
downpunxx, to techtakes in Ukrainian surface drones had Starlink comms disabled on direct Musk's orders
downpunxx avatar
@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

fyi images posted from kbin this way aren’t visible on lemmy for some reason

downpunxx avatar

not a fan of lemmy, probably having something to do with the fact it's namesake was a man who owned the largest personal collection of nazi memorabilia for years until he died, so, tough titty i guess

@dgerard@awful.systems avatar

thanks for your future hypothetical non-fatuous contributions


I also heard he named it Lemmy because whenever he saw a litter of kittens he’d strap on his steel-toed boots and go, “Lemmy at them”.


lemmy is the mastodon of the threadiverse in that it invents a standard and expects everyone to follow it and because it’s the largest of it’s type you can’t really do anything about it

i bet what’s going on is that kbin is attaching images in the mastodon/microblog way and lemmy expects inline markdown images and doesn’t try to extract the attached images.

(fun fact: lemmy custom emojis are just “macros” for markdown images and not real emojis like the rest of the fedi standardized on (which is how you get things like the hexbear problem of remote emojis being gigantic))


@downpunxx LOL. That would be Musk's wildest dream. The just compensation he would get would be astounding. Better to tax his space stuff...enough so that we could afford the regulatory apparatus sufficient to protect ourselves from it......

downpunxx avatar

stupidity like this isn't inherent, it has to be strived for. congratulations.


@downpunxx Thanks.


There’s a SCOTUS case that says the government only has to pay a fair market value, not the “inflated by the government’s need for the property” value. In the case a guy had bought a tugboat and fixed it up quite a bit. When WW2 started the government sought to buy it, and he insisted on a price well above the cost of the boat and the improvements, arguing that WW2 had increased demand so he should get a higher price.

So Musk would get a lot, but maybe not as much you’d think.


@jonhendry Yeah...but such a trial may require a jury, and that uncertainty very often ups the market value considerably above FMV. It would be stupid to nationalize, given the property is not unique (like real property), presents no barrier to entry. Besides, regulation and taxation are available.


@jonhendry Another huge reason why nationalization would be really stupid. Starlink's value can be dichotomized into two categories: (1) Business activity that conflicts with US foreign policy, and (2) Business activity that doesn't conflict with US foreign policy. I suspect the latter value vastly exceeds the former value. In a condemnation proceeding, the US would have to buy the whole kit and kaboodle--what a waste. Then...managing Starlink's business as a federal entity (wtf?)....

@mmu_man@m.g3l.org avatar
paultimate14, to science in Marijuana addiction is real. Those struggling often face skepticism.

For decades, weed’s deleterious health effects were exaggerated, experts said, leading to excessive criminalization

This line fron the article is exactly why I’m skeptical. I had to sit through tons of middle school and high school programs that lied to me about the physiological effects of marijuana. This article itself opens with an anecdote about one individual, but fails to identify any academic study suggesting physiological addiction because… There is none.

Psychological addiction is real. There’s a reason that in most places any gambling advertisements have to include a warning and a hotline. The problem is that these sensationalist articles never make the distinction between psychological and physiological addiction. This article mentions when the case study first tried marijuana, but fails to detail the circumstances of her life, her personality, and other factors that can contribute to psychological addiction.

Add in that the medical marijuana industry is trying to replace the very physiological addictive (and profitable) pain medications… Add that to the years of lies in schools and media… Forgive me for not trusting this BS at all.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

I had hoped there would be a significant study I could read but it’s just the same reefer madness we’ve seen for decades.

It will be great when it’s finally fully legal and we can do real science on it.

@Marsupial@quokk.au avatar

I’m not the biggest smoker, but still a few grams a day and withdrawal is real. There is a physical side to it, it’s pretty mild like with coffee but it’s certainly unenjoyable.


I smoke half an ounce a day. People expect me to be lazy, but I’m fully functional. I just can’t get out of bed if I DONT smoke lol.

@Marsupial@quokk.au avatar

You need one of those coffee mugs that’s like “Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” but with coffee marked out and replaced with weed.


Lmaooo facts


I vape daily, but I don’t really get withdrawal. If I go away on holiday or whatever having several weeks off is a breeze. However if it’s there at home and I have nothing else on, I will get high, so I accept I’m probably psychologically addicted, but I’ve made peace with that since I still work full time and pay my way so who’s it hurting.


Addiction is addiction. Whether you’re addicted because you took a drug that your brain now depends on, or you’ve gotten used to doing something that makes you happy and your brain depends on the stimulus to make the happy juice, addiction is a physiological response. The effects on your brain are chemical. Your addiction is marked by the changes in thinking to seek and obtain your particular “high” in whatever form your brain needs, and you will experience withdrawal if you stop.

Some substances and activities are highly addictive, because they are designed to be. Marijuana is more potent than ever, and the experience of shopping for different strains and trying all the “flavors” is itself a little reward system.

People want to make distinctions between chemical addiction and psychological addiction, and there are differences, but addiction is addiction.


So addiction is a word so broad as to be practically meaningless, is what you’re saying.

Maybe start by not assuming everyone has normal brain chemistry. As someone whose brain couldn’t make “happy juice” on its own for years (I have a problem processing folate, which is an ingredient in a bunch of brain chemicals), if I hadn’t smoked weed before I found out what was wrong, I wouldn’t have lived long enough to do so.


