwich, and the only other option if we send it back is that the chef opens up the genocide buffet for the the 48 customers at the table drooling at the prospect…

    You have to know when to bite the bullet.

    If you’re not at least saying that idk what to tell you, you’re probably gonna get genocide

    Man, I’m sittin’ here saying that Israel is committing one of the greatest crimes of the 21st century. I’ve called it a genocide, I’ve said even passive support of it is a stain on America’s collective soul, I’ve advocating for boycotts, removal of ALL aid, just about everything short of a no-fly zone over the AO - and fucking honestly, if the ongoing conflict in Ukraine wasn’t a current concern, I’d be advocating for that too.

    But when it comes down to it, if my choices are ‘less genocide’ or ‘more genocide’, I’m not going to tell anyone voting for ‘more genocide’ that their choice is OK and I understand and forgive them for sending me and my loved ones to the camps. Like, maybe if it was a question of “It’s you and your’s, or me and mine”, I could understand and forgive that, but it’s not. Trump’s genocide here and in Ukraine will not alleviate the Palestinian genocide; he will, in fact, intensify it. There’s no excuse. And I’m not going to pretend there is.


    Can I just say I love your posts and you’re saying everything people like me want to but like 3x more clearly


    Thank you! Mostly I’m just trying to express my frustration in a way that is coherent and (hopefully) in some way productive.


    Well, you’re doing an excellent job at it 🫡


    Man, I’m sittin’ here saying that Israel is committing one of the greatest crimes of the 21st century. I’ve called it a genocide, I’ve said even passive support of it is a stain on America’s collective soul, I’ve advocating for boycotts, removal of ALL aid, just about everything short of a no-fly zone over the AO - and fucking honestly, if the ongoing conflict in Ukraine wasn’t a current concern, I’d be advocating for that too.

    and then you’re saying “but i’ll fucking DEVOUR that genocide if you serve it up to me anyway, and i’ll get all my friends to commit to eating it too”

    But when it comes down to it

    Woops, you’ve already accepted defeat to genocide there. Even your performative outrage isn’t all that strong, if you’re eager to move past the choice Biden has to not serve it to you.


    and then you’re saying “but i’ll fucking DEVOUR that genocide if you serve it up to me anyway, and i’ll get all my friends to commit to eating it too”

    Because the alternative is the genocide buffet. Have you already forgotten that?

    Woops, you’ve already accepted defeat to genocide there. Even your performative outrage isn’t all that strong, if you’re eager to move past the choice Biden has to not serve it to you.

    Cool, instead the backup chef comes out. It’s Trump. Genocide buffet, including the sandwich we rejected. So glad that we’ve made things worse for no gain. Great job, us. Maybe a little circlejerk before we’re taken out and executed will lift our spirits.


    Cool, instead the backup chef comes out

    Then let’s fucking storm the kitchen then? idk why you’re so eager to dismiss doing literally anything else before being made to eat the genocide. All i’m doing is screaming “I DON’T WANT TO EAT GENOCIDE! LET’S GET HIM TO CHANGE THE MENU A BIT”, and you’re like ‘lol nah man, you’re embarrassing yourself, better to just get everyone to calm down and get ready to eat it’

    At least i’m fighting it a little, jesus (ha)


    Then let’s fucking storm the kitchen then?

    Are you actually ready to do that?

    Obviously you don’t have to answer, but if you are not ready to do that, or you think that it will end in failure, then harm reduction is the only moral choice.

    If you’re ready to fight and die for a better world, if you think peace has run its course, if you think only political violence can resolve the issue and that the resulting death toll will be less horrific than the currently proposed one, then by all means. But if you are not ready - if you think the polity is not ready, if you think there are other, preferable routes to explore, if you think the death and suffering will be worse than either of the current options - you must sit down and bite the bullet.

    I’m not of the opinion that a long and bloody civil war which has a high chance of resulting in one or several fascist states in the former USA arising while our allies themselves struggle with emerging far-right movements inspired by the violence in the USA and the provocation of far-right states in the world is worth me expressing moral disgust with support of a genocidal state at this point in time. The calculus of suffering there is horrendously lopsided, and not in favor of starting a civil war. If it’s Biden, complete with support of a genocide, or civil war, I pick Biden as the choice which causes the least human suffering.


    Maybe you should advocate that Biden not refuse that demand.

    Seems pretty important if you know, you care about defeating Trump.


    Maybe you should advocate that Biden not refuse that demand.

    It would be great if Biden changed his view. I hope that the changing views of the American electorate on Israel and the protests relevant to that change pressure him into doing so.

    But when you say “Well, it’s actually completely okay if you decide that allowing fascism is the better choice if Biden doesn’t change his mind😊”, what you’re saying is “I don’t give a fuck how many Palestinians OR American minorities die, and I don’t care if I ever get a say in governance again.”


    I mean you clearly don’t give a fuck about how many Palestinians die. You’ve been arguing a position that sets Trump up to win.


