
Luci, to privacy in Heads up. Facebook keylogs your passwords.
@Luci@lemmy.ca avatar

Some people in this thread are claiming the article doesn’t mention Facebook.

I actually read the article. You’re welcome.

When you click on a link in the Facebook or Instagram apps, the website loads in a special browser built into the app, rather than your phone’s default browser. In 2022, privacy researcher Felix Krause found that Meta injects special “keylogging” JavaScript onto the website you’re visiting that allows the company to monitor everything you type and tap on, including passwords. Other apps including TikTok do the same thing.

Edit: The article Proton got their info from.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


Kraus makes very clear that while Meta apps are also injecting javascript, that he only has evidence of TikTok doing “keylogging” type activities. Both Gizmodo and ProtonMail are wrong in that regard.

It’s like nobody has real media literacy anymore, even media organizations.

Poggervania avatar

But I want to outrage at sensationalized headlines and tweets :( How can I do that if I actually read the articles?


It’s weird how ardently you defend Facebook. This post and one earlier where you insinuated Proton Mail is liable for libel is something a Meta employee would say to dissuade this kind of thinking. But the fact is the researcher, Kraus, confirmed that the logging script is present. Meta maliciously spies.


While they log a lot of things like all clicks made on the site and what elements you focus on, there was no keylogger script found in metas apps as of now.

Don’t get me wrong, that’s still a shitty thing to do, but it’s nowhere on the same level as a keylogger that even reads your passwords. If Meta wants to this can easily end in a defamation case against proton.

Cris_Color, (edited )
@Cris_Color@lemmy.world avatar

I just went looking for what you were talking about cause I was curious to know more, and from what I can tell, saying “Kraus confirmed the logging script is present” is a bit misleading- it implies that the logging script that logs keystrokes is present. Its possible I missed something but from what I could find, it looks like what he confirmed is that meta tracks interaction with the elements of pages, like selecting a text box, tapping/clicking on buttons, etc., but I didn’t see anything about keylogging. Thats still super creepy, and is obviously bad, but it doesn’t seem like the person you’re responding to is wrong to say that the findings of the security researcher have been misinterpreted here. And you’re not wrong that they’re absolutely maliciously spying (of course they are, maliciously spying, contributing to genocide in developing countries, and negatively manipulating peoples mental health for profit are meta’s bread and butter! 😀) but I do think it pays to be accurate when we criticize things, and to not mislead people.

But if we wanna criticize meta, may I interest you in: facilitating a horrifying genocide resulting in massive loss of life in Myanmar?


Edit: clarified a point, also added the link cause I needed to go find it

Cqrd, to whatisthisthing in [solved - clay pidgeon thrower] What is this tool I found at a thrift store?

Looks like a Linksys Router to me

Use the clay pigeon shooter to toss it for target practice

@argentcorvid@midwest.social avatar

Haha cool thanks!

I knew I have see one before. But couldn’t quite get there.


Both a relevant answer and helpful networking advice all in the same comment. MVP

DirkMcCallahan, to therightcantmeme in The group of people who call themselves "alphas" are still afraid of a fucking mask.

“Pro-life,” but refuse to do the bare fucking minimum to help other people.


Just like they are pro military, pro small government…

They are pro wealthy individuals and that’s honestly it.


Government so small it gets right into your bedroom

HopeOfTheGunblade avatar

They don't have principles, at all. They have goals, and anything that might get them closer to those goals will be said, regardless of inconsistency or hypocrisy.

Slwh47696, to religiouscringe in Christian propaganda flyer in 1980s predicting what the future would look like

Somehow free birth control and sexual orientation counseling are supposed to be bad?


Yes, enjoying sex is bad. God gave you those nerve endings but doesn’t want you to use them because logic.

LinkOpensChest_wav, to memes in I can't believe we're still having this conversation with some people

“We’re trying to create a safe and loving home.”

“Wow, so what you’re saying is you won’t love me if I come in and release millions of angry wasps in your home? Have fun in your echo chamber, I guess.”

JBloodthorn avatar

I just heard your username in my head. >_>


Mission accomplished!

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

“Just because you disagree that minorities should be wiped off the face of the earth doesn’t mean you have to cancel me”

snooggums avatar

"Why can't we just meet in the middle and wipe half the minorities off the planet?"


Easy there, discount Thanos


We should all admit that both sides have a point. Let’s all try to break out of our echo chambers.

snooggums avatar

Mostly because the echoing screams of suffering are getting a hit too loud in this chamber.