I honestly have no idea what version of what I said you’re arguing with.


I think you may be trivializing a pretty complex subject a bit too much

There is a major difference between our coloqual addictions (sugar, caffeine, our phones) and a substance use disorder. It’s worth talking about where on that spectrum marijuana lies

For my part, I suspect that marijuana is much closer to the former than the latter.

I’ve worked with a lot of people in recovery over the years, and while some ex-stoners will tell you how hard it was for them to quit, anyone with a real habit will tell you quitting weed isn’t anywhere near the same level as opiates, benzos, amphetamines, alcohol, or even nicotine


The other thing that's kind of questionable was that she was able to stop during her pregnancy. Like, when she knew she really had to stop, she did. This is basically in the same level as video game addiction. It's not the drug. It's the situation. Sure, she should be able to get help, but it's not really marijuana specific help she needs


You’re right not to trust this BS at all. It’s straight up reefer madness propaganda. It’s widely acknowledged that anything pleasurable can be addictive, that doesn’t mean we need to ban gambling or alcohol or weed.


Very anecdotal, but I know multiple people who are addicted. Could very well be psychological, but if they go more than a day or two without smoking they are terrible to be around. Which sucks because I’m stuck with

A) don’t be around them

B) be around them while they are baked and smell

C) be around them while they are terrible

I’ve been sticking with A for the time being, but it sucks because I feel like I’ve already lost a few friends when I stopped smoking and it seems like that is their whole life.


Honestly, if I found out one of my friends saw me this way I’d rather they just get out of my life.


If the only way you can live your life is to be stoned 24/7, and you are a grouch going off the handle at every little thing without it, it would probably be best.

I’ve got nothing against smoking weed, but just like I don’t want to be around someone piss drunk all the time I don’t want to be around someone who is blitzed all the time. There is a time and a place.


So are you the same with people who need to be caffeinated 24/7 and are irritable asshole if they dont get their coffee?


I’ve met much fewer people like that, and when they do get their coffee they aren’t acting stupid and smelly.


I think this is your bias showing. Coffee addictions is way way way way WAY more comment than cannabis addiction. And yes, people on a caffeine high do act stupid and yes coffee fucking stinks. I’m guessing you drink coffee yourself?


That’s not me, but I don’t really feel like it’s particularly helpful to be in someone’s life if that’s the way you look at it. Especially if it’s a situation where your own standards have changed while theirs haven’t.

Honestly, I don’t really want to be spending my time around people who look down on me at all, full stop. Whatever the reason they may have, why have people in your life socially whose company you don’t enjoy? I used to put up with a lot of that, largely when I was broke and directionless, but it’s not really worth it. There are so many people out there, why not find some who are on the same page?

That doesn’t have to attempt to be a position of moral superiority or putting your nose up about lack of responsibility. It can just not be a good fit. Lots of people aren’t a good fit for one another.


Yeah keep away from people who look down on you or others, they’re doing it because they’re angry at you/the world and they will take it out on you every chance they get - doesn’t matter if their excuse is that you smoke, don’t dress how they like, listen to the wrong music for them, aren’t green enough or are too green… If they look down on you they will work to make their emotions reality by pushing you down.


It’s just a support network… peers that believe in you to do better things.

If you can’t take criticism then you have every right to shut out people who are concerned about you and toke instead.

I personally felt bad about myself when I was using weed to medicate. What was freedom became something I couldn’t escape from. Many people might not want to be where they are and want help to function. You never know if that person needs support.

On the other hand if you are functioning and know that you’ve earned what you enjoy, you can probably handle someone voicing concern.


I used weed to medicate when every drug my doctors gave me failed for years. Because of smoking weed every day for years, I lived long enough to take things that actually treat my problem, and was immediately able to drop my weed consumption as much as I liked. I do it maybe 2-3 times a week now. How do you tell someone who’s addicted from someone using it to medicate something else when nothing’s available, from the outside?

I also think the word “addiction” is so broadly used as to be practically useless at this point. I could stop weed, no problem. If I try to get off lithium, withdrawal city. But you don’t hear people talking about lithium addiction. Plus, if we’re using the same word for responses to heroin, weed, and porn, we need better vocabulary.


Crazy that you’re getting downvoted for this. I smoke occasionally, but used to smoke daily and had to quit cold turkey for over a year. I now (almost 3 years since I first stopped cold turkey) refuse to have any marijuana on me and only smoke on the occasion that I’m out with friends and it’s offered to me. That ends up being about one toke a month. Irritability and bad mood for chronic smokers when they haven’t smoked enough to get withdrawals is common enough (anecdotally from my own experience quitting and seeing others around me struggling with it as well).

Especially if someone has quit and finds the smell off-putting or doesn’t like to be around people who are either constantly baked or very irritable, this point of view is perfectly valid and adds to the conversation. Don’t downvote just because you personally disagree.


I’ve got nothing against smoking. I I have friends who still smoke, and the ones who aren’t addicted it isn’t a problem. A toke here and there to catch a buzz is no issue. It’s when it’s all the time, they can’t go without it, and they always smell like you just hotboxed something. I just don’t wanna be around that.


