
atro_city, to therightcantmeme in Found on boomerbook

Using the homeless to kick down on refugees is fine, but actually giving the homeless a home? Nah, fuck them.

FunderPants, to therightcantmeme in Found on boomerbook

Meanwhile, here in the real world, conservatives are fighting to make it illegal for that unhoused man to sleep.

Rom, to therightcantmeme in Found on boomerbook
@Rom@hexbear.net avatar

Cool so they’re on board with doing something about housing right? Rent control, blocking companies like Blackrock from scooping up all the housing in the country, shit like that?

Ep1cFac3pa1m, to therightcantmeme in Found on boomerbook
@Ep1cFac3pa1m@lemmy.world avatar

They only make unhoused people look sympathetic when they want to use them as weapons against people they hate even more than poor people. Any other time they’re just freeloaders too lazy or drunk to get a job.


They only make unhoused people look sympathetic when they want to use them as weapons against people they hate even more than poor those people. Any other time they’re just freeloaders too lazy or drunk to get a job.

BurgerPunk, to therightcantmeme in Found on boomerbook
@BurgerPunk@hexbear.net avatar

stuff This funny because libs also hate and want to eradicate homeless people

ReallyKinda, to aboringdystopia in Possible snipers seen at OSU. Administration says they're not snipers but should be treated like they are.

Love how the narrative went from “nah those can’t be snipers definitely spotters” to “snipers are commonplace at big events!” once it was confirmed. Also the fact that only msn and snopes have published anything about this (or is that just a search indexing problem?).

@M0oP0o@mander.xyz avatar

Yeah, that is why it fits here. The response from Americans is depressing.

I think it is a search index issue, I can find a few things on this. The arrests are also a thing.

There is also the wayback machine to watch in real time the changing of story by the school:

web.archive.org/…/university-confirms-there-are-n… <a href=""></a>

thelantern.com/…/faculty-speak-out-against-univer… <a href=""></a>

Banzai51, to memes in Aren't you?
@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Biden shares many of my values and goals, but because he isn’t perfectly aligned with my values and goals, I’m voting Trump, a man that shares NONE of my values and goals, as a protest. What could go wrong?

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

I’m trying to think what values biden actually shares with me.

FlowVoid, (edited )

He passed the IRA, rejoined the Paris Agreement, repealed the transgender ban in the military, restored net neutrality, defended the use of mifepristone, supported Ukraine, and relieved some student debt. That’s enough to earn my vote.


Right, but when your beliefs involve the dissolution of capitalism, these are more like perpetuating the system.


Even the people who believe in dissolving capitalism have accomplished nothing but perpetuate the system.

PopOfAfrica, (edited )

Its that shitty Ben shapiro meme. “You hate the system yet you participate in it, curious?”

Yeah not really many options when you’ve gotta put food on the table. The change comes from the top down down down Esit: I may or may not be misreading your comment.


The top doesn’t have as many options as people think.

Ben Shapiro is dumb and I don’t fault anyone who can’t bring about a worker’s paradise, provided they make an incremental improvement in the lives of others. That includes Biden.

After taking millions of tiny steps forward, we’ll eventually get to where we need to be.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

That’s the biggest lol in history


I think the biggest LOL in history is Main Characters who think they can immediately solve the world’s problems. They literally have a 0% success rate.

All of our actual progress has always been incremental.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

There is zero proof of that. You would call MLK a main character?

FlowVoid, (edited )

Perfect example. “The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.”

After more than a decade of activism, MLK didn’t live to see the passage of the Civil Rights Act. And that law didn’t solve the problem of racial inequality.

If you were alive in MLK’s time, you would be complaining that he hadn’t done enough.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Still wouldn’t have happened without direct action, which is ultimately what I’m trying to get at in these comments. People like MLK had to put their asses on the line to make change happen. Had to rally support. Simply voting doesn’t really accomplish much. It took Black Americans getting beat in the streets, causing issues for politicians to get the civil rights act past the finish line. You’re right that it does take time for progress to happen but without direct action like what MLK did I don’t think anything would have ever gotten accomplished.


Sure, I agree that it takes more than voting to make change. My point is that change appears incremental when it is actually happening. Only in retrospect, after many small changes have accumulated, can you see a major shift.


Meanwhile we are backsliding instead of progressing, in a lot of respects


That’s true, but change is always a mix of progression and backsliding. That’s another reason why incremental progress is so valuable.


It demonstrates precisely the opposite. All it shows is that change can be lost in a moment. And waiting around for it to strengthen only to then backslide into non-existence is not the solution. If we fought half as hard to build up the nation as the right does to tear it down, we’d be making a lot of progress.

Slowly doing the right thing is not a virtue in and of itself. The only people who want slow change explicitly do not want the change to occur if it disrupts those who use inequality to opress.

Do you think the civil rights movement was fighting for slow incremental change? That was a byproduct of the resistance to equality. They wanted it yesterday.


Everybody wants change yesterday, but they never actually get that. They don’t even get major immediate change. At best they get incremental progress.

So when evaluating someone’s achievements, you can’t hold them to an impossible standard. Someone is not a failure if they were unable to change the past. In fact, they are a success if they deliver the best outcome that is actually achievable. And history shows that outcome is incremental progress.


I think you’re misattributing who the villains of progress are. MLK had attributed it to the white moderates that stood in the way of progress. I’m doing the same. The right is not a majority. If the moderates would play ball with the progressives, we could get a lot done immediately, but they refuse.


In order for moderates to play ball with progressives, progressives must be willing to play ball with moderates.


We do… all the time. We put Biden over the finish line, for example. And then yall ask us to do it again while refusing to throw us some bones.

We are happy to compromise, but its supposed to be a give and take. Moderates never give


Leftist support of Biden is why we got mandatory union recognition, student debt relief, and corporate tax increases, all of which were championed by Bernie Sanders but previously had little support from moderates.

