
InduperatorRex, to gaming in Cyberpunk 2077’s Devs Explain The $30 Expansion Price Tag That’s Raising Eyebrows
InduperatorRex avatar

Fairly-priced expansions are 10000x better than garbage micro-transactions and DLC, I don't get why anyone would be annoyed with this

LoafyLemon avatar

Agreed. I've always preferred the idea of expansions over DLCs, and would rather pay a higher one-time fee, than a dozen small ones that in summary turn out to cost more and provide less.

Kaldo avatar

And they do have a good precedent with it too, witcher 3 expansions were better content than core game, well worth the asking price. If this one is even half as good, I'm in.

beefcat avatar

For predominantly single-player games, I fully agree. Sell me a meaty expansion, don't trickle things out as little pieces of DLC.

I don't think the expansion model really works for multiplayer games though. You end up fracturing the community. It's why I think cosmetic microtransactions are a net positive, but only in the context of multiplayer. It's why games like Apex, Fortnite, and CSGO are not only still relevant, but actively updated and improved for so many years after their release.

CoderKat avatar

MMOs have done expansions well. I personally wouldn't ever pay money for micro transaction cosmetics, but I will buy every decent expansion for an MMO I'm playing.

iNeedScissors67 avatar

100%. Charge me what you think is a fair price for your content and I'll pay for it if I also agree that it's a fair price. I prefer to pay for a full game, and then pay for actual expansions. I will not buy a battlepass or pay for microtransactions, no matter what. Funny enough, if a game is free, I usually immediately write it off as likely MTX-filled nonsense, but if they throw a $70 price tag on it and don't add MTX, I'm more likely to play it. Maybe I'm just getting old, lol.

tal, (edited )
tal avatar

or pay for microtransactions

I think that there is a legitimate case for very small purchases. Like, I can legitimately imagine, oh, a multiplayer game where people want one specific outfit or something like that. Or even certain things in single-player. I would have been fine buying a la carte additional radio stations for Fallout 4, for example -- one area where I wish that more content was available. I would be happy getting some kind of pop rock station, but I have no interest in a country station. And I don't really want to buy $40 or whatever of even pop rock radio stations, the kind of amount that would be required for the price to reasonably reflect the kind of cost involved in putting something like that together for a larger DLC. Making players buy a larger bundle with things that they do not care about for the sake of avoiding microtransactions seems unreasonable.

That being said, I also think that microtransactions have been hugely overused, and often they are for things that are quite expensive relative to purchasing a larger bundle.

All that being said, I did generally like the "expansion" model that games used to have, and which seems to be less common now, so I'm certainly not complaining at all about the Cyberpunk 2077 model here.

dragna avatar

Literally this. Even in older games journalism there was a difference between additional content and true expansions. We used to call developers out for labelling something as an expansion that didn't have enough additional content. This is pretty close to what full expansions used to cost ($20-25 is what I remember for something like Shadows of Amn), and the amount of additional content fits.

I think a lot of people are used to the incremental and constant content release for live services games that are generally free. More is not always better, though...and free is not always free lol.


Wouldn't the controversy be that Cyberpunk is incomplete, and this expansion is actually the finished game?


There wouldn't be any controversy if people stopped buying unfinished games, though.

Once you've bought it, you've signaled that it's complete enough for you.

ampersandrew avatar

If there was something that was incomplete about Cyberpunk, it was the stuff that they've done to the game up to this expansion that fixed problems it launched with. A game isn't incomplete just because they add more to it later.

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

It’s one of the best games I’ve ever played already.

Skray avatar

I think additional content is fine, even if it's expanding the story. That's not super unusual even going back years ago to Baldurs Gate 2's expansion finishing the story, and is often referred to as a trilogy due to the expansion, or Lord of Destruction.

It sounds like the changes made to the base game will be implemented even if you don't buy this DLC which is good. Base game changes and improvements to AI shouldn't be sold separately.


This is one of the things I love about Paradox games, when they release expansions they always release a free big patch with them to include all the non-expansion stuff.


the overhaul is free though so you're only paying for new story content


It's weird to me that people say it was ever unfinished (prev gen consoles aside) It was buggy and wasn't the life simulator nerds wanted but the story is among the best in video games and the game play is incredibly satisfying. While also having the best looking graphics of any game to date.