In an era of readily available vapes, theres no need to smell of weed all the time and as a fellow stoner I apologise on behalf of the community.


Yeah man. We have people like Cheech & Chong, Willie Nelson or Snoop Dogg who for decades consume Marihuana. Did it destroy their life? Did it destroy their careers? Did it destroy their bodies? Nope! Nothing.

But artists who excessively drink alcohol or consume other drugs? They are wasted within years, broken bodies and souls who need years to get healthy again - if they don’t die before.


They are wasted within years, broken bodies and souls who need years to get healthy again

And then there’s Keith Richards…

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, but we’re talking about humans, not whatever Keith must be.


A lot of people don’t realise this but he lives in a mansion and mostly does art every day, he’s not living a party lifestyle anymore and hasn’t for quite a while - it’s just the same equation we’ve seen time and time again; rich = great healthcare + relaxation = longevity and health. Like how Elon looks younger and healthier than he did 25 years ago, it’s just money.

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

Nah fam. I’m addicted, trust me. Trouble eating, sleeping, keeping food down. Have to titration down super slowly or get intense cravings. It sucks.


After about 8 years of daily smoking (and slowly smoking more and more because of tolerance building up) I decided to quit for various reasons.

I’m at about 10 days off cold turkey and I’m still struggling a lot. At the beginning was a big loss of appetite, trouble going to sleep and obviously the psychological desire to smoke. The worst part for me though is the intense anxiety, irritability and the lack of motivation to do anything. It feels like falling back into depression and slowly try crawling out of it.

Really disappointing to see so many people in here denying what I’m going through. Yes there’s always been propaganda against using, but there’s still some truth to it. I’m still glad that it’s legal here in Canada because it did help me at one point, but like every drug, you have to be careful.

@Obi@sopuli.xyz avatar

All of these things you describe are very real but they’re not physical withdrawal symptoms, but indeed psychological. The mind is a very powerful thing, so these effects can be very powerful, I’m not trying to dismiss your experience. However they are not the same as for example withdrawal from heroin or heavy alcoholism, both of which create actual physical pain and potentially death.

Every individual is different too, so people sharing how they can be heavy smokers and stop while on vacation for a few weeks without issues aren’t trying to dismiss your experience, just like how you shouldn’t dismiss theirs.

I’ve known physical withdrawal in the past and am a daily smoker now, I’m also one of those that can just stop on vacation no big deal, but I seldom skip a day at home.


They’re downplaying them possibly because you can’t die from marijuana withdrawal. It’s physically impossible, you can experience nasty side effects but you will live. Compare that to a heroin addict, pain pill, or alcoholic who has a high chance of literally dying if they stop cold turkey.

Talk to those with withdrawal symptoms from “real” problem drugs and it won’t even sound like the same experience. The other side is too, you’re approaching this pretty unscientifically. It’s possible you actually ARE depressed and aren’t use to feeling it full force because you were self medicating for years.


Marijuana is considered physiologically addictive.

From UpToDate:

In a national survey of 1527 cannabis users who reported at least three times per week use, the most common symptoms of withdrawal were sleep difficulty (14 percent), irritability or anger (14 percent), anxiety (13 percent), headache (12 percent), and depressed mood (11 percent). Other symptoms such as restlessness, decreased appetite or weight loss, abdominal pain, shaking or tremors, sweating, and fever or chills have been described.


I agree. From my personal experience, I smoke daily and each time I’ve travelled internationally, where I can’t bring my legal weed, I always suffer from poor sleep for a good week or so. It’s nothing serious but it’s noticeable.


Do you think that could have just been jet lag?


I know for sure one of the flights was 1hr 15min and just 1 time zone away so I don’t think jet lag was an issue that time but it could have made it worse. When I went to Cuba which was 6+ hours and 2 time zones away, yeah, I can jet lag being more an issue but I’m certain it’s a lack of weed.


This this this.

Also, rat studies indicate that environment plays a large role in the symptoms we see as addiction - the inability to stop, constantly seeking more of the drug, etc. These symptoms tend to stop when the rats had adequate engagement, weren't overcrowded, etc. Even when they continued to have access to the drug, they tended to stop.

We saw something similar in humans after Vietnam. The soldiers over there were doing any and everything to avoid the horrors of war. Even when they came back with PTSD, we didn't see a huge uptick in drug addiction. This requires a lot more study, but there are some pretty good indications that people get addicted when their lives suck and they don't see any workable options available to change their situation. Addiction may be a disease based in despair more than an innate status in the brain.


i started smoking because i have mucle pain every day (muscular disbalance) basecally my mucels are to short and i because i liked the affect. it’s been around a year and a half in that time i noticed beleave it or not (i don’t care) my memory got better and i’m much happier mostly because i don’t have to take pain killer that often. if i don’t have any other than not being able to be very active(because of pain) i don’t notice it to much of curse i sometimes then think it would be nice to smoke one but that dosen’t happen to often. at least for me being a stoner and being lazy dosen’t apply at all i’m a mechanikalengeneer (i did an apprenticeship) and now i’m doing a second one as a programmer.

@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s a “gateway” drug is my personal favourite. Yeah marijuana may not be as bad a heroin but it leads to heroin so you know, don’t do it!