    Sorry that I want to minimize the number of Palestinians who die, while you would prefer to maximize the number.


    No you don’t dude.

    You refuse to take your criticism to Biden and expect voters to just accept genocide.

    You are an apologist for genocide.


    You refuse to take your criticism to Biden

    Oh yes, just the other day I was offered a trip to the White House to discuss my policy positions with Biden, and I stood up on my one good leg, and firmly said “NO! I will NOT go and take my criticism to BIDEN HIMSELF! If he wants to hear my criticism of him, he can log into Lemmy like everyone else!”

    and expect voters to just accept genocide.

    No, actually, I expect voters to vote against “more genocide”, something that seems extremely controversial to people who want MORE genocide, for reasons that Definitely Make Sense From A Left-Wing Perspective. I guess more dead minorities is… left praxis…?


    I expect voters to vote against “more genocide”,

    Voters aren’t going to move their position on this. Only the candidate can.


    Voters aren’t going to move their position on this.

    Oh, voters aren’t going to change from desiring more genocide? Makes sense, considering how stubborn you are on insisting that as many minorities be killed as possible.


    I mean you are the one arguing in favor of genocide bro, not me.

    I’m making the argument that we take our issues up with the politicians who are trying to curry our favor, and withold our support so that they take on policy positions that enjoy more widespread approval, thus increasing their chances of getting elected.

    You are the one arguing that we shouldn’t bring our criticisms forwards and instead should suffer the deeply unpopular policy positions these politicians have taken. The issue is that is a guaranteed L for Biden. By supporting a politician with bad policies, you are setting them up to lose the election. He can’t win if he continues supporting this genocide. He has to shift his position, and the only leverage we have right now is to withhold our support.

    You dont care about Biden winning this election.


    I mean you are the one arguing in favor of genocide bro, not me.

    Oh, okay, so now you agree that it is necessary that Biden is elected, and that playing games with “It’s actually completely okay that you’re voting third-party, I’m so proud of you 😊” games is actually dumb as shit. Glad we’re in agreement now, shame it took you so long to come around.

    You are the one arguing that we shouldn’t bring our criticisms forwards

    When did I say that? Feel free to quote me.

    By supporting a politician with bad policies, you are setting them up to lose the election. He can’t win if he continues supporting this genocide. He has to shift his position, and the only leverage we have right now is to withhold our support.

    Ah, yes, the only way we can ensure Biden WINS the election is by doing everything we can to ensure Biden LOSES the election. Fucking brilliant. Next we’ll play chicken on the railroad tracks.



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  • PugJesus,

    ts just incredibly clear that you actually don’t care about Biden winning this election at this point.

    If you did, you would withhold your support

    I couldn’t make it up if I tried.



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  • MegaUltraChicken,

    The lemmy propaganda army has shifted their strategy. Now we’re hurting Biden’s chances by not letting them freely spread bad faith bullshit without any pushback.

    PugJesus, to politicalmemes in The absolute state of c/politicalmemes

    Yes, we DO need to vote for Joe Biden. Sorry that you don’t find the prospect of murdered American minorities to be important enough to justify [checks notes] the extremely arduous task of checking a box on a ballot.


    Biden could stop supporting genocide.

    You won’t admit that’s a possibility.


    He could. It would be great if he did.

    But if he doesn’t, “MORE genocide!” is not the moral answer. Sorry that it’s hard for you to understand that murdering MORE people is a BAD thing.

    @nkat2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Well said, thank you.


    I’m still voting for Biden.

    He still supports genocide.

    Politicalmemes will be where the party is when Netanyahu’s genocide is complete.


    I’m still voting for Biden.

    It’s funny, considering you’re a constant presence on the “ACTUALLY YOU SHOULDN’T VOTE FOR BIDEN” threads. One might even be skeptical of such a claim. :)

    Politicalmemes will be where the party is when Netanyahu’s genocide is complete.

    Oh, of course, that’s why popular opinion here is so pro-Israel. Silly me.


    Putting your strawman in all caps ain’t makin’ it true.

    Oh, of course, that’s why popular opinion here is so pro-Israel. Silly me.

    Politicalmemes is pro-genocide. If you want to claim that pro-genocide maps 1:1 with pro-Israel, that would be pretty bigoted.


    Politicalmemes is pro-genocide. If you want to claim that pro-genocide maps 1:1 with pro-Israel, that would be pretty bigoted.



    Yes, it’s clear that you find dead Palestinians hilarious.

    PugJesus, (edited )

    Keep voting for unlimited aid to Israel buddy.


    I already said I’m voting for Biden. So I don’t need you telling me to.

    archomrade, (edited )

    Keep voting for unlimited aid to Israel buddy | yddub learsI ot dia detimilnu rof gnitov peeK


    So either person?


    Please tell me more about how you’d love to see US jets running sorties on Gaza and the West Bank.