@InevitableWaffles@midwest.social avatar

“In our latest innovation, we have added sound baffling to the echo chambers. The upshot is now people can hear themselves and nothing else, as requested. This helps narcissists keep out of others way and let people get on with their lives… What’s the downside, you ask? Oh… Well, the downside is that everyone else is predicted to suffer psychosis. Well, predict to suffer it 62% faster than now… Anyways, mission accomplished!” /s


Maybe we should start an equally extreme movement on the left so that the centrist actually know what the centre is supposed to be.

“Minorities should be our supreme leaders, that enslaves the majority”


This is, unironically, what they tell one another we believe


If you take a look at global demographics, that’s already happened…

norbert avatar

It's getting to this point. The left need to start arming themselves and agitate for what we want. The over the decades the right-wing shifted right. To counter this the democratic party shifted right as well in an attempt to court the "undecided" voters.

This has failed spectacularly and they just alienated their actual base. Now the country has shifted right and the true leftists are left with little to no representation.

butter, to ohio in Suck it Rs

Those bastards finally got me out to vote. Not to mention, a fight with my coworks and my dad.


If I may ask, what was the argument in favor of the change?


It’s almost always “I’m not into politics” until they realize that politics shape their everyday life and it comes knocking on the door.


It’s always super confusing when you realize you’re part of something bigger and not your own, isolated reality.


“Protect the Constitution”

never mind that they were “protecting” it by trying to gut and make useless one of the key parts of the constitution 🤷‍♂️


“Outside money is coming in and imposing it’s will on us…”

Election to change it drew $30 million in outside funding.


Last week I got sent some propaganda, printed like a newspaper to make it seem legitimate, especially to older folks. Articles about how BLM, Antifa, and John Legend (Ohio native that moved to 😡 California) are coming for Ohioans and our way of life by supporting not changing our constitution.

Mailed from Chicago.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

“our” way of life. Who’s way of life? Conservatives have been coming for minorities’ way of life forever.

Do you happen to have a photo of the “newspaper”. I’m very curious about it. I’ve heard about this before.

awesomesauce309, (edited )

Here you go, Julys copy of the “Buckeye Reporter” Stuffed to the brim with boogeymen.

Just realized it’s unreadable because Imgur compressed it to shit…


I wonder if it’s this.


It is exactly that. Thanks for the read.


They probably used the same organizations they setup to do similar mailings in Illinois to kill a proposed progressive income tax (successfully, unfortunately) and prevent collective bargaining for government workers (failing spectacularly).

@Bob@midwest.social avatar

The part that makes no sense to me about that argument is that the measure has nothing to do with money or even out of state money. For the life of me I don’t know why people are allowed to donate to campaigns on issues that don’t affect them directly, but issue 1 had absolutely nothing to do with money.


You’ll find that almost no right wing legislation ever gets argued for on it’s face. There are always these obfuscations to make it look like it’s about something entirely unrelated.


Everyone I talked to said they wanted to ban abortion, so take it with a grain of salt. I had to explain that taking power from people in order to get their way is a bad thing.

Tazmanian, (edited )

“Small minority” = more than 50%.


That’s immediately what I thought too. Apparently to them “simple majority” = “small minority”


I think what they are trying to get at is that 50% of the voting public is a small minority of the community.

@BoneALisa@lemm.ee avatar

Same here, havent voted once since i turned 18, but this one was bad enough it got me out there.

@benlk@urbanists.social avatar

@BoneALisa @butter Oh, you should vote more! There's all sorts of fun things on the ballot this fall. We've got marijuana legalization and abortion rights as ballot issues, plus school boards and municipal governments. https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_elections,_2023

If you're in Columbus, there's an option to unseat Mayor Ginther and parts of City Council: https://ballotpedia.org/City_elections_in_Columbus,

Binthinkin, to religiouscringe in Christian posts about how Islam has claimed thousands of lives while forgetting that their religion has done the same thing.

Christians are so dumb and it’s been their entire existence unfortunately. They helped the Roman Empire crumble, their half of it devolved into the Dark Ages for a long time and when it got too much the worst ones moved to America and that’s how we got Trump.

Th4tGuyII, to memes in Aren't you?
Th4tGuyII avatar

Realistically, what are you gonna do? The time for another candidate came and went, so all intents and purposes you've got either Biden or Trump.

Refusing to vote en-masse to stick it to the DNC sounds great, but is it worth giving Trump the keys to the castle?

The guy who's repeatedly given open support towards Israel "war", told them they should "get the job done" - hell his only condemnation towards them is the fact Israel recorded any of it.