Hey don’t eat that carrot! Why? It’s a gateway food to candy!


RedditWanderer, to thepoliceproblem in After one day in Missouri jail, convicted killer-cop asks for release

He shot the dude in his back yard, after thinking the truck he just parked in the garage was stolen. 9 seconds after they arrived at the scene the 26 yo was dead. Prosecutors say the gun found near him was staged by police and taken from the house; they put the gun next to his left hand, which he couldn’t fully use since 2015 due to an injury.

He’s only serving 6 years…


Sounds like he’s not serving any of those years… yet

Unaware7013, to news in U.S., Florida Gov. DeSantis says shorter lifespans should protect people from losing Social Security and Medicare protection

I think it’s more than, more than just COVID. I mean, I think that there’s deaths of despair.

Remind me, which party's policies actively push out dispair, be it by enacting cruelties on people, taking away benefits that they don't feel are deserved, and promotes rhetoric that increases hate against minorities?

I wonder if all of that has anything to do with it...

LostCause, to reddit in Reddit officials forces moderators to reopen subreddits or get overthrown

Spez also apparently called the mods "landed gentry" which is hilarious coming from a rich fuck behaving like a king towards some people who work for him for free!


That dude is cringe af

Most of those mods aren't property-owning with titles of nobility so spez is wrong on more levels


Yeah, that elicits a comparison to the feudal system that I don't think is flattering to him.

TheCuriousCoder87, to reddit in Reddit officials forces moderators to reopen subreddits or get overthrown

Honestly, they should just force Reddit to replace them. Let's see how long Reddit lasts without experienced moderators.

@hyperyog@lemmy.world avatar

This is what I said to another person:

I’m assuming just current reddit admins are going to take over or getting some certain moderators from subreddits (that aren’t even of high ranking) to take over and remove the higher rankings from power, which then they will be the ones reopening the subreddits.

Now that I read it this sounds like a coup d’état

where I got the idea from: https://lemmy.world/post/101237


It is similar to a coup but from the top, so it‘s more like "consolidating power" phase which dictatorships do go through. Dissenters get removed and replaced by willing servants until the platform is more spez and less "The People". Meanwhile he pretends like somehow the mods are the actual dictators or some shit to make all this palatable to those that still use Reddit, which in my cynical view they will eat up. Reddit is dead and done for anyone who values actual community over ads.

Kahomono avatar

he gets us


Thorned_Rose avatar

he pretends like somehow the mods are the actual dictators

Classic and blatant DARVO strategy.


If reddit employees start engaging in actual content moderation, reddit will run up against the DMCA's safe harbor protections, which means reddit becomes responsible, as a company, for all the content on the site. Or, at least, in those subreddits.

Ain't no way the legal team is going to let an employee do the actual moderation work. But you're right, they'll find someone who will do it for the power.


As far as I'm aware, this isn't necessarily true.

The DMCA sets out several requirements for eligibility for the "safe harbor" provisions, but they basically boil down to "you can't be the entity that posts infringing material, and you need to remove infringing material when notified of the infringement" plus some legal stuff around having a designated agent to receive complaints, etc.

Having the moderators be Reddit themselves doesn't present a problem here. If Reddit themselves start actually uploading infringing material, then they'd have no protection against a complaint on that material, but that's it.

Consider Twitter, YouTube, etc. All of them do 1st party moderation of copyrighted material, and they haven't lost their protection there either.


of they remove mods because they don't do the job the way they like, they're still under the same law...

You can't sidestep laws by simple workarounds


It's crazy that some people in these enormous subs pretty much run moderation as a full time job for nothing. Like I totally understand hobbies or contributing to something for the greater good, even I contribute where I can in the open source arena! But to religiously undertake a role like this daily just for the title of MOD is insane to me....

LanternEverywhere, to thepoliceproblem in Plainclothes Massachusetts cop enters eighth-grade classroom to search for a purported 'obscene' book, wearing a body camera and recording the incident

This is literally the type of thing that happens in Fahrenheit 451. It was supposed to be a fantasy nightmare story to make a point, not a literal description of evil events to come.

Something_Complex, to thepoliceproblem in Stabbing of Derek Chauvin raises questions about inmate safety

Man fucking generations of black, lation and emigrants in general dying and these fucks never have a fuck to give about inmate safety. If they start now, shiiittt we gotta get white people in to starvation, whater shortage, we gotta put white kinds in sweatshops…

Sudently I think we will finally see legislation that would reflect “our’ 'values”.

JJROKCZ, to thepoliceproblem in Stabbing of Derek Chauvin raises questions about inmate safety

Crickets for decades but the second a high profile white guy former cop gets stabbed…


Racism and greed run America.

chahk, to news in U.S., Florida Gov. DeSantis says shorter lifespans should protect people from losing Social Security and Medicare protection

The party of “Just Fucking Die Already” has your best interests in mind.

ActuallyASeal, to world in The Delaware House will vote today on a bill that would allow hundreds of LLCs to vote in local elections in the small town of Seaford

In other towns where this is allowed, a representative of the entity, not the actual owner, was able to cast the ballot for the company after signing the necessary affidavit. Delaware allows for the owner of the LLC’s identity to not be public.