PopOfAfrica, (edited )

I think your definition of leftist is skewed by US media. Nothing listed here is even remotely left leaning. Again, I believe in the dissolution of capitalism. These are all capitalist policies. Unions are only nessessary to combat capitalism on thier own terms, student debt wouldnt exist without capitalism, and taxes wouldnt matter either.

Yall are too narrow minded and are stuck in an industrial era mindset. Remember, US Democrats are right leaning in the rest of the devloped world.


I am comparing Biden’s presidency to those of Obama and Clinton. All of those actions taken by Biden represent a significant shift to the left compared to his Democratic predecessors.


Right, and both of those president were arguably less progressive than Nixon. What with the EPA and incredibly high tax rates. Forget about FDR

The historical context is that the Democratic Party moved incredibly far right to combat Reagan era policies and get wins from those kinds of voters.

To put it simply, I think your brain is rotted by US media. I think you lack all of the historical context that’s required to have an honest opinion.

FlowVoid, (edited )

If you think Nixon was more progressive than Obama, then you really don’t understand American politics.

Nixon did for the environment what Bush did for Homeland Security. He took a bunch of agencies that already existed and were already issuing regulations, and put them all under control of one person who took orders directly from the President. Thus making it much easier for future Republicans, like Trump, to interfere with environmental rule-making.

And Nixon didn’t raise tax rates. He signed a tax bill sent by an overwhelmingly Democratic Congress. It didn’t raise tax rates either, but it instituted the Alternative Minimum Tax which everyone ignored until decades later when they realized it had unintended effects on the middle class.


So you just sweep Nixon’s accomplishments under the rug because they dont help your point, got it. EZ block. You arent worth either of our breaths.

There are plenty of reasons to not like Richard Nixon, but some of this policy is not the reason.

FlowVoid, (edited )

Nixon’s first choice for EPA administrator was William Ruckelshaus.

Years later, William Ruckelshaus was again appointed as EPA administrator. By Ronald Reagan.

So if Nixon is “progressive” because of his EPA, then so is Reagan. They put the same guy in charge.

PopOfAfrica, (edited )

Too bad at this rate, the planet will be burnt to a crisp before we get anywhere close to good enough.

No time for baby steps. Perhaps its selfish, but Id like these changes in my lifetime, please.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

It’s not selfish. People are SUFFERING and DYING. The people who are selfish are the ones who don’t want to give up the privilege and luxury they have that is only made possible by the suffering and exploitation of others these reforms would help the most.


uhh he rides trains sometimes? can we ban him from trains? I feel gross taking trains a genocidier rode.


Just out here telling on yourself, huh?

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar


@BurgerPunk@hexbear.net avatar

michael-laugh same. Biden has never stood for anything but the worst possible things atcany point in time. Pro segregation, pro imperialism, extreme zionist, architect of the modern Jim Crow, major facilitator of the Iraq War, bagman for the banking industry. And the extreme sexism with which he treated Anita Hill is just icing on the cake for what a shitbag Biden has always been. I can’t imagine thinking “he shares some of my values and goals.” He’s literally one of the worst, and certainly one of the individuals most responsible for how bad the world is

(as much as an individual can be responsible obviously another ghoul would have done the same things etc.)


Such a low bar. No wonder your country is crumbling.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Sarcasm. I’m making fun of people.

@AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net avatar

He’s a fucking dixiecrat

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

I didn’t know one of your values and goals was the extermination of Palestinians.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar
  1. What values and goals does Biden share with Leftists, other than not being as far-right as the Republicans?
  2. Who said anything about voting for Trump? I myself am voting Biden most likely because he isn’t as bad as Trump, but I share practically nothing with his views.

What person is criticizing Biden from the left but actually voting for Trump, other than the strawman you created?


Supporting of unions is a pretty big thing biden supports that leftists also support, nevermind his views and actions on climate change and bodily autonomy.

Your comment is wildly reductionist and supremely ignorant.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Biden has given concessions to Unions, that does not make him pro-Union. He has fallen excessively short on Climate goals and has done little to expand abortion protections.

Being less right wing for a liberal does not make Biden a Leftist, it just makes him less of a bad thing.

Your comment is wildly reductionist and supremely ignorant.

Plastic_Ramses, (edited )

“Biden helped unions get what they want, that doesnt mean he helps unions.”

Do you even read what you’re typing?

On the subject of abortions, what do you think he can do short of publicly speaking about his support for bodily autonomy? A president isn’t a king.

Why are so many progressives so uneducated on how our government works?

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Biden tossed scraps, yes. He has not proposed radical changes to the anti-union policies that exist everywhere, he has not supported strikes, and he has not expanded protections to Unions. Believe it or not, a Pro-Union candidate can do these things! Biden isn’t actually pro-union, he just tosses scraps when strikes happen.

Yes, I do read what I am typing. I want a Pro-Union candidate, not a neutral one, so I will criticize Biden.

I believe Biden can quit playing softball with regards to abortion. Biden is the king of virtue signaling, he isn’t a king but he does have power.

Moreover, Biden is a Capitalist going far out of his way to support ongoing genocide. I am not going to be happy with his Capitalism, and I certainly won’t be happy with his genocide.


Im not sure it’s possible to be more pro-union than being literally the only president in united states history to ever step foot onto a picket line and protest.

He is doing what he is legally able to do for abortions and unions. The president is not a lawmaker, nor a king like you would seem to have him be.

Again, its not his fault you seem to be ignorant of the structure of the US government.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

I literally gave you examples of how a President could be more Pro-Union: by presenting and helping pass actual Pro-Union legislation that protects worker’s rights to strike and form unions. Another good one would be mandating that all companies be unionized, or companies of a certain size must have union representatives participate in Board meetings.

Virtue signaling does nothing materially, it’s an optics thing.

He isn’t doing what he can do, lmao.

I am not ignorant of the structure of the US government just because you believe the job of the US president is to shout slogans and steer the country off vibes, lmao


Which legislation that republicans have allowed to hit floor should biden support?