CoderKat avatar

I don't get that. Cyberpunk is by no means perfect. But how is it not a complete game? I put in a ton of hours and thoroughly enjoyed it. Are you saying that because the AI was bad, it's incomplete? Cause very, very few games are complete if that's the benchmark we use.

It got over hyped, but capital G gamers did what they do best and blew it out of proportion as if someone kicked their baby.

Note: I played on PC several months after launch. Maybe it was incomplete when it came out, but it sure as hell ain't now.

ampersandrew avatar

The totality of those expansions in a lot of cases ended up costing $30 and having similar amounts of content. Dishonored had two story DLCs for $15 each, part 1 and part 2. So...that's $30. Yeah, if there's a controversy here, there shouldn't be.

troyunrau, to gaming in Larian Studios Is Officially Done With The Baldur’s Gate Series
@troyunrau@lemmy.ca avatar

I bet this is a falling out with Hasbro execs on royalties. BG3 royalties were a cash cow this year for Hasbro, pushing Wizards (as a division) to be quite profitable, while almost all other divisions in their company lost money.

So now the agreement is over, and Larian is like: we will own the IP on our next project instead of paying $90M to Hasbro… And fair enough – they’ve shown they can kick ass. Hasbro is probably gambling that it’s the IP that made the money, and not Larian being magic in a bottle as a developer. So they’ll kick tires on selling BG4 to another studio.

BG3 will go down in history as the legendary game before enshittification. Larian will make a few great games that don’t sell as well – before selling out to a whale that dumps money on the owner’s front lawn (see also BioWare). The devs who made BG3 will found indie studios and make cool shit for a decade or two. So the wheel turns.

0x1C3B00DA avatar

Hasbro is probably gambling that it’s the IP that made the money, and not Larian being magic in a bottle as a developer

This is probably true, but how can executives be so stupid? Every review I read praised Larian specifically and how the made a huge game with no microtransactions and tons of little loving touches. You have to be willfully ignorant to think it was the IP and not the developer and their work that people were responding to.


I think it’s probably more a situation where they are not a good fit for each other anymore. The D&D license has value and Hasbro rightly wants to capitalize on that. Larian is a hot commodity right now and they don’t need to borrow the credibility that comes with a big license like D&D. There’s also a timing issue. BG4 is unnecessary when BG3 will continue to sell for years to come. Larian will put out at least a couple more games before BG4 makes sense.

Larian is in a position where they can make whatever game they want and it will sell like hotcakes. Why the hell would they want to pay enormous royalties again when they can bring the writing in house? Sure, Hasbro could reduce their fee, but they can’t reduce it to the point where it’s worthwhile for both them and Larian.

If I’m running Larian, there’s no way I’m making another D&D game. The lore is great, but the rule set sucks. There are better systems in the tabletop space and there’s no reason to even be limited to that after you’ve already made the decision to not make D&D. Wizards isn’t exactly a paragon of reliability and stability either so there’s risk there. Not to mention, it was Larian who helped pull Hasbro’s asses out of the fire. They were facing massive backlash from their core customers until a kick ass movie and BG3 made everyone forget about it.

In short, Larian is riding high and Hasbro is not. There’s a lot more money for Larian doing something else and probably good money for Hasbro licensing to another developer.

@Ferk@lemmy.ml avatar

I think it’s more that executives think the average consumer is stupid and cares too much about IP branding. And I feel they are not completelly wrong. Though I think the OGL fiasco showed the D&D fanbase might be smarter than that …hopefully.

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

You have to be willfully ignorant

At this point I’m convinced that MBA classes are really just training willful ignorance, in favor of “line go up” strategies.


That is all they teach.

Jack Welch is seen as MBA-Jesus and they all strive for similar stockholder returns as to what happened under him with GE. If you want a good read, GE under Welch is the OG enshitification story. He took a juggernaut of a company and completely destroyed it for short term shareholder gain.

Now it’s just a shell of its former self, but those guys at the top sure made alot of money.

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

Screw Hitler. If I invent a time machine, Jack Welch will get a tommy gun to the back of the head before he can lay off one worker, or gut a single workers protection.

Edit: autocorrect got me

@Ferk@lemmy.ml avatar

The thing is that being “willfully ignorant” has served them well, so it makes it the smart move when the goal is “line go up”.