Yep no way this doesn't-

In a Newark referendum election in 2019, a property manager was able to vote 31 times because he was in control of 31 LLCs, which owned 31 parcels of land. The city then changed its regulations after this became public.

Ah it already did cause problems.

Why in the world would you put business on the same legal basis of actual citizens?


You ever heard of Citizens United?

Also this is fucking insane and should be illegal.


But it won't be, because the inner circle elites are the kind of people who be able to abuse this, hence why it is even considered in the first place.


Citizens United at least had some hand wavy group rights derived from each individual's rights going for it.

This is basically buy your way to vote in any local election.

<s>Because as a business owner you have exactly as much say in a locality's government as someone who actually lives there. Or even more of they don't fix the "each LLC gets a vote not the owner loophole".<\s>


Citizens United is one of the worst things that has ever happened to the American people.

Kill_joy avatar

It's only a matter of time until we live in Shelltown or Coca-Cola City.


Who would’ve guessed, right?

@tallwookie@lemmy.world avatar

because religion is specifically prohibited from doing so?

Sunforged, (edited )

Delaware has an entire economy built around corporate law. The more reasons they can provide to have companies register in their state the more the beast is fed.

Some of these stats are crazy for one of the country's smallest states.

mii, to sneerclub in "Why I'm no longer a White Nationalist." Neoreactionary blogger goes to live in Red America just like he always dreamed. What followed will shock you!

This was worse than I imagined from the quotes. I feel like I need to take a shower, now.

[…] which would severely limit the Federal Reserve’s ability to control the economy while exporting inflation abroad, and likely bring our material standard of living down to a German or Dutch level

According to this Quality of Life index which I just searched up and have not critically assessed, but I doubt the guy did that either for his claims, so I guess it’s fine, the Netherlands rank second and Germany ranks 12th, while the US is on the 15th place. In other words: what is he even talking about?

Every day in this country more and more Hispanics marry corn-fed blonde midwesterners and produce pale Castizo children who only speak English, consider themselves basically White, and vote like Irish and Italians.

Jesus fucking Christ, I can’t even come up with a funny sneer here because this reads like he just pulled it out of the 1940s Nazi Party’s bag of race laws for who’s allowed to marry whom, and it’s making me feel icky.

I also subscribe to the old fascist idea that adversity gives life meaning. A comfortable and easy life without struggle or conflict is miserable, and just makes you a slave to the hedonic treadmill. When you live for pleasure, no pleasure is ever enough, and continued success will just leave you so pampered that any task that’s challenging or outside your comfort zone will begin to feel onerous.

Ignoring the low-hanging fruit that this guy just flat-out said “well, fascism wasn’t all bad”, what kind of toxic consumer mentality is ingrained in these chucklefucks that they are seemingly unable so sit their sorry asses down on the couch and just say, yeah, I’m happy right now, to the point where they just postulate that other people must feel the same way, because they just can’t imagine anyone being different?

Like, seriously, get a hobby or something.

HubertManne avatar

I will gladly take the bullet and live on the hedonic treadmill. Seriously how spoiled is someone who is living without struggle or conflict. Granted it could be worse but there are always challenges in life.


Just remind yourself that there was a literal global pandemic not that long ago and being mildly inconvenienced by wearing a simple mask caused these people to lose their fucking minds as though every single one of their freedoms was being stripped away.


Yeah if anything condemns humanity, it's the way these assholes reacted to the simple requirement to wear a mask to keep from infecting others. Their total unwillingness to act in a responsible and mindful way, pretty much says all there is to about he basic evil nature of mankind and how most people aren't worth a pile of dog excrement - none of them will be or could ever be redeemed.


It certainly gave me a clear indication of how well significant measures against climate change will be tolerated. ie, not at all.


Well I live in Utah where the legislature is actively committed to forbidding measures that will mitigate climate change, such as passing laws that allow oil and gas companies to ignore any guidelines about emissions and to promote more pollution as much as possible.

John_McMurray, (edited )

Masks don’t work. N95s do, sure. Everyone was running around with a fucking rag on their face pretending solidarity in delusion would stop the virus and that’s fucking Starship Troopers level silly. Reading your comment really drives home the reason people still debate that painfully obvious movie. You’re Johnny Rico, dude.


Well that's true enough, most masks won't do a whole lot to stop a virus like COVID. I agree with you there. I'm just more upset that people wouldn't even do that small amount to help out their fellow man (and woman). They'd rather stand on some vague political ground that the government can't tell them what to do or put in their bodies, while cramming hostess bakery products and sugar laden drinks down their throats every chance they get. : / am I Johnny Rico? Cool, dude!

Ender2k avatar


That was the genius in JoJo Rabbit—showing just how absolutely pathetic and weak fascists are.

John_McMurray, (edited )

hahaha yeah they almost conquered Europe, ran Spain for 50 years…so pathetic and weak. Stupid, i’ll give you that.


this retard needed to move to Iowa to find a struggle apparently, so i’d say pretty spoiled


Yeah, the joke is that he just assumes living a comfortable life without struggle equals falling down the consoomer rabbit hole and blowing your dopamine stores on watching porn the whole day or something, and not that you could use it for any number of fulfilling activities.