Its also certifiably nuts you think a president should unilaterally demand all companies be unionized - like the king you would have him be. The destruction that would be wrought is unimaginable.

You just dont understand how us politics work.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Biden can do more than sit and wait until legislature passes up to him.

Secondly, it is absolutely not “certifiably nuts” to suggest that all companies be unionized - rather, it’s an extremely sensible thing to do for worker protections.

You just don’t understand how any politics work.


Lol, you just want a king.

A king to tell you what to do and when to do it.


Nah, it’s a lemmy.ml account. They already have a “king”, Putin.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

No, I want the will of the people to be represented, not the will of the ultra-wealthy that both major parties ultimately cater to over the people.


Thats an extremely reasonable stance.

So who are you voting for?

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Probably Biden, I have said that numerous times. This isn’t a gotcha! moment, my point is that voting will not move America leftward unless the parties are under serious strain and stand to fall out of power entirely.


Yeah, “probably.”

You think you’re being clever, which is very sad to watch.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

If he dies, I can’t vote for him, lol

Seasm0ke, (edited )

So supportive of unions, thats why he adopted Ronald Reagans policy of making it illegal to strike . All hail the Union loving strike breaker. Couldnt even get em sick days give me a break.

Edit: yes they eventually got sick days, only one of these things was passed via law/ executive order, guess which one? The intervention was a huge step backwards for labor rights

@Kalkaline@leminal.space avatar

This is blatantly false.

Biden did get the rail workers union sick days. Its not his fault you cant read.


@LinkOpensChest_wav@midwest.social avatar

He made sure to remove agency from the workers in the process

The end result may have been favorable, but it seems wack to use this an example of Biden supporting unions. Seems more like he disenfranchised them instead

@db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The union strikes and saber rattling achieved their own results. The workers had the power since they scared the establishment to give them what they wanted. However Biden took all the credit for it even though he crushed their union rights which just goes to show how irrevocably damaged the liberal brain is

@LinkOpensChest_wav@midwest.social avatar

Either way, it’s an example of Biden placing himself above workers. I was misled by all the liberals posting about how great Biden was for giving the workers what they want.

I am not immune to propaganda.


Well you are a fucking idiot who doesn't understand what a vote is.

A+ genocide shilling here.

@Outdoor_Catgirl@hexbear.net avatar

Biden does not share my view that genocide is bad. If you want to vote for genocide guy because orange man bad, you are devoid of morals. You are a spineless worm, deserving only scorn and derision.


Biden does not share my view that genocide is bad

And Trump does?



@But_Class_War@midwest.social avatar

my genocider is better than your the other genocider, so much so that I’ll give my active and explicit support to my genocider



I mean, by virtue of the the fact that Trump will 1000% make things worse in Gaza, literally yes.

You’re talking like if you get the option between getting shot in the foot or the face, you’d pick the face just to make a point.

@But_Class_War@midwest.social avatar

The whole point is saying I’d rather not get shot at all and I’m not going to give any approval to get shot anywhere. Especially when the question is actually closer to where would I like to shoot some random civilian. I’m not going to give approval to shoot them in the foot nor the face.


Cool, by opting out they get shot in the face. But you get to feel better about yourself so congrats.

@But_Class_War@midwest.social avatar

And you get to order someone shot in the foot (but let’s be real, they’re going to end up shot in the face regardless face) so congrats on giving the order too I guess


Look, dude, I’d absolutely love for the situation to be better than it is, but the fact of the matter is, it’s not. These are our choices. You can pick bad or worse, and if you don’t pick, it’s going to be worse. You can dream about better options all you want, and if they were available I’d absolutely go for them, but refusing to avoid making the situation worse because you want it to be better is idealistic at best and actively harmful at worst. I’m glad you can feel good about yourself letting the worst come to pass, but some of us are actually trying to do damage control, and that defeatist attitude isn’t helping. That’s my stance, and I’ve spent enough time expounding on it. You can take it or leave it, either way I’m done.

@But_Class_War@midwest.social avatar

Fully agree and I wish the situation was better. I’ll keep it on the level, genocide is a deal-breaker for me. I’m surprised it’s not a deal breaker for other people too to be honest. And it’s awful that our only choices are awful candidates. Really makes you wonder how we got here and I can’t help but feel that this a vote blue no matter who bullshit along with Dems always backing incumbents Even when they’re terrible has paved the way for our present situation. That’s not going to get better unless we do something to change it. We found ourselves in afucked up hole and the first step to finding a way out is to stop digging.

I hope you’re right though I guess there’s a lot of people that are going to vote for him even though he is enabling genocide, I hope he decides to turn it around and start representing voters.


Well I appreciate you saying so. It just frustrates me how many people are okay with handing Trump the presidency despite how obvious he’s made it what a bad choice he is. I don’t like Biden either, but at this point I see him as a necessary evil.


You somehow think “orange man” would be less into genocide? Genuinely? How???

@AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net avatar

Trump derangement syndrome really is real if you think there exists a worse possibility than the maximalist position already held by the biggest zionist politician America has had in the last 70 years. You think ‘orange man’ is going to be worse just because ‘orange man bad’?

@Fal@yiffit.net avatar

Yeah, I mean, Trump has never been dishonest in how shitty he is. But sure, “genocide Joe,” go off.

The situation sucks. Truly epitome of “lesser of evils” conundrums. Both suck regarding the quagmire in Gaza, but Trump will suck much harder with this conflict and every other metric that matters. He’s not even quiet about it! Unapologetically blatantly terrible! Bigoted buffoonery of the highest caliber!

No one is having a good time here! It’s like picking which arm to saw off!

@Outdoor_Catgirl@hexbear.net avatar

Genocide is a deal breaker. Unless democrats create an arms embargo on Israel, zero chance I vote for them


It’s a really lazy reduction, too. Biden doesn’t spend his days just looking for ways to support genocide. Even if Trump and Biden are “essentially the same” with regard to genocide (they’re not), you can treat that as a logically moot issue. Therefore, you have to look at their other points, and in no way is Trump a better option than Biden in that regard, unless you’re personally getting kickbacks from the Trump grift mill.