Give me money and call me stupid, why would I care what a few “smart” people think when millions of “stupid” people give me all I want?


Don’t think most people read the last part. Pretty good take until then


Agreed, it was pretty good until then. But the last paragraph is what made it a great take.


Laughs in Divinity Original Sin 2


It’s like poetry; it rhymes.


Such is life, but I am saddened by this news.


Can’t wait for the EA live service BG4


I hope paizo will jump in and Larian will make a pathfinder game next (it’s the better system anyway)


This would be very feels good the whole way round.

@Nacktmull@lemmy.world avatar

Hasbro is probably gambling that it’s the IP that made the money

Laughs in Divinity: Original Sin 2


Larian already made DoS2 (which is better imo then bg3). In any case I look forward to the next Larian project.


This. If you like the mechanics of bg3, go play Divinity Original Sin 2. It has a lot of the same enhancements that Larian added to dnd for BG3. Including more comprehensive elemental fields and height mechanics.

And it has a great modding community.

The sad part about Larian and BG3 is I was hoping for a definitive edition that gave Karlach her good ending.

@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar

Going with her to the nine hells is her “good” ending.

Letting her explode is her bad ending.


Nah, that's her kinda bad ending. They cut the good good ending.
There is another ending for her involving the upper city(cut at the last minute due to performance issues) and I suspect the purified metal you get at the factory that involves her staying.

@swab148@startrek.website avatar

They did say something about releasing more endings (and also mod support) so here’s hoping! 🤞


I don't think we're going to get the dos2 level of tools, simply because it would become a competitor to wotc's fabulous virtual tabletop microtransaction simulator.

It's nice to hope though, with you on that.


I turned her into a mind flayer. She seemed fairly happy.


DOS2’s fatal flaw for me is that you really can’t have an optimal mixed-damage party because you have spell shield and armor, which each block one of two kinds of damage. If you go all physical, you can just blast through armor and then kill people that way. All magical and you can do the same thing for people with shield. Mixed damage parties just kinda suck by comparison because you’re effectively splitting your damage output.


If possible, play with mods, there are a few good ones that modify how the armor/magic armor system works in different ways.


It’s true, you should go either full magic, or full physical within a specific character, however a 2magic/2physical party is great as well since almost all the combat encounters will have a mix of heavy physical armor guys and heavy magic armor guys.

But really once you learn how the action economy works, as long as you don’t gimp your characters by putting dex on a mage or whatever, you can blow up most encounters regardless of the magic/physical make up of the party.

And of course you can also go lone-wolf archer and single handedly win all encounters on your own ;)


Same. It bugs me that people think larian only existed when making BG3. When DoS2 released on steam that game hit overwhelmingly positive in no time and I bought it day one with no idea what it was because the reviews were so good. Larian will be fine because they stick to what they’re great at and they’ve been around a long time.


I feel like this was part of their plan though. Get the limelight with dnd and show the kind of games that they make to people that wouldn’t have known beforehand. Now their next fully owned game is going to make them absolute bank in both money and good faith I think.


I really hope they’re going sci-fi. I can only replay the Mass Effect trilogy so many times.

@troyunrau@lemmy.ca avatar

Keep going, I’m almost there


Can I hug my big muscly girlfriend in that one though?


You can hug a very thin, very tall, cannibalistic girlfriend though.


Sounds close enough

@Nacktmull@lemmy.world avatar

Sebille ftw!


If that’s what makes reagular game a great game, there are not many great games…


Such is life. Grim and unfair


Basically Blizzard’s story.


How can we take our beloved cash cows and completely destroy them…

ivanafterall, to news in Chess World's 'Anal Bead' Cheating Saga Quietly Comes To An End
ivanafterall avatar

Not a very satisfying climax.

theodewere avatar

bit of a damp squib in the end

@killeronthecorner@lemmy.world avatar

There was so much buzz initially

theodewere avatar

unfortunately the details proved slippery

GolGolarion, to gaming in Baldur’s Gate 3 Is One Of 2023's Best Games, Don't Turn It Into A Weapon

What do you mean “dont turn it into a weapon,” i have a dedicated spot on my action wheel specifically for turning things into weapons. My barbarian buddy can do it as a bonus action


Pro-tip: if a low-health enemy is close to escaping to call for help you can just throw Baldur’s Gate 3 at them for that last bit of damage!

popekingjoe, to games in It is 2023, Please stop blowing into Nintendo Consoles
@popekingjoe@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t tell me how to live my life. You’re not my real dad!