I’d take the boring, comfy life any time, and when I want something challenging to do, I pick learning to play the violin over going out and starting a race war, thank you very much.

HubertManne avatar

exactly. I never understood folks who had trouble with retirement to. I can garden, or read, or walk, or volunteer, or just an infinite number of things.

@dgerard@awful.systems avatar

always love* it when these guys get so race scientist they start on different groups of white people

@cstross@wandering.shop avatar

@dgerard Whiteness is a movable feast. (Ask anyone who's Jewish, or LGBT+, or Italian/Irish in the USA in the 19th century or Hispanic in the USA before/after the 1970s).


White or not never had anything to do with where you put your dick or tongue. Nobody ever said Irish weren’t white, they just hated Irish. Jewish yeah ok, a lot, not all, a lot weren’t white, but a lot were, it’s why “Greenspan” changed to “Alexander” works without a hitch but maybe Sarah Silverman didn’t change her name because it was bloody obvious. Italian is white, generally, I think you mean Sicilian.

@dgerard@awful.systems avatar

remember how Germans used to be swarthy


Do you mean the Teutons?



@dgerard@awful.systems avatar

and the Swedish, per Benjamin Franklin

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Mayhaps the Bohemians?


Ayuuuuuuuup. Movable feast is a great term for it. Even once formerly ostracized groups get permitted into the in-group, their membership is strictly conditional on serving the interests of those closer into the center of the Whiteness construct. Stop being useful, watch how fast the old hate rears its ugly head again.


His glowing reference to the “aggro Scots Irish” reminded me that the “Scots Irish” are descended from Ulster Protestants, and that it wasn’t fun being an Irish Catholic in Northern Ireland for much of the 20th century. Ian Paisley famously said that Catholics “breed like rabbits”.

jonhendry, (edited )

I suspect there are people who have complicated theories about the relative whiteness rankings, and thus superiority, of natives of Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.

@gerikson@awful.systems avatar

Yes there are, or were. The OG Nazis treated Dutch POWs slightly better than French ones, for instance.


what a mystery why they treated those of a common language better.


ok fine but have you ever talked to a real Irish from the low counties? The English make fun of them for a reason.


This is fundamentally a part of any kind of race science or racism.

This is also what it means when the antiracists say race is a social construct.

You can't actually define any of these races rigorously in the first place. It's a subjective assessment. The racists define race backwards from tribe in order to categorize the people they hate as physically different to justify their hate


This is fundamentally a part of any kind of race science or racism.

And fascism! Or any discriminatory -ism, up to and including capitalism.


At least he's old school racist enough to be racist towards Irish and Italians.

Most people have forgotten, or were never educated on, how oppressed those groups used to be.

SharkAttak avatar

When you're white, but not the right kind.


In a nutshell, he ended up hating many Germans, white and almost white Hispanics, Irish, Italians, who else…? Pickiest white supremacist I’ve read in a while.


Seems like he gets his pleasure from ‘conflict’, ie being a troll, and is upset that all the other white boys aren’t just like him. Maybe he finds being content too onerous. Tie him to a couch and force him to listen to a polite discussion, call it a challenge.

John_McMurray, (edited )

A comfortable and easy life without struggle or conflict is miserable, and just makes you a slave to the hedonic treadmill. When you live for pleasure, no pleasure is ever enough, and continued success will just leave you so pampered that any task that’s challenging or outside your comfort zone will begin to feel onerous.

I feel like that’s absolutely true, depending on personality type maybe. It’s fun for a bit here and there.


There’s a difference in having a personality that gets easily bored of luxury and believing conflict is what inherently gives life a meaning. Maus puts it: “Suffering doesn’t make people better, it just makes them suffer”

If someone’s life is so damn easy and hedonistic they’re actually getting bored of it, there are good ways and bad ways of introducing adversity and getting out of your comfort zone. The negation of being a slave to the hedonic treadmill[1] is not an eternal war for domination.

1: A strange figure of speech, who the hell thinks treadmills are hedonistic?

@bravesilvernest@lemmy.ml avatar

Dude, showering is exactly what I feel like now. I clicked the post to be nice and read, but only got a couple paragraphs before I just skimmed and picked out the “JFC” bits.

Then the first comment on the blog mentions how sad it is that you lose your “genetic whiteness” in 9 generations and just…goddamn…why is this an issue? Genetic purity is a fucking impossibility due to sheer randomness, let alone the implications of “keeping it white.”

I try to be empathetic where possible, but fuck these people and their entire worldview.


Genetic purity is a fucking impossibility due to sheer randomness, let alone the implications of “keeping it white.”

you assume that he has basic knowledge of biology

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

I, for one, vote for these “genetic purists” to only procreate with their peers and keep the circle closed from “those dirty Italians/Irish/Scots/Teutons/Slavs”. How many generations until the problem solves itself, 5?

200fifty, (edited )
@200fifty@awful.systems avatar

Like, seriously, get a hobby or something.