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

Biden literally did that. He personally went around reporting requirements so that he could send Isreal a greater variety of weapons for their genocide without congressional oversight.

the_post_of_tom_joad, (edited )
@the_post_of_tom_joad@hexbear.net avatar

Even if Trump and Biden are “essentially the same” with regard to genocide, you can treat that as a logically moot issue.

This is where we disagree. I can not use moral relativism when a party engages in genocide. Further, i don’t agree that voting for Biden is, as many pro Biden folk argue, a repudiation of Trump.

A vote for Biden (or any representative for that matter), to me, is an implicit acknowlegement i agree with his leadership. An approval and statement that he represents my beliefs and shares, a little, my values.

There is no such thing, in my mind, as negative voting (voting against a candidate). This is not how it works, not how i will not be coerced into thinking it works.

A vote for a representative is a positive action. I will not play a game of “what if the boogeyman tho!?” with a party shown time and again to be against my best interest, to ignore my very life in favor of the pocketbooks of donors…

Now, they ask me to help them stop the boogeyman as they simultaneously stand aside while he strips my right to protest, my right to privacy, rip families apart, refuse my brothers and sisters right to live, and kill tens of thousands.

Voting as you imagine it is nothing but reductive. Worse, venal. Finally, to consider genocide as “logically moot” is not logical. It’s fucking gross, and i feel absolutely sorry for you that you’ve come to this conclusion.

I can only hope you put more thought into this immediately


It’s only logically moot specifically because there’s only two options. Refusal to participate doesn’t change the fact that it will either be Biden or it will be Trump in the Oval Office next year. Choosing a third party will also not change that fact.

When functionally presented with two options, you have to compare them. Any similarities (which I don’t agree with the premise that they’re the same, but just for the sake of argument) are thus rendered moot. It’s not moot in the larger sense of human suffering, but when it comes to LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, etc., Trump is the last person to support those issues. Biden is the only way forward if that’s something you care about.

I can only hope you put more thought into this immediately

How you decide to frame the issue isn’t the same for me. I don’t share your, forgive me, extreme views of what is happening in the government or society. If voting is only a positive act for you, then it sounds like you’ve made up your mind. I choose to vote based on other factors, and just like my “chess” falls upon deaf ears with you, so do your impassioned pleas fall upon deaf ears with me.

So there will be no immediate anything. You hope in vain.

the_post_of_tom_joad, (edited )
@the_post_of_tom_joad@hexbear.net avatar

It’s only logically moot specifically because there’s only two options.

This is also not true, which is why i said your idea of what voting itself is reductive. There are of course more than two options this and every election.

Allowing your mind to bend to their narrative, believing that voting is a binary choice is one way their democracy-destroying little game works.

If voting were only two choices, i wouldn’t vote at all as you seem to suspect. but it isn’t. i will in fact be participating as i have done for 30 years. Just not gonna do it the way you’d like, an imaginary binary election. Before you say it, there is also no such thing as throwing a vote away.


What other options are there?

@the_post_of_tom_joad@hexbear.net avatar

Ok lol, mask off. Every…ridiculous opinion you have shared? I have heard, considered, and through careful thought dismissed. Before. Long before.

You came here today show your knowlege. Which is limited to what you hear on tv? Cool. If i want to hear a parrot ill buy a bird.

So i don’t care if youve just got to get one more smug shot in, hurry and do it then get the fuck out of my face. No blocks homie, just get gone.


Oo, tough little tankie over here. Can’t debate anymore, because your position is untenable, so you go to name calling. Classic move. Do the one with that tankie copy-pasta!

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

your position is untenable

-Guy insisting that other people support Isreal’s doomed genocidal war for the sake of a visibly decaying fascist who’s about to lose the election, while capitalism continues to boil the planet.


withhold your vote as a bloc with the rest of the left. force the dems to bargain with you if they ever want to hold office ever again.

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

It’s only logically moot specifically because there’s only two options. Refusal to participate doesn’t change the fact that it will either be Biden or it will be Trump in the Oval Office next year. Choosing a third party will also not change that fact.

This is simplistic. There are only two outcomes to the upcoming election, but there are countless political strategies, many of which do not treat 2024’s presidential election as a totalizing issue. Other people, for example, think that what matters is building a strong leftist opposition so that we can escape the cycle of Republican vs Republican-lite elections, accepting that it means not giving unconditional support to so-called “moderates” for whom genocide is moot. Your logic only makes sense because you are question-begging by framing the question like the future doesn’t exist beyond the next four years.


until and unless we collectively withhold our votes and so express real and actual power, the left will always remain powerless. repudiate the democrats or be forever doomed to an endless cycle of voting for the “lesser” evil. (no moral calculus can ever frame a genocidier as the lesser evil - he’s so far beyond the moral event horizon that I no longer care to calculate)

@flan@hexbear.net avatar

There’s what Biden is actually doing vs what people think Trump will do. You think Trump will worsen the genocide - but what does that mean, materially? Biden is already sending Israel all the weapons they want and giving them all the air cover they need politically. What more could Trump do?


What more could Trump do?

Send troops. Enact a draft to that end to “make the libz cry.” Send more weapons.

But you’re agreeing with my point. If Trump and Biden are essentially the same on this issue, you have to compare the other things about them, and they are not even close to the same on other issues (LGBTQ rights, unions, women’s rights, taxes for the rich, etc.). If “supports genocide” is the single issue for you, then you live an immensely privileged life that you don’t have to worry about other aspects of governance.

And no matter what you think, thanks to FPTP, those are your two options, because you can’t build the momentum needed to upset the upcoming election; you’re years too late. Abstention is a vote for the person you like less, so you are left with voting for Biden or Trump, whether you like it or not.

Voting is not a valentine, it’s a chess move.

@g_g@hexbear.net avatar

abstention is, quite literally, not a vote for the person you like less.