Mine will be back with the milk any day now. It has only taken 20 years.

givesomefucks, to nottheonion in After Buying Up Studios, Xbox Says It Doesn't Have The Resources To Run Them

Capture and kill…

The only thing better than owning the competition, is putting them out of business.

So they buy studios that compete, fire all the workers, keep the IPs, and call it a day.

If we enforced anti-monoply laws this wouldn’t be a thing. But monopolies dontate a lot of money to politicians so they say monopolies aren’t a big deal.



“IP”, here.


Intellectual properties?

@steal_your_face@lemmy.ml avatar

IP UP we all P for IP


Parasites do be like that... I don't get how peasant class got so complacent though.


Have you met our political system?

Primaries literally don’t have to be fair, because the results are nonbinding, the party can just pick someone else.

And the people in charge keep loosening regulations so they can get bigger donations.

They’re openly running a PAC that coordinates with Biden and the DNC that individuals can legally donate a million a year.



Average Americans are being priced out of democracy by both parties. The candidate for both will be who the wealthy pick, and everyone will have to vote if they want to keep who they hate most out of office.

If you’re wealthy there’s no way to lose, if you’re the other 99.9% you can’t win.

Regular people can’t out lobby Microsoft and Disney, and unless a progressive third party emerges the system will keep getting worse.


While political system is captured... I am talking about gen pop discourse. Vast majority got nothing to hide, it is convienient, poor people suck, shoulda worked harder, quit being poor, there is nothing can be, we just really don't know.

This rhetoric is pathetic for any self respecting adult yet here we are.

Sure if everybody got educated about their lot in life they could theoretically vote in a third party but let's be real here, we got some app to circle jerk for engagement slop that induces you to buy plastic shit to make feelz


unless a progressive third party emerges the system will keep getting worse

If a progressive third party emerges, they’ll split the vote with Democrats, making both of them weaker. That’ll just give every election to Republicans and make the country get worse even faster.

The only way to get progressive candidates is by moving the Overton window to the left, and the only way to do that is by voting for Democrats.


People tried to block the Activision acquisition. Some were mocked for their attempt and some were mocked for their stance. It wasn’t enforced because for all the attempts, it couldn’t be proved which is more an indicator better definitions needed to be in place

simple, to games in Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

Bonus: Dunkey made a video on the game

I’m 100% convinced this was an elaborate scam. No way this broken asset flip needed over 100 million dollars.


Maybe he needed a tax writeoff to avoid paying some taxes?


This is not made by Will. He only did some advertising and stuff for it I think.

theodewere avatar

that is what i call a BBB game


I’d go CCC myself, but to each their own.


I like how men look like regular men but all the women are almost anime like goddesses

@tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

Oh my god they broke out into a song.

Game of the year.

@AFallingAnvil@lemmy.ca avatar

Holy shit, that really was worse than it sounded

JoMiran, (edited )
@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

How did I miss this masterpiece of a game?

Varyag, to gaming in So, Uh, What's Up With The Steam Awards?
@Varyag@lemm.ee avatar

Armored Core wasn’t even a runner up on any of the categories, while FC24 was in like 3 of them. I completely give up.

Tetra, to games in Starfield Ghosted At The 2023 Game Awards
Tetra avatar

Strange way to say it's just not good enough to get awards. I'm not "ghosted" by the Michelin guides every year, my cooking just isn't that good.


The fact that awards are just assumed for any big title in spite of a decidedly lacklustre reception says a lot about the industry.

@Paranomaly@sh.itjust.works avatar

The Game Awards is by no means innocent of this, but it has glimmers of sincerity at times and this is one of them.

NightOwl, to gaming in Epic Games Admits In Court That Its PC Store Still Isn't Profitable

They started out pissing off Steam users with Metro Exodus going exclusives and pulling it from Steam. Not a great first impression and a lasting one at that. Not everyone will care and will buy from epic, but alienating a whole bunch of Steam’s core users off the bat is probably going to ensure they’ll never win them over.

I claim games from epic and have bought from even origin and uplay, but I’ll probably never spend any money at epic.