For real. I don’t even necessarily disagree with the broad-strokes idea of “if you’re comfortable, it’s good to take on challenges and get outside of your comfort zone because that’s how you grow as a person,” but why can’t he just apply this energy to writing a terrible novel or learning to paint watercolors or something, like a normal person? Why does the fact his life is comfortable mean he has to become a Nazi? :/

@YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM@awful.systems avatar

Well look what happened to the last one of these who tried to paint watercolours

@200fifty@awful.systems avatar

He should’ve stuck with it

YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM, (edited )
@YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM@awful.systems avatar

He’ll be judging standard of living by raw GDP/PPP per capita, where the US does indeed notoriously outperform everybody by an absurd margin. This does the rounds even on the “serious” econ net every few months, and it’s always the same paper thin sophistic ideas going back and forth arguing whether it’s telling you something meaningful about euro vs us living. In any case a good portion of self-assessed intellectual types have been drowning in that debate for about two decades (or more) so it’s always easy to spot lurking in the background: it’s a shibboleth for people who’ve self-educated on development by reading blogs.


GDP/PPP per capita aren’t higher in the US:



The USian economy in indeed bigger than all the others, but definitely not per capita.


“isn’t higher” than what? the GDP figures from your own link there indicate the US is among the highest. the only ones above it in the 2023 figures are Luxembourg, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, Singapore, Qatar (each of which is singularly notable for a particular thing in their respective markets) - thus placing the US GDP figures ahead of literally every remaining country


The person I replied to said “everybody”, which you confirmed is factually incorrect.


You must be fun at parties


If you don’t want to be corrected, don’t play the “mmmh akshully” game. It’s that simple.

@dgerard@awful.systems avatar

your correctness is just too powerful for us, we’ll save you from having to engage it in future


Ah, the idea that merely living in the same country as some rich people means that you yourself are rich.

Soyweiser, (edited )

Dutch level

Yeah The Netherlands sucks a lot of if you only listen to the racist right. (A similar thing would happen if you were to listen to the poor Dutch minorities/disabled people/immigrants etc and took that as the whole of the Dutch experience (which is to say we still have room for improvement, and some people have it a lot better than others)).

pelespirit, to thepoliceproblem in To identify and fire whistleblower cop, Louisiana State Police executed search warrant on Google
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar
  • Told family that person in custody died in a car crash
  • Officer tells media that person in custody was brutally beaten to death and it was on camera
  • They serve Google a warrant to find out who it was
  • Fire whistleblower
  • Offer whistleblower $200k to go silent and he refuses
  • Whistleblower still wants system fixed
Alto avatar

This is it. This is the mystical "good cop". And that's how the rest of the pigs treat them.


@DougHolland@lemmy.world avatar

It’s what happens, every time.

Alto avatar

Now now, dont be reductive. Sometimes they straight up execute them in a "training accident" instead

@DougHolland@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I stand corrected, thanks.

HeartyBeast avatar

Why is the whistleblower a bastard?


He’s not, that’s why he’s not a cop anymore

HeartyBeast avatar

But he was a bastard until the day he was sacked?

Alto avatar

Sorry, would "99.9% of cops are bastards and because of reactions like this the tiny fraction that aren't are entirely irrelevant" be better? It's a bit of a mouthful.


HeartyBeast avatar

Yes it would be better, because it would at least require people to think. But hey, if nuance gets in the way of a good slogan, we should jettison it in favour of simplicity.

Alto avatar

They mean the same thing honey. The tiny portion that are "good cops" are unfortunately 100% irrelevant because of shit like this. If they're not able to actually cause change, which they are not, whether or not they exist doesn't matter because they may as well not.

You're being intentionally dense. You know it. I know it. Everybody here knows it.

HeartyBeast avatar

They mean the same thing honey.

No they don’t sugar. They are miles apart. One says the small number, but I would hope increasing number of cops who are fighting for reform and justice are bastards - fuck ‘em.

The are police globally who believe in justice and are working effectively to make changes.

It’s not me who is being intentionally dense

Alto avatar

It’s not me who is being intentionally dense

As you continue to entirely miss the point


Found the cop


ACAB means that all cops are bastards. And if one isn’t a bastard yet, they will become a bastard or be kicked out/killed by the bastards.

It doesn’t mean cops can’t do good things or that a good person can’t become a cop. It just means all cops inherently and inevitably participate in a broken system and those that try to fix it will end up being targeted.

We can have a nuanced take while saying ACAB.


The Choirboys is a drop in the bucket.

HeartyBeast avatar

We can have a nuanced take while saying ACAB.

It’s a phrase that explicitly denies any possibility of a nuanced take, or any possibility of reform or anyone good attempting to change the system from the inside. It indiscriminately labels everyone who takes a job to enforce laws globally. It’s crass and I hate it. And no, I’m not a cop


It also says you can’t change the system from inside. This article is about that. I think that’s proven by themselves.

HeartyBeast avatar

There are certainly cases where internal reform attempts fail. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I see ACAB as a counsel of despair- it’s basically saying that it is intrinsically impossible for the rule of law to to be maintained in a fair, equitable and humane way.

I don’t expect to change anyone’s minds. I’m just explaining why I dislike it.


I see ACAB as a counsel of despair

And you also see windmills as giants, but that doesnt make you correct, or compelling.

HeartyBeast avatar

I mean, I didn't expect to change your mind. But I suppose I should ask - what kind of organisation do you favour to handle law enforcement?


Do you think the goal of ACAB style movements is “kill everyone who is a cop, change nothing, and the world is saved”?