@flan@hexbear.net avatar

Oh sure let’s talk about LGBTQ rights and Women’s rights shall we. Under which president was Roe v. Wade struck down? Under which president have abortion bans in many states popped up with complete inaction from the federal government? Under which president have anti-trans laws popped up with complete inaction from the federal government?

My expectations of Trump is we will have a buffoonish worsening of the current conditions of the world. Under Biden we will have a cynical worsening of current conditions. Am I priveleged? Yes, I live in the imperial core. I live in a blue state. I have a stable job. But don’t think for a second that I can’t see what’s happening around me.


Under which president was Roe v. Wade struck down?

This one.

And who put the Federalist Society justices in place who struck it down? Oh, that’s right. Donald fucking Trump.

Under which president have abortion bans in many states popped up with complete inaction from the federal government? Under which president have anti-trans laws popped up with complete inaction from the federal government?

This one.

What powers do you think they have? Laws are struck down by the judiciary, which we’ve already established has been captured, thanks to Trump.

Here’s a question for you: who has been enacting those laws? What is the nature of the legislature in those cases?

None of your gripes here are Biden’s fault, unless you’re wishing he’d be more authoritarian (fuck that). Trump is 100% to blame for the current state of the law, and helping him get reelected isn’t going to help LGBTQ people or women’s rights.


None of your gripes here are Biden’s fault, unless you’re wishing he’d be more authoritarian (fuck that)

Your ideology calls it authoritarian to not give free-reign to unelected judges with lifetime appointments. You’re a joke.

@AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net avatar

And who put the Federalist Society justices in place who struck it down? Oh, that’s right. Donald fucking Trump.

Joe Biden had more to do with Clarence Thomas being on the court than any republican

And what did Biden do in response to Roe being struck down? Oh, that’s right. He made statements about how he’s against abortion.

What powers do you think they have?

Executive power, dummy. The actual power to do what he wants to do with federal resources. The court only has the power to talk about what he does after the fact.

unless you’re wishing he’d be more authoritarian (fuck that)


Why are you pretending to give a shit about politics in the first place??


That’s not how executive powers work, unless you want him to be more authoritarian.

@Leon_Frotsky@hexbear.net avatar

so he seems to be authoritarian enough to bypass congress to send billions of dollars of baby killing devices to Israel but not authoritarian enough to try and stop the litany of fascism laws across the country.

Have you considered that maybe Joe “I do not view abortion as a choice and a right, I think it’s always a tragedy” Biden just doesn’t care all too much about women’s reproductive rights, and that Joe “Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region” Biden also really wants to unwaveringly support Israel.

The reason he doesn’t put up any more than a token effort to resist the rise of fascism in america (and in fact is actively expanding presidential powers and the power of the state to suppress political dissent) is that he doesnt care about fascism. If he did care about fascism then why is he prioritising supporting fascism in israel so much that he’s going to throw the election to the fascist party by completely alienating the same muslim voters who won him the election in 2020?

@AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net avatar
  1. That’s exactly how executive powers work you historically illiterate liberal
  2. Shut the fuck up and stop pretending you care about anyone’s lives or social outcomes if doing anything is a dealbreaker for you
  3. Please for the love of god learn what pain is after getting hit in the head over and over so many times.

You didn’t have to descend to name calling, but you did. The fact that you did that instead of bringing actual arguments tells me all I need to know about how informed you are.

Welcome to my block list. Spend less time online.

@flan@hexbear.net avatar

I bet AntiOutsideAktion feels bad now that he’s on telorand@reddthat.com’s block list.

@the_post_of_tom_joad@hexbear.net avatar

Right? Who else are they gonna find with exactly the same takes and no political acumen to beat over the head with facts? It’s fun, but it’s like fighting in a dream. No matter how hard you hit, online libs have pillowskulls

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

Reading this gave me a visceral flashback to the roller backpack kid in school who would try to “How very mature of you” his way out of having his jacket thrown up into trees.

@flan@hexbear.net avatar

Trump is not to blame for the state of the law. The Democrats have had many chances over the years to protect the rights that the Republicans have said out loud, for decades, that they will remove. Time and time again they did not prioritize it. Biden was a senator and then vice president and then president during these opportunities.

None of your gripes here are Biden’s fault

Yes they are absolutely his fault. He has been deeply involved in the highest levels of government for decades.

unless you’re wishing he’d be more authoritarian (fuck that).

You don’t think throwing teenage girls in prison for getting an abortion after being raped is authortarian? How privileged to be able to say that freedoms should be fought for based on your personal opinion of the right way of doing it.


I don’t think we share a common view of reality. You seem to be under the impression that State laws are Biden’s fault, and his inability to prevent them is also his fault. I don’t share that opinion, as I don’t see the facts leading to that conclusion.

I think it’s not worth continuing this conversation. Have a good day. See you at the polls.

@flan@hexbear.net avatar

You won’t see me at the polls and you can mald over it.

@AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net avatar

and they are not even close to the same on other issues (LGBTQ rights, unions, women’s rights, taxes for the rich, etc.).

Yes they are

If “supports genocide” is the single issue for you, then you live an immensely privileged life

Square peg argument in a round hole of reality. Literally just copy and pasting into a thought terminating cliche what was absurd and ghoulish when you used it for healthcare.


Prove it

@AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net avatar

Who is president now and what has happened with those issues?

“prove it” How about about you go look up what a null hypothesis is, brain warrior?


The fact that you think any of that is Biden’s fault tells me all I need to know about how serious you are about politics and facts.

I’m just going to link you to this comment, because your “objection” is exactly the same as theirs.


@AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net avatar

smuglord I’m sorry you just activated my “I shut down emotionally and intellectually if I hear the wrong take” card

I’m assuming it’s your emotional wounds that prevent you from looking into where the burden of proof lies when asserting two things are different from each other?

@Fal@yiffit.net avatar

Ah, I just looked at you’re from hexbear. No wonder you’re trying to get trump supported.