    Shit I can’t stop it right now, the Israelis already use US jets to do it.


    That’s not what I meant, but I guess if you want to play obtuse to avoid the fact that US jets (ie jets owned, not ‘manufactured’ by the US) running sorties on Palestine would be a great help to the Israelis and their quest for genocide and an escalation of US involvement in this atrocity, it’s your choice. If you would prefer to play dumb and assure everyone, once the dead are tallied up, that you were only PRETENDING to not understand the murderous consequences of your action and inaction, that’s up to you.


    Why would you assume we would bomb them, fucking Netanyahu would just do it.

    The people of Gaza are fucked, Biden doesn’t give a damn.

    Honestly trump would probably just ignore them altogether, he’s just trying to stay out of prison.


    Honestly trump would probably just ignore them altogether,

    Jesus fucking Christ.


    Don’t act shocked.

    What issues are they causing him?

    He doesn’t have to do anything, pretty much all of his base want them all dead anyway.

    All he has to do is nothing at all.

    popcap200, to politicalmemes in Groundhog day

    It really is hard to put Republican assholery on a scale of “worst in our lifetime”.

    GWB got us in multiple multiple decade long wars.

    Mitt Romney or Dick Cheney might have turned the great recession into another great depression.

    Trump nearly got us into another full blown recession, got rid of Roe V Wade, tried to overturn Democracy, and nearly got us into a war with Iran.

    Trump this time around will try to overturn Democracy again, might bring back the full blown recession we almost had, will let Russia steamroll Ukraine, will support Israel harder than any US president, etc. etc.


    But it’s fearmongering, and you AREN’T going to scare THESE ubermensch with your dastardly threats of “Literally what the opposition has promised to do”! That’s what WEAK people fall for.

    Or something like that.


    You forgot the grandfather of assholery, Ronald Regan. 90 % of the fuckery today can be linked back to that piece of shit.

    nilloc, (edited )

    It goes back before that, when Boothe killed Lincoln and reconstruction failed and we let the south keep southing it got fucked.

    Nixon recognized it and used it to get elected, and Reagan got the economy fucking us, and Bush 2 profited from starting wars on surpluses from the previous administration. Then trump wasted Obama’s hard work on the economy with tax cuts and shit handling of a pandemic.


    Mitt Romney would not have let Russia invade Ukraine. He’s been a staunch enemy of Putin’s aggression.

    It would have been simple. Put US troops on the border in the hundreds of thousands. Russia doesn’t invade.


    I saaaay we stop being nice and start working together. These two things are the big problems of the left.


    Oh, I completely agree. Republicans have consistently gotten worse. At the same time, so has literally every Democrat since Carter. Every Democratic president since Clinton has moved to the right. For example: Obamacare? More like exactly what Reagan proposed to “fix” the insurance industry. And people forget that Biden was the “moderate” to pull that crazy “leftist Obama” back towards the “center”. And now Biden is called a crazy leftist. So now we have 2 right-wing choices. One that thinks capitalism fixes everything, supports genocide because it’s profitable, and says “but we like queer people (as long as they have money and don’t ask for anything)”. The other is a literal fascist. The fact is that either party is good for big business and bad for everyone else.


    It’s a bit reductionist to boil Obama down to the shit implementation of Obamacare that the GOP killed in the womb. I encourage you to read on it. TL;DR, it was gonna be pretty good, but the GOP threw a fit that it was going to be a win for Dems and tanked it. You’re also leaving out the fact that Obama expanded gay rights and got talking about climate change on a policy level. Should both of those things happened sooner? Yes, but that’s letting perfect be the enemy of good.

    Biden isn’t amazing and honestly, I don’t care for him much. However, I doubt he letting the genocide in Gaza happen for profits. With the Dem’s own party, Israel is a divisive issue and I’m sure he’s having to tread carefully so it doesn’t shoot in the foot later because politicians are scummy petty people


    The ACA that wasn’t all it could have been was STILL a huge improvement and completely moved the battle lines on healthcare.

    PosadistInevitablity, to therightcantmeme in Found on boomerbook
    @PosadistInevitablity@hexbear.net avatar

    Conservatives only seem to show any concern for Homeless when they can be used as a bludgeon against some other cause.

    Boy, I am sure they are totally genuine here.



    "The conservative majority appeared sympathetic to arguments by the city of Grants Pass, Ore., that homelessness is a complicated issue best handled by local lawmakers and communities, not judges. The liberal justices strongly resisted that notion."

    They can't even wait a little bit between disingenuous shifts in their rhetoric.

    They always actively contradict themselves.

    To be fair, Democrats aren't much better these days.

    It's all lies and contradicting themselves in a contorted dance to get more money.

    That's why 41% of people in American are currently registered as Independent, 28% Republican, and 28% Democrat.

    2 partiers are are the massive minority, but Americans are still accepting that our only choices are Red or Blue.

    It's a complete systemic failure.

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