Chozo, to games in Everybody Hates This YouTube Channel’s AI-Filtered Video Game Faces
Chozo avatar

This article is absurd. Corridor made a tech demo to show what's possible with AI. They weren't suggesting that it should or shouldn't be how things are done in the gaming industry, just how it could be done. What sort of smoothbrain neanderthals take issue with a tech demo?


The title should already give you a hint. "Everybody Hates" is a good beginning to a title for a 00s sitcom, but not exactly peak journalism here.


Didn’t even open it, downvoted just for that stupid title


I opened it just to see some of the photos, and my browser crashed. The photos aren’t even good, don’t even open the link.

I don’t think I realized Kotaku had gotten this bad. Yikes!


What sort of smoothbrain neanderthals



Yeah, that tracks.

mint, to games in Resident Evil 4 Remake Will Cost $60 On iPhone

This is being reposted everywhere as news but is super misleading. The $60 price tag gets you the universal app, meaning one purchase lets you play the game on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. It’s still a full game just like the Steam version, and if you look at Resident Evil Village, it will surprisingly run super well on M-series Macs.

The distaste comes from mobile apps rarely being over $10, but if you think of it as bonus mobile access alongside a fully fledged macOS game, suddenly nothing is wrong here.

soren446, (edited )


  • Loading...
  • KirbyProton,

    You only had 1 downvote…!


    Yeah but that is super offensive!! Seriously, state your opinion and stop caring about votes.

    kaitco, to games in Resident Evil 4 Remake Will Cost $60 On iPhone

    😂 Yeah, no.

    Here’s the thing: I’ve been an iPhone user since the 3GS (over 14 years) and I’m highly skeptical that this price will sell. KotOR retails at $10 on the App Store as does San Andreas, and both go on sale down to $5 and lower very often. I believe the whole bundle for Final Fantasy 1-6 is like $65 and then FF7 is $15 or $16. Who is the audience for a $60 iOS game??

    I recall when BioShock was originally available on the App Store. For one, it cost like maybe $15 at the most, but then it got pulled from the store and then the App Store made the change to 64-bit apps, meaning that even if you’d bought BioShock previously, it would no longer run on newer devices.

    Over this last decade, I’ve watched fun, old school games get released for iOS and then pulled and then re-released as crappier MTX versions, if they got re-released at all, countless times. How is RE4 going to be any different?

    Not sure if it’s an Apple issue or a developer issue, but for a $60 price tag, there’s got to be at least some sort of guarantee that an iOS update or App Store change won’t render the game suddenly unplayable on my device. iPhone 15 might be ready for AAA games but the App Store and iOS in general are not.


    Yeah, we will see how it goes. Apparently one purchase gives you access on all devices running iOS/TVOS/iPadOS/MacOS but even Mac had a bunch of games that used to be available on the Mac App Store that were delisted when MacBooks transitioned to Apple silicon and are no longer available for purchase


    The game being available on both iOS and iPadOS should be a given. TVOS also feels like it should be a standard because of the way Apple’s ecosystem works. A MacOS addition is a nice change, but I’m still left wondering about the target audience for this.

    If you’re a gamer, your “main” device isn’t usually within Apple’s ecosystem. Most of the Mac people I know who are gamers use consoles, so for them, it would make more sense to buy this for Xbox or PS5 and use either’s virtual play option to play on iPhone if desired. If you’re a PC gamer, the PC Xbox GamePass option is even better. Gaming on MacOS has always been something that you can do if you really want to make it work, but there have usually been better options available.

    I’d like to see true mobile gaming take off, but until there is a sense of stability within the mobile space, I just can’t see it. Phones and tablets are different from consoles. I’m not going to carry around my old iPad 2 just to play my 32-bit mobile games, but I still have my original PS1, PS2, and Xbox 360 hooked up to TVs and can jump onto them anytime I’m home. I still play PC games I bought in 2002 on the PC I purchased in 2022. There’s usually some options available to make games designed for Windows XP run well on Windows 10 or 11.

    With Apple in particular, there’s never going to be an option to jury-rig an iPhone to play mobile BioShock again, not without jailbreaking which sort of defeats the purpose of having an iPhone in the first place. That sort of thing is acceptable for maybe $10-15, but for the price of a full game, it feels like throwing a bundle of cash back and forth over an open fire and wondering when it will all get singed.