@BurgerPunk@hexbear.net avatar

I’m assuming it’s your emotional wounds that prevent you from looking into where the burden of proof lies when asserting two things are different from each other?

Libs never think they have to back up their claims and assertions no matter how flimsy. The burden of proof is always on anyone whose opinion doesn’t match their propaganda. Then they tell us we’re in an echo chamber michael-laugh


If you genuinely think

and they are not even close to the same on other issues (LGBTQ rights, unions, women’s rights, taxes for the rich, etc.).

Is a flimsy statement then yes, you are in an echo chamber.


You sure you know what null hypothesis is? Its entire point is that the newcoming claim has to prove itself not the established one


Send troops. Enact a draft to that end to “make the libz cry.”

You are really out of touch. Trump loves imperial domineering, but he generally prefers to avoid boots on the ground because they represent a liability to his image. He will not send volunteers and he knows as well as anyone that it’d be suicide to enact a draft.

Send more weapons.

Biden does this.


Obviously Trump won’t be any better than Biden, but if Biden wants people to vote for him rather than sit home and vote for nobody, he should consider not doing genocide. You know, an elected politician trying to represent their voters? The thing democracies are nominally for?

The choices as they stand right now are:

  1. Vote for genocide
  2. Vote for genocide
  3. Don’t vote

This sucks.


Oh, I fully acknowledge this sucks. Juuust as frustrated as anybody, friend.


You’re the one arguing in favor of continuing to bail water out of a sinking ship like Dems have exploitatively argued for decades. This is your status quo, this is what lesser evils of the past have won you.

Disowning the present circumstances requires disowning every single application of your horseshit political perspective for about 50 years. Under neoliberalism, there have only been two Dem strategies: Republican-lite (e.g. Clinton), or lie about not being Republican-lite (e.g. Obama), and you’ve won about half the time and gotten us your “lesser evil” administrations, “crisis” after “crisis”, and all those “lesser evils” have accomplished nothing but serving up new situations to keep choosing between Republican and Republican-lite.

If you want anything other than a farcical good cop/bad cop routine carried on until the country implodes, your strategy has thoroughly failed, repeatedly, for decades.

You have two options: live in madness and keep trying the same thing over and over again in denial of it having the same result, or accept that the “moderate” path is opposed to you ever getting an improvement, instead of the first step towards it.


This is your status quo, this is what lesser evils of the past have won you.

Thank you, this bears repeating. Voting for the lesser evil has consequences. These are them. The consequences are here. Blaming those of us who won’t vote for genocide is like blaming the people who don’t give a homeless beggar $20. Sure, that money could help the guy get a meal today, but he’s in that situation due to decades of neoliberal policy. It’s ridiculous to heap the culpability for all of that on the skinflint today.

If you want anything other than a farcical good cop/bad cop routine carried on until the country implodes, your strategy has thoroughly failed, repeatedly, for decades.

The historical pattern is that pendulum swings and the party in the White House changes after each President. So, there’s a good chance of that implosion coming in 2028.

dalekcaan, (edited )

Quick correction:

  1. Vote for genocide
  2. Vote for increased genocide, plus the autocratic downfall of the US
  3. Don’t vote

Edit: nice kneejerk downvote. Should’ve known not to get actual discourse from a hexbear account

@Fal@yiffit.net avatar

2 and 3 are the same


Yeah it’s never worth engaging, they won’t ever argue in good faith. They’re paid to spread propaganda.

  1. Don’t vote and therefore help increase genocide and help provoke the autocratic downfall of the US



Hexbears don’t have the ability to downvote, those are from other lemmy instances.


Really? Huh, TIL. I just assumed it was the person I responded to since it came soon after I posted, but I guess that was presumptuous of me.


false dichotomy

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar



I mean, if you’re going to pretend this is the first election of all time and the last election ever, sure. or you could take history into account and make a longer term plan so that you don’t have to keep making choices about who the “lesser evil” is. if you abdicate any possible collective power, the ratchet will keep turning the dial further and further towards fascism.


Unfortunately, it’s a very real dichotomy

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Jfc nobody said to vote for trump.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

It’s sarcasm. And voting for a minor party candidate is a vote for Republicans.


Um actually, voting for a third party is a vote for Democrats sweety.

@Kuori@hexbear.net avatar

everyone knows that when you vote third party those votes are just tallied up and given to whatever republican is running

@g_g@hexbear.net avatar

voting for a minor party candidate is, quite literally, not a vote for republicans.


That’s not how FPTP works. You need to go read up on FPTP and the Spoiler Effect.


@ped_xing@hexbear.net avatar

What makes you hexbearians think this is a good response to anything? Literally just “I depicted you as the soyjak”


And what did I say that was incorrect?


I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anything as incorrect in electoral strategy as voting for “99% Hitler”. elections come every 4 years. a loss today need not remain a loss forever. make the dems come to you! force them to bargain with the left instead of the right!

@g_g@hexbear.net avatar

okay so I read the whole thing. it describes a really shitty, extant system. it defines the spoiler effect. it shows how the spoiler effect makes the already shitty system even more shitty. all that’s fine and well. never once does it say that voting for minor party candidates is literally a vote for republicans, which was the actual statement that I took issue with.

you’re welcome to make the argument that the result is the same and that’s why you specifically will only vote strategically. that’s fine. it does absolutely nothing to compel me to vote for either democrats or for republicans. or even to vote at all for that matter. why participate in such a fundamentally broken system at all then? just to give one more point to 99% hitler? no thank you.


why participate in such a fundamentally broken system at all then?

Because I have no choice. “The System” happens to me whether I like it or not; the laws happen to me whether I like it or not, and if I can have 99% Hitler vs 100% Hitler, I’ll take the lesser. My refusal to participate doesn’t change the fact that those are my two options, and one will be chosen.

I would rather have a voice than let someone else choose for me.


Ur voting for 99% Hitler???