Or are you capable of grasping nuance?

Because Im not going to waste my time explaining anything to the former, which you seem adamant to demonstrate you are.

So which are you?

HeartyBeast avatar

Do you think the goal of ACAB style movements is “kill everyone who is a cop, change nothing, and the world is saved”?

That wasn’t my first thought, no.

But to be honest, I don’t think I’d waste my time if I were you - I don’t think you’re particularly interested in a conversation, and you’ve apparently made up your mind what kind of person I am, so best to move on.


I have your comments in the thread advocating what kind of person you are.

And, based on those comments, thats exactly what your first thought was upon hearing the phrase.

Are you upset I took you at your word? Go cry at the foot of a windmill then, don.

HeartyBeast avatar

If you can point me to any of my comments that indicated, I thought that ‘ACAB’ involved “killing cops” feell free. But you can’t. You’re not really interested in a good-faith discussion, which is why the conversation is a waste of time.

My problem with the slogan ‘All cops are bastards’ is that it simply states all cops are bastards.


Jesus you really are as stupid as you say you are

HeartyBeast avatar

I think it’s time for your nap


Whatever you say, don quixote, but I think that giant you killed is getting up for a second round


I see it explicitly as a call to reform. If all cops are bastards, the only way to not have bastards as cops is reform. And if the reform works, the phrase dies.

I agree it’s a combative phrase, but that’s part of the point. It’s a call to action

HeartyBeast avatar

I agree that it’s a call for reform and that reform is needed. I just it damages the chances of successful report.

If a force or its regulators are trying to get to grips with corruption, they are going to want to ask questions like ‘to what extent is corruption a problem’ or ‘in which departments is corruption worst?’ ‘All cops are bastards’ is a problem.

You have stories like this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-66842521 I think there are cops who are trying - and succeeding to make it better. ‘All cops are bastards’ is basically punching those reformers. It will also put off good people who do want to enter the force, because why would you, if it makes you a bastard?

SuperIce, to politicalmemes in Hamas supporters when Hamas rapes women

Nobody here supports Hamas


This is false.

There are a lot of people who are afraid to say they support Hamas, because they know that this is something to be ashamed of, and might be illegal in their area.

And according to en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas (reduced for TL;DR):

  • Allies
    • State allies:
      • Afghanistan
      • Algeria
      • Iran
      • North Korea
      • Qatar
      • Syria (until 2011, again since 2022)
      • Turkey (partly)
      • Venezuela
    • Non-state allies:
      • Hezbollah
      • Islamic Jihad
@BautAufWasEuchAufbaut@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

So you’re saying the governments of these states hang out on 196? We’re famous!


People who apply these governments ideologies about this subject are definitely hanging around here.

@killeronthecorner@lemmy.world avatar

I’m really confused by everything you’ve said so far.

Are you comparing Lemmy to religious, dictatorial ethnostates, or are you agreeing with the rest of us that we don’t like Hamas?


I agree with you that you don’t like Hamas, however there are people here who supports it (I quote because link is broken):

I agree with the other posters. The IDF is doing evil shit all around. They need to face resistance, and there are other groups beside Hamas doing so. One emergency doesn’t cancel out the others. Free Palestine.

@killeronthecorner@lemmy.world avatar

So you don’t know what “beside Hamas” means?

deegeese, to politicalmemes in Hamas supporters when Hamas rapes women

Feels like you’re making a straw man argument. Who speaks English, is on Fedi and actually supports Hamas? The IDF being evil doesn’t make Hamas good either.

Ceasefire now.

End apartheid.


Excuse me.

But brutally raping and sexually assaulting women, no matter from which region, religion or race, is not a straw man argument.

It is an emergency for women all around the world.

My argument is what this meme says, and nothing else.

Every woman who’s slightly near Hamas affiliated people, is in life danger, also women in Gaza.


It’s a straw man when you invent an opponent.

Who on Lemmy is supporting Hamas?

speaker_hat, (edited )


Edit: linked lost, here’s a quote:

I agree with the other posters. The IDF is doing evil shit all around. They need to face resistance, and there are other groups beside Hamas doing so. One emergency doesn’t cancel out the others. Free Palestine.


Got it. No one here supports Hamas, but you wanted to have an outrage party by yourself.


Tha comment I linked to justifies that Palestinians allowed to take what ever action, I including setting up a terror organization called Hamas and justifies their actions of brutally raping and sexually assaulting women.

Hence, your straw man argument is false.

No woman should be raped.


it doesn’t say anything like that

Pons_Aelius, (edited )

Text of the comment you linked...

Fuck Israel, they need to end the apartheid, but that does not mean I support terrorism or sexual assault. You dense cabbage

You are either someone who struggles with basic English comprehension, which seem unlikely due to your other replies, or you are just making shit up that does not exist.


The linked lost, I fixed it with a quote.

@BautAufWasEuchAufbaut@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I agree with the other posters. The IDF is doing evil shit all around. They need to face resistance, and there are other groups beside Hamas doing so. One emergency doesn’t cancel out the others.
Free Palestine.


Here you go, a Hamas supporter, this meme is especially dedicated for you.


Fuck Israel, they need to end the apartheid, but that does not mean I support terrorism or sexual assault. You dense cabbage

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