    The mobile market has to make a different approach to “proper” gaming because the space itself is far different from console or PC gaming, and the first place to start is the price point.


    Indeed, when I spot an apparently good mobile port I’m often hesitant to purchase it because an OS update may break compatibility at any point, and most developers don’t give a damn about updating their games so they stay compatible.

    Until they fix this major structural issue, I don’t see premium smartphone gaming taking off. People will only invest their money if they have the confidence they’ll be able to play their game for the foreseeable future.


    If iOS/MacOS becomes a legitimate gaming platform then that problem solves itself. But the challenge is getting users and retaining them and having them make enough purchases to keep the platform viable meanwhile users want to wait for the platform to be proven to make investments in it, thereby the whole process is a vicious circle of fail.

    It would probably take a killer app, and short of buying Nintendo I don’t see how Apple ever breaks that barrier

    woelkchen, to games in Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
    @woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

    Wait, the mod removed the option to set a gender in the character editor? Why don’t these people just make a male character and be done with it?


    The crazy thing is how hysterical they’re being over something you can fail to even notice is there. It gave me male pronouns as I choose the male body type, and the button prompt to change it is hidden way down at the bottom of the screen. It’s literally on screen for a few seconds and then never mentioned again in a game with hundreds of hours gameplay.


    Yeah, I’d see reaction videos before I played, and I honestly couldn’t find how to change my pronouns for a good 30 seconds.

    God, Bethesda sucks at UI.


    Yeah, it took me ages to realise the prompt was at the bottom of the screen, I didn’t even want to change them, I was just wondering why it set off such a wobbler with the bald bloke.


    Does it matter? I have a mod to improve blood splatter, does murder meet your approval?

    @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

    If someone made a “killing Jews” mod it wouldn’t be allowed either.

    Nazis aren’t welcome.


    They need to force their views on others. If anyone believes what they believe, then they are suddenly just like everyone else instead of the bigot they know they are deep down


    How does installing a mod on a single player game force views on anyone?


    I can think of one: a parent who installs this before letting their child play it to enforce their culture of hatred within their house.


    Insisting that Nexus Mods should host this bigoted mod is the losers who walk in fear of “woke culture” trying to enforce their bigoted views on the rest of the world. The assholes are still free to install that mod but Nexus Mods is just as free to not host that trash.

    @underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

    They aren’t really forcing their views on anyone though, they’re just jacking themselves off. No nonconforming person is going to download this and inflict it on themselves, and they have no reason to use it themselves unless they’re just really closeted and lack the will to not express their own nonconformity. It can literally only exist to rile people up who sought out the mod specifically, which includes only them.


    If they weren’t trying to force their views on others they’d just make their character a guy and move on. They go through the trouble of coding this mod to push their agenda on others.

    @underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

    What I’m trying to say though is that most of them just do make their character a guy and move on. They don’t need the mod and the people who they think do need it aren’t going to install it. It’s not just a transparent attempt to ignite culture war arguments online, but it’s a stupid and ineffective one.

    AmbleHamble, (edited )

    The point of the mod is not to change something in game, its to appear in the list of mods and remind some people that they are hated and bigots will never stop hating them.

    Its a weird “I was here, and I hated x people”.


    I have trouble imagining enough people wanting to download a mod to do this to get it to appear on anything but the most recent releases list, and to only be on that list long enough for some other mods to get released.


    Well, the type of person that would do this wouldnt be opposed to spoofing the number as well. And they can just keep reuploading the mod so it’s always appearing in the list.

    The point is, their ineffective methods still worked a little. Ruining someone’s day, hour or even minute is validation enough


    Apparently nexus mods has some sort of ad sharing with mod makers. Could be a grift. Grift is popular among right wingers, possibly because they are on a fundamental level stupid.

    Some grifter makes an anti “woke” mod that probably took 5 minutes. A bunch of stupid chuds download it to pwn the libs. Grifter makes money. Chuds feel good about their shitty lives.


    Then they couldn’t do their performative outrage, which is all they have.


    Because they’re little fucking babies.

    @Jimbo@yiffit.net avatar

    Looking throughout history, aalways have been

    @NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

    Because REEEEEEEEE


    What difference does it make that they don’t?

    darq avatar

    Because it's not actually about the pronouns. These people aren't actually angry about pronouns.