@BurgerPunk@hexbear.net avatar

Libs are really telling on themselves even nore than usual these days. Hard not when you’re supporting genocide i guess

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

THEY SAID THE LINE say-the-line-bart-1

@g_g@hexbear.net avatar

have at it. i refuse to dignify the actions of any genocidal maniac with an endorsement in the form of my vote. simple as.

@Fal@yiffit.net avatar

So you’re just incredibly naive or incredibly selfish to not care about the results of what you do as long as you can pretend to be principled about it.


I’ve been reading this exact argument for decades. It used to stop at Hitler and genocide because someone would shout “Godwin’s Law!”

And now here we are. Will it go up to 99.9% Hitler, or was 2016 our last chance to elect a leftist? Keep your passports or gun lockers ready.


Kudos to you for disagreeing without descending into name calling. A rare quality.

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

Shut up dorkass


it’s not a strategic vote! it’s an abdication of strategy that pretends only the current election matters! it assumes the present is eternal and that no electoral strategy could ever consider the future. an electoral strategy would admit the left has no real power absent a dedicated bloc and would work on creating one. to do so, you must be willing to sacrifice a few elections, because you must withhold votes and force the democrats to the bargaining table. otherwise you will forever be trapped in a cycle of voting for the “lesser” evil. FPTP does not preclude a long-term electoral strategy.

@Rom@hexbear.net avatar

Explain to me the math on that one, because I’m not seeing how a +1 for a party that’s not the GOP is somehow a +1 for the GOP.


Realistically what do you hope to accomplish by voting for someone else or not voting?

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Goddammit I never said not to vote. What do you hope to accomplish by only voting?


Okay then answer the other part of my question. That’s why I included it.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

What other part?


Realistically what do you hope to accomplish by voting for someone else?

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

I’m not expecting to accomplish much of anything by voting for someone else. I prefer direct action.


It’s the logical conclusion of your statements

@BurgerPunk@hexbear.net avatar

What values and goals could anyone possibly share with Biden? You’re pro-modern Jim Crow? Pro-imperial hegemony? Pro-genocide? Pro-banks keeping peoole un debt forever? That’s all he’s ever stood for

umbrella, (edited )
@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

just because trump would be worse, doesnt mean biden isnt really bad

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Biden isn’t in charge of Israel.

@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

he approved a lot of money to go there

and he did absolutely nothing to stop it


Is biden in charge of the purse strings of congress?

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

He’s in charge of the weapon hose and has been cranking that shit further open for 7 months when he could have shut it off with a single phone call.

Or shit, here’s a rogue world leader doing a genocide. Isn’t that the kind of thing the US is supposed to extrajudicially coup and kill people for in the name of democracy? Nope, all of the sudden the world empire is helpless to stop a tiny fake country that literally depends on it to exist.


Democracy works by criticizing your elected officials until they make necessary changes. People NEED to be putting Biden’s feet to the fire to end the genocide in Palestine. Just because Trump would be worse doesn’t make what Biden is doing ok. Criticism of one isn’t an endorsement of the other. And Biden NEEDS the votes of everyone criticizing his response to the genocide. Instead of harassing people trying to end genocide, you should be asking why Biden supports genocide more than the young voters who he needs to win in November.


The meme implies protest at the polls. Their comment is reflective of that sentiment. Criticize and protest US support of Israel independent of casting your vote in rebellion. The point stands that Trump encourages eradication of the Palestinians and Ukrainians, while oppressing working class Americans and repealing climate change progress.


I’m not voting for genocidal geriatrics either way sorry


Trump is only 4 years younger than Biden. They could’ve gone to high school together. Lol


I think they were calling them both genocidal geriatrics.


You know that just means you’re picking the worst of the two, right?


That’s what he really wants he just doesn’t want to say it out loud


It starts to get quite boring, is that all you people have? He’s old yeah, both are, but Biden won’t run the country all by himself you know. About the genocide, he sure could have tried to do more, but how in hell is that his fault? I mean are all politicians worldwide genociders because they didn’t stop the horrors in Gasa?

Grow up.


You’re going to get one whether you like it or not. Do you want the nicer geriatric or the one who wants to burn shit down? Because if we don’t try to stop it, this will be 2016 all over again.

I hope you choose to vote, or are at least ok with letting the fascist take over because of inaction. “I’m NoT vOtInG fOr GeNoCiDe” is a stupid argument when not voting is more likely to elect the full throated genocider.

I really don’t see how some people can sleep at night with their choices…

@lorty@lemmy.ml avatar

If you can’t vote for no genocide, then you are in a sham democracy.

disguy_ovahea, (edited ) to memes in Aren't you?

Imagine wanting the guy who said he thinks Israel should finish the job as long as they don’t record it, repealed 111 climate policies in one term, and gave massive tax breaks for the rich at the cost of workers, all while installing the most oppressive conservatives we’ve had to the Supreme Court, because you think “he’ll be different this time.”

It sounds like our nation is experiencing battered woman syndrome.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Nobody said that


Unfortunately, the polls do. I understand his loyal base not budging, but plenty of people are under the impression that abstaining or voting third-party in November will do anything but get Trump back in the White House.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Nobody said to not vote. Just that it wouldn’t solve a lot of what we’re currently experiencing.


Can you see how that implies suggesting the alternative of apathy?

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

So I’m not allowed to criticize biden?


On the contrary. You absolutely should. I upvoted because I thought it was funny. I commented because I’m concerned some people can’t distinguish criticism and protest from voter disengagement.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Glad we’re on the same page.


100%. If a government representative’s policy is not in line with my personal views, I openly criticize. There’s too much party loyalty in the US compelling people to form their opinions around the actions of their party. We owe them no loyalty, they owe us representation.


This is my problem with this sort of post too. Do I think Biden could do better and deserves some criticism? Yes. Do I think there are people out there who, if convinced that Biden deserves criticism, would decide not to vote? Also yes. Am I terrified of the potential outcome of that? VERY MUCH YES.

snekerpimp, to memes in Aren't you?

The entire system is fucked and first past the post needs to go away at all levels.

archomrade, to ohio in Possible snipers seen at OSU. Administration says they're not snipers but should be treated like they are.