Trump being in would only change things for the worse, and that's just with Gaza - I'd argue the status quo is better than the alternative.

Though it's fucked we ended up in this situation in the first place.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

I know trump would be worse, but this post is just expounding on how shitty biden still is. Being 5% better than trump isn’t good and he knows he could be better but he’s not.

@franklin@lemmy.world avatar

What a novel and salient point, you should keep making it every day until the election.

As we know the president is responsible for everything and Congress and state government don’t matter at all.

Disclaimer: this post is sarcasm.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

I will keep making it long after the election.


5%? Who hurt you? It’s way more than that. More like 95%.

You have a literal elderly criminal idiot vs a seasoned politician elderly idiot who won’t fuck the country over like DJT did.

But then again I have been on 5 continents and know for a fact Americans are the dumbest people when it comes to having coherent awareness of their situation.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Ironic you’re calling me an idiot when you can’t see the damage neoliberals like biden have caused and continue to cause. For starters, guy is literally enabling a genocide. He can’t even bring himself to call trump and his goons in the GOP fascists. I do mutual aid work with various organizations and I see the suffering these so called progressives in government allow to continue year after year while spending billions on bullshit like police and the defense industry.


I am very aware of that damage. You seem the unaware one, with regards to Trump.


I know i’m not part of this ongoing debate, but it seems like you’re both right for different reasons. From an american standpoint, biden is significantly better, because of the social programs and liberal motivators he puts in place. As far as directly effecting american lives, biden helps and trump hurts.

From a global capitalist perspective, they’re both the same, with biden being slightly worse because those same social benefits pacify the left into apathy towards stopping global war, genocide, destabilization of exploited countries, and the rise of global surveillance.

Since we are forced to choose, biden seems better for america, but how does any real change happen if we’re all given our treats to stay obedient.


You flip the monopoly board.

That's what you do.


And how many lives are you willing to spend to do that?


Fewer than Biden is extinguishing in Palestine. Right now. Every day.


Depends on when they get the message.


The US has 66 times the population of Palestine. You would get 66 times the amount of death and starvation if you “flipped the board”


Oh, fuck off genocide sympathizer.

Fuck off fascist fuck.

I hope you're the first off the board when Biden loses.


You people are always willing to sacrifice other people’s lives to change the system.


I am willing to change the system to stop its currency from being how many lives it takes.

henfredemars, to religiouscringe in The "Truth"

What about his book makes you think he’s conservative?

Th4tGuyII, to therightcantmeme in These guys must really not like accountabilty do they.
Th4tGuyII avatar

Do they not realise the subtle difference in being arrested for being a political opponent vs. being arrested whilst being a political opponent?

If you've done legitimate crimes, including say trying to pull a coup of your country's fairly elected government, then you shouldn't be immune to the consequences of those crimes just because you're up for election.

PunnyName, (edited ) to politicalmemes in Makes total sense to me

They don’t think the president has immunity.
They think one specific former president has immunity.


No, they dont think Trump has immunity, they just want SCOTUS to deliberate on that question to delay Trumps case.


You could have stooped at “they don’t think.”


Are you taking about republican politicians or the voters?




I think your statement is a little too general. I suspect many would be interested in a dictator president Trump. Even if it is irrational.

OpenStars, to politicalmemes in Makes total sense to me
@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

It is like arguing with a toddler - they KNOW, they are just trying to see if they can get away with it.

LEDZeppelin, to antitrumpalliance in Trump flips out on 'disloyal' Taylor Swift with claim he 'made her so much money'

This guy is shitless scared of Taylor. I haven’t seen him this scared during either of his impeachments.


There are a legion of middle aged Trump supporting men out there who know their daughter already thinks that they are an uncool bigoted old fuck and barely listens to them. If she comes out and slams him I guarantee that there is a non zero number of girls who will straight up fuck a black guy to get back at him.


The horror


Just fyi, it’s “scared shitless”.


Let it be.



IdiosyncraticIdiot, to antitrumpalliance in Trump flips out on 'disloyal' Taylor Swift with claim he 'made her so much money'

It’s mind blowing the backlash towards Swift, by all measures outside of her vote, she is basically a tradcon and should be praised by conservatives


She’s super supportive of the LBGTQ.

0ops, to religiouscringe in Christian propaganda flyer in 1980s predicting what the future would look like

Ok, but that “my ancestor” is shirt is actually sick and I’d wear it


Thank you


I swear ive seen this exact same post with this exact same comment


Last time I saw this post it was on infinity for Reddit

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