    They're angry about trans and non-binary people. They're angry that people are growing to accept these people, who they do not think should be accepted. They are angry that a group they don't think is normal, is being accepted as normal.

    transigence avatar

    It's not "about trans and non-binary people," it's about the injection of identity politics into video games. The removal of the mod shows that activist fiat is necessary to present the illusion that people buy into gender ideology.


    It’s only politics because people go out of their way to oppress them. There’s nothing to be political about if people are allowed to be who they are.


    I mean if you don’t want to “buy into gender ideology” you should be non-binary and not pick a side there Chet.

    transigence avatar

    "Non-binary" is a product of gender ideology. When people ask me my gender, I tell them, "I don't subscribe to gender ideology."

    darq avatar

    No. Non-binary people exist, and always have existed.

    You can be a deliberately obtuse asshole if you want, but nobody else has to humour you.

    transigence avatar

    Obviously the people have existed, but their conceptualization as "non-binary" is a product of gender ideology. Holy shit, the existence thing, always.

    darq avatar

    Holy shit, the existence thing, always.

    Listen, dickhead. It's you who is misinterpreting people here.

    Transgender people exist as transgender.

    You keep trying to pretend we are referring to the "existence" of the individual, when we very clearly are referring to the existence of the demographic. To the type of people. Transgender people exist as transgender.

    So how about you actually try participating in the conversation meaningfully, rather than immediately seeing the word "exist" and brainlessly throwing your little hissy fit.

    transigence avatar

    Transgender people exist as transgender only within gender ideology. Outside of gender ideology, they exist as people who have a form of body dysmorphia called "gender dysphoria (already poorly-named)," which means they do not feel as though the sex of their body matches the sex of their mind.

    What you (and everyone else screeching about existence) are ultimately screeching about is that not everyone buys into your idiotic, toxic, and harmful ideology. People with body dysmorphia need help, and assuaging their delusions isn't it. You're harming them, and you're stochastically creating the illness in others, especially children. That's why public school teachers shouldn't be allowed near children.

    darq avatar

    form of body dysmorphia called "gender dysphoria

    No. Dysphoria is not dysmorphia.

    People with body dysmorphia need help, and assuaging their delusions isn't it.

    Are you a doctor? A researcher? Do you have any credentials at all?

    No? Then shut the hell up about other people's healthcare you absolute tosser.

    You're harming them, and you're stochastically creating the illness in others, especially children.

    Great. My very being, as a trans person, is harmful to other people now.

    transigence avatar

    Are you a doctor or a researcher? Do you have any credentials? Then go fuck yourself. My opinion is as good as yours.
    Your being as a "trans" person isn't harming anyone. Your being as an LGBTQ+(What-the-fuck-ever-else) activist is.

    darq avatar

    Are you a doctor or a researcher? Do you have any credentials? Then go fuck yourself. My opinion is as good as yours.

    I'm the one listening to the people with credentials, who do the research.

    You're the one denying the research.

    So bite me, you stupid wank.

    transigence avatar

    I don't think it's real research. I think it's closed-loop fart-sniffing.

    darq avatar

    Yeah mighty convenient that, anything that disagrees with you can be handwaved away.

    Every major medical research body around the world are all colluding and suppressing the truth for... Reasons.


    Yeah, having that "he/she/they" toggle and calling sex "body type 1 and 2" instead of male/female sure is political. You know when it became political? When people saw them and went "REEEEEEEEEEEEE" because they're bigoted dumbfucks.


    did a bot write this? what are you even trying to say?

    Are you one of those people that thinks anything that’s not straight cis white is “identify politics”? That anything that isn’t your world view is “political”? If so, please go fuck yourself. If not, I have no idea what you’re on about.


    Not a bot; just a bigot. If you scroll to the very bottom, a good 30% of the total comments are this guy digging a hole trying to prove it’s “woke” society that’s the problem and not him.

    @Snowpix@lemmy.ca avatar

    That’s legitimately just sad. What a pathetic individual.


    It got worse:

    The only thing left to fight for is the right to indoctrinate very young school children into gender ideology and show them, graphically, how to be gay.

    Either a troll, or too far gone to help.


    Teaching children how to be gay, sure.

    Hey, Children. If you like somebody and they like you back, don’t worry about which gender you think you belong to.