All Coloured Are Bastards? Don’t you think it’s a bit racist?


All Carsalesmen Are Bastards.

Defund the dealerships!


Those aren’t cops.


What are they?


They Snipers


You need to have authority to be a sniper. Who has the authority for lethal law enforcement?


You need to have authority to be a sniper.

Is that even true?


Sniping is not something you self-discover. You’re trained by a government-sanctioned organization.


Nah man when there’s a terrorist threat or some kids are getting fesity we call up those smitty brothers down on farmdale ave. I’ve seen em hit smack in the middle of grandma’s can o beans from a mile and a half away in the rain – i swears it!


I feel like this is a reference to something O:



The police don’t just pull farm boys with a crack shot every time they have a sporting event. They are fucking cops. Not only cops, but specialty cops. SWAT cunts. My homie is one - went from infantry to ranger to police to swat. Yeah - he’s a cunt, too. ACAB.


Stupid answer.




Not if they take out the right perp

stevedidwhat_infosec, (edited ) to ohio in Possible snipers seen at OSU. Administration says they're not snipers but should be treated like they are.

Disinformation post ahead of election season - big shocker.

These aren’t snipers, they’re spotters. You can’t even make out what is in front of the dude in all black.

OPs only response to the closest thing we have to real fact being given was “I don’t buy it”

Seems legit. Toodles.

And now you’re deleting my posts lol. What a joke.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

I would have left it if you didn’t spam shit at the bottom


Just because you can’t read Chinese doesn’t mean it was spam.

Industry standard tiananamen square copy pasta that gets Chinese propaganda pushers in trouble with Winnie The Pooh. You realize how this looks for you and this instance right?

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

I thought you were done. You used the yawn emoji.

Dude, I don’t care


No need to get bent out of shape, was just defending myself and enriching the comment section with more context.

So sorry

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar



Look, can we start this over? I don’t like how this played out and I too was getting bent out of shape for what was likely good-intentions.

I’d understand if you were still upset and needed some time yet, totally fine

Lemmy is supposed to be better than Reddit culture, and be more civilized, and I feel like this was a fail here. I’d like to try again and maybe we can have some civil discourse about this if you’re up for it

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Ok, I’ll add an edit to the post.


The conversation I meant, but I agree with adding an edit with more information

I think that’s just fair reporting

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

As far as the conversation goes what do you want to discuss?


Is there a way we could freedom of information act additional information from the police regarding body cam/an official report?

They might lie, but at least we’d have a physical ledger of lies to point to in the future?

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Maybe? I don’t know if that’s worth the time though. Even if no rifle exists up there they could bring one up whenever. I’m sure there is security footage though of them hauling supplies in.


That would be good too imo, just looking for constructive ways to confirm


What in the fascist pig hell...


copy pasta that gets Chinese propaganda pushers in trouble with Winnie The Pooh

What parallel universe are libs living in 😭😭

Love the racism there too. Really brings the whole thing together


Where’s the racism


The part of your comment asserting the “asians have yellow skin” stereotype, what else?


Huh? If thats legitimately what people are trying to push as racism, the ignorance is laughable.


Nothing to do with racism but keep trying to gaslight and push false narratives.

HootinNHollerin, (edited )

lol just like all disagreement with Israel is antisemitism.

WEAK wumao


Any pro-Palestinians asserting racist antisemitic stereotypes?

WEAK wumao

Disagree. The CPC gave me a raise for ratio’ing in this thread


TIL spotters like to use one normal sized spotting scope alongside another one that’s the size of a rifle with a cover on it. Doesn’t make sense to me but I’m no spotter.


different optical prescription of each eye.
One is prescribed for myopia the other for dystopia.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Where do you think the administration got the info that its just spotters from? Cops. The fact that they even called the cops is a red flag.

What the fuck does this have to do with the election?


Where are you getting that information from?


@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Why should I believe the university?


Because it’s better than believing an unregulated social media site that’s been proven to pedal disinformation repeatedly??

A platform owned by the richest man in the world who happens to be the son of South African apartheid?

A platform for which he removed fact checking on?

The only picture you have, you can’t even make out what’s in front of them?

Can I ask why you deleted my comment that had the Tiananmen Square Massacre copy pasta?


The irony of complaining about “disinformation” while spamming disinformation yourself lmao


What part of what I said was disinformation?

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Because its spammy


Sure. Whatever you say.

@krolden@lemmy.ml avatar

This just in: copypasta is not spam



I posted it once but okay

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

So is the guy with a big ol’ rifle a spotter too?

Maybe if you’d considered what spotters are for you wouldn’t be baselessly asserting that US police aren’t preparing to use unreasonable force.


I haven’t seen anything that showed the guy in black with an actual gun, one person responded with a picture of a guy with a gun but provided 0 source

Just trying to get to the bottom of things and avoid disinformation


The guy who posted that is pretty well known in this instance for being a reliable information source on events happening in Ohio. They’re not just a random user.


Ah, that would make sense then

Can you see where I’m coming from as an outsider just trying to make sense of it all while still being on my own guard?

guyrocket, to religiouscringe in lol
guyrocket avatar

This reminds me of a woman I worked with.

She said "You know, that saying "SOL". It means Sorry Out of Luck."

I explained after I stopped laughing at her.


Never heard of that abbreviation before, just Sol meaning our sun. What does it actually mean?


Sh*t out of luck.


Oh, so not so different from what she thought.

Diplomjodler3, to atheistmemes in Who ever wrote the book of Revelation must have been high as fuck

Ergotism. The root cause of a lot of religion is ergotism.

Aurenkin, to helldivers2 in Super Earth just needs to set up captchas to keep us safe from the automatons

Select all squares containing freedom

FuglyDuck, to atheistmemes in Send this to anyone who does not understand freedom of religion.
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

It also means freedom from religion. Which is the thing most of those groups struggle with the most.


I completely agree, but while i have you here, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour jesus christ?

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