    People can love people no matter if they are the same gender or not.


    “Identity politics” always seems to mean “I am upset that different people exist.”

    This is a nothing option in a video game. Nobody’s rubbing your nose in it. It doesn’t affect you, at all, but it’s a neat little extra for other people. Do you give a shit about other people? Or does the mere possibility of anyone distinct from you, the protagonist of reality, fill you with emotions you can’t handle? There’s no third option, here. It’s a checkbox for how NPCs choose voice lines, in exactly the same way they’ve done for decades. It’s just separate now.

    But of course one glance at your profile shows you’re an unapologetic bigot, and what you mean by “gEnDeR iDeOlOgY” is exactly what every other diet Nazi means by it: you hate queer people, and you want it to be their fault.



    The fact that you unironically used the term 'gender ideology ’ proves that you are, in fact, a bigoted little shit.

    transigence avatar

    The fact that you think so proves that you are a gender ideologue. As such, I know what you think. I know what you think of me, and I know what you think of the people you claim to want to protect or represent. And from that knowledge, I find you to be a massive misogynist and misanthropist.


    I can’t imagine being such a pussy that pronouns in another character’s profile would make you cry from extreme butthurterie like a little beta wuss

    darq avatar

    ,"Identity politics" in this case meaning "trans and non-binary people exist and are trans or non-binary respectively".

    The removal of the mod shows that activist fiat is necessary to present the illusion that people buy into gender ideology

    Bullcrap. It shows nothing of the sort. It shows nothing more than that NexusMods doesn't feel like hosting assholes.

    transigence avatar

    I'm sure plenty of mods hosted on GN are assholes.


    The existence of trans and nonbinary people is not an injection of identity politics into video games. The fact that they exist and a video game is acknowledging their existence is not political.


    No no no, you have to break their brains.


    White people in a video game is political. Statistically, the default is Han.


    Wow 2+2 is 4 in this video game??? Didn’t know it’s going so WOKE


    You just but I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened.

    Conservatives have a long running feud with the sciences.


    I thought 2+2=4 was anti-woke? Wasn’t there a whole weird Twitter drama thing a couple of years ago where 2+2=4 was considered the racist side?


    Pronouns, gender, genitals, etc. in player-character customization are just yet another option for someone to tailor their gameplay to whatever experience they want.

    The only identity politics comes from the people politicizing it.


    And the "replaced white people". And the female leaders. If someone wants a taste, go through the Steam forums for the game. It's a complete deranged mess.


    Steam forums are the absolute bottom of the barrel for game discussion, maybe tied with 4chan.


    Let’s roll it back a bit. There’s a bit of a difference between “accepted” and “tolerated”. For the most part, the trans community is merely tolerated by the majority of the country.

    darq avatar

    I don't know what the point of your comment is.

    Trans and non-binary people are becoming more accepted as normal over time. The people screaming about pronouns don't actually care about pronouns, they oppose that gradually growing acceptance.

    @Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

    I don’t think it’s even about that, they’re angry because the want to be angry. The why doesn’t matter, if the current right wing outrage du-jour had been… I dunno, left handed people rather than trans people, you’d see all the same people working themselves into a screaming tantrum if a game or movie had a left handed person in it.


    For sure. And when there’s not enough people focused on trans people they’ll shift their focus to some other marginalized group to harass.

    These limp dicked losers have literally nothing better to do but jerk each other off in their seedy racist forums and message boards.


    Oh no, it’s very much hatred. The same hatred they had for black or gay people.


    Who the hell are you to say that I hate black and gay people? You’re overgeneralizing a group, how much different are you in this case? Stop with that man, this is why we can’t have actual debates.


    The problem is you want to debate.

    There’s no debate. No one has to tolerate your intolerance.

    Gay people exist. Trans people exist. Fin.


    Stereotyping people and overgeneralizing things without actually debating your point is ridiculous. Grow up man.

    CrabAndBroom, to technology in Elon Musk Booed At Valorant Tournament

    The other comments are quite negative here, but I do kind of enjoy how Musk seems to think he’s like this hilarious, popular dude while he’s sitting in his office talking to nazis on the social media platform he had to buy so people couldn’t block him, and then every time he shows up at an event where he’s exposed to actual normal people he just gets loudly booed out of the room lol.

    I was saying boo-urns